Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jun 1922, p. 12

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»i#H^%„™.irti;WS. HllDAY. 1UKE ». BM ADVERTISEMENTS WANTEDâ€"MALE IW SALE - ALL. **££*> J™™ homes! Swhw tapestry tori*;°j> *gJT tlfuuy wooded corner; Uv. room 14«*» luxurious dintof r.j S ^^^."Sfc 2 tile bathe; »now«; t ftrepjaces. ou llard r.: roof eutfen: J**"?* K; i massive sun parlor and ^Jlr€^gJSSS. selling seasonâ€"owner will »^«®ele- iSduSed from »»"•* â- â- ^jgSit-- Artistic 8-r. stucco on deep ^^"Jf^ Aly wooded lot; h. w.Jieat; 4 ^^JS? rms.; maids r. and bath. $21,600. Suo- and cleverly arranged. All lat«t <*wi venlences; splendid tile bath, ,412,000. Brtck^olSmfff blk. from tok%°^i^ acre Sttaclng beautiful park; 7 splen- dtriie; rmsTbeantlfully decorated; w. heat; attached gar. 126.000 .._________ h. Reduced to LSO-ltC AOKNTS WANTED! SELL IIARDY^RSBRY STOCK AND $80.00 to $80.00 weekly with part mmhim w© show you how. sup- puSTSSe. Easy wot* for y©uj?^ and WANTED-A rOtlNO ttAN TO ^HlJjK Ford Sedan car. Apply to M. f •_£5?% 181 Beach Rd.. Olencoe. LTG81-ltc aiTUATlON WANTIP-Ft**AtE *OR SALE â€" ATTRACTIVE «-ROO* #Stuccota very best eastern secUon. :issjrsrss jsa jss^'vss. wiJh open fireplace..New^«"*5»^: SSr& S^t^O^f ^ 1 W? ^fU7'a0°complete "list of vacant property malt sections of Wilmette. Ken- uworth and Winnetka. « . 1 I R. M. Johnstofi & €o. cp .gfttUndsn AveT ,»~*#fS£ig. FOR SALE-MOVING AWATT. MUST ^eii my Wilmette residence; large 98 ffcS-nerV 15 beautiful trees; s*rvb- T bery? cS?wnf bushes crabappe and li; lac; newly decorated la»t /alii 8 targe rooks: big, roomy porch; hot wa*fr heat- nr? transportation, schools, and ^ches: VustThe^ place for growing family who want to *e* aw*L ^JJJ rent and into the suburbs. Big sac irifjee, $13,500; terms arranged. I II Wilmette Realty Co, | Phone Wil. 13QT- LTOgl-ltc i Some Splendid Bargains ^, I^ROOM NET* BRICK ^NGALO^ beautiful trees. <^fc*!i°8ft'* "o'boo 6-room new stucco. CMh^fi^V * il'loo ^^STnew stucco w. h. njra* L^. .12.500 Mich. Ave. lot,^near laW sacrlftee... Linden Ave. lot near "L/ and lake.. Maple Ave. lot near- *£/, and »**• • Maple Ave. lot near "L" and lake.. Lots. 5 blks to tmn»; «*»........ - M. L. MOODY & CO.if sil Fourth St. Ph- WiI SCHAEFER Wil. 434. A~RBFINEp.BJ^ELL:BREI>co JOIJNG middle aged Prot.-AmeTican couw taae charge of a child, tfvta* 'UfSSSS SSearid tmmlng;^capable: vf^"*": if conditions permit ©*»_<*« JJ*** "ft stairs work and mending;; can be lett uTchargeV Finest Evanston references. AnyTheS N. Shore even thoughja re- mote place. Address D-274 News-to- dex, Evanston. ________ » LTqai-np SIT. WANTED-DR^BSSBIAKpiG^ANp plain sewing by the day. $4 per day. Tel. Evans 6877. Call evenings^ YOUNG LADT WISHES POSITION IN dental or doctor's office. Some hos- pital, training. Phone WIL M4-£^ u COMPETENT YOUNG UDT.PIANO teacher will eatt-a^ home. ttM^V** lesson. Phone Buckingham 3833. ,ȣ* â-  ' i . . L31-11C SIT'?WANTEDâ€"(COLORED) QENIMUU- housework. Best i^Sf^f^. && family. Address Lake Sho*e New£3B"Jfc HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL FOR GENER- al housework; good wages. â- â€¢ 818 • Ash- land Ave. Tel. Wil. 2135. LTG31-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GEN. AV^SK- work, Family of four; no small chil- dren. All conveniences; no washing. Phone Winnetka 649-M. LTG31-ltc WANTED-MAID FOR GEN. WOR»; Scandinavian preferred; '»™Uy four adulu;Jaundress employed.^ TeL Winn. 1330. LTG31-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE MAID FOR U1SJN1B»- al housework; family of four; no laun- dry. 1283 Scott Ave. Tel. -â„¢&g«f£ TAgS FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES USED GARS The following «^,J»!»i«SSrlSi ISd chased from us at bargain prices ana easy, terms. » . ...„__,„, DODGE TOURING J ^ P^W^OT^G^ SIX-40 ^fi||| FORD^ SEDANf ^:i§Buick::;.Pan|l: or what carT were you thinking We can let you have the car you want. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. m 562 Linden Ave. Tel Win. -iff Winnetka, Dl. ..,â- .â- ,.__-.„ ,. ^TG31-ltc WILMETTE WINS 3 Winnetka Recipient of Ter- '^^:iv-riiic' Walloping .126 ...80 ..50 ...17 2248 AND GOLBACH Tel. Wil. 1038 â„¢.....r,*rw......^.INVESTMENTS ;.- /., >. iffiiuIXNCE, REAL ESTATE; lift ^:e us for acre tracts »S^?raiER TOVWSHIB ^^^â- JWT!RACTIVB""SIX BOOM BUNGALOW teftalBSS eaat.. section on^ Ijwtgj mM$kmoofo&- lot. 60x170. Only 312.009. R«»- Sils::||aonable terms. ^ â- 'â-  . . . . ;lf2.i"-ui Iwj Moir, Exclusive Agent ei|& Winn. 254. LTG31-ltc W. J. 6S6 Center St. 'dnderfuUMst": of WM «T*" 415 Ldnden. Ph. Wilmette 40f r LTG31*ltC FOR g^Lg-fa-HOUSE ^PlftlST â-  BE SOLD-4500 OR $700 DOWN, (te'SS; ^ w $4^4>er mo., like *ent. FOR SALK-VACANT ;jKh^t.^SS? Law Elm tree on lot. *£3?i'.\A* Kansig Ave. between Gregory fOR SALEâ€"4 WJTB, ^^â- g0, ^Vl* JJ?r ^wilmVttT Ave«_ Grttss r>olnt. 15 tnUji ^TOgiette^Ave^ --^ frotfFloot. â„¢SAliB-^Y"" ,. "OWNER. tl-OT «xzv< SlTAve. near Sheridan Bd,. ,*».«00. it,50U caK baL tline. Tel, WU. 1196, FQgr WKHTâ€"ROOMS JLM^tC WANTEDâ€"NURSE MAIL) TO ^ care of baby girl; to go home evenings. 129 9th St. Tel. WiL 2428. LTG31,Uc ORDINANCE NO, 1292 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL „_ AN ORDINANCE making appropriations for corporate pur- poses for the Village of Wilmette,.JUMhft- County of Cook and State of Illinois for the fiscal year commencing April 20th. A. D. 1822, and ending April 19th, A. D. 1923. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI- DENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OP THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE: Section 1: That there be and hereby Is appropriated for the corporate uses and purposes of the said Village of Wil- mette, for the fiscal year beginning on the 20th day of April, A. D. 1922 and ending on the 19th day of April, A. D. 1923 (in- cluding the amounts hereinafter speci- fied for a Library fund and for a sinking fund for the liquidation of bonded in- debtedness and Interest on bonded indebt- edness of said Village, and for establish- ing and maintaining a garbage system for the collection and disposal of gar-J -mere are ami a xw uiwiiw*»«»«»«» bage) and the aggregate sum of One open in < the' club and those who are Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand Five Hun- "^"., ,„," _fttH |_ *hA welfare and dred Dollars ($165,500.00), or so- much at aU interested in tne weiiare ana thereof as may be authorised by law, Wilniette's sterling hasehall crew won its third successive game on the Seventeenth street lot Sunday, trim- ming the Rail Lights of Chicago 11 to 4. On the previous Sunday the locals topped the Silent A. C. crowd 7 to 6. Decoration Day saw Wilmette tak( the "win" out of cocky Winnetka the hilarious tune of 16 to 2. team from our neighboring town to our quiet village accompanied all Its accustomed pomp and cerem It isn't nice to say much about neighbors. jMUffe'll let it go at t Suffice it to say our clouters drove three Winnetka hurlers to cover^ seer ing 14 runs in the second inning. â- â- ^:tl|Si 'Practice'Venture :-:^[... _ Sunday's game, which was viewed" by about. 400 torrid rooters, turned out to be a-regular practice affair for the locals. The Rail Lights could not solve Norman's delivery, while Wil- mette hopped two of the opposing twirlers for many base knocks. The feature of the game was a "Babe Ruth," four-ply swat by Lee Rosberg. Lee caught one on the nox- zle when two mates clogged the. run- ways: 'â- ".-â- .:'.^: There are still a few membershipe for Public Charity, the sum of Oi* Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) is hereby aISECTOON 2: This ordinance shall be in1 force from and after Its passage and due| PUPASSED by the PresldemvAnd Board ' of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette on thlsâ„¢th <m of June.,A. D^.1922, and de^slted^Bd «ed 'taM^cte e( the Village Clerk of said Village this «th dax* APPROVEli by the, PreaWent of the Village of Wilmette this 6th day of JuneA. ». »»**• EDWARD ZIPH, President Village Wilmette. ATTEST:.EARL E. ORNER. ^ Published on the »th day of June A. p. 1*22, In the Lake Shore News^ a secular »A,.p«»r publl.h«rta»M ^g^ >Bi| WANTED â€" GIRI* FOR tlJSWJSKAr* housework immediately; â€" no^ family washing; must^Uke children. Tel. WlK 905-MX. LSl-ltc WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT WHITE MAU> for general housework; no washing; other help kept. Tel. Winn. 1137. 1396 Scott Ave.. Hubbard 'â- "'^rggj14t^ WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GEN. HOUS|C- work to go home nights. TeL Wil. 1167. L*31-ltC FOR aALE-»HOU8gHOI.D GOODS FOR SALEâ€"COMPLETE MAHOGANY dining room sef^ Hyihr_ room table, chairs and rug. cheap for cash.- Catt or tet Monday. 612 Lake Ave. WU. 240. FOR SALEâ€"ALL. HOUSEHOLD GOOIW. Leaving city; must sell; torgalnjprlces; Phone Kenilworth 1676. LTG31-ltc FR SALE-ONEl FULL SIZE MAHOU- any bed in perfect condition. Also box ^sprlnav T47^WaahingJton Ave^.J?"fe*t!; Wil. 1597. " LT81-ltc FOR SALEâ€"McDOUGALL OAK JjT^^t ^"gi- good condition; 615.00. Tet WU. 891-Y2. L31-UP PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED. REGULATED^^E- palred; expert; best re'«r«nc^iJS&te& Phnnp Win. S08-J. UTQlS-tfc FOR 8AUEâ€"CHICKENS BABY CHICKS-^PARCEL-POST PAHJ. $8. 100 up. Catalog tells how_ to• make ewlletB lay. f^Farrow-Hlrsh Co. Pforla. -Ill '**'* LtoV'olC MISCELLANEOUS. ELECTRIC IRONS. VACUUM CLEAN- • era repaired, vaaes wired; »u^«ct'j!Sl appliances sold. Tel. Adams. .WttMWg. specified as follows: FIRST: For construction and repair- ing streets, alleys, side-walks and cross walks and cleaning streets and alleys, the sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($12,600.00) is hereby appropriated. SECOND: For opening and repairing drains and repairing sewers and water mains and their connections, the sum of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) is here- by appropriated. THIRD: For heating and lighting Vil- lage offices, for stationery and official supplies, printing, court and legal ex- penses and costs, election expenses and Other necessary Incidental expenses, the sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500.00) is hereby approprl- 'Sited. FOURTH: For supplies for and ex- penses of street lightingr and incidental, expenses in connection therewith the ,/sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) is hereby appropriated. FIFTH: For paying salaries of the officers, clerks, and police officers of said Village, the sum of Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00) is hereby appropri- ated. „,â- â€¢ â-  â- ..a-};.;:. ...â- â€¢â€¢. ..": :•:' SIXTH: For ^operation, equipment, support and maintenance of the Fire De- partment, the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) Is hereby appropri- ated. SEVENTH: For paying the interest on bonded indebtedness of said Village, the Slim of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) Is hereby appropriated. EIGHTH: For a sinking fund to pro- vide for the liquidation of the bonded indebtedness of said Village, as the same matures, the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (.$3,500.00) is here- by appropriated. <- NINTH: For a Library Fund for the maintenance of a free* public library in said Village, the sum of Six Thousand at all interested in the welfare and recreation of the young men and hoys of the village are asked to consider seriously affiliating with this splendid organization. Members of the team and others associated with the club will be glad to volunteer plenty of in- formation concerning the aims and purposes of the association. Wilmette meets the strong Onadors squad at the local diamond Sunday afternoon, June 11, at 3 o*Mock. Public notice Is hereby given that a hear- ins will be held by the Board of Appeals of SSmettrorT^ Wetoeadayju^Jj 1922, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the Village Hall, Wilmette, for the purpose of affording all persons interest'an opportunity to be heard upon a Tentative Report and Ordinance recommendlngcertaln yaria- tlons^or ^nieffdWeiits^t&ThlB^onihg Law. Copies of said report may be had upon application to C. C. Schulta, Supt. of Public Works. Village Hall. t -~â€"r Board of Appeals of Wilmette, By S. J. NORDQRF^ jS^retary, Dated at Wilmette June 7. 1922. Little Gloria Rettke, 1137 Oreen- leaf avenue, has returned from St. Francis hospital, where she under- went a tonsil operation. Carroll Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Robertson, 516 Greenleaf avenue, underwent an operation at the North Chicago hospital on Tuesday. Five Hundred Dollars ($6,500.00) Is here- by appropriated. TENTH: For the operation and main- tenance of the pumping station, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) la hereby appropriated. - - ELEVENTH: For paying public bene* fits, payable by the Village In sundry special assessments, the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) Is hereby appropriated. . TWELFTH: For establishing and maintaining a garbage system for the collection and disposal of garbage, the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00) is hereby appropriated. THIRTEENTH: For collection and dis- posing of ashes, cans, bottles and mis- cellaneous waste, the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) is hereby appropriated. FOURTEENTH: For c______, _ ..____ men's Pension Fund, the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,600.- 00) is hereby appropriated. 1; FIFTEENTH: For creating a Police Pension Fund, the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) U here- by appropriated. SIXTEENTH: For the equipment and maintenance of public playground, the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) is hereby appropriated. SEVENTEENTH: For creating a fund FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR 2AL1S0^5Jg^ewi2e-^^+ bmba, batteries. West. Blec. head set, loud speaker for phonograph and atrial. $175 equipment for $U&. Immediate sale. mmingarto 9 o'clock atJEdgewater ilectrirRhw. 1184 Bryn *awrAv£. near rtevatad. UTfff-ltc -------- -------HAT, mmmmm$%kâ„¢* iTai^Wtnn.-"415,' FOR SALE1â€"VERT BBAUU'UJ'UJU shell pink organdie dress and other things. Phone Wilmette 12L<TGj1.lt6 WEST 1 FOR SALBâ€"FURNITURB, RUGS. CAK1L. - Ipfauio, fixtures, plbg.. lumber, stoves. morning or LTGSl^Hc m%* RENTâ€"ROOM IN PRIVATJhi J*A1€ _ ^y^Soh^mlnutes from SBcokle Club Olencoe Phone 300-M i^Tqai-itc Man preferred. -Tel. â- â- â- $»*-w*. ^*?g W^lngton ^f;r^T:^W LOVELT FRO^t £^f« £* ^&U!i"- v%al avenue. Tel. Wlta*««e ^f^^t,, "BfiNTâ€"LARoS „„««.,____________CORNER RpOyr iast side, home, running ^ate^*?1^1"6 ^.ito busmeaa^ma^ FORRl^T-Fb^ SITUATION WANTgQ^MALE-. WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. .^J^ submit eatlmatea «n jr°^}â„¢*&*E* work; trees, shrubs and perennials tor ^affig^g^&ff. trimmlnalmoA .araatng; ^^^yS^^S: i££»San e?nerienoed and competent. M. J Sul- SSSTu^ m Pine Street, WJ^e^; *ta» win, iS4S^ ^ J Ifl?Q24-tfc 8H6RE LANDSCAPE GAR- #d^e? tlSSolighly experienced m plant. iSTaaSrca^^Sf every garden work; i^^ on^ fruit two* ^Jrubbery, perennials and hardy flew grown rose i^ks! Edward Siegroeser. 1080 Cen- of Uwns, by hour. WOBJslAN^CAJIB^ or |bb. Also; ex- r anything bou S08 Oak St 556R ought,' sold and , Win. Tet 1212. exchanged. LTQl-tfc SHET*- w» SALEâ€"THOROUGHBRED _^ land pony, very gentle; governess cart, sleigh, saddle, complete harness. Trf. W11T 208. 731 Park Ave. LTGSl^ltp FOR SALE-BABY^BUGOY, reed, good condition, $15. 2252. ^Tel. WIL LTSl-ltc WANTED TO BOV^MISCgLLANEQui WANTED m BIII=fiBCOND HAND furniture^ and other 2»ea«1">W awda. Highest price paid for same. Croat Furniture Store. 1004-0$ Emerson St., Evanston. PL Phtine 18»« LTQl7-tfe Wanted - second hU<p Bpck> board and motor wheel in good condi- tion. Baumann. 27* Linden St.. Witt- netka. ' LTO$l-lte FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES FOR SALEâ€"CADILLAC 4-PASSENGER iftift model,__good condition. " le.i??s>iPrlfce ;by ; owner. ' TeL Winn. 1178.»m ___ . LTGSl-ltc FOR SALEâ€"A BARGAIN, CADILLAC â€"Coupe In perfect wndljUkw^wab^wl r^erms~~AaK r6r~Antblle, ^Vlnn. TeLT Winn 1482. LTGSl-lte A CASE ROAD- 1622 Forest Ave. LS0-2tp FOR SALE CHEAP. ster. Sport model. Tel. WM- I?*0- _____________ FOR SALEâ€"LATE MODEL OAKLAND coupe, good condition, *46»~--j^OsJlju^r « o'clbck, IlW^reenleaf Avc^iBneReT :'TeL. WIL.^-M. . â-  . IiSl-ltp LOST AND FOUND mS^v^-^^^iL^msM^JUS^S^t^ lsOST==FRTDinrr7Dli®XAT NOON^AT driveway netka. M __ Lincoln Ave.. Win far; brown marten 2-piece mxg^ ^§^^0M^s^SMBMS another thing show 85% of it is to get a tomersare "•' ':Ss^:&9&mM'M?^ MX&&, mn. â€" RELIABLE - DEPENDABLE- CARS lli»-andjexercise REASONABLE * DOJGENJ'. n-in the same service to our customer's i-S&i{Aii" iiiSi cars. 5f-S Facts hot- Promises make reputati ,......-IMS,..,,.. .JtiSSs^:

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