THE LAKE MWwc;: VridaY, TUNE 9, 193& WILMETTE CHURCH ^NNOUN^MENTS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH On next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the church and Sunday school will unite in the observance of Chil- dren's Day. A beautiful floral cantata will be presented by the children who will be costumed to represent, the flowers of the Spring and Summer seasons. Those participating in the exercises are expected to be present at 10 o'clock for preparation. All classes of the Sunday School will be in their places in the church audi- torium by 10:45 in order that the j>ro- ' gram may begin promptly at 11 o'clock. It is expected that all the members of the church and congrega- tion and parents of the children of the Sunday school will be present to enjoy this splendid program which has been in preparation.,tor many weeks. Everyone is cordially invited. The Woman's Society will meet Tuesday. Juneaa^jor an all-day meet- ing. There will be sewing In the morning and luncheon'at noon. The devotional service at 2 P. M., led by Mrs. Harriot Krestwell, will be fol- Mrs. Harriot Krestwell, will ne toi- ^^^^^ Boozer, lowed by the study of the-^esfTSoW ZjEES^Ft^Qr bio with Mrs. Frederick R. Quayle as leader. This is the last meeting be- fore the Summer vacation. The so- ciety will convene again on Septem- ber 26th. K The Rebecca Chapter of the West- minster Guild will meet at the-chureir next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Subject, "Latin America." One week from tomorrow is the time for the annual Sunday school 'picnic which win be held in, the Glen- view Forest Preserve. It is expected that a large ^number of our church members will^enjoy this outing with -theehildreiu-____. ,,-.,: ..;.^__„__~^~r-^- A delightful and profitable way to spend a short vacation is by attending one of^the Summer Schools for Mis- sions. The Winona take Summer School will be in session at Winona, Lake, Ind., from June? 21st to June 28th, the Like Geneva School at Con- ference Point, Lake Geneva, Wis., July 3rd to July 10th. The approxi- mate cost for one week, at either of these schools, including round trip, board and registration, is $25.00. , Concert was very successful and Mr. Fullerton, the Choirmaster, and the boyB are to be congratulated on Its success. Much thanks is due Mr. Royal D. 43mith for taking charge of the business end of the Concert and mak- ing it such a success financially. Next Sunday, June 11, is Trinity Sunday. There will be a Celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 a. m. and another Celebration of the Com- munion with an address by the Rec- tor at 11 o'clock. Holy Baptism will be administered at 12:30. Monday, June 12, being St. Bar- nabas' Day, there will be a Celebra- tion of the Holy Communion at 8 a, m. Miss Louise Barrow and Mrs. G.M. Hubbard who have recently under gone operations at Strike's and the Evanston Hospitals, are both doing well. Miss Barrow is now at her own home, 236 Laurel avenue, and Mrs Hubbard will likely be at the Evans- ton hospital for another week or ten days." Master Edwin Fowler, one of St. Augustrhers ©fiolf l>oys, soil of Mrr Harry Fowler, 1404 Forest avenue, is well on 'the road to recovery after his recent illness. â€"Master David Boozer, 805 Pa*k avenue, who recently broke his arm quite badly, is also doing well. BAPTIST CHURCH Mr. H. A. Heuchling, who has been seriously ill at his home, 801 Forest avenue, is slowly improving. Miss Grace Maddock, 1005 Greenleaf ave- nue^ is also well on the road to re- us,_*' covery.~~" V The Rector of St. Augustine's preached the annuar sermon at the meeting of the Southern Deanery or the Diocese, held June 6 and' 7 at St. Paul's church, La Salle, 111. The usual monthly Vestry Meeting was held in the Rector's office Wednesday of this week for the transaction of routine business. The. Associated? Guilds of ,9t. Au- gustine's have adjourned for the sum- in^ There wmtheretOT^ Friday luncheons in the Parish House until the autumn. The last session of St. Augustine's Church Sunday School before the summer vacation wffl^be held on Sun- day, Jnue 18. Children's Day will be observed on Sunday, June 11. A combined service of the church and Sunday school Will be held at 10:30 o'clock. There will be a program of songs and recitations by the children of the various depart- ments, special musical numbers, and a short address by the pastor. The services will include the dedication service for parents of little children. The Young People's societies will meet as usual in the afternoon, the Juniors and IhternTealateT^atnTo^clockr and the Seniors at 5:30 o'clock. The June meeting of the Woman's society is in session today at the church.* White Cross sewing at 10 o'clock. Luncheon at 12:30, followed by the program at 2 o'clock. .Mrs. J. / Ross, of Chicago, wllL*peak_im^hA theme, "Overland and Overseas . The annual meeting of the Young People's society will be held tomorrow (Saturday) afterhooii. The group will motor to the country where a choice spot has been selected suitable not only for the business meeting and annual election of officers, but also for an afternoon of sports. The society is justrciosing a year of splendid success. The Northern Baptist Convention meets in Indianapolis June 14 to 20. The pastor and Mrs. Stiller and other delegates will attend, leaving on Hon- day. -r .' • â- At the Eighty-first annual session ot the Chicago Baptist association held at Elgin June-1 and 2, Mr. Edwin Phelps, one of the founders ot the church and now the superintendent of the Bible school and sponsor for th© Young People's work of the church was chosen Moderator for 1922-23, and Miss Annie S. Beach, president of the Woman's society, was chosen a mem- ber of the Commission on Religious I Education. - - --.;:; -'â- 'â- *?â- ,'..: *-'.'•. .*:.9:30 a. m. ........ ll;fl»flLa_m. ........3:30 p. m. .........5:30 p^m. Mid-Week Service, Wednesday, .........-'.........___8:00 p.m. Sunday School Church Service Juniorlc. E. .. Senior C. E ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH 9^ Thini ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN St. John's Lutheran Church Linden and Prairie avenues, Wilmette, Hk A very interesting address was given last - Sunday morning at St. Augustine's by Mr. Julian Arnold, son of Sir Edward Arnold, the poet. Mr. Arnold, the well known world traveller, who accompanied the ex- pedition of Sir Henry M. Stanley to interior Africa, spoke of Armenia and its persecution. An offering was taken up at the close of the Service, and books for=--iheâ€"suppoi^ ^*-sA*m«ftian- children distributed^ Oa I next ^Wednesday evening, June. "T47 at 6:30, tiie ladles of the Parish '^'W^~Wstve'^'-lFS^li"V^S!a in the Parish Ilouse^Itl[special purpose will Herman W. Meyer, M. A., Pastor. 406 Prairie Av. Phone 1396. Services on Trinity Sunday CHILDREN'S DAY. 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible class at Library HalL 9:45 A. M. JWrst„ service at_„ the Church. . '"""â- . - 11:00 A. M. Second service at the church. Special services will be held next Sunday morning both at Sunday school arid church. A cordial invita- tion is extended to parents of the children enroHedln the Sunday school to attend thj^s^sioj^jBjLj&JLj^ be to welcome the new Curate, Rev. Leland Danforth, to St. Augustine's and to give the members of the con-, "gregation an opportunity to become acquainted with him. Mr. Danforth, Iwho after graduating from Kenyon College, Gambler, Ohio, entered~~the Western Theological Seminary, has see-for themselves how the^ Sunday school is conducted. It is both hoped and expected that all the parents to- gether with their children will attend the church service, which, the weath- er permitting will be held in the Ireautifur church yard under the trees. Last y'ear's children's day service fn the open was such a pronounced success, that it is expected an equal or a greater number will attend thir year. Special music has been provid- ed for the occasion.* The children- will march in procession from the l|uslxompieted*^rco^r'se; there and I Sundayschool to the. church. J will be ordained to the Ministry by the Bishop of Chicago on next Sun- day* Trinity Sunday, and will begin his work In the Parish June 12. I Toolsets tu the dinner will be 60c. each, or 50c each where more than one" lii a family attend. They should be purchased beforehand and can be obtained from Mrs. A. B. Logle, 1032 Msfc^arid avenueigp pnone: Wilmette selection of moving pictures will Mown during the «e*e»Jng. A mixed choir has been organlzied at St. John's with the object ot help- ing to make the musical part of the service more beautiful, and of taking St. Augustine's Camp for boys will ISibe held on Lakeâ€"Ripley-Bearâ€"Ganv- ^Sridife, Wisconsin, beginning June 26. rleton, the Rectoryâ€"and iReife Leland Danforth, the new curate g©f 1st. Augustine's, will both be to "16- l:Camp|^^.^:-:^'C^:;;r:^;g^-; - iAl the Mass Meeting of the men of the!Chicago parishes held at St James'church, Chicago, a delegation of mei| from St. Augustine's was present. The} total attendance was about: emv thousand. The two speakers were Relfir- Caria^n, Rector of St.. An- gustlnVs, and Mr. S. J. Duncan-Clarke pf Chicago. m& p : â- wm^MSsMMBM^ % Ttiy phplr Boy* concert resulted in £ total additionof about f HXTto- warda the fund lor their camp. The a special part in the service on great occasions. While organized primar- ily in the interest of church music^ the choir> will devote a part of its regular practice,; sessions to the study of the best secular music. Its aim is to cultivate the best there is in music. The pastor will direct the choir for the present. On Thursday evening, June^g^the Jochebed coiild not have laid the infant Moses so courageously upon the Nile, if she had not first devoutly laid 4iim^ponjtWcar^ and love of God in prayer. ^ Can we send bur children to meet the changing cur^ rents of life, many of them adverse, jvithout committing them/ body and soul,in prayer, to the protection of Almighty God? Can_vo^ send them out and expecttjiem to Jight TaUantlyTand victoriously agsunst s^ nothing to equip them with "the whole *rm<^ Can wi^xpecM Captain of their salvation, J^^ know H im?.^||S^:? S 73|^?WE^^i|l#^^i: • W^S^^i The Bible says: \And these words, which I command ithee this day, shall be in thine heart;|i^ them diligently to thy children, mut. e, #*. Therl it lio doubt about the Rents' duty in thfenmatter^ Jesus says: differ We littlecJM to come unto Me, and forbid the^ - God. MAR. 10, 14. There is no doubt about the childreii's right and privi- ege to be with Jesus, wh^ch implies a Christian educa^on. Paul writes:' From a child thou hast known thejHoly Scriptures, which are able to make thee Wisej^ojalvati^ Eroup^^EI^ichlKn There is no dout^bbout^he blessingrgro^ Men?s club of St. John's will give a supper and entertainment at the Wil mette Woman's club. While the fam ilies of the men are invited to share the benefits and enjoyments occasion, the men are to shoulder aH the responsibility for the success of the affair, and they are likewise to do all the work. Some doubt has been expressed as to their ability to put on «L square and palatable meal, oe_±ol present an enjoyable program-^well we shall,see. The Classes for l&e Christian in struction of children will continue until Friday, June 16, closing with a banquet to jwrhich all are invited whe have attended these cTasseisfi since last September, saiKti early and eonstaaiLCMnpa^ Word^ Let us not only pray For our children, but With them. Let us not onlyJSewd ourjchildfen to church; letjus â- ;; Go With Them. ... -_&j:^^MM^M^^^^^hh THAT MESSAGE OF WHICH IT IS SAID: | ^Blessed are they that hear the word of God- and jreepit Go to IjChiirch Sunday 1 K Wilmette EngKsh Lntheran -------P^Jteil. Paul E. Schmidi The First Presbyterian Church The Wilmette Baptist Church v Rtt. Francis C.Slifiet First CongregatioLal Church The First Methodist Church iJUt, Gifteri Slanscll .fe^>r%^: p Ret. Stephen A. Lloyd St. John s Lutheran Church - : Ret, Merman Ws Meyer | Rett Hubert Carldon tSZ^mmmm ^^p^^^^«??^W^*^^^^^P^i^^^^?^^^S^^^S^- *v?.**^*^"fa ^vgi^^^^^^^^^p^ WzSii :t$: 'f^HK-v