Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1922, p. 11

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fiilflf â- â- life' meeting nfindf new ] apiMcat^ i i jjjSi^ ifoung **4people'8 League, affiliated with the Walther League, will have Its regular business and social meeting at Library Hall ypn Thursday evening, June 1, at 8 o'clock. A good program is listed for the: meetteg»-^f^;v,K *^s^fiw^>^$Ms^" " The Women's Auxiliary of the Ad- dison Industrial Home for Girls and the Addison Manual Training School for Boys, both of which are conducted and. supported by the Lutheran Churches of Chicago and vicinity, has called, a meeting of representatives^ of the various women's organizations in the Lutheran Churches with the idea of completing arrangements for a concerted effort on behalf of these Institutions. Mrs. Ira Gamron will lead the delegation from St. John's. The session is scheduled for St. John's Parish House, Chicago, Sunday, May 28r at 1* o'ciUicl^i^mM^^^i^^. -Wtegill-ifas^returaed^fromâ€"] Moinea, Iowa, where ha at ended ihe meeting of the General Assembly, a gathering of representatives of the Presbyterian church, throughout the f world! composed of an equal number of ministerial and lay commissioners of the church to the number of about one thousand. > His sermon topic for Sun- daymotning ivill be "Hnrnan Assets and Liabilities." He will give also a report of the Outstanding events and questions of the General Assembly. ^TMllWestm^ organized for the young married wo- men of the church, will meet at the church Monday afternoon, May 29. The quarterly meeting of the Chi- cago Presbyterial society will be held in the Du Page Presbyterian church, Napervilie, 111., Thursday, June &Jber gten4n^at=KfcS0 a^ m. - The train for Napervilie leaves the tJnlon Station 9:00 a. m. arriving at Napervilie 10:00 a. m. Returning, the train leaves Napervilie 3:43 p, m., ar- riving at Chicago 4:40 p« m. Tickets IBeaiT or - â-  canHre secured from Mra * Mrs. Ramsey at the Union Station. 1? All who expect to attend this meek tog should notify Mrs. P. R. Eager not Jater than Wednesday, May -31. 1 The annual Sunday school picnic iwill be Saturday, June 17, at Glen. jtlevr Forest Preserve. The announce- ment tB made thus far in advance in order that the parents of children in the Sunday school ifcay reserve the date~fbr the -'niciiiLio^- The Presbyterians of Illinois are to hold a great Summer Conference in ij>ecatur, June 13^16, open to ministers and laymen, men and women. This 4s the first gathering of the kind ever heiebby'the Presbyterians of the State Wilriiette Legion George T. Cunneen, Harry Bridwell, Harry L. Plentye, Irwiii B. Olin, T. J. Wallin and Ernest Meyers, substitute, composed the five-man bowling team which represented the WUmette Post id the Legion Bowling tournament at the Randolph Alleys, Chicago/this week. While the team did^not cop the prize, the men madeu an excellent At a recent "meetinlg^r Wil^tte Post, Harry L. Flentye (army) and Ewart Gould (navy) were selected to go to Blooniington, 111., Saturday, May 27. -A-wealthy resident of that city, whose son died in the service recently donated $150,000 toward a Legion given a complinfentary automobile memorial building. The cornerstone .trip from Los Angeles to San Fran- will be laid on Saturday afternoon foi- cisco at the instance of the LOS Al- lowing a large street procession in»geles real estate board. Bil which representatives and large dele- gations from the many posts in the state will take part. The building will be used' msthe state headquarters of the.. American Region. ^lSsl?|I|iPiii E. R. Nourse Leaves to:-wM$B . Attend Realty Session E. R. Nourse, 1716 Forest avenue* has left for California via Colorado Springs, Grand Canyon of Arizona and Los Angeles to 'San Francisco, where he will attend the convention Of the National Association of Real Esete boards, May 30 to June 4. â-  The Chicago- and suburban realty boards have chartered a, 15-coach Pullman convention train and will be . Speeding; Others Help J. W^ Lott, 322 Greenleaf avenue, may well figure he. was assessed ay- plenty in Wilmette Speeders' court Saturday. Mr. Lott headed the list of fines 'with jfc,:1j$ft(!^ and. costs. 0&&^0^^S0MX!ir^MM Others who contributed more or less generously were: B. Zerwonaky Chicago,' $20 and costs; G. Olsen, Winnetka^ $10 and costs; J. J. Zopk, Chicago, ^15 .and costs: Edward Young, Danville, HI., $15 and costs; J. H, Robinson, Rogers Park, $10 and costs; B. TTberman, Chicago, $1S and costs; G. M. Jensen, Chicago, $15 and costs: A. J, Schneider, Chicago, $10 and costs; JMrs.j;F* FltssgeraM, Highland Park, $10 and. costs. $p. â- â- >* WatchiThil MUll^ IT Announcement PATTERSON B 'y£$§$& ;;^20IAVIS:..JiT^«: ; â- â- xx:-,:-'Bmm ^Jo businesslia to:betrajttsacted, no linoney is to be raised. It is to be a l^onference for information and inspir- f ation. The program will combine great addresses^ with/&^f^i^:&p$&. for- discussion J x * - % The .. . _ buildings and on the.campus of the James Millikin University, This com- iinodibust shady campus makes an ideal Sspot for such a. summet gathering. flrhe local^Icommitteo is arranging limeals and rooms as near the campus §?as possible, in prder that those attend- I Ing may become well acguajnted dux- ling . theB^'day^i^^^^i^^Ml^' If^broduced rate oTaTTare ancTa~hair 5%wtnd trip has been granted by the SsOJroadsiflr^^ S Sunday School .;...*.9:30 a. m. I Chkrch Serviced >....-11:00 a. m. #l^uni©r C.slhi^i^.-....;. 3:30 p. m. IfilBenioK a E, .V^.U.. 5:30 p. m. Mid-Week;Service, ^Wednesday, ..... ^rOO^p. m.s« â- â-  : 'â- â- %M 'â- â- "-r^7^~vjr<t': S^^The church is located at the^corner iof Ninth Street and Greenleaf avenue. 'M m ;ifei. â-  ~ Bible school at 9:45. Fellowship ^flasa and Bible Study Forum at 10 ^o'clock. Morning Worship with ser- iimon by the pastor and solos by Miss S^Milda Kaske at 11 o'clock. Junior iina"lntermedlpe~^ Yr 3^ ^ at^ ^o'clock. Senior B, Y. P. U. at 6:30^ |*1.0'cIock.p^-rp^::; â- . '.â- â- ', siir"::.t*iM*g^'$ ': ^The Baptist church is lOcated^at ptte and Forest avenues, s The | church telephone is 2235. ^p^$^ the church . Mid-week meeting~oT I Wednesday at 8 o'clock, t W-Wcf- ^;K: «We have n^wr perfected, for all sizes; the efficient manulactur- mg prdcesses^ wp^ eii^^ months ago to announce a revolutionizing and superior Seibcrling I Clmc||||^oM. Tire, Mxtyi, %yM|^^1^P^^^^|^^| il "A price fe^cti^ be made on all straight-side Sei^r^^ Portage Tires, ^berlmg^bimt^ elfetive June tstEl^^ Wished a rock-bottom basisâ€"the lowest possible for fine tires. | ?YbiBhay say to the car owning public, in connection with your aim^uncemel^tenrinnffly^ -;m NEW^PRiCE (Including Tax) Setberling Cord* : 30x3^ I Clmcheiill ^x4.lisi;isf If til $12.50 $25,801 $28.40 $29.40 H^T. If today highest quality and low cost to a degree' whid||p|jJ^j^|^ equalled in my 23 years of rubber 'Manufacture 33x4^4 34x4i4 33x5 ! 35x5 I Wr. WSeii â- ,r,,,^,,r:tFMm*$35^e m^SM" --Ipim $36.50 m^m^^m^:. it M^mlQJM ^lincherj 9M Read again that last paragraph I l's message^to vsn ~J" Remember it is^^^ niade over his own/ W'~ signature by a man whose namej has stood for achievement in the making of ^highest quality tires for more than 20 years-HSe birilder of ~i more*cord tires than any other man! r^=*he-inventor-e£ ^le^traight-side^ tireâ€"-the man responsible for to-; - day's type of cordr-and the man who made possible the Seiberling ^-30x3^ Ghneher Cord-Tire^to^seH-at || $12.50â€"the most talked-about ac- p^cottpiishTn^ir in iOT?tire mdOftry i£ during the past six months^ ff§f m No such tire values have ever been offered as you can now get in Selberling^Iord ^ind Portage Tires, Seiberling-built. T^ tires em- body more advanced features of construction than any other tires on . 'the market.-..'yll^SS'3M13^:-K'S2 39x3 -30x334 -j « i IfLJlOJ^ 32x354 Straight Side $17.25 _31x4 ^^JClincher_^J$18^ 32x4 II Straight Side $22.90 : .34x4 .wmmmsiSM^mM, â- tpsSM- Po^$ME^li4l: §0i mm: 30x354 -M Clincher \y2 Straight Side I We want you to prove thi statements to yourself qutcMy,rs< instead of waiting until June 1, we are making these new tire prices effective to our customers todays Come in, or^one us. Start 'tp^:: £ut;you1rtire^o^ts^ â-  on; -ttaAe!^^ 32x4 W ^3x4 i 34x4 1 32x4^ 33x454 34x454 ^5x1g|~ 33x5 |12J6 $22.20 $26.90 ^127.80 $29.70 $355,10 $33.80 $34.70 I 87x5 ?43.30 in $50.10 WILMETTE MOTOR SsfSJBiS* '..'.'li^T:':' P. J. SCHAEFER> Propriety ;i5lSlf|lv?!;lil,0 :#** Phone^ Wilmette 636, jf; Sfl-17 4th-Stree^,;^|^||^^g|^^^^^g'" â- -â- â- iSjsSi*:;, resentatwes ai f T^he Chicago Baptist aaHOclation V^rrm'#111 meet next week at Elgin Thursday #?|l|^and ^W^yafternoon^and.; evening * K ?%sday the new^ffieeraLolJhe church, were Installed and 4he Organization^ rft^thg newTycar ^a& com^le^!!f||ll .. ^llSloiniii^ftatheP li*o»pita|<Sl! Z m Woman Writerâ€"When there is unex* â„¢ted company I just fatt b^k on toe fashioned w^tp^ grandmother'p Hifl pg,«. sMi^M^~Z,M C^iRiDiS^ iW^MmmWm â-  iii.-j,:'.v. . -V ^:^.^f^'-r^" "y'i ' &-x$!&0i"-X*â- â- â- fr'frfoffifffiffiiffi a^i ' â-  ^L;&;-Vy&'&jj* ^^f.^tf^.'^^^i'"^"' fCW^^M^^^K-^^^^^^-

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