Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1922, p. 1

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^'mm'. w$?^A vm-imimmmsmm 'WrrrW^r The Timely Record of Community Events % VOL. IX. NO. 28; WILMETTK, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1982 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE GENTS (DUNCES 'RULE Board WiU Hold Meetings on 1st rs oi To Consider Amendments to Zoning Ordinance f ;WiImette's Zoning Board of Appeals has effected definite organization and is already at work on matters pertain- sing to the recently enacted Village Zoning ordinance. The Board, as previously announced 'in The Lake Shore* News, comprises the following members, Robert Stod- dard, Samuel J. Nordorf, ifohnj D. ^€eufferT:--GharleBâ€"- W. -Trjggs=::andh FORD, NOT HENRY, GETS |$10aRNt-SPEEDING â-  Police Magistrate Daniel M. Mickey JispenseTlustice»with a heavy hand last Saturday afternoon in Wilmette Speeders' court. pAffl1i-P Glenn S. Ford of Chicago, who drove xrcgiuar hiS car along Sheridan foad in Kenil- worth at a rate of 55 miles an hour, according to motorcyclist Clement Leyvtwas;:ai$sej[^^ ©OStSir ;'^;^^^ ' 'â-  'P0&0- Paul Gustafson of Chicago, came next in order with a fine of $40 and costs for negotiating Sheridan road _at-an^ind4cated-paee-e^-4e~mttesra^- hour. _^ ,7:__-___IIS---'.' ' ' "";"â- ' Other speeders who received more moderate assessments included: Mrs. G. Scribner, Chicago, $10 and costs; Robert White, Highland Park, $10 and costs; J. Ginta, Chicago, $20 and costs; J. R. Beatty, Wilmette, $10 and costs; H. D. Orwig, Evanston, $10 and costs; Li. Connors, Chicago, $10 and costs; F. K. Cook, Winnetka, $10 and costs. ' i s j; i l William P. Crawford. At a recent session Mr. Stoddard was chosen - chairman of the Board and Samuel J. Nordorf selected to serve as secrie- tary. •. . „ â€"..... ---------. Among other matters, the Board of Appeals has devised a set of "rules riffoTrtnienBuidance of the-puWic^-wfcich The Lake Shore News considers of such importance to every resident of the village as to warrant publication in detail. These rules are as follows: ••1. Regular meetings of the Board will be neld on the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month; if a legal holiday, then on the next succeeding Wednesday not a legal holiday; the hour ,of meeting will be 8 o'clock P..If..-. "2. The Board will consider: (A) Appeals from the decision ". JA2 Ap,p!a|* fl?ni-â„¢wSS5St was a captain in the New York Guards of the Superintendent of PublicWorkr d RooSevelt> nas been secured to In alt matters pertaining to the en- . ... ,Ho a«m,t9 in military tactics. _____________ pertaining forcement of the provisions of the ~~ aingJaw. - ^ -(B) Application? for relief where the enforcement of any provision of the Zonfng law results in the im- position of particular hardship. (C) Petitions- which comprehend a change in the Zoning Law â€"^â€" Complaints In Writing "3. All complaints or applications must be in writing, and must set fOrth all facts necessary to a full under- standing of the same; if a hearing i* desired, applicants will be required to so state; complainant or applicant will sign his or her name and address and give the name and address of his or her attorney or counsel, if there be any; all complaints or ap? plica^i*»sto be filled with the Secre- tary of th^T Board. *.â- â- ., "4. In all cases where a hearing is requested (except those that cOmpre- hend a change in the Zoning Law) v the same may be taken up at any re- gular Board meeting, and may be cmhTnittpd by the applicant either in f^ersoiTor by Tepr^senlativerTn~^tt cases where no. hearing is requested _ the complaint, or application wjll be • considered and decided Jjpqn^jhe written data presented. ,, . J7 „ "5. Deliberations on all matters submitted for consideration by the Board and decisions made there- under shall be in executive session only and applicants wiir be duly no- tified of the decision of thei Board by letter, a-copy thereof ^b^e Sled with the Superintendant; of the |fW»c , WVjrkS.*' • ' :'^'-^ ::S:^S-':&U""'^ .".--v:"':;,'.i-'y-.;:.,r Secretary Nordorf this week an- A^ed /hearing by the Poard of Appeals Wednesday evening, June 7, at 8 o'clock, at the yinage^hall, at which time persons ^^^^^ afforded an opportunity to be heard upon a tentative report of the Boara of Appeals recommending- to tne -^H^g^ard-efTrustees certain variationsor4 amendments to the Zon- „--------- . 'ing law Copies of the proposed the Junior room, amendments - „^m«nt« are available at the of age and older are urged o bring a2endâ„¢? village Manager Schultz at their mothersrand have a real "get-t* ^^VinlgTnS ^ Lrt,«r» Mrs. E. Anderson will have] *w~ordinance, Concerning which charge of tbeTcitchen, airt_Mrs.W. D. J^JSâ„¢^ & be held, would be Lawrence and Mrs. A. .H. How»rd^f _,. .the hearing is to «» »JgJ cjassiflca- in Charge of the program. The pro- amended f .regard to "ve g .to^^ ged 8^ that the banquet tion, regulation and [estricuo ^ufbe over in Ume for the girls and ^nuildingawithin the^limits.^^^ jyi»J>e,^!!.t?1iJlunftnfi the exhibit. ML not more than vuv «t,~â€"â€""*„'- nt ii^l? be permitted;«any ptece<ot land indicaMd^^ ^eie^Tol-KlIEsabJIvtsfon^^ ^JSn^maT br^ereafter erected ^^al^rch lastj^day^ening dwelling^ nw ^ tc^iav^-a-froa^ ^bV-eoncer^was «iven-«nder-auf An ordinance^se^g »r«. ^ andjas in toe oaTrtor^p M^rkiipfB s«Pul^nSne^f the Village- a" fended tour of Europe. Jda* Board of Appeals Mrs. Charles W. Moody Ap- pointed Chairman of Wffek LEGIONNAIRES PLAN i IMEM0RIAL DAY EVENT mm TICKIX SALES Leading Women of Village on Important Committee Sundayr May 28, will bO observed by the Wilmette Post, No. 46, of the American Legion as Memorial Sun- day when special services will be held in the evening at the First Congrega- tional church, honoring tfeose who have died in the nation's wars. The ^ervices^wiir bir h«laTit^;30~o^cTock and will be open to all residents of the village. A prominent, speaker will | give the address awd members of the Post will appear in full uniform. _JRCilmette^-Post-is^formttlatittgrplatts for a fitting celebration of Memorial Day, Tuesday, May 30. The Post Is hoping to have the co-operation of the P. J. Huerter Post of Gross Point in a joint celebration and street pro1 cession for the two villages. J Names East Side Directors Much Activity in New Local " Organization -BY V. Rae Seventy-one Girls Scouts and more seeking admittance every weelcâ€" that is where the Wilmette Troop stands. It is expected that this will reach the hundred mark before the Troop goes to camp. Any girl in Wil- mette, Kenilworth or Winnetka, be- tween the ages of 10 and 18, who voluntarily takes the Scout Proinise, is eligible to join. Call Wilmette 2848 for any further information.___ Captain Thos. E. JBullivaht, who drill the Scouts in military tactics. W. H. Zibble, chief of the Fire-de- partment, will speak to the Troop next week on "Fire Pretention/* Form >Patrpl â- .Unit.. A Patrol Officers* association has been formed, which win meet once a month^to^make the plans and policies of the Troop. All patrol leaders, cor- porals, and troop officers are mem- bers of this organization. Helen Hayes, Frances Edgerton, Gladys White and Fae Christiansen, were given offices last week, while Dorothy Niles received commission _as_Secpna Lieutenant and Jane Nystrom as Or- The sale of Girl Scout cookies is prospering and will continue for a few weeks more. Doughnuts and cakes are also selling readily. ^ ... - i, . An ^athletic organization will be formed this week within the Troop, only Scouts being allowed tojknn. HOLD CHDMhIcHOOL IEXHIBIT HERE The approach of summer brings re- newed interest in the Ravinia Com- mittee, of Wlilmette, a division of the Ravinia club working under the aus- pices of and with the endorsement of the Wilmette Woman's club. Mrs. Charles W. "Moody, 1132 Ash- land avenue, has been appointed chair- man for this season, and bas secured a representative committee to carry out the 'work. This^ means, selling ickets, which Is tlie "guarantee that Mr. Louis Eckstein, Ravinia^club di rector, asks that it may be possible to give the residents of the north shore the artistic and.interesting pro- grams of symphony music and grand operirnild^erjcpnditions more Jfayorable than can be found a,nywhere else in the world. Emphasize Children's Program^ __Special attention will be given this vear^tcT children and young people, These regular Thursday programs are under direction of Mrs. Mary Oberh- dorter^and Miss Betha Isles, are ex- tremely popular and promise to be of even greater interest than in past seasons, ' Names of Ravinia Grand Opera ar- tists, whichrwiltteclude several Metro- politan singers and others, will be an- Bounced In the hear future. Mrs. Moody's Wilmette committee comprises the following women lead- ers in -the "Village S5p; ^^mms/. ,r':^i III. The- Wilmette- Committee. v,;;|i|| Mrs. Jon«: Clark Baker^ JMrs^diiWr 6. Blake; Mrs/Louis W. Crush, Mrs. William H. EUis, Mrs. John D. Emrich, Mrs; George G. Hannah, Mrs^W. Frank McClure, Mrs. C: J. ^loore, Mrs. R W. Moody, Mre^Pterold-Jr^ewton, KENiLWORTHJfCLE c£jTnesda3E^Jiay__J^J -The Church School Exhibit of the First Cengregational church, win be. held this evening at 7:30 o'clock.^ach department will exhibit the work: of its pupils and show some of the class projects which have gone fortl[during accuinuiaieu „ the year. There will bemany tatjert. grounds ing models, of cfay and sand, most^p^ -----__ which have been done ^by me Pupils themselves, with the aid of Mrs. A. J. Coburn, who is well-knowna^ sculptress, and others who are^a|tgts ^During the' evening, a snort program will be liven. The Church School or- rhestra-Will be on hand, and tne l^utfand Camp Fire Girls will have some* of their handiwork displayed. At 5:30 Friday evening,'the Mothers and Daughters banqnet will be held in ana uauBm,« » *QirlB tWelve years Ku>fJtoJ>menjme^ aiteiiLmoUiej^J^^ .an one dwelling^ISCJ _------. ^^B' - PLEASES IN CONCERT Milan Luik, noted violinist, whose n Wflmetter appeared^4n ^e Wilmette-J^lelhMigl SKS=535«<*%^ft itipniawona w« vmaeeJ :_ ^^AnA *nnr of Europe. Ida_»'_. «t e Miss Winifred Nichol, Mrs. vC. P._Ev ans,-Mrs. M. L. Patterson, Mr^ Wil- liam Shellman, Mrs. Joseph J4 Slddall, Mrs. L. W: Strong, ^ Tawse, Mro. B F. Wanner, Mrs. H. Jfl. Warner, Mrs. G. H. Weaver, Mrs. Charles E. Wells, Mrs. Joseph Mi- chaels, Mrs. Earl J. Smith, Mrs. War nest Bartlett, Mrs. Herbert Weld, Mrs. J. A. Pancoast Mrs. James F. Rowley, Mrs. BvR. Brower, MrsTVr. Starkel. BUYS WILMETTE HOME Dr. O. H. Bersch, Ravenswood op- tometrist, has purchased the E. R* Nourse residence at 1716 Forest ave- nue and |ast Friday took possession of the property. Dr. Bersch expects to Spen an officf in Wilmette In the early f uWer^e^wW^oFmeriy^n^haxgfi^ the opttcaMenai^ent^^^ll.f^ cock, Inc. ME? "Clean-up Da^inSii^^ vUlage enterprise which has -as its object the cotteclion and removal o* accumulated rubbish on private and ing soloists. read hi* 4>book of verses.^ But he had no book-case or easy FOR^SALB==MAHOfiAlCEâ€"-SB€^ tlonal bookcases and old hickory porch furmituro. Evanaton 692. USE OURliVANT ADS Attractive Strac^p^Ht?L^ The corner, 100 by 150 feet, directly opposite the Wilmette Public Library* has been agmjrgd bv St. Johns Lu theran^chutch for its new church edi- fice, which is to be erected in the near future. The change in location, was prompted mainly by the desire of the congregation that the new church should be as prominently and advan- tageously located as possible. What disposal will be made of the present church property has not yet been de- cided since it will be necessary to re- tain the present churcfc until the new one is ready for ocupancy. -k* sp The newly acquired-property is con- sidered an ideal corner for th.e purpose in question, and the completed plans of the church should fit in very ad- mirably with the "Wilmette Beauti- ful" plan. The firm of Lowe and Bok lenbach^rliave 4>een^ngaged as Archi- tects to plan and aupervjaeithe work* It is expected that the complete plana, of which preliminary sketches have al- ready been submitted, will be ready by the beginning of Julyi i^ Aftractive Edifice The Building committee I of erecting a church which shall be tttstinctly churchy in design and at the same time-serve such purposes as modern needs suggest. The church interior will be planned so as to con- form to Lutheran tradition* Jind-the Lutheran form of worship. jnilagete Its Scope ^^ iniAiOavre^KiCEK Arthur H;fIowamaME. L. ITS A^ny person attending the annual meeting^ orjthe Wlimejtte^ li^^ ment Association at Library hall on Monday evening must have been im- pressed with the evident determina- tion of this organisation td press for-" ward in^jthe accompiislme work it has. set out to perfiirni tor tlje village. Organ^igetnabuut a^yaar^liF to^iwotect a^Idealized section 1» tho- then pending zoning ordinance^ its activities spread to all p>rts of the village, and it found so many jmfijwrttf anJLjfeattejrii^^^ the news and confectionery stand at. VMmtl «ie_LisdeiLavenJiSJVL Jiexmlnal^ ajiC ^o-helpT known to hundreds of Wilmette com- â€"--â- â- - mutersâ€"but always just as "Shorty" â€"has been placed* on the hero roll by the residents of southeast Wilmette. Wednesday night, May 10, it ported, "Shorty" displayed the alert- ness and ingenuity born of many years' experience as a purveyor of "poi- pers" in and about Chicago, and as a direct result of his quick wittedness rescued three little boys, and sounded the alarm that saved the Thomas E. Sulliv^n^bme-at-BS^Gregoiy avenue; from possible destruction by fire. . "Shorty", in passing the Sullivan home^Jheard the frantic calls of a maid He spoke of the aims and ^^^g of the board, revealing ^1ntta^e|^ knowledge^^f/'schooralfairs /WJ^S^S no doubt,-that the ^^J^^SSKm til having him as president â-  Pt„*}*W§M, aohool^board. Mr. Howard;paid>W«h^g tribute:-to,'Superintendent;Harj^,and^^ the entire corps of ^^^^^SMil vinced â-  his â-  hearers that--the; •board f*$lag* tends to-- provide buildings and eo^jj|j ment worthy of â-  suc^s»lendI4^oc«*i^ Pictures filllaae Beautlfulw *•«->.:^l^# ^r. sebeiden^lm aroused tbefate^:^S est and enthuli|sm' of^ the;»«%« by a comprehensive explanation- of jJ^'Mf Sans of/the commission for. lmprov-p^ ing and beautifying the central pwt of the city. His talk was demjms^rat. ed with an architects drawing^ show, tSg just how the village wlU appejj when the work is eomple^^Betore ' M^^Scheid^iihelni^had^ished^as^ Nation members not fmmâ„¢^ the plans presented, but were *ann|H| alone with the children as Mrs. Sullivan were away at the the- atre. Rushing to the house he found the entire basement ablaze. The three small Sullivan boys; Raymond, Thomas jr., and Richard, were in- their beds on the second-floor, the maid Informed. "Shorty" took in the situation in a flash and rushed to a neighboring house, from where the alarm was sounded throughout the neighborhood and the fire department ^fimmoned to the scene. */ ,. Ladders were secured from a near by garage and before long the volun- teer rescuers were at work like trained firemen___The-- little- tellows;-Jtrappe<i in a smoke fltlexrhouse. were rescued vTFtheladdir-rbut?, only after Thomas Jr. had been overcome, witn smokeT Physicians reausciiated the cuilU." Mrs. Charies-Sanford Clarke, 52ft Washington avenue, jhas gone east3o visit friends In ConnectlcutraricF to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas In New York. that tt was deejhed advisable to f^n^ ^ ;tlnue the .association as a; permattent^ljl organization, drawing its, membei^pj-;;;* and board 'of:^diinBCtOT»^lr^^'«*«n^p. secUon-of the â- vUlage.i||^^^^«::ffe â- llfThe' features of.' Monday evennTgTT; â-  g meeting were addresses by; P^siden||g|^ Arthur H. Howard of the school boardf 5 and E L.. Scheidenhelm, Chalrmi of: the Wilmette Plan Commission.'m^m â-  â-  â-  Discusses SehooV Problems ;.:.:;^^^p-: ^President Howard gave a c}ear;anft^' improssive ^presentation of the;. ITOff^ blems now -â-  confronting.;:,,the:v-:gcy>|y». board, giving in d^tjieplanaj^^ considered for ^^^^^^^m^mgk the school accommodations, and nain^^sfe â- ing -an' ;attiltctivirp*et^ : r» buiidings and grounds sooh^Pe^^ and ^Wte nam---------------:â€"»â€"•nr^xtx:rt.i-n^=: --.-------------zz:â€"^^____^.ij,„___.;______;_;__,.___^-: .._ -1 Following th# iddresses came^W ^ business Meeting of t»^8^«on;i a^eature of which was^e. report,of â- * Paul A. Hoffman, President. . ^_ ^ ^cretary Earl K Orner anr trej^ urer John M. Steffens gave:**#$£] showing the associatton toje J^a healthy state, financially and °ther- WTwo important changes fere.m^J in the by-laws, in accordance w^th^oye recommendatlphs ot _ President^o^ nxanr^te-nrsVTnnrvides^^or^ nieetlngs of the members, instead of | anlSa^ aft ^^%3*„**%& fc increases the board of director^froni ^ sratofore, to twen^r-o» Next canuKthe election of dfrec- tors. The following ajfrectora^wno^ terms explredr >»ere reelected; rms expire«i ^»0I^..*,;^0i~viri^.^^ EarbiLQrnen William F.^ Crawtora, Walter A. Schuler. Henry MeterlMMI, Bertrom Colvin.. . jp â-  'Name New- DIrectoral*»i-.>^a HTn© six- riew^dire?!^ from the eastern part«of the village^ '"5! R Eddington, iiu Cenir^a^i nut WfilHam A. Melchior, ^19 Cental avenue, ^Monroe R^Venables, 908, jaraenleaf avonuQ^^omaB ^ ntasTJr"" 600 Third street, Wil^n|AXp H^EllisiS23-';Greenwopd ^^J^^R ^otnas-B^Gibson, ^Ojenfe!^^â€" JI*e^president^and^omej^|ejra•*]&$& ♦iia ftflaociation are elected by the ^« the aasociawoa m° uTT^a^^bo^M: nionth^ meeianisrand soeclai mee^ ings a^e call of the president, .% A review of Presiden^offnWtt^ annual repeat togethe^^^^ nancial statement of ^aw«da«o| will be given in a succeeding issue p^ The Lake Shore Newer ^^^iiiiil.S^ SSfT-^^gg

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