Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1922, p. 7

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?llf^Ill * THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, mm :H mmmmammmmmm SE SOCTAIHIVCTIVITIES « ITEMS! OH 1PERS0NAll MENTION Six Brown Brothers ft Feature Program Club Sat. s!iffiis:: |IE Six_JBrows JBrotheraJiLof ^Ip^Fbp" 'and Fred Stone fanier will furnish one of the most, entertaining programs of Sfgfr the season at the Ouilmette ^Country Glub tomorrow evening, fol- : flowing the Juvenile party for children I of the sixth, seventh and eight grades* ".?:.!;iThe Brown Brothers need no introduc- fltion for they are know as the premiere isaxophonisl» of the wOrW^T^jBpeaiv ^f ance afTthe club .nasHbeen made pos* isible only through the personal friend- ^ishlp jot one^of the members, Mr. Kerry I An invitation to attend this extra- lordinary feature program has been intended to all members and their tends rind doubtless tho club auditor^ ium will b^flUed to,capacity ram; „ A musical "will be given by the &uee» Esthers and. Standard Bearers %f the Wilmette Methodist chnrch, Ijpriday, etenin*, May 19, at eight /clock. JThese are missionary organi- jitlono with a membership composed ^r^htjgh^school gWs, and they are seeking, by means of this program, *o present their work and raise some %iQtteyfor? theirs pledges. 1*Ajdlyer tofferinfc will be fekeC STO ,,. |§\The niijahers |% he lrji$5*w 3extette. far) :Carxy<Me Back to are Old Virginia. • r» ^,,; (b),T0totf?olks!at â- mme-$M$0B Inna W|egforth, Lttlie Mac Humphries, I MaYlon Thayer, Arax Boyajian, Lu- § ella Burrows. Marguerite Lundberg. ^fbtfn"Iblor£^ m&M?'%oU*Syi:&J*..U Ethel Flentye Reading, (&) Reiverie in a Church. -â- â- *«? vSiai B0I6T trkele accdn^athment:V - ..... .... .Millie Mac. Humphries Our Work. 'â- ' â-  â-  *' Dorothy Troy, Mary Ellen Bent- liiif leyv Dorothy JHeas, Marion Thayer. f&-Margaret Bennett, Ettttmae Stur- ^^ gebn, Eunice. Betts, Lillian Pitch. ."America, the Beautiful"........... K? ......Marguerite Lundherg,, Violm' Solo.. v- .Catherine GranquiBt Piano Solo...v..Marguerite Lujadberg Reading ....;. ^. • • • • • • Lydia^ Weher Piano Solo (a) Minstrels... .Debussy I • (b) Waltz ...........Chopin Mi:0M&M Ethel;' Flentye#S*iffiSSl ** Myrilf M. Hopkins, assisted Wve? ta MurryJKatklns and Eldojfe Elaine Hopkins, reader, will--present her pupils in piano recital this evening at 7 :*5 o'clock, at the Wilmette Wom- an's club. The following young^ folks will take part: -Robert Goddard, "Junior Moore, Eulgeiie Boice, Helen a-Nordstrom,--€ar4rilne|f^ I Prochhow, Marie Norstrom, Marguer- & ite ScUroeTSer, tieonard Kraft, Mar- jorie Smith, Emftr McGinley, Robert * Nord ^JaneAndersoBr^Ethel Rosberg, i Virginia Skinnerv Howard Kraft, Ev- % elyn Waddell, Mary Elizabeth Town- I send, Gordon >Buck and Xoraine Ditt- man. p ? A cordial invitation is extended^to Sl^^mrilyvwho^receiitty^jwld^^heir hon» ' >:jgjjat 1118 Greenleaf sfrenueiMJfcJ*^ ^p^mbriiiiig for ^s^denaT^aS^wh^e "Ittey will take tip their new residence. Wilmette-fog and their lot wmil>er^bf co-operation^Jn all of fvillage activities will b© «r«atty miss- led ^mmsm Phe Infant Welfare will meet with Iprs. Charles McCue, 631 Wa8^!*0^ ^avenue, on Thursday/May 25, at 2*30 iWo'dock- Instead of the regular work ii^day, this meeting wiU take 3**^*â„¢ |i*f a social afternoon MIs|TTJ«ee, t^Buperintendent .-ft .-â-  "tofant Welfare ^MfctansB and Misi Gladys Spry, chsdr- iSilman of the Women's Auxiliary* wtu l^^alk about the infant ^elfM©JK°*fT ^gmans^.for:th^.coming.-drtye:rwM:::>« """^ jtawd and all those who are expect- tag to help are most cordially in^flf4 iplfeo be present -at this meej;tag.jgfi| Members of the WBmette mMs, branches and prizes of season tickets for the Children's Symphony Concerts will be' the rewardv^'^i*^!'^?^!":"':*;1'"^^ Mt*i E. R, Selleck, principal of a group of three schools in Chicago Heights, this past -winter, has Just re- ceived his appointment as superin- tendent of schools in Sterling, 111. Mr. and Mrs. selleck and their son will move to their new home sometime this summer. Mrs. Selleck was form- erly Miss Margaret Hall, daughter of Mrs. Lorin Hall. : ";â- ' - ; 'â-  - The demands upon the Auxiliary for aid for American flghtergr now forced to wage the fight against poverty and sickness are increasingly numerous and the women here have decided, in this instance to afford all women ef the village an opportunity to assist in swelling the fund which will help meet this imperative, need. The patronage of every woman is solicited in this most "worthy cause, -f;%.: â- â- â- â- . -^ J 'ri;;-| The North Shore Vafesar Club will have an informal tea Friday after- noon, May 19,* for the 25 North Shore, girls who have registened for en- trance to Vassar college in the next two years. The girls' mothers are so Invited to the tea, which will take place at the home of the presi- dent, Mrs. Peirce C. Ward, 112 Green Bay road, Hubbard Woods. An announcement of interest to many of the school childreii as well as their .parents, is the recent mar- riageof Miss iEdythe ^eg, to Mr. R. Dusher of Rochelle, which took placo on Saturday^ Ma^r 6»it,t the brides- home in Crescent, 111. Miss Dwher was fifth grade teacher in the Central school for several y^ars.^, ^ ^ . "';;*'-;:cSXf'r:r^'*^^^*,'^io--;-^-.^..-;>â- ... â- â€¢^...., â- ..,:. Oh Monday afterriobh^ May 22, Ouilmette Country club Will: enter- tain at luncheon and bridge for its nleWers^ andV^their gues* s7 Reserva- tions for the luncheon must be made to the steward by Saturday. Next Saturday evening, the club will hold its montl>*y formal dinner dance, for^ the senif* members. â€" oâ€" Wilmette'" and other north shore members of tb'<s Alpha Phi sorority, are busily en'<aged in selling tickets for the mov^g^ picture show, "A Tale of Two C«ties," to be given at the Hoyburn theater, this afternoon and evening, for the benefit of the Alpha Phi snrofity house, building fund. University of Wisconsin last week-end to Wd farewj|l |o h^^^i^^^ Dr; G. IJ. Beard of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, will be at the Gross Point Health Center as usual on the fourth Tuesday of the month, May 23, at 10 a. m. Further informa- tion may be obtained of* Miss Queen, telephone Wilmette 882. * r Mr. ^C. C. Carhahan, 700 Central avenue, left Monday for Pasadena, Cal., to join Mrs. Carnahan, who Ms been spending several weeks as the guest of Mrs. B. B. Rathbone tod Mrs. P. Persons at their respective haaaes- theiFtei)- ' ....... * â- â- â- â-  ;.v.;f ./MA:' Announcement is ~ made of th© marriage of Miss Marie Schuck ot Chicago, to^Mr. Krank C. Pseriicka of Gross Point, which took place Wed- nesday morning in the Congregational churbh. Rev. Stephen A. Uoyd read the service at eleven o'clock. J| Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M, Grain, who have been residing in the W. W. Kerr house at 707 Forest avenue for the pa'st year, haVe rilbved mto their .new home at the comer of Ashland ave- nue and Ninth street. ° j Mrs. WilJJam D. Hamilton, 835 Six- teenth street, entertalnediinformally at bridge on Saturday evening last in honor >of h^er JweokieRd ^nesj Mr and Mrs. Fred Gardner White ha*ie returned from » winter's sojourn i'a Florida, and arb at tiie. North Shore hotel, temporarily; Mrs. White's mother, Mrs. Martha Skinneiv who has also been in the south, will be at the North Shore health Resort for sever- al vreete*M*M^MMM?^iW^:; ^' ^;: *: Base Ball Banks at the A-O-Ki-Ta Camp Fire held a busi- ness meeth>gxat the home of Roberta Hope on Thursday afternoon, May 11. n^~T#1 -- â- % 1 Officers for the coming year *ere j WllmPttP Statfi Bank elected: president* Ruth Rockw«tt^|fl4JlHUrcW iJldlC fJOim secretaryV Eleanor Buckmaii; treas^ urer, Betty Mulford; bead recorders, Sara Gaper an^' :Ruth-Rice,it|^i| i%IiP%nd â-  rMrs. ;Percy:i -Wr-^Andrews, who have rented their home at 411 ^ke^venuerr^or^Iie^-8unMnerr-«re^ planning to leave on June 6 for an extended trip in California. At pres- ent they jare making their^^ home with Mrs. Andrew's garents, Mr; and Mrs. MT^W^K^Balfrett; 133 Forest avenue. Sayre Barnes of Chicago. Mrs. Minnie Crippen is spending a fortnight as Ithe gueist of Mr. W. C. Shurtleff and family, 815 Lake ave- nue, en route to her home in Water- loo, Ia.,? after a three months' llc||i- ter^aneaii';.txipir|{:;; o %&â-  ^i&y±: & p Miss Marian Seng spent the week end at "Illinois" where ^heattendeCa hjrasw tlanceTgTven by Beta Tfieta Pi fraternity... _r: .,;;..,.;..., .:,.,^,,,„,(.6/,. BASE BALL NEWS Sal A 'â- ;•:â-  •â- :â- ;."': $2000.00» stock of 3Nb\ 1 grade of SAVQY BRAND canned^ eoodsmust regardless of loss. f i Every Boy and Girl I in Wilmette Should Have Orie lliMife COME INTO â- :â- :•â- 'â-  i0UftiH0ME-BANiC-| We ciarry a^fuU fimot §ancy #> ^pRmlTS AND VEGETABLES Shipments Received Three Times Daity Wilmette f'ruit Ma^t MM) Wilmette Avenue iney wiu wt*o up «.««-»« fWW--v, , Misi^Biefece ^McKehzie anrf Miss The^Xrf>banog!&^haye£:!ieen resfdentfl B^li^Wariiftiak of -California, who4|-^ ^_^.... - ^ â€",.,_ -â- Â» -~<>~« i hftV6 recbhtly returned-4rom^^n- er- tensive tOttr of Australia and the South Sea Islands, were the guests "onzie^sister, last weeK 01 Miss Mrs. Paul^oftaaptt, aventte^;; â- "'^0^^^'^^ 111.8 Greenleaf rtfel&Br^;"-8i:':TMroe, president of the North .Shore Catholic _Woman's l7eaWe^wm~Teave tfie first of next week to attend the annual convention of the Illinois Federation of Woman's Clubs to be held In the Capitol build- ing at Springfield, May 24, 25 and 26. oa ^Peat Auxiliary and tHelr friends are t^piamitog to attend the Card Party 1 being given tomorrow afternoon at the OuiMette Country club for ^b^ iBt of destitute ex-servic* ffj-fff g^helr famliiesA^:,ghe wle of tickets, rcflon of M's: ^^ ^ 4S-ttris^ioped-aat^very-^,^ windows of •--frtores*â€"-â€"- ^f^fgiii 'â- ' Reading contest display 's and Snldors ', ^ariMEHwMoet Winn m^m^^m'^^m ^eir *ame» a» eontes^^| WW, Judges various Miss ^Dorothea- Bull,_Mbose marri- age to Mr. Wallace B. Behnke is to take place on June 1, was the gues* of honor at a bridge and handkerchief shower given b* Miss Veima Staley at her homo in Evanston last Sattlr- day afternoon. -.• â- â- - :il|||i||^:ll Mr. and Mrs. Ixmis A. Clark re- opened their home at 716 Iiake ^aver uue* this week, and will move back here today or tomorrow. Since their return^troni a Mediterranean cruise they have' been staying at the Bdge- w«tet^&B«ch^^6teU ess at a teav giyjan at faei* home,, Forest avenue, on tliursday^ aff«md<m fSwiennffie^ hours of 2 and iro^elock; in honor of V». Henry Pierce ^ope of Glencoe, who is leaving shortly |or tDNA E^HUGWEt Griduat« MaiMuse |Tra«lo«nt firen LadiM in their Bonn by appointment 1006 Central Ave. Wilmette IIMM'210 DOYLE COURT--44B. Telephone 2004M Wilmette, /«. LAMP SHADES i|f*TSJade to oH«râ€"-OH one* repaired %. ~„? and sewing by the dayâ€"Call ^^VANSIX)n;7371'|1 dM^hter,-^iItsr-Aibert Roekwei!. Ruth Knapp returned from the m$mml2!f& .,... Seven Points of Supremacy^ t^ir>Ehe sole leather use^Tin "FOOT-PITTBBS" Is of the best quality «btaliMib»||i| Bren the Insoles are cut pom standard-outsole-Jeather. . â-  & ^^Sii 2. "FOOT-FITTERS" are the only shoes In the.wnrid harlngfnll len«^ !*S^* ^ and sole leather box-toes. This feature prevents ripping at the. tip and makei^i^ a smooth outer and Inner surface. 3. The insoles are shoulder channelled^ SQ.Jhat_„the_^^^ ontsole. There Is no need or room for a cork flHer. A smail piece « to prevent s<iueaklng» • ' •• * ~ â- ' . â- 'â- - .. 4. The Calfskin Inside counter pocket is of great value, for it saves the. wet on tbe socks. There is narausrh surface to rub against. . â- '*"::' B "FOOT-FITTER" heels are %-inch longer-than generally used^ They gr additional support to« the arch and increase the comfort and wear of the shoe^ 6 The vamp is reenforced with 8-oz. dock. This absorbs the moisture fro the foot, this keeps the vamp from cracking and holds the shoe in shape. . f ll£^-^Edmonds^«FOOT-FITTER'» shoes are called «»FC)OT-FITTERS» because they #TthV foof^ugry^mHr ontrembtnation lants^ they .support^ the foot *5ctoi*s ?andSe.-?;FOOT-F|TTE^S»' give Comfoyi, Service and ^ppearange like

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