Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1922, p. 15

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Wi Kg* THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, Fi^DAY, MAY 26, 1922 15 â- $$W89.....,. lKI*floSftna.:: World' i^lf ^felf fans, ? 150 posts in Illinois, In eluding north shore units/are expect- ed to attend the exercises at Elgin, Sunday, May 28, at the dedication of the new building for World War Vet- erans at the Elgin State Hospital. The principal addresses will be delivered by National Commander Hanford Mac- Nider and State Commander W. R. Mc- Cauley of the American Legion, Gov- ernor Len Small and Director-C.H. Jenkinjt-£tJ&e^ fare-. 'Illli^^^^ftiS^^wliite __The building^lar the first to be com-, pleted Under^the 'terms of an ^ppro- priation made by the last General As- sembly at the urgent request of Gov- ernor Small, for the treatment and rehabilitation of veterans -now in the ^tate insane hospitals, ir Cost ap- proximately $150,000 and will house ,250 patients. It has a frontage of 273 feet and contains dormitories, dining ooms, serving rooms, day rooms, toil- ets, baths, wash rooms, linen rooms, and clothing and mending rooms. A large court and 1,600 feet of sidewalk provide room for. outdoor exercise and recreation. The physically sick will be cared for in small wards of from effort has been made to make the £ryl ^^jTâ- ?* « T BL. !L„wI effort building as home-like and pleasant as possible, as it is believed the environ- nient will have an effect upon the re- covery of -the afflicted veterans. g#fne^e^vor7<s^^ reduced materially by the use of In- stitution inmates wherever possible Under the new system of occupational therapy. A.U"bf the common labor was furnished by hospital inmates. They h'- did all of the ex<^vatinjg:!|and fur- nished all of th« concrete-blocks, Material was provided from the -â€"Tsand and gravel j3ts,^ni^«^pg& """ ated by the hospital. At the ex^jeises Sunday, which will held in front of the building, where n large stand has been erected, two ^battalions of boys iro^i St. Charles II Seho< |p :iheir Sil Ajioth'r similar building is under M cbur$e o* construct ion at the Jackson- ville State Hospital. HOW DISTRESSING IS « THIS ANNUAL VISIT! (From The New Trier News) "Why is Willie getting P in Latin?" and "What does a, parenthesis on John's report card mean?" were a few«o£ the posers offered our faculty last Thursday evening, when JMew Trier was opened, according to cus- tom, to the parents of the township. , But it was not at all a sad affair. For there were some congratulations^ and flowers in the halls, and a music- ajLprogni^ ^SS j^S^JS^iS^^^a^ residence ^*«^^-SS^ roads, Olencoef, for WHam Ottejn ta a. N. St. Clair, and the 7-roony Woyd WrigbTt residence at 1023 M©adW road, to D. B. Kissam, eve the scholastic and stiffly cultured atmosphere of our factory of wisdom. rt«A. i. *i,-. ~Z*~J>mZ -JLw, *u^%ZZZa Local Improvements, Mr. James C. Mur- Over in the assembly room the band ray, Kenllworth. Illinois, or the Secretary showed its prowess in a number of peppy pieces, and Mr. Schumachei delighted an appreciative audience with some clever work on the xylo- phone. There* were also announce- ments for the benefit of the parents concerning a well-known subjectâ€"re- gistration for next year, and summer school.' .-'*â-  'â- "*' This reception has been an annual institution at KinMMst^^S^i^x "~ MILITARY TRAINING BLANKS Application blanks and Informative literature for prospective entrants in- to the Citizens' Military Training Camp at Camp Custer, Michigan, which, convenes from August 2 to September 2, inclusive^ may be se- cured at the offices of The Lake Shore . ;.â- 'â- ':â-  .-.^- -/:--r:.-^:mmMffmm- • SiFATHER8^SONS» â-  BAN&UEirW': A Fathers' and Sons' banquet was held at New Trier High school Fri- day of this week under auspices of thertte# Trler^Hlgh schoolHt^r^club, prepare^ for the entertainment r of the fathers. . : . ,.!W^;^,;:^ a^a i~Tryâ„¢--szffirr^^rf^w^A^ftzw^naraie^^0^1^^ S5taS^peS^%t^r U*m£te«*»«>ay. ^peetehpr^gra^ was these wards wHhout coming in contact with Other parts ^ the building,; :§ggi " Make PlaceHomelike -'lijji* Wew furniture of the highest "iliti- ly has been provided at a eost |' Ancients - Measured.: Rainfall. Regular measurements of rainfall iia-in aie^ourth ceo* First Century, A. D. A rain gauge used in Korea to the Fifth century of our era is still extant. VILLAGE OF KENILWORTK ^;,, ,;: notice: of' Public 'XmttiH&m-] FAVINQ, BJTC. IN CERTAIN BTRBIBTSi IN KBNlIiWOBTH> ILLINOIS. , f SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NUifBER ***. Public notice la hereby given, pursuant to law, that the Board of i.ocal Improve- ments of the Village of Kenllworth,. Gook County, Illinois, will receive sealed bids or proposals for the grading;, draining", paving- and curbing in Abingdon Avenue;, > Robsart Road and Robsart Place in said Village as specified in and by an <prai- nancp describing, locating and defining the same, and authorizing a special as- sessment to pay the cost thereof which special assessment has been levied and confirmed in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, and is there known as mmmsB-ssimmammmm R. M. Johnston Co. Makes Important Realty Deals Jl. M, Johnston and company, north shore realty firm, has enjoyed an un- usually active period of high class sales recently. These include trans- fers in both Wilmette and Glencoe. Sales reported in the past'few days include property at southeast corner of Prairie and Washington avenues, Wilmette; also, an acre of excellent residence property three blockB north- east of the Glencoe station for W. H. Channer; the large new brick colonial HBsesa sealed bids or proposals shall be in the hands of the President of said Board of James C. Mur- of said Board-of Local Improvements, Mr. Harry E. Weese, Kenllworth, Illinois, before 8 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, June 6, A. D. 1922. Said Board of Local Im- provements will thereupon open said bids at the Kenllworth Assembly HaU at the southwest corner of Kenllworth Avenue an<LCumnor Road, Kenllworth, Illinois, at 8 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, the 6th day of June, A. D. 1922. , " Said bids or proposals must be made out upon blanks furnished by Windes & Marsh, engineers, which are op file with Mr^Hs^ar^E^:Msee&^S^i^»xy of said Board of Local Improvements, Kenll- worth, Illinois, and at the office of Windes & Marsh, engineers, and^at the office of Village Manager, Kenllworth, Illinois, where said blanks may be obtained. Said improvement must be constructed in accordance~with "Plans and' specinea- tlonsf for same, on file with Harry B. WeeseTvniage Clerk of Kenllworth, 1111- nois, and the .ordinance specifying the nature, locality and description of said improvement together with the detailed drawings, profile, plans and specifications are on file With said Village Clerk at Kenllworth, Illinois, and may be there Inspected. ... A«- â- â-  â-  The contractors must bid with the un- derstanding that a contract, in the form generally used by the Village of Kenllr worth, must be. entered into immediately after, the expiration of ten days' time Jtrikn IhBifo con - tract, pursuant To Taw and a bond shall be given in accordance with the pro- visions of Section 76A of the Local Im- provement Act of 1.89T and ainenaments thereto* - r <•'â- â-  y.-y-â- â-  <* , â- â- 'â-  â- â- . • Special assessment so levied and con- firmed to provide for the cost of said Improvement has been divided into ten Installments and will bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, pur- suant tolaw, anonHe~contractorisrto-txe paid for such labor and material in bonds and time warrants payable only out of the installments Of said special assess- ment, pursuant to law, said bonds to draw interest at the rate of sfcc per mMmm:. 0 CHANGE OFFICE LOCATION H The Haviland Realty company, has changed the location of its offices from 595 Rosewood avenue, Winnetka, to 743 Elm street in the village. centum per annum. • .. - .s Each bid must be accompanied by cash or by a certified check certified^ by % reputable bank for an amount mat shall hot be lesa than ten per centum 'of the aggregate of the- bid or propoaal^and nj bfd or-^jroposal will be considered unJ'"*- accompanied by such cash or check. The Board of Local improvements-re- aerves the right to reject any orjJl bids or proposals. * »- Dated Kenllworth^ Illinois, May 26, 1&22 ' â- ' BOARD- OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. By JAMBS C MURRAY, President. ATTEST: HARRY B. WBBSB, Secretary. L29-ltc Wilmltte|liB& _,:Teaming Co|| F. MEIER, Prop. isM6§M DIOTtUUCD WATER ICE Black Soil for Cinders ; , Lawns Bulldlno Material Qradkto â- - peneral, Teamln«| Lawn Fertilizer We Build Drive- Sand and Qravel ways i;SH â- -^E;FII-MNCr^EA80NABLE; jj-; 753 **/. Railroad Av«> Phone WH. 63 NWe to order-Old one. iwred and tewing by the dayâ€"Call f mmsY<m Wit HERE'S notiiing too good for ^your gwhy .we're baking SUcfel |^ deliwpus; StrfflolBis H|iighly;: prized^ 'loaf :':::ol' '^bread.; 'r:A^^om^0®$i '^nirpasiry^re-^niadi! SB" - mm WMSS. Avenue ' ,#«»4i,B;^wfe'sis* !i5'f*ft*i*s â- 'â- '#fes ^ft««pOWPER PUiFF" 'PR08BW18 :'feS fp iiss Emily BU, wlio 8«veraHnont&« S ago replaced Miss Church as proprte- r^ior o£ the- Beauty Stop at 1123 Cei^ tral avenue, has selected the novel tltleV **11ie JPowder Pu«;M tor the a* itlv^J^p^Oie^piace^Ja enjoying commendable prosperity jmder. -tito new toanagementjfi The "Marlnello System1^ is in!vogu%^ models ana Summer ROOM 2f^r HOYBlto BLDd i^Mf. :||^, M 'ffiSt. i-if M ^Sl^sP^^Si-SSSi^'SJII^ E«&° 4 rothei theilostrichl te^ig...... m glipather thin face themm^ ^flbuslKxpbtlig himself|%athei|#e<^e|slypto the whims oi immmm^immmm^^^i^^^^ that lust like the chap â- â-  whe ducks under the sheets «i«^m,^^ iSiiiiii"minute.....the furniture creaks downstairs ? k$;M*4Z*k^"$$%p*"........... tots of folks shut their eyesivhen they need them most. Jgntjie| matter of buying something, for ;iistance^^ j^fspenSing, i Whof§t& Sliioit for his money ? JUie man who buys bUndly| -o^the^feUow who reads adve^tisiri^nd discovery iust whefe he p^J>u^JV«^ha^^ Wmsm ^li^il? buys haphazard, or the one who daily TeaHS ^9*&fy*S$T ~^^~~" --*,: a»TJ. __^„^. ° <. „^,s«.t fraud andiiiferionty?" It tellsyom saves you

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