Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1922, p. 12

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:-..::::;;THE^KESHORE NEJf FRIDAY. fUJf 2, a»82 m&ms' •.-'â- 'P.skt :s-Msmmfm W: rv Asstpiftv ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE Ratesâ€"10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 12 p. m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements '.-' in .The Lake Shore News> Winnetka Talk and Glencoe^Hews, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dem- ote Price. REAL ESTATE Buy Right! Right Now! â- .-rr-"v." .from W. J.. Moir"â-  Winnetka 254 IN NORTH EfVANSTONâ€"Beautifully â€" wooded lot at-oivly 44fr peF-ft. IN WILMETTEâ€"Charming 8 R. Solid Brick corner residence near Lake and ~" "LTT^arge front, sip. and dining pens.; 2 tile baths; h. w. ht.; all. rooms can- vassed and weather stripped; delight- ful billiard or play room; 2 car brick garage; finely wooded and shrubbed â- â€"~4otâ€"$28,000-.---------â€"------â€"â€"--------------- IN KENIL WORTHâ€"Fine corner lot ------100xW5-at- $125 p«r ft. Going! Mak« offer, ' ' â-  IN WINNETKAâ€"Beautifully wooded east-side lot for $50 per ft. 'near-Lake and transp. Wonderful corner for $100. IN HUBBARD WOODSâ€"Brand new 7 rm. home; 2 baths; sun and sip. pchs.; h. w. ht.; htd. gar.; 60 ft. lot; choice location â€"$15,000. Make offer. IN GL.ENCOEâ€"Most attractive 7 rm. English Colonial; sun and sip. pchs.; h. w. ht.; 2 car garage; immense wood- ed lotâ€"$1S,000. Sell Rightt Right Now! through W. J. Moir Winnetka 254 556 Center, N. W. of N. W. Depot. Win. 254. WANT TO BUY OR RENT, SEPTEM- ber 1st or before, 5, 6 or 7-room modern home near grade school. State low.est price. P. M. Larsen. 728 N. HWlgJand Ave., Oak Park, 111. -♦• IJfG30-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€" HOUSE WANTED TO RENTâ€"FURN- FOR SUM- mer 7 or 8-room well appointed home on Ashland, Chestnut or Michigan Aye. Wilmette Realty Go,,â€"-Te^-Wilmette 1304. • ' L.30-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"APART. WANTED TO RENT SMALL FURN^ Apartment, or turn. rm. with bath rai and kitchenette, Wilmette to Glene/fe. July4 1st to Oct. 1st. AddressJ/en^ News. B-29. . .-__________ LTGCT-Itc FOR SALEâ€"VACANT . 'Glencoe Lake Fronts 3 ACRES RIPARIAN RIGHTS', FINE colonial house, half mile from depot. Owner, F. J. Wootley, 69 P*!*^?' Glencoe. , LTG29-2tp FOR SALE-FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, piano, fixtures, plbg., .lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel: 1212. LTGl-tfc FOR SALEâ€"CHILD'S WHITE ENAMEL Simmons bed-springs and mattress, let. Wilmette 1938. _J________**â-  L30-ltp FOR SALEâ€"PONY 1334. CART. Tel. Win. LTG30-ltp FC^S3XE^WIin7BSCRTFrcE^tARG& hand-made rosewood writing desk beau- tifully finished. * 1026 Church St. * Ey- ,, anston. Tel. Ev. 6992. LTG30-ltp CHEAP, 615 LT30-ltc FOR SALEâ€"PUPPIES, Willow St. Winnetka. ________________ ELECTRIC IRONS; VACUUM CLEAN- ers repaired, vases wired; all electrical appliances sold. Tel. Adams, Wit 1040. FOR SALE â€" CAMP GRID (NEW), steel sides aiuLback; also luggage car- rier (new). Tel. Wil. 1679, LT30-ltp FOR SALEâ€"4 LOTS, 75x300 EACH, <J.N Wilmette Ave., Gross Point. 15 mm. walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot. Tel. Wil. 715-W. ________LTG27-tfc WANTED TO BUYâ€"VACANT WANTEDâ€"SMALL HOUSE OR VACANT lot, have Cadillac Coupe in Al condition as firstâ€"paymentr-valtte-$5TF&;â€"Address Lake Shore News, B^31. LTG30-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS Kfe BARGAINS IN HOMES„AND_ LOTS^ NEW 6-ROOM DUTCH COLONIAL, hot „water heat, tiled bath, 50 foot lot, all large, bright rooms, $11,500. Attractive 6-room stucco bungalow in good' East section convenient to both steam and elevated transportation, hot water heat, tile bath, large living room, newly decorated inside and out. gas stove and ice box included, $12,500. Modern 8-room brick and stucco on ex- tra large lot, choice East location; all large roomsT"garage, $17,500. We are offering some fine building sites east and west of the tracks in Wil- ~--*nette,- Winnetka and Glencoe.-JJThe-se- lection and prices are better now than ever again. Beautiful building, site 100x350 on semi- private road northeast Glencoe; only $50 per foot. ; -------â€"- â-  ^ Lot 50x250, only 2 blocks from center of • Wilmette, all improvements in ana £sft%ai& for; only $50 per foot. a -^r * 50x200 lot in Southeast Winnetka, 2 blks. - to lake, $80 per ft. Many other attrac- tive building sites. «R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. M0 Linden Ave. Phones Wil. 68 and 444 FQ& RENTâ€"JUNE TO SEPT. OR OCT. 3 rooms in suite or 5 nouoek-H'ping rooms for adults, also one -front bed room, 731 10th St., Wilmette L30-ltp "FOTT^AX E^AUTOMO BILES FOR SALE â€" STUDEBAKER COUPE, Big' 6, 1917 Model, Alumnium body, plate glass windows, new batteries, 4 good cord tires, two spart tires and rims. A handsome car. Will sell for $600. Tel Glen. 612. LTG30-ltc 8 A LEâ€"AUTOMOBILES Do you know that :f; You can buy a used car from us on eas'v terms. We have some wonderful buys In large and »mall cars at very low prices.'. .â- ......^^..^H~r";r^",""vv.::~' We have a;,....................,.........____..........:,7i.............,....,.;„„;........;,; . Dodge Roadster â€"Dodge Sedan • Ford Roadster . Buick Truck (panel body) Cadillac Sedan Winton Touring" Overland^ Tcaijring and others, every one a bargain. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. T* ^T&J-Uc FQR_______ SALEâ€"1919 SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES ..... FRANKLIN FOR~SALEâ€"1919 FRANKLIN SEDAN in good condition, riew finish, good motor, new battery, pood cord tires. Phone owner, Evanston 7213 tor ap4 pointment LTG30-tp m± if FOR SALE CHEAP, ster, Sport model,« Tel. ."Wil 1760. A CASE ROAD-* 1622 Forest Avei ; L30-2tp FOR SALE-rA BARGAIN. CADILLAC Coupe^in perfect condition, cash or - -terras. Ask for Aritolne, 554 Lincoln Ave. Winn. Tel. Win. 288 LTG3(>-ltc LOST AND FOUND LOST-BROWN FOX near beach in Glencoe. 3364, 4534 Dover St.^ ward). __'C FUR* ON OR •:..Tel. Edgewafer Chicago: (Re, ;' LTG30-ltc SALE ON USED PIANOS THIS MONTH, exceptional bargains. Patterson Bros. ~82rT?avis St., Evanston, 111. • Phone Wil. 52ff. LTG30-ltc $10.00 ALLOWANCE ON ANY USED â€"vacuum cleaner in trade, onâ€"aâ€"new- vacuum cleaner. We carry all the best makes. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St., Evanston, 111. Phone Wil. 526 LTG30-ltc Read the Want Ads FOR RENTâ€"-FURN. ROOMS WITH HOT and cold running water, Tel. Wil. 1080, also light housekeeping rms. LT30-TFC FOR RENTâ€"PLEASANT^ ROOMtâ€"WEST Side Winnetka, 3 bloeks f rom Sta. Lady preferred, Tel. Winn. 415, Morning or evening. - , LTG30-ltc FOR RENTâ€"COMFORTABLE ROOM, central, conv. to everything, suitable husiness-man. Tel. Wil. 844-J. L30-ltp FOR RENTâ€"JUNE TO SEPT. OR OCT., 3 rooms in suite or 5 housekeeping rooms for adults. Also one front bed- room. 731 10th St., Wilmette. L30-ltc HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE WANTEDâ€"ACTIVE MAN OR WOMAN for local Rear Estate office, prefer res- ident of Winnetka or Glencoe, who has selling ability. Address Lake Shore Newsr B-30 ' LTG30-ltc FLORIDA TEMPLE ORANGE GROVES The Net Income from one of our Temple Orange Groves near Tampa, Florida, in the year, should be as* follows: â-  l. Nacres, $2,500.00; 5 acres, $5,1X00.00; 10 acres, $10,000.00. GrovessoTanipori^^ 2*4 acres $ 50.00 per -Month. .5 acres $100.00 per Month. ' ~- 10 acres$200.00 per Month. " . â-  . -^ - t -â-  A Continuous Grove care furnished by the Company, if desired, at COST, plus IO70. Elevation 130 to 150 feet. " ------^^.^--.^.â- -^f* 6th In our locality, both the Winter and-the^u^imer^CKtnate-arr^Wearj. ~ â- â- -.'/- UC"; ./^j:;.. Splendid large Club House, Villa Sites, Golf Course, Motoring, Bqating, Bathing* Fislimg, etc.'- "'-"•â-  . * ".-..- ' ~ ~~â€"_ '..'•'.' â- â- â- "-'â- â- â-  :' ':.":"-' --::- .-â-  â- ::r^L.^^^-:;v:;/----:'^C':K.r^ Write today for free Booklet. ~^z~ 'â- 'â- â- â€¢':"^â- '^â- ^â- â- â- â- o: /~./"^W^ TEMPLfi TERRACES, Inc. Home Office: Tampa, Florida 1 5518 Rice St., Chicago, Illinois I EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN WISH- es" ironing or cleaning by day or hour, Tel. Wil. 984-R. . LT30-ltp II* h^nderfuVr^S^^f-Bargains .;^Lots! M, E. Barker & Co. End '"L" 415 Linden. Ph.- Wilmette 407 FOR SALE - ALL BRlAND NEW homes! Swiss tapestry brick on beau- .tifully wooded cprnerf liv. rm. J.ixi* ]â-  L^lnaturious dinlngLT^; 3_ina^ejLj8fidurma^ 2 Ule baths; shower; V fireplaces; bil- i Ife\rd r.; roof garden; depressed gar.; massive sun parlor and sip. prch. Past selling â-  seasonâ€"owner will sacrifice. t Reduced from $22,500. - Make offer. Artistic 8-r. stucco on deep magnificent- ly wooded lot; h. w. heat; 4 master bed : rms.; maid's r. and bath. $21,500. Sub mit offer. â- â- â-  w â- ." r^ stucoo ooIOTiial-^-n^l-^lge^-rms.- and cleverly arranged. All latest con I veniences; splendid tile bath. _ $19^000. | A real bargain.' â- â- â-  ' /, '" "~* â- """;.â-  ~ ^CBrick colonial 1 blk. from lake on %-. %c*e lot facing beautiful park; 7 splen- t did lge. rms. beautifully decorated; h. 1 -#^_h«»ti-^tta^49ff~-g^ I $26,000. 'â- â- * LSO-ltc iis ... FOR SALE ........• ACRES, 264.82 FT. .FRONTS ON streets, four blocks- west of -Ridge "Ave. Can be subarvTaeoTinfcriir lotsyt I over 50x203 ft. North and south fronts. 3 Price $4,000. r ^ - % U^ 2-3- a€Fes^-432.41~ft.. fwmts^^on-^ t streets. Can be subdivided into 12 lots * of over 44x203 ft. north and-south ^ tronts. -Terms. $5,000. ^ â-  . . 5 acres, 184.2 ft. front on Hibbard Road, Ijyioa 5 acres on Locust street, $Bp0W^ -~; acres on Hibbard Road Terms, m..........___.- . 3$®M&W'~' acr< IBi§m: $10,000; FOR ACRE TRACTS IN NEW raSBi â- â€¢â- .â- -: â- â-  TRIER TOWNSHIP /.-;;: I^^KiSchaefer &â-  Golbach: |«:#" ii*(i«sS'.i;;-i. Estate â-  "' Imnirance.::;:-' Inve^tment Securities / ____ g-^^Tfilehhonrt ,; ,,;^....£-4^38 «^;i|SSs?£#:fi*:igi#|*fifc;:fc;.::«.-; * ................--'.%:•-. 'T.?PG2ft-tfC Real WANTEDâ€"A„ COUPLE FOR GENERAL housework and care of lawn. Man, all or part time. Private room and bath. Tel. Wilmette 2538. LTG30-ltc SITUATION'WANTEP-FEWALE HELP WANTEP^-P6MALE WANTED WHITE MAID FOR GENER- al housework, family of five. Tel. Win. 663, 1324 Scott Ave.,, Hubbard Woods. LTG30-ltc WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT WHITE GIRL for. general- housework, who likes ehil- ' dren, five in family, no washing, good home, 730,9th St. LTG30-ltc WANTED-^GIRL TQ_ HELP JWITH housework^ five tnornings^a~^reek, two in family. Tel. 664-J Win. LTG30-ltc WANTET!^â€"MAID GENERAL. WORK, Scandinavian preferred, family Tour adults, laundress employedâ€"Tel. Win. ---------------- â-  ^T7TG30-ltc TS30: WANTEDâ€"EXPERIENCED WHITE girl, general housework, for small fam- ily, adults. Good wages, no washing. 720 Lake Ave., Tel. WiL.252. L30-ltc WANTEDâ€"YOUN«J _________ ______ WOMAN enced in handling credits .__ EXPERI- .._________=_______f°r permanent „ t. posttion" witin local organization. Apply light------fir~ own handwriting. Address Lake Shore News B-28. LTG30-ltp WANTED-^-MOTHER'S HBLPERCwhite), references required, ,$10 to start. Telephone. Win. 983; Address 1108 Elm St ; LT30-ltc â€"^^rTP7CTTEii<rw»wTiny=^^ WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for â€"saletâ€"prunihgr ~trimming-and-gFadingr trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish housertoan ATrparienced and competentr M. J. Sul- "TTvahrMgrvi7882 Pine Stre^t;"^fiHetlfff. Tel. Win. 1549. . LTG24-tfc NORTH SHORE LANDSCAPE GAR- dener, thoroughly experienced in plant- _„j^g_ ii^^c^e__0f^e£exy_jra^^ estimates on fruit trees, shrubbery, perennials and hardy- field grown rose stocks. Edward Siegrosser, 1030 Cen- . tral Ave. Tel. Wil. 708-M. LT28-4tp HELP WANTEDâ€" MALE WANTEDâ€"YOUNG MAN * FOR DRUG store work, experienced preferred. Ap- ply Snyder and Case! Drug Store, Wil- metteT' ""'v-"-.......â- - â- -. â- â- - "~~^ ~LTG5g-ltc this attached gar just cut to Wfi&FOR. SALEâ€"HUBBARD -WOODS; 7-RM; IMM. home in .-.splendid ^ location; A WlM porches, â-  hot .water heat, :a^^".SBW^:^^-/---1^- â- -.â- -. -â- â- â- â€¢â-  â€" ^JniP,«Aoe.>7»-rm^ stucco with suitable lar^e •e^glS5u^'v:-l$a^^r bargain a ^^^^^6,5004i«'-'. -vv'* . 'â- â- â- :.. â-  â- â- "' ;'^:mm?*mMw 933 Linden Ave., HubbardL Woods ^el. Win. I300«ft S ALEâ€"M!ibVlNG ?QR~SALEâ€"MOVING AWAY. ; MUST sell roy Wilmette residence; large W m %rnerr 15 beautiful trees; shrub- i8te--.-Dery. current bushes, crabapple and li- lac; newfir decorated last fall; 8 large^ roomsi *>igs roomy porch^ hot water '^Mif^^^f^^^11^^^11" schools, and churches. Just the place for growing family who "want to . get away -from rent and into the suburbs. Big sac- PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Wfh. 509-J.________Ltgl5-tfc S^ ^FOR PALE BROWN MAG. AND CANE B- a^lPhone Wil. 1304 LTG30-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSE W SAIJBâ€"WINNETKA, IMMEDXATB isession, substantial 7^room fraine in choice location, for quick ah iifl1^ %HMfi TnqntrA r?7 i«im at. FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS da v. and 2 ihairs, $65. Mag. din. table, 5 chairs, tea^rt and 60-in. buffet with full-length mirror and leaded doprs, $60. Overstuffed Uhair and stool $15. Mag. library table $12^1221 Ashland Ave., Wil.; 1161... -.t >;;' §& â- â- â- â- â-  . ,' L30-ltc FOR SALEâ€"CHEAP, GOOD DINING room table, buffet and 6 chairs, bed davenport, hall seat and mirror. Odd Chairs, two paintings," s'cyffie,, TelTWII. =^es25. ........:......:::.....• ~~~$~~ :^:~~iMf itc FOR SALEâ€"ANGLO-PERSIAN-FRENCH Wilton, beautiful colorings, 9x12, $80. Practically new, too small for present home. Also two-well Caloric Fireless Cooker.. Tel. Wil. 2577.___;___.I^ft-Up, WANTED TO BUVâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO .BUYâ€"SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, \ 1004-^06 Emerson St., ;4^Bvanstdn, m,^^ Plione 1«9^-EiTG17-^tfc WANTED __ch^irâ€"in- TO BUYâ€"A BABY HIGH .good condition Tel. Win. NORTH SHORE -SKnro Convenience! It is emphasized in the fre- quenttrain service on fhe North Shore Line; in the courteous attention of theff irWned empkiyesj4n the^entrayoeation^rfff stations and terminals. Know the pleasure of speeding through the If picturesque North Shore country on a safe, | smooth-gliding electric train. Ybti travel | in luxuriou^comfqrt---seats are roomy and | wmfo^ arrive 11 MJftidi destinatioa freshed and^n^Um^^ B>r ^top-oyer trips 01^ extended Journeys || â„¢|or business or pleasureâ€"-the ultimate in ^onvenien^tmveHs-affol^ed1^^^ Limited Trains for Chicago leave Wilmettew^ ery hour from 6:45 a. m. to H5 a. m. These trains operate direct to 63rd and Dorchester. _r.___Trains lolrGhicagb^ %ry half-hour from 7:04 a. m. to 8K)4 a. m.y then B :38 a. m. and everj£v^ All trains operate on Chicago Daylight Saving Time.] 0 ^£^s^f^^^^'^^-^'^-^:""':' Wilmette Ticket Office

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