^ j^^^^t^^^J^B^i^ife^- :;S; THfe LAKE SI wmrnm mem wstfi ciSr^K 'JCTS FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1928 ".-'A most beautiful and impressive Memorial serrice was held at Kenil- S worth Assembly Hall on Sunday af- : tenioon in commemoration of the ftoe Kenilworth boys trtio lost their lives in the Service. Dr. Craig Stewart of Evanston and Dr. College of Kinll- worth spoke, and beautiful eulogies to f the "absent ones" were |^ asJtoJ- ^'•â- â- ' FranMiii : Belfbwii ^^W^M^o Chandler. ^ Andrew C. Cajmp|«ll--^y J^chmojwi Kenyon. ^ All the school children, the Boy *; Scouts and Kenilworth boys who were |j fn~:the""iiervtde~w«re present and sev- - eral of the boys gave very interesting talks regarding the War. Music was furnished by the Great Lakes Band. Especial honor was paid to Mr. James Keefe, a veteran of the Cf.i pto,Mr. Flood who served in the Span- ish War. : I Miss Dorothy Bennett entertained at luncheon on Monday in honor of her ^Sunday evening Doctor and^Mrs. Walfcer gaver*Miisieal at theirhome. Mr. Marshall. Mr. Qoddard and Miss Christian were line soloists. M«s. -Hedriclt'read^---^^-^-:"...................--â€"^w- Miss Lucille Grayson of Madison, Indiana, is the guest of her Aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mrs; J. H. Jones, of 201 Sheridan roadg^ v. Mr. and Mrs. George |J. WeslifiSvi moved from 626'Park avenue, to 627 Eleventh street^ ,,.. % ««. »nn »™_ ^x^». v The Evening4 Bridge Club met at Mr" ^and^s: Edward the home of Mr. and Mrs, I*on M, w> --â€" Allen on Monday evening. house guest, Miss BIolitajHutt of San Fran^lcoWlirss Dorothy Kloi* »*â-¼Â« a luncheon at the Indian Hill Gott Club on Thursday in honor of Miss Hutt, and 'the Misses Beatrice and Florence Pease are giving a Bridge on Friday afternoon in bsr honor^id||g|p.- -SAmong those-whn attended the i^- morial Day festivities at Westmore- land Country clnb on Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Ct C Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. George White, Dr. and Mrs. Don aid Gallie, Mr. and Mrs. Donald M OaUie, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Hammond, Mr. and M^ Maas, and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McKay Mr. and Mrs. George Edwin West of 627 Eleventh street, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mar- jorie West, to Mr. Kenneth Forrest McLain of Hubbard Woods. Mr. and Hfrir nn>T,flin will lire. After June^at 1285 Scott avenue, Hnbbard Wood&7~ Mr. and Mrs/ Hugh A Fbresman are leaving Monday for the East where they will attend the graduation of their daughters, the Misses Emily^and Dorothy Foresman. They will remain in the East about a month hefore re- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett are be- ing congratulated Jm,/ the birth of a little son on Sunday; May the twenty- "eighth^M. WM IUSTOMERS will encounter personal attention and en- ^^mi^^M^ibi.. q^stibn o^ ^Jjtfil* *lm^ itmosphere of a leisured ease, tailoring becomes an interest- ing problem and justifies a most thorough discussion. Under â- "Ijj&iutfi j&uti^^ a pleasure to have your Clothes Irnade lor you--4nade correctly? Phone Wilm^e'e6|ftii| 627 Vf. Railroad Jlvl| $10.00|DOWN ¥©nr "tSofce Come in ^nd HeariThem |,-:r;|B $10.00 0<»m PATTERSON BROS. J i^r;:-M8 Davis Street $fi& Open Tues. Thurs and Sat. Eve lilf II:§!J»hone. Wfl. â- 526 '-Mh^S!*- Since we moved into our commodious quarters opposite the city hall with an up-to-date equip; ment, including safety deposit vaults, the re- mark "this is a busy bank" is a frequent one from our customers in the lobby>V'â- ^;;,;^;v. ! We invite you to come in some Saturday eve- ting, watch the-throng at the teller^ win- dows, and then enlist in our army o£ new and satisfied customers. â- './- ;* '-^'A^^^g$ =ofTVilmettb ffii^mecfSari^s'feposifors MernBeTof the Federal Reserve Bank Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Ifelil?!:'" â- Meat' Telephone ;5I4_;_: SELlER;OFJ^ iiSlff^ 12th St. DISCOUNT 'fit, ?8l â- . Cilifdl'*--"- â- -" 5^Bl^to""'^CI^'|^IWhiiil'.....-' -"'-' - 2% Discount On orders of $1.00 or mora of normal These do not apply to Meat Department C§r> Profit Goods. - :;-; :mm:/ '; •: , ,.- -:':. ,-â- â- ,;..r--- â- . â- - • .vC,,.,.â- ,: , , ,-------/ :. : â- â- -.â- /,..',,.. .- â- â- • ------------"". **r SUGARâ€"The finest standard, Eastern cane granulated. With an order of $1.50 of nor- £Og> mal profit goods. pNo cash discount .^l0 lbs...... .^4^..;. i i,...... A*.. ...>............ IwV FLOUR-JPillsbury, Washburn and Ceresota. "No cash' -iSiyi^iMMgg^^^J^;.l^f^^^SfJiKSs:?!^v.-?«-r" ••'*M^. ." BUTTEI^--Fanc^"swe^^ I x^D.â- â- .'â- ""t,;...;:.'. • .* »â- • â- • • •...-. • • v •'.. •â- •.'â- «• •••••,••'•.'»â- ••â- ••• COFl?EE-~3My own blend. 38c regular.|pqual to any cbflee in cans at 45cJ OLlVfi 6lL-^ure4lf,eyret ^nd I>insan. â- ^^^SS#S|^^S^S^ii£S&lK ;• Quart can^;r^7;^>; 'â- • ♦" ••"»'••*â- !fll40c 1|$LQ9: PLYMOUTH ROCK RESERV^S--^r^rlf^Frllr^ S^awberi§^ogan^ ^O^ berry, Plum, Aprico^p Large 16-oz. jar. Doz., $2.65.|||Jar ....................;......... .£tOC FAIRY SOAP FLAKESâ€"You will receive, in the mail, a coupon for Fairy Soap Flakes from The N. K. Fairbank Go. Don't throw it away. Bring it to us and we will 'give y^^a^sA^ ^-^0c"-TO€kages~for^^^ ""â- "'â- •â- ' - .•â- •â- â- . ..SP^|i^#C FAIRY FLOATING TOILET SQAP^| SUPERIOR F^ILY S^AP---Np jash discount. 100 bars in,box MONSOON BROOM^Elfta^lta^p^^^Ksoifr^^ Well made. T>R; PRICED PHOSPHATE BAKING^ POWDER^BSi^SB^i^^^^^Ri 66c .'. .'. . . . .....::..".' * W)t*.-r*..»^f;p?*.fts*i^!SvS CRACKERSâ€"National Biscuit ^ tlie same cracker Saratoga Flakes in packages,-lb^:M^^ as|p . â- * â- •â- >v.^;.-.'-; ' PEAS^aby' Stuart Sifted ^ariy,'Jun^idbK,$l,90;^^8l r-^«.oâ€"r>aoy owan ourea **any/Jime, XIOK:.*ldlU;?^^ ia -:::. ._„ i«fej . â- â- .-â- . .;.:..'.-â- .. â- •â- â- |iiiiferfim*«^«i«*^ lh/i !PiJr||ES^xtra-fanc^ 'tW' .^â- :^^;>.;;::'-::--i.'- â- â- :â- â- â- ....^z..............^i-.^-^.- ^ â- :-; :;ig^f^.-.-^ y ^^saa^yigs^sg.ij^^^ - # 1 ^»-; CHEESlBMVhite:.Cloud., Nlw%c!kfe^^ :" 01d,'snaoov 'MS1! oi- â- â- Made last June Uk.,.;,;^..:^«^,v^.S^'^ â- - ' MS ohC GINGER AL6 ^';RpOT BEER«^ora^ g^ same quality as last year's Chiripewa. {.^- .. â- . /^^m^^^^^^^^^^m^. â- 4 ' 36c per doz. allowed temj^1xrtd!fc«Db^^ J OLIVES--Monogram Queen^ Large ^^^^^^^^P§^^Si;:, _^ . ^-.ozf ;boMe.:.,. ,.^.:^; ..,-.;:.§^ 12 oz. package which is VM*i&-cbe*IW^-^ â€" or no»ie- ttiaxr|r7 o^|»»ck^^ Pkg..