1H 1THEXAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 3; 1922 tea- - â- -â- <-.....-'«&&;;â€" ud^aMtaMfcasMfflESala ..::______ * '^^â- •s-^S METHODIST CHURCH The Sunday school in all depart- ments at 9:45. The Men's Bible class meets in the parlors of the Masonic |Temple under the direction of> the inew officers. There will be special music at T this session. The Annual Meeting and Election of officers of the Young People's so- ciety wil be held Saturday night, fone 10. A social program will follow the business session. # At eleven o'clock Dr. Stanaell will â- deliver a Father's Day message. His theme will be: "What It Means to be a -Father on the north shore." Tile music will be presented by the Senior «r5holr. | 7A11 fathers are especially in- I^tSdlaiuSell as the general public. Dr. Stansell will announce transfers to this church and receive into member- ship those who are ready to he-re- ceived. The Vesper service at 5:30. Music led by the Junior choir. Message by -Brv-Stansell.â€"Two solos by Mrr-L.- F. Kunstman. Netx Sunday is Children's day and the services of the day will fit into this occasion. There will be a special Children's Day sermon at 11 o'clock, to which the children from the various departments "will come, attended by their teachers and officers. The in- fants and children presented by their parents will be baptized.- -----â€"â€". #â- The Official Board will nvaet Mon day evening at the church for dinner at seven o'clock, There are forty-two Tneitr' composing "this hody and itâ€"i* hoped that each plate will be taken? Tomorrow, June 3, is the occasion of-the Annual Picnic and Field Day. WA big committee is working upon the program and, if the weather man * good, the day will be a great suc- cess. Mr. Al J. NystrOm is chairman of the automobile committee and there will be cars, for everyone wish- ing to go. The cars will leave th j church not later than nine o'clock Saturday morning, driving north through Glencoe and out on the Dun- dee Road to the Forest Preserve on the Des Plaines River. A very^ fine site has been selected for the dfnner table, for the ball games and field meets and all the eventsjrf the day. The Boy Scouts are~going out Friday evening and camp on the site, l ing some new lessons in scoutins The cars will leave the church at ^v . o'clock on Friday evening/ taking tirer bbys and their baggage for the night. â- The Girl Scouts will go A out early Saturday morning in automobiles and prepare for their felfeshment- stands; sport program and pageant which they have prepared. Anyone desiring to go on this pic- nic may feel free, to either come to the church Saturday morning or ring up the church office, 2348, so that some car may call and pick them up. Everyone furnishes lunch for himself and it fs hoped that the food will be sufficient for supper also. Automobiles will meet the trains at noon and early afternoon at Gtencoe and pick up'the men who come directly from dOWU- tOWn;;.......-^::t:?-r-v^.----. -:--:â€"r-v.- â- â- "The .Heavens declare thei'glory of God; . And the 'firmament showeth His handiwork." . "The Spirit of the Lord fllloth the world;' Hallelujah." $771777.- :â- ;'.^%#$ The Festival of Pentecost... .Whit- sunday. Epistle...:Acts 2:1-13. v; Gospel-----John 14:23-31. Dr. J. B. Hersch will have charge of the Pentecostal services. We rejoice in announcing the Con- firmation of the first Catechetical class of this mission, and we invite all our friends to this service. The administration of the Lord's Supper will follow immediately after the Confirmation service. All Luther- ans of our village are welcome to this Communion. â€"Speoial- musie-byâ€"the Junior-choir^ Sunday school and Bible class, 9:45 o'clock. Church service, 11 o'clock. "Services held at Wilmette Woman's club, Tenth street and Cteeienleaf„ avenues. Student Pastor, Paul Schmidt. Sunday, June. 18th, the A. T. Sher* man Odd Fellow Lodge No. 892 of Wilmette and the Mizpah Rebecca Lodge at Evanston, will unite in the 103rd Annual Memorial Service to be -conducted by the minister at five o'clpck in the evening, The Union Young People's banquet i&^announced for. Tuesday: evening, June 20. l : ! ' *;'~:>-:77* :- ••';v ^The^Mid-Weefc service^ Wednesday at .8 o'clock, conducted by the minis- ^rrh^Epworth League-conducted 4»y_ the new First Vice-President, .Mr. * Hile, Sunday evening at tf:15. On June '11 Mr. Ralph English will be the lead- er. The Junior League will meet at 16:15 at the church, \ , * The Annual Picnic of *ke Des & Plaines Camp Ground association; will ibe Saturday, June 10, at Des Raines f AH members of the association^and I friends of the camp are invited to I spend the day there. , > fc The Monday Lunch club wllijneet fit 12:30 in Room A, Central Y.-M. IC. A. building, 19 So.. LaSalle street, gyQhieagCi Next Sunday morning is the time for the regular Communion service". This is one of the times when we al- ways anticipate a very large- repre- sentation of the membership of our church. The subject of the address for this sacramental service will be "The Secret of Christian Assurance." The Westminster Gruild will meet in the church parlor Monday after- noon, June 5, at two o'clock. Preparatibns are in progress for a floral cantata to be given by the i Sun- day School on. Children's Day, Sun- day, June, H. ' ' â€"The~Sunday School will" hold its an- nual picnic in the Glenview^ ^Forest Preserve, - Saturday* June' 17> • ' -^-The quarterly meeting of the Chi- cago Presbyterial society will meet in the Du Page Presbytefian Church, Naperville,, Illinois, Thursday, June 8vlOr30 a* nii Tickets^ may be se- cured from Mrs. Dean or Mrs. Ram- sey at the TJnion Station. The train leaves Chicago at 9' a. 'm., returning at 3:43 p. m. 7 A Stammer Conference for Illinois Presbyterians, authorized by Synod and arranged by a special committee appointed by Synod, win be held in the buildings and on the campus of the James Milliken University, De- catur, Illinois, June 13-16. The Con- ference is open to all ministers and laymen, men and women. Vital ques- tions such as every pastor and active layman is facing, will be given a prominent place' In the conference hours of; the program. A number of representative men of the 'denomina- tion have consented to speak and take part in the discussions. * In addition to^he general meetings open to women, a)5eparate conference Linden and Prairie avenues, Wilmette. Herman W. Meyer, M. A., Pastor. 406 Prairie ayenue.^ Phone 1396, Pentecost Services 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible class at Library Hall. 9:45 A. M. First service at the -"-• churchy^^^?':.V' .^ :r^;r^-~^y> . 10:45* A. M. Preparatory service for communicants. 11:00 A- M. Service and Holy Com- munion. â- â- 'â- â- ' -.-.â- ^â- y.:<â- â- â- <,â- .>::;â- .â- :.â- *-, ' Sunday's services commemorating the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost will have as their sermon theme; The Gospel of Jesus the Savior, Still the. Power of God unto SalvationiB The pastor will bring out m his sermon the many things whlchinen have'sougbt to put in-piace of the simple Gospel of the Savior, They have all failed. It is the old Gospel and a courageous preaching o* it that the world needs today, w |r > Next Sunday afternoon a* mass cele- bration will be held at the Concordia Teachers1 College campus, in commem- oration of the 75th anniversary of the Missouri Synod. Preparations are being made for a gathering of .twenty thousand people. The^serviclxrwilFbe brief but impressive, a great chorus having been gathered to lead in the singing of the hymns. Dr. J. W. Miller, fourth vice president of Synod, will deliver the sermon in the first service at 3 o'clock, and Pastor Paul Lindemann of St Pauf* will addreM the gathering In » second service to Childrenll^bay . will be â- â- . marked 'by M .;v special services at the Sunday school gg and at the church, on Sunday; June M II7"lttI the children wiH inarch in â- a j| * hody from the Sunday school to the* church, where, the weather permitted, p§f «ei^ic©|.,;W|n ihe.,^eld.^|in^Jhe ^;#ii*ch |p ' I The "•Classes±:ilor" .1th^c1ir1stiaiici& '"" struction of children will continue until the middle of June, closing with a banquet to which all who have at- tended these classes since last Septem- mm ber- â- are â- invited, mmmmmmmmm^m â€"â€"^-â- ,'.:â- _ 7.; v-----^^;"T:;-n:"17^:' REMODEL BUILDING ENTRANCE Remodeling of the entrance to. the Brown building, 1159 Wilmette av^hn&„™, will be completed within a few days. %J The stairs and flooring are being re-|M paired, and the waljs decorated. ^^ hour each day will be held. Mrs. Nob* C. King and Mrs. E. p. Silverthorn will assist IiT these conference^himrs. These desiring further information about this gathering may write to Dr J7N. pliottr 514 MillikefiBur ing, Decatur, Illinois. . v y- f Â¥M was a wise â- ^t it overv yoW 7H/A^|i!||p| to PUT it over! ' 'SII ?'$'$ '$&S?ti&fiWfc?$^J??fa^%'^@&'f5$t'*'? "And hence the churches of Wil- mette, represented-by this an- nouncement, cordially invite the parents and the young men and ISPS '.â- â- : SIS v Tlie Woman's Foreign Missionary flociety will meet all day Thursday at s|the-,::Church;V.;_ :-r-V-. • -fcfLast week the 'Mincer l>apti^ ^the following infants: WiUiam_Henry lmrm> Symons, ^r ^Washhig^ | avenue, Wilmette; Gertrude Alberta ^ -Evans 597 Sheridan road, WlnnetKa, 1 leorge Robert Moore, 325 Sheridan Ifroad, Wilmette. Si?The Junior Scouts hdld their regu- f lar weekly meeting Thursday-eve- •ning at 7 o'clock at the church. BAPTIST CHURCH Together With the other churches, the Baptist church will observe Near East Day at the Morning service Sun- day, June 4. Mr.^Stifler will speak on the text, "Prove JV11 Things, Hold Fast to That Which is <3ood." Mrs. Vesta Murray Watkins will sing, 'I Heard the Voiee of Jesus Say," by Rathbun, and **My Creeds by Garrett. The services will begin at 11 o'clock, w^--: .â- â- :-•;â- .-7; ^;^y The Annual* Presentatioh of Baptist History and Principles will be given by the Pastor at 4he Young ^People's meeting. at 5*: 30 Sunday afternoon. This is an open meeting of the society to which ail the members and friends oi the' church are-- invited. m'M&:MM ^w The BojTt^Scouts meet Monday | night at the church at 7 o'clock., ;, W® Junior ^ehoir Reheafaal is^ Iday^veriii^^atJ:©^!^.;;^.;! ISfc The 'â- Seii&r^Choir Re1iearsat;;:,,:is lprhursday~at 7:45 at the_,churchyg^ =feaHrtr 5 The Girl Scouts will meetv Friday afternoon B 4 o'clock at the church. The June Meeting of the Church Council will be held at the Church Monday night,. June 5. Dinner will be served at 6:30 ^'clock. Board and committee meetings; at f:15. Council at -8 O'dock,^^,;;.-' â- â- J,,.;,..:-:i;r;„„;?»j^.z:'â- ..â- â- ' '•â- .-. iThe regular 7 Mid-weeli^meeting&f the cburclt* wj:ii be held Wednesday: committee meetings at 7:15. Council at ...8^ O'clOCk^g^s - â- ^^^^^•â- .•«:•::::.â- -; The June meeting of the Woman's gpfflfity will be held_Friday. June 9. There will be sewing at 10 o'clock Luncheon at 12:30* The Program at i "a a'clock. Mrs^JL & RosjLjwill speak on the theme, "Over; Land and Over Seas." Bt^^:&,?$.^!'«Xn<;;!,V!;>': m% ^^-rffe' WM wotnefn^to~^cttve4y^o^p^^f^t^c vyith^henl IoThe tast ofdevefopf u ittg a high idein^ol^ Anllrican^citizenship among our young i% â- >SiWl!iS*i*sft %?'ftsf ^|H^ St. Aognstine's Episcoi Ra Hatert Carldon the First Presbyterian Church The First Methodist Church St John s Lutheran Church !ilB7 Ret, Herman W. Mtytr-&& M^: First Coogregatioiial Church & Ree. Stephen A. Lloyd r The Wilmette Baptist Church Rec Gilbert Sfansell Jles^Erjmds-C, Stifler iSlfr Ret. PaiilE. Schmidt ill t$mm Mi^i^1p-iaa^ifeS^|M" Mlisii^ ji7:-7';- &:1^^71llaaffi^feiBpite^' 7i. 7J&&-;-"7^--:i^ r"^fi^^-':^:!^^^"^^^'^,^'^^ 3^&^Sfes&£imA;; ^ayfrasyfe