mm Mm mom mews, wxmm> mm^mm*® Wm?>7£m mm tgssaeasmam CLASSIFIED IADVERTISElvfENTS REAL ESTATE Ratesâ€"10c per line for each" insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 12 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line.' 'Black Face type Charged Double Erice* :MM&~:V, â- REAL ESTATE '^M-';. BARGAINS IN HOMES AND LOTS New 6-room Dutch Colonial, hot water heat, tiled bath, 50 feet lot, all large light rooms. Breakfast room oft kitchen. A well built home at a reas- onable price. $11,000. Attractive 6-room stucco bungalow, good east section, hot water heat, tiled bath, - lot 50 by 180. Gas stove and ice box Included. Price $12,500. 7-room Colonial with glassed and heated sun and sleeping porches. Hot water heat, 2-car brick garage. Deep lot in fine section with good trees. Price • $17,000. Terms. * Modern 7-room Glencoe home situated on lot 75 by 170. Hot water heat, beau- tiful bath with tiled floor and walls -â- ' ai^*uUt^in^-fixtures.^-iirvtog--rOom â€"ky -24- with -big open fireplaceâ€":2=â€" garage (% now rented)* lot well shrub- bed. Price $14,000. We are offering some fine building sites f~ east alia west of the tracks in Wil- mette, Winnetka and Glencoe. Prices all along the shore are advancing on vacant property. The selection and prices are better now' than ever again. Better phone right now. R. M. Johnston & Co. 340 Linden Aye£_____J»hojie Wilmette-68^ -â€"'~â€"" -v.. L28-lto WANTED TO RBNT~-HOU8B WANTED TO RENT-4, 6 OR 6 ROd® house on the North Shore. Tel. Winn. 1015 or address Lake Shore News. B-19. LTG-28 Wanted â€" smallfurnished house; 3 adults. Will keep servants. Address Lake Shore News B-21. LT28-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"6 OR 7-ROOM house, for Wiimette party. One year or longer. Possession June Hit. Can give best of ref. Tel. Wll. 1724. L28-ltc WANTED TO BUY 6 or 7 RM. HOUSE in Wiimette: must be good value. Lim- it $15,000. $5,000 cash. Address Lake Shore News B-15. L27-2tc FOR RENTâ€"UNFURNISHED" APART. FOR RENTâ€"4-ROOM UNFURNISHED apt; also elegantly furnished rooms. Phone Wiimette 1080. LT2?-tfc for sale or trade In" FOR SALEâ€"40 ACRES IN ROSCOM- mon County, Michigan, nearly on beau- tiful Higgins Lake. Log cabin summer house; great fishing, $600. Consider, trade. A. W. Peard, 110 Third St., Wiimette. LTG28-ltp FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS lfr heat, lot 140x186, A^JR. EDDINGTON & CQ. UNEXCELLED ^EEMCE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS OF . ;:.,-:REAL£STATEiifc|S:i. 7-R. English Colonial in GHp&f, . 2 poiches,H;Wv heat, lot 66x210. Price '* $18,600. Will trade for a smaller house on N. Shore and cash equity. , ' a-R. stucr", F w. heat lot BOrtfifi: hftst section of Hyllmette" ' Price 122.000.^ 8-R. brick, sun and sleep. pchs.,^H. W. heat,.'% baths, 2-car garage, lot. 60s 224, very choice East Jpcation.p|§28,- 9-R. stucco, H. W. heat, nicely #&ded lot. price $28,750. This is a real bar- gain. â- _, â- Jt 11-R. stucco, H. W, $38,000. '_:'.' Don't delay buying lots. They are sure to be higher next fall. Call and allow UftJoaM« yjm-flojnfi-bargainajm west ==1tfk^ also ^Che^^ â- • .. • 1157 Wiimette Ave/ 'â- suM^m â€"^^:S? Phones 64«*rl4W,^664:S^aS :^mmm •- Wiimette, Illinois. . £ â- '*- -...... REAL. ESTATEâ€"SUBURBANâ€"NOHTW. F^ SA^E-FASHIONABLB ; LOCA- tion: owner moving soon; must sell 7- room stucco; unusually well, arranged modern home, with a beautiful spacious UMng room, having fine big fireplace and fun porch off it, with disappearing windows, tile bath with buiK in show- - SSa lavT^slTlloor, 3 bedims and sleeping porch. Spencer auto feed heat- er and' Ruud instantaneous hot water SuppSr, attractive lot with shrubbed trees/ garage in rear; buyer need hay£ no hesitancy about this proposition; price $21,500; terms arranged. WILMETTE REALTY CO. Ki9 ,1th «t^-;K;:i^;TeL Wil. 1304 ,513 4th :at.o,;.^:a,;v, :, „ , -,,. . LTG28-ltc ^r M. E. BARKER & CO. . air Tinriftn Ph. Wiimette 407 Have tot offer an exceptional home, situated in the most exclusive east .side loc" consisting of 3 beautiful master bed- rooms, tile bath and jshower, sun and dinine porches, attractive liv. rm. with ALMOST NMW -FOR Kfc^S^omTm^St eouO^aectton. m© near deWand schj^^SlargeJbetoma^^^^ iHiSd tev*tory, sW,^«lgeaMast_ f^at. No.-Kol burner, _«ouble_h^ateo^ 1 «£«*©." prrcereduced ta S2S^nror- ~ U wfnSefto, l^eal toargain^m^a^ b^U â€"^colonial stucco home onwFoxaaia Ave. ^with 100 feet frontage. 7 ^|e J^S8/ 1»E W. heat, fine trees and shrubs. - Owner has cut price to $14,500. Hubbard Woods, 7.-room home with ^SSSfast and sleepingâ- porches, fine lo- cation, nice -tot, $10,800. .. Z$mm FRANK A.--REID £ ^ SOMELKEAL BAJ<UAiJ^Afn 8-ROOM HBTUCCaâ€"WATER__HEAT, tSSgTwo^ed lot, garage.-^omenBu^ 6-room new'stucco.* Vm"^.OmII.^000. 5-room wtucco bung. Cash tt.^^%ffj- .&££S£ Xve. lot facing lake, only $115 wlSttT^ve? seweV '^'j^lyM Furnished for summer, 7 rooms....$17| Rental, 7 rooms,^ew,^?.. J,'^"' *?"> -JMUl^-MQQDY & CO.---------- FOR RENT, "RENT-JULX" f^"BBNTWUbX AND AUGUST, 7- ^mh?le including *£SJâ„¢*& Eduction of rental if ^wn^ reserves § room for ^id-week use; .^^g***8*6 ^n ChTStalLake, Mich., for July -^Augwst^ W1L 988-R* and .___L28-lt<^ cfta"sALE-HOU^B _ ---------- 6fe "$750 DOWN MUST BE SOLl>â€"»o00 _ ^ ^oâ„¢rTPMfik?606 W. Railroad Ave. -Kcnilworth, IH. __^LTG28-ltp FOR RENTâ€"BEAUTIFULLY FURN- iBhed front rooms, East side, hard wood floors. Reasonable. Adults. Tel. Wll. 1940. LTG28,-lte **0R^RBNT==LARGErrCORNER .ROOM, it-^aide -home, ^well furnished, run- ning water. Central. Wil. 844-J. L28-ltp FOR RENTâ€"LARGE FRONT ROOM, block and half from steain Tor electric cars, only to perisbn employed. Tel. Wil. 1673. L28-ltp FOR RENTâ€"4-ROOM FLAT, AT 1608 Walnut St., Wil. Call between 6 and 1 o'clock evenings. L28-ltp WANTED^^BOABft-AND-ROOM-----^-as^ WANTEDâ€"TWO ROOMS AND BOARD for three adults. June, .July and Aug- -ust. Address Lake Shore News B-20. LT28-ltc Wgt^ V^NTEDâ€"FEiViALE WANTED â€" GIRL -. V OR WOMAN (white) for general hOuse-work; couple i*>f hours daily. Dirks, 816 Lake Aye., ?WH. TeL Wil. 1527. L28^1tp WANTED â€". MAID house work to go Wit 1167. FOR GENERAL home nights. Tel. L28-lte WANTEDâ€"A GOOD CAHmN lliJii. TU " flooring in private ^84tâ€" LTG28^1tc do small job of house. Tel,- Win. WANTED -r FIRST CLASS WHITE laundress, 2 days a week, steady work. Washing machine andâ€"mangle. ,540 Washington St., Glen. Tel. Glenr 62. LTG28-ltc WANTBB-^A NURSE TO FILL~VA^ cahcy lor 1 month. Family with 2 children, in Winnetka. Call Mrs. Paul Starr, Winn. 60. ddress 695 Prospect Ava ____-__^___-~~LTGa8-l-te-: SITUATION WANTED -^ DRES.SMAK- ing and plain sewing by the day, $4.00 per day. Tel^ Eyans.-^877. Call eve- nings. ^ _M H. SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO> LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, fihrubs and-- perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees-and stumps removed; also- drive- ways put in; can â- furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sul- livan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street* Winnetka. LTG24-tfc WANTEDâ€"1ST CLASS GARDENER work and grass cutting. Also house- cleaning, window washing; scrubbing, polishing. Will varnish and wax; painting and calcimining. JohttjGrokop, 119-15th St., Wiimette. Phone Wiimette 734 ,.--.% - . LT28-ltp NORTH . SHORE LANDSCAPE GAR- dener, thoroughly 'experienced in plant- ing and care of every garden work; estimates on fruit trees, shrubbery, perennials and hardy field grown rose stocks. Edward Sugrosser, 1030 Cen- tral Ave. Tel. Wil. 708-M. LT28-4tp WILL TRIM YOUR THKUti; ALSO CUT them down and split them up^ ready for the furnace or fireplace. Richard Marquardt, Grcsa PoinV ^^^ WHITE, permanent position as chauffeur or as night man in garage. Norman Easto, Care ^^ji^^M^^^ saleâ€"housrhoLd^goods^ HOUSEHOLD FURNjtfll^E, COMPR1S- ing solid- mahogany\diping room" suite; upright piano, bedroom and sitting room furniture, Wteh^jutonsils. 259 Cory Ave, Ra^rniaTiPhr^Highland Pk. 1207. LTG28-ltp FOR SALE â€" AN ANTIQUE 3-PIKCtf bedroom set, extra size, ^solid black walnut inlaid: wall mirror, 5 ft. by 4 ft. 2 in. in black walnut frame; 4 ft. oak table; oak extension dining tabler-pak dining chairs, leather seats; china cabinet; overstuffed davenport and chair; oak bookcase; bird's eyejaaaple dressing table and chair. TeL^W|^_4^ SALE-MISCteLLA^EOtis ~ CHOICE FOR INVESTMENTS SCHAEFER AND GOLBACH Tel. Wil, 484. . " Tel. Wil. 1038 INSURANCEiREAL ESTATE SEE US FOR ACRE TRACTS IN, NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, TOB- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. »â€"â- •«- FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES 6wing we have, •offer to .attention;] (^ to several ^advantageous deals madte lately we are enabled to a few very good exceptional prices, •below.- «........... the xused oar buyer this week second-hand cars at Some ar^ described r â- â- ,s^,^A]3ILLAG:1^^ MODEL 67 SUBURBAN SEDAN WITH so many features it is impossible to ' state them all. To be really appreci- ated the car should vbe seen* driven, ridden-in and tested in* every way. It has run only 15,000 mUes, has new cord stires and the price .is so low it is a one minute buy for someone who wants a beautiful, luxurious and easily driven •.â- ..,sedan.^;>.price"$2,S0O.> .^^^mm^J:;S:m:â- 'â- -' ^/FORD-V^^^^i:" 1921 SEDAN^IWtTHr STARTERT^DE- mountable rims,-spare tire, two bump- ers, double shock absorber, heater, speedometer, clock, spot-light; has been run only 4,000 miles and the motor is perfect. -We have had/several offers on •this car and it will probably -be sold within the next few days. Act at once. Price $475^^*m â- :. â- ;<<:â- ) ,-â- • â- •â- â- â- â- â- ???â- ?'r: â- â- • â- ;â- 'â- â- â- ;â- /â- â- - --^FOJE^ .^â- â- â- \\:/::rrr 1920 Touring with, starter block, shock absorbers and newl^i§^TMsL^.Jnttn^L ^j»i^e-«ir-We^tae8day atternoon -smoothiyrantTas easily as a larger rnu^ w«o«*«*r ni.<<i<r* ni«K me car. We' will gladly;_,demonjs|ra|e^ Price $250. ss" â- :tv-*^::}-'^':$?i&^r$.. 1918 Sedan with a smooth-running^^notor and new tires. The body and uphols- tering are in fine condition. This car has been used very carefully and is a bargain at fifty dollars more than we are asking. Price $175. •".,.-«*«v-z-.r-.-.- M>y: -.â- HUPMOBILE;^:i;.4%^v:'-: Model 32-Touring in good running order. isrjfiaj a? im ..trrsrtsp able little car and a good buy at our price of $150. â- â- â- .â- .â- •- .W-^v--;;-w. Panel body, 4-cylinder % ton. In wonder- ful condition ^Ha s^new <5ord. tires, new battery, and body looks like new. This truck shOuld^eH very readily. If you are interested act quicklyj^jer^ce WINNETKA MOTOR CO. Phone Winnetka 165-166, FOR SALE^1918 PAIGE T-PASSENGER enclosed car; good condition: $575^for quickÂ¥cash aale^T^l. WJJ. 13M,0 .,_ Read the Want Ads FOR FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES SALEâ€"CHEAP,* ster, fourth model.® Tel. Wil. 1760. A CASE ROAD- 11622 Forest Ave. L28-2tc FOR SALEâ€"STUDEBAKER TOURING fiSvery good condition; will sell cheap. Tel. Winn. 1203. LTG28-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MAXWELL TOURING CAR ": in good condition. Price $100. Apply ,; 819 Baric Ave. oi?, CftU WIL 313. o^ ^BEFORE YOU BUY A USED CAR, «®«ii SEE THE NEW WGARDNER GUARANTEED FOft ONgYEAH I LEXINGTON CHICAGO COI * 1008 D«»U St. EVANSTON LTG26-3tc Rathbont m LOST AND FOUND lostâ€"femaleJ toy boston bull terrier around northern part Of Wii- mette. Phone Wil. 1965. ^ Rewardi -':':r;"--.^1®;f-I-28-JtC. Charles waukee was the guest of Mrs. Edgar W. Burchard on Wednesday. v^^4itM Mrs. Ruf us J. Stolp entertained at The Evening Bridge Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Keehn on Monday evening. Mr.^Pr^^Bckhart retumedrbTTTrr day from .Asheville, North Carolina, where he spent several weeks. Mrs. W. B. Kunkel entertained her Bridge club at luncheon on Monday. Mr. Burt A. Crowe has returned from a business trip to New-York. spending several weeks at Virginia HotVSprings. 1 Mr\ H. R. Rathbone left Moiiday for Springfield and Alton, Illinois, where he speak at two large banquets. Mr^^id^Mrs^A^B^Southworth spent the week end^at Lake Geneva as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. South-- jworthâ€"-Buring their- absence rMrs* Southworth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ashley MacDonald, stayed »L tf1® Southworttr m&Stffl&W&fli&Sii-y- The Misees Harney of liilwaukee wUl be the guests of their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. for the week end. A very delightful "Tea" for twenty- five guests was given on Sunday evening by Mr. and Marsfg|Charle9f Frederick Southward, to announce the engagement of their daughter, Grace Eva, to Mr* Herman RichardJPomper, son of Mr. and llrs. Otto R. Pomper of Glencoe. The wedding will take place in June. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jones of 201 Sheridan Road motored to Louisville for the "Derby** last week en<l.".%03;:$ Mrs. B. C; Hawkea Teturned^tojt Wednesday from a visit In Iowa. The sympathy of all the friends and acquaintances of Mrs W. W. Whee4' lock I am sure are with her at thtei sad time, owing to^the death of her daughter, Miss Dale Wheelock, which! was the result of an automobile ac-l cident on last Wednesday at Mem-p phis, Tennessee. > | Miss Ruth Woodward writes that| she is having a wonderful time. SheL motored to "Washington for the week-.&$& jBnd^lasjL^weeTc. ^Mme^m ..-â- :â- 'â- â- '.'â- -notice. .. .' ___ â- 'â- "â- ';"?l';^*CAl>I>IBS--CLASS •»«A'rJ""^:' , .... .p5 We welcome you to Northmoor Country $§ Crab at Ravinia. The club is now open, m There are^plenty of players to keep you m busy; playing privileges and prises. S Mr. George V. Gelhar, Caddy Supe»-ig intendent, will lodk after your inter- ?L2*-4tcr FORISAtE^HOME THIS KENILWpRTH You can own and move if you will act immediately, surprised to know how easily purchase this property At you HOME: in at:once,;fii% You will be " °w* you "can act now. rom a ousmess trip to xsew-rorK. *,â€"â€">. â€"~ t;^.^:, j___.v-.__....,^; ._r_'i*_" -- "ri.i ^^^w- »* rw.<. I don't like this nrooerty to lie Idle. 11 I don't like this property to lie idle is reaUy ^i^:â- Jtee;:'«llianee""^'^\.•«B»â- Eight joomfl, three porche»-snn one. fast and sleeping porches; all modern IM^ conveniences; fine heating system. Loca?| ^ tj(pjn near iransportation. Good steed lo^g| with" attractive trees, shrubbery, flowers j|| and fountain on-back, lawn. Make .'W^jgHL pointment by telephone and see the prcp||^^ erty^Saturday or^Sunday^ =Thls^ma^b#^ ~ jus^^he^home you have been wanttegf to purchase. ' Telep^ffle """ Harrison 2T86. ;:|^Kl FOR feALE-*TWO tickets, May Festival, each. Tel. WiL 721-J SEASON Evahston. $11.60 L28-ltc FOR SALEâ€"4 EXCELLENT SEATS* for the North Shore festlvaL Tel. Wil. *> 1446. â- -• LTG2»-ltC FOR. SALE -FURNITURE. .RUGS, cart, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, atovea, any thing boughVwldjaina changed. 808 Oak St.,. Win. Tel _. 1212, LTGIrtfc ANTED WANTED TO BUYâ€"SEUONU. HAND furniture and other household goods. 'Highest price paid for sftme. prost Furniture Store, 1004-06 Emerson St., _j^S --Sir -Phone 189, Ltgl7-tfe fTKA ATTRACTlViii pttage, -nTepltByr^ypii^'"^0^!! ^nlc^ajgeTot^ew^alpdl 'or quick sale^â€"I^BOO^_Jum&ES- lm St, Winn. WANTEDâ€"DOLL CARRIAGE; LARU, "est size velocipede. Phone Wil. 1«75. , â€" L28-*tC /ANT43Dâ€"GIRL'S^OI "gycw-reirwiir-Bgs; To have you know the excellence of these iresh farm products, we want you to accept one egg free. Call at any of our dealers listed here and you will get one fine fresh egg absolutely free., A revival of the old baker's dozen. And then if you're not entirely satisfied jnth the egg& and butteinbearing DREAMDALE BfiANLV we: will refund your money without quibbl# Vff^-i:---u, .i'««.«i ««^+,;<vV,+ v/^iM1 i*riihv"fhe tteln m^mUorhing, noon and night you'll enjoy tn^delicious- ness of DREAMDALE COUNTRY EGGS AND ;;;.'-;%^-v:BUTTBK.. „_^These foods^are-absolutely 4resh, ^The eggs ^are received^ fresh ironj our farms everf day, and are SS^l^carefully^selected^ TheJbut||ri^c^ywne<yiailyjn tt~g^the country from^^^^^ Wiimette Winnetka, Glencoe, Kenilworth, Hubbard Woojr^: WILMETTE DEALERS i^pl Terminal Groc. & Biarket * % 402 Linden Ave. _â- â- â- .: ( Papageorge Bros. Delicates* sen '"" .i:S,i'!«K-;:iv.-;;-1*^ 346 Linden Ave^ss^«- Greenleaf Delicatessen *i 1133 Greenleaf Ave. ^Wiimette Grocery & Market ^142 Central Ave, , KENILWORTn ^ " ; The Kenilworth Store fcia S GLENCOE ' '".....^:-^?^pSi :"<^y, W. -J. Schneider â- '^MiWM :y:.::v:343' Park Ave.,. ;• - â- "" â- -:±........ m/h Glencoe Grocery;. *. W*fe$&^M$^ .^MPark Ave. â- Wt^imiSmmm&'&tMik ]:& WINNETKA "S The Winnetka SaS646-L'incom vei s a The Rudolph Grocery '^m HUBBAICD- WOODS MESS Blillli a Grocery W$S$^3^^^M mmmm * BE ENTIRELY JlATlSFIEO OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED