â- m m i. Dorothea Bull Becomes Bride of Wallace B. Behnke TT^littd Mrs. Gordon W. Bufr"ot~524 Maple avenue, announce lithe marriage, last evening, of their daugh. ter, Miss Dorothea Bull, to Mr. Wallace Blarichard Behnke, son of Mrs. J. C. Behnke of Chicago. The ceremony took place, at St. Luke's Episcopal church," Evanston, Dr. George Craig Stewart officiating. Mr. Arthur Ranous sang several selec- tions, preceding the- service. Mr. -Frank-Steitlt was the organist. A re- ception followed at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bull. Both the bride and groom are graduates of Northwest- ern university. Mrs. Behnke being a Delta Gamma and Mr. Behnke, a Sig- ma Chi. :' .--.:-.....-â- .. .-.._..^ The bridal gown was a creation of -moleskin clfepe; trimmed with peatlBT and made with a court train, lined with green chiffon* The veil \was a jrose point lace coronet, and the met a shower of lilies of the vaBe Mrs. J. J------ irer or_mie*oi uie ^j,,^, C. P, Yan Schaack who sang inla^lMebJU^M^ TLe Bassant'V aplayby Francois Co> Btsteras maid of honor, wore a gown Of French blue canton crepe trimmed with gold, The Misses Mildred Holt, Ruth Jackson, Mildred Moore and Elizabeth Doane, the bridesmaids, wore gowns of orchid and pink^jnade with side trains. All of the bouquets [ were- made up of sweet peas,. aM babies' breath; The two little flower girls, Barbara Jane.Bull and Bvelyn Mace, were dressed in white crepe de chine and carried white sweet peas. Mr. Harold, Cheetham of Milwau- kee acted as best man for Mr: Behnke. Messrs. Albert Weiser and Philip Adams of Dubugue, Mr. Arthur Craw- ley of Peoria, Mr. Dean Harris of Lincoln, "til.; and Mr. Osborne Aelx- ander of Evanston, all former mem- bers of the Sigma Chiâ€"chapter at Northwestern, and Mr. E. Walter Geisler of Chicago served as ushers. Decorations in the church included ferns, palms and~wiite peonies, and there was a similar decoration, with the pink and white peonies at the home. Mr* and Mrs. Behnke will be at home after September ^rst,at^8 Hoscoe street, Chicago.;%g g? " p Mrs. Francis C. Stifler, 1028 Forest avenue, left Saturday for Wjooster, O-i to attend her sister, -formerly JMiss Georgia Luccpck, a$ matron of nohor, on the occasion of her Marriage to Boss Stoddar^on TuesdayrMay 30. ?tMr. Stoddard is a graduate of McCor- mick Theological Seminary. He and The Girl's Hl-Y club at New Trier his bride will leave shortly fof^China igh school held its annual banquet to serve as missionaries. Wa. Monday evening of last week, with *ah attendance of seventy-five, including a few members of the faculty and offi- cial sponsor. Members of the old cab- inet introduced the new members who are to fill their places In the fatl,_The old dabinft sincluded the :following chairmen and officers: Service, Jane Nystrom; SociaL Rebecca Wheelock; Prdgram, EHeanoT Elliott; ^ember- ship, Marion Boice; Publicity, Luella 4^.^_,w..„,_www.^. _ ...â„¢1,.â„¢Wâ„¢^,. Burroughs; Treasurer, Phyllis Barry; Ms. Frank J. Schefdenhelhi, 804 Secretary, Catherine Granquistjjjace- Forest avenue, and her sister, Mrs. president, Margaret Williamsf^Presi- eharles Erbes of Mendota, 111, have dent, Florence Wlieeldck. ^ J returned from a ten days' visit in the New members of the cabinet willjbe: Uast with Miss Mary Louise Scheiden- helm, who is attending Wellesley col- lege. Mrs. Erbes is spending several days at the Scheidenhelm home before returning' to Mendota^; :f y-y& â- " The young C6&§rte have gone east Jtor a ten days' honeymoon, and will IHSke their home with the Bairds un- til September Miss Edith Young whose rebital will be held at the home of Mrs. J. B. Hoelz, -1319 Washington- avenue, on Friday afternoon, June 2, at four o'clock, will present the following pupils in program: Carol Lawrence, Richard Schuettge, Mabel Throck- morton, Muriel Rafalski, Arthur Van Dorsen, Richard Steen, Edna Chap- man, Jean Young, Louise Young, Mar- jorie Banning, Leroy&Moran and George Glover. A special feature of the program will be an interpretation of the Highland Flin|; jn cojtume, by Miss' 'Louise Young. #i^ 4^i#. § ^ â- â- '#§ Mrs. ^wrjf'tl' Smith plresented mem- bers of her classes in French in the last programme of the season at her home, 806 Oakwood avenue, Thursday, May 25. Those Who took part were: Mrs. H. A. Brassert, of Kenilworthi Mrs. X^Melviile BrowjDk Miss Grace Cooper, Miss Catherine Crocker, Mrs.. H. A. Hooker, Mrs. Sumner Mason, Mrs. Ralph Potter, Mrs. Arthur L. Rice. Siddall. Music was furnished pee will be the subject of the first pro- gramme next fall. Oh fhursdayt afternoonx^May 25^ Miss Dorothea Bull, was the guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given for her by Miss Grace Maddock of 1005 Greenleaf avenue, to fifty of their Delta Gamma friends; Great ex- citement prevailed when Miss Bull opened her last gift and the inevitable five pound box was disclosed and -at the same time a shower of announce- ments from a bell overhead, impart- ing the' secret that Grace-Lucille Mad- dock was engaged to Clarence Beach Dingle, or Chicago, a member- of~the Delta Upsilon^|Eraternity of North- western. -â- :"-y:*]:"-yf Mrs. J. A- Nourse and her three daughters, the Misses Harriet, Ida and Clara Nourse, 1137 Greenwood avenue, accompanied by Mrs.E. B. Wheelock and Miss Alice Wheelock of 8S0 Cent- ral avenue^ Sspent Sunday as the guests of Mr." and Mrs. Eugene R. Sel- leck at their home in Chicago Heights, ill..;/ ,,',.^::V;.;,:;,.,v, -y- '^^;^^^[:^^ ...........*........" ' ......'"" """ "Hi- Service, Bernice Bulley; Social, Fran ces Devere; Program, Eleanor Elliott; Membership, Jane Nystrom; Publicity, Edwina Vosberg; Treasurer, ^Cath- erine Granquist; Secretary, Helena Bradford; Vice-president, Jane Ny- strom; PresTaentr^iarion Buicer^ Miss Kahler gave a toast to the serv-, ice girls, which was answemdJff Dor^ othy Gray. This was followed by a talknm "Jap'air-amlItsthistoms* by Miss Nakaniski, a Japanese, who. Is taking up graduate^ work j^Nortn- western. „i.-.„.,.,nJ-,-,^ - .. .â- â- ...â- >,.â- & â- .... The marflapa of Mist* Jean AUon, iaiighter of Mr. and Mrs, Jesse BL Alton, to Wellington Cjoplidge, will be solemnized oCTa«ay^OTnjâ„¢ in the Wlnnetka Congregational Church, at eight thir-ty o^ok^iRev. James Austin Richards will f&â„¢gâ„¢ the ceremony, whicfr is to >e followed by a reception at the Alton home, 577 Cherry street, Wlnnetka. n„Art* r r Miss Alton will have as her attend- m** Mrs. John Coolie ^.Wi^^' as matron of honor, Miss Virginia Bu- chanan, as maid of honor, and. the Misses Maude Hinman and Kathryn M^i^e^o^TO^ Of Glencoe, and BOn^ff^^ttSl f6rnlar«B hrldesinaida. Mr. John Cool- idee trtft serve his brother as^e^ S ^S, the ushers wiU bej^nk ioolidge, of. Detroit, *no^er brother, Robert Alton, hrother of the hriae, Fr^Sis lilen, Richmond ^jyon^ Ogden Cook of Kenilworth, and John : Bellows ,of•. IS^m^m^^^^^wm,. â- 0f interest in WMhiette^nd' to'^j versity circles is the marriage of Miss ; frothy Baird, daughter^of Mr; and "Mrs D, R- Baird of Evanston, to ,£y Porter^^J^sfy^eW % last Saturday -evening, at St. LuKeaf I Mrs. WHiiam Freeman ^and son, WU- iiaffi or~BjrlggldaierColo.," who are en route to the easU to attend the gradu- ation of Miss 6race Freeman from Wellesley college, are spending the week as the guests~of~Mr7 and IVfrs. Charles N. Roberta, 1014 Lake avenue. The Freemans formerly resided initfag: Perry Smithers home on -Lake avenue. Miss Helena Mickey, instructor In gymnajiumwprk^in the; pub^ sjehogls^ was -the guest~oT honor aTa shower given at the home'of Mrs. Charles H. Whitehill, 1517. Forest avenue, by some forty of her friends, last Tuesday after- noon. She was the reeipienir of a handsome mahogany tea cartr |^ ^Miss Frances Cutler, 1001 Lake ave- nue, who has beenr spending a fort- night in Seattle, Wash., as the guest of- Miss Elizabeth .Baird, has gone on to Los Angeles, Cal., to remain, until sometime in July. gyry W* mrr« w K Snider 7«0 f last OtttUIUBJ.r»'VT-q .-r- oi.«_»•* oerformed the^ ceremibhy, and a recep- Ifon flowed at thp Baird home. Miss Ma^ie Baird attended mjl£ZJL maid of nonor, and there^we Wfe llower girls, Bunnie M*^f»S^*2f Washington avenue, left last evening to spend the summer months in East Dennis, Cape Cod, Maes. Their home, has been rented by Mr. and Mrs. Le Bowsky of â- Chicago.:Q|;|f:M||js;^;v|'£yy% S-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall Maddock of 1005 Greenleaf avenue, .announce the engagement of their daughter, Grace Lucille, to Clarence Beach Dingle, son of Reverend and Mrs. John N. Dingle of Chicaga;r; ^..^ Miss" Gladys-Kuelzow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kuelzow, 611 Green - Ml.faiid Mrs. Robert Stoddard will give*W theatre party this evening in honor of Mrs. William Freeman and her son, William, who are spending a few days here, en route to the .east. ;e'"Wdlman^Thrislian^Temp^ Union will hold the last meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. I. G.« Moody, 921 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, %n Monday,'June % at\2:^pV-m..^ii^g^i; Miss Clara Gage of §35 Lake avenue, entertained a group, of university and bridge hostess^ on Weanesday at her home, 825 Gfeetrteaf W. avenue. •Thera^were. emern'-'-i0*sUtht&*i!$^k^ liMrlt^nd' Mrs.' U.m: Miiltord,:: 83& Elm wood avenue, left 'last evening for a ;tenâ- ';'days*•â- ~visir'Tl|fNew^Torr Mr. and Mrs. B. FrawK Lewis, were hosts to the *[U. and W." club on Wednesday evening .«t:aWiejyf,rJh«inie,. y08 Centrol ^avenue; -^m^$MWlym^ mm ^rieBd^y at ""."'dinner at^the Edge water Beach hotef on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Richard S. Pattillo will enter- tain the members of the Thursday Luncheon, and Bridge club at her home, 620' Forest avenue, next we^k, Mrs. Frank B. King was a luncheon JStewa San Cal., is spending a fortnight as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thayer, 522 Central: avenue.fi! Mi*; and Mrs; Johii D. Coufferj W Lake avenue; arrived home yest^rd^ from, jDoloj^(c|<»-..Springs,?Colo, r.^'^iM Mrs. Fred Cain was hostess to the Thursday Ltfncheon Club thi% week %mt ho^ft;^:;HnM>ardg^?^^^ ' Mr. "and l«rs. C.:-"CJ. '^Mlchen;'1 ,*14: Linden avenue, returned last week from a ten" days* stay, in Detroit, Mich. % Ther ^Drama Study <31asa met Tueft- day with Mrs. John»I. Iliff, 1115 it- jQteonwood avenue^ Mr. Kihgsley Rice, 517 Central ave-j nue, spent the week-end with friends; j .......'^'*wmM&wm. liiiiisi In Moline,'Ill.ii^fi mi '. Furnished for 3 or 4 monthsiith^rinest JWilnaeUe home^hat may be had lor^fc^ summer, preferred on Michigan, Chest- nut or Ashla^AvellAttractiVe ground|^ desired as mucK asVellappointed House. ^ Couple ;-havin«||oFner§gro^ Willing to pay Entire rental sion. ^one-Mr^-Elaimei^Wi leaf avenue, who lias been ill. at the Garfield Park hospital, following an operation for appendicitisV is now a^ momeTiconvalesue: ' " of Bvahston and Doris May McElwee, ^-^g^-IHenSide, of" Wilmette, Wilbur Smart-attended^is^rotheT as iSrlian; ^W^sher^^er^^ ^^e^o^JJvanatfm and L ;/. McHlwee of Wilmette, Dr. B. R. MulfQrd who has beenThr Los Angeles, CaL, for several months, spent a few days this week with Mr and Mrs. H^ B^ ^MnHord*' ^36= Elm wood avenue, en route, to his home in LaCrosse, Wis. ne W% seir Phoenix Hosiery, Q|||^^^Wrfi ^^ other lines of well-known WHdd^^nid' -^mmw^m â- W* V?',,, '*"| '. - myym:wmmy^'- â- _ _.' f v^iww^^^"'^ â- abie'quaHt^ SM'? 1146-48r^iliheite Avenue VSttmmmeii :^T^IHMS