Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1922, p. 10

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Wt^TT^gWOtttt NEWS. FRIDAY. MAY 19, 1922_ jp^p 3: 31: 'NEWS The Bundle Day Station at St. Au- gustine's Parish House received: on lwtedn^s^ay;3undie IJaTTS very large knd valuable assortment of bundles of clothing for the Near East Jftelief, not only St. Augustine's people hut %©opte of Wilmette in general sending their bundles for this worthy cause; The total bundles collected were sent to Chicago by motor truck, whence be forwarded to the Near {§pf ihey will iSi Augustine's Boys* «^ The Boys of St. â€"«,â€"â€",- - .. - ffl Choir are workinje hard in preparation ill ill m 111 for their coneerf to be given_in J$t. Augustine's Parish House, 114Ci^Wil- mette Avenue, Friday, May 26th, at 8 P M The entire proceeds realized will* go toward the fund of $650 to send the boys on their annual summer camp at I*ke Ripley, Wisconsin. Assisting the Choir boys wiir be Mas- ter Brwin WaUenborn, the phenome- nal boy pianist, and Miss Lynda Sdol, girl violinist. The advance sale of tickets thus far already insure«L_ a ^crowded house and testifies to tne ^ fact that the boys have many friends. ilT^^e^akery^d Candy $m %m H by the Ladies of:.: the Associated III Guilds under the direction of Mrs. S'itinBjroecfc last Saturday^ •g^g° J? ^^Tea served in the ParishHonse was also largely Vf^nM^.^^^^,^.' 'he Reetor of St. Au^ihtf s .will Mbe absent Monday and Tuesday of Bnex*week conducting the Canonical ^examinations for young men_ seeking l^Admlsslon .Intci^lh^.sMinisfay^f, Oie^ ^gCiWCllji- ^ , -^.....v|l| S^:^*^^^fsS; ' fmm of St, Augustiner^w^ M^ i^phillips and their son George have I left Wilmette for fiWxnonths for Paw I Paw, Michigan, where they have gone I to estaWish a large vineyard which I wilt be in charge of their son._ Mr, «! ani Mrs. R. G. Read and family left on Monday for a two months^ ante* mobile tour South and Bast.. Mr. and Mrl^V D. Day and Miss Marjorie Pay ^rÂ¥ now established m their new bxnne at laas Blmwood Avenue. Rev. B. G. Hunter and Mrs; Hunter ^to return- ^ed<â- â- &or thesummer from Citroneiie, * charge of the Parish during the winter. ^ Mri. and Mrs. Lester R. Hawes have 1 reilrned from the South for .the. rest 1 of the year and Mrs. Haweshas once m more resumed her place in the Sunday »;Sch>el'teaching **& â- ^â- m.%agi* &â- '*. the new famtties who have recently come to^Wgmette^are^Mr. ami Mrs; H. H^Bottman, .-411; TentJi street, Dr. and Mrs; FroescMe and daughter, 136 Maple ave., Mr. and Mrs. A. X Dteson, 706 Laurel ave., Mrr and Mrs. Mills and son and daugh- ter; 1724 Highland ^^fe^^J? Mrs. Brown and son Tom, 1710 Walnut lue, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Dorman, 622 Central avenue, Mrs. Bertram Suker, 13d6 Gregory avenue, Mr, and Mrs. James Donovan, 1205. Gregory avenue, Mr. and Mrs Snitaer, I486 Forest aVenuer and others. Parish-' toners of St. Augustine's are asked^to The North End Circle, Mrs. W. H. Hutson, chairman, will hold its ^An- nual Luncheon and Business Meeting Monday at on« o'clock at the home or Mrs. Wv P. Lawrence, 520 Lake ave- nue. Assisting Mrs. Lawrence are: Mrs. H. B. Mulford, Mrs W. B. Hop- kins^Mrs. G* D. Bwer, and Mrs. Lester Mee.; â- ::::• â-  'WmM £&" y:l- F7-: â- â- 'â- ". The oflBcers of the church and their wives wiU meet for dinner at the church atn 6:30 Monday evening. A special program, of which a round table discussion of the affairs of the church will be an imjppr|p| par^ has been "arranged. ;;|:;;;;*;'-;"$^:&&Â¥^^z<^ ^I'neWilmelie Camp Fire Guardians will meet in-the Church Office Wed- nesday afternoon at two o'clock. Re- port of the proceeds of the Sale and plans for a future project will be dis- ..CttSsed*- W/S^KLf li»iSi«ff The North Division Convention* will be held Wednesday at the Ravenswood Congregational Church, all the North IShore churches participating. Reports win be given of the missionary. work in the various, churches and will in- clude the work of the Sunday Schools. A very interesting program has-been announced, information- concerning It ence Night," with reports from the delegatestpJ^he^SJateConfjM^nce^ WiM 8%he Washington Avenue Circle, Mrs. H. K. Snider, chataman, will hold an all-day meeting Friday at the home of Mrs. W. J. King, 611 Forest avenue. be held at the church at which Pastor John A. Moldstad of Emanuel Luth- eran Church, Chicago, will detiver the sermon. Sunday's meeting of the North Shore fcone of the Walter League was without question the best attended and most successful convention it has had thus far In its history. One hun- dred and forty young people attended both the afternoon and evening ses- sions, "The Builders" of St. John s, Wilmette, leading with forty one of its members present. The offerings gathered were contributed to the Luth- eran Tubercular Sanitarium, Wheat- ridge, Colo. Eight delegates were elected to theinternational convejition to be held at Omaha, Neb., in July. ENGLISH LUTHERAN :± "I was glad when they said^onjET Me. Let us go unto the House of the Lord." ' « * ^&^J&~- Fifth Sunday after Easter. ^ -^ annnfti- ............John 16:23-30 EpK :::::;......^.James^^T Subject of Serman........^ •Prayer. The Illinois Synod of the United Lutheran church is holding its annual meeting at the Lutheran church at Woodstock, 111. Student pastor, Paul B. Schmidt, Mr. A. H. Homrigaus and Mr C. F. Brandt are the delegates .from' â-  Wilmette.. :«|||||s?^«»»r 'â- 'â-  Wlryoli"- is * welcome #:"pur^lir-:...' vices,<*and especially do we invite all who arenot^ltoted^w^^r^c^h in.'the'-'v111age.|:||ltp^^^fe||:^ __At present the services are held in the Wilmette Woman's club bunding at ^Tenth_Btreet and Greenleat avenue. Sunday school .v,.,....'r,..,.-.A1«'>>};2 Church services .......>.-«-• •«•-• • **• Jjy Student Supply Pastor|||Paul B. Schmidt. f B4i«e Rev, Wm. Matthew HoMerby, ieneral Secretary the Family ^Altar League/will speak in the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning at ll^gck- Mr. Clarke B. ShippHwill sing ^•Crossing the Bar," by Willby, at the Sunday., morning' servicef^^^f^^v. ^%n altday m&tihg of the Woman's Society will be held in the church Tuesday/ May 23tlgMrs. C. V.*Baker will have charge of the missionary meeting at 2 K M^^b^^^^tin America." Mrs. Chas. B. Heckler wiU "lead- the ^m^^^.M!^^lMS^^ at noon minster' Guild will meet afc<the church Tuesday evening, 7:30 ^Jock. _The subject for discussion will b^ India,. ' The lalt dinneir ot the season to be given by the Men's CWb will be this evening at 6:30 o'clock;mA tth^e program consisting entirely orhome talent, will be presented immediately after the dinner. The men are expect- III. loners ujl km.. «.«*b«»»'*"~ ".-rr ~~;â€""»«*. call oh and become acquainted with these new _*^v*|B>i»^""-" •Hie Ladies' Associated .«__ â€" - r.^1ignstine%-^wfll^neet^todfljr» «rJa , day, May lSrai^teiro^clpck toan^ day session with luncheon at J.2:15^ tm-T^e-^servlces- next Sunday at St. ^ Commuidon at 8 a. m.,^ Church .School and Bible |g. Classes at ^0:45, Morning Prayer and |§§. Sermon at â-  11^ â- ': _ ^-^^m^^i^^. "ftil"Next. Thursday/"May"Mfe^ng ^Hcension Day, there will be^eWbra- j|§| tions of the Holy Communion at 8 and WIS* it â- â- '--â- â- â- â- - its1' m.' ed to bring the la< Sunday School |g Church jService^ Junior C^B. Senior C7B. MM.-nrAAk Service. '; p.-M;:M>::^^^Ss^^ss^fc ^^e^clM*4i~1^t lis. _ 0:30 A; 11^00 A, 3:36 P. 5:30 P. 'lw!#S 1 The gfeatest and mo^ffective influence in die gSjft. woria today-- tor tne_______ and honest citizenryâ€"is the Church of 1 ems Jesm Christ-,-and the man oMvoman of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. Guildsr-off-r uiiherah: CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH im$ It's a common failing to see the ugly 1 things of life, to dwell in our thought | upon our hardships rather than upon I our blessings. Newspapers remindjis 1 daily of all the terrible things that happen in all the world and a group ^f calamits^howie^8 would ^inake us l^Hevii.'i!- they could that the world-is going to 'ttj^W^mS§miSM90 Linden^ and Prairie avenues, WUmette Herman W. Meyer, M. A. Pastor 406 Prairie Av. Phone 139S SERVICES »:15 a: m. Sunday school and BlblO Class at Library Hall. 11:00 A. M. ^Servloe and sermon at the church*.....r+~~â€"^..... -;â- -;-â-  â- Thursday,: May 2%at J P. M Ascen- sion Day ^service, m^^^f^ 4- P. M. EHrery Monday and Fri- day classes for the Christian jinstruc- tioh of children, free "to everyone. The pastor will deliver die fifth ser- mon of a series on Qie Psalms next r^ ^Bnt in spite of afl that, spring Jb herefthljBirlA 1* fi»edi;*"h>e^y, S2 biistaess to^ hetterc^people are^more«.^^. g^^aid: the evMence of .the spirit of josua * ^ Christ in ihe world. Is more pro- Mym of lit believe this, hear Itev. Stephen A.- Boyd's sermon m opt^ mlsm on Sunday morning. He wiU Sunday morning. The text is a por- tion of Psalm 51, the most remarkable of the socalled Penltenital Psalms: "Ctod's Mercy, not His Justice is Man's HopV^gvJI^^IgJ^l^g^ â- ;â-  On T^iie^ Ascension' of Christ wiftl be com- memorated by a special service at Stj, John's Trir^xi*cloCte Tlie^sublect^oT the sermon wiU be "The Last Charge o£ jesus to His IMsidple^|Matthew 8 9«a Wifi mm 'f â- 111*' -^mm m* us t$$K 1 mm The__cusiom_of_devpthigLJ&e_Ja^ ^uh^ay^nTTIaynto^aissTonswflragain ^bservod at St. John's t1*1"^"- festsindifeience to^rds it---is in the|position of mmm Pf^ iT^::0|uffhsWRisS.|lr p'ip^things^ in: n ^ln§ts) waiare|against|:the, liquor ^ndustry---it iop^sed te^call^ Iwhoimakel,doping S^^tim^i^' '"^~J*B-' injatiei||of wlsMm&M: ;ipctims,: €MMii^ vet there are mamr ch^ch |S|apon by the passage of thr XVIII Amendment. Bil^nd with their pleas a# joined the voice of the rumselieffei| §^hese people should re^ lolth^ i^wc^ peo^ before the Jimeiidmen^vai passe<l bj|^qngTe^s| 'he::Aniwi"Hi: ptax]ieAi!MS^dm^^r-kB&wkii Hi s/ -'<wS â-  T^^^Mv^'^' they desiTed-4and the law oppbserl will not force a fetreat ^^ Mdenttfy yourself with0^ Clmreh-g nH %Sk0$ the s^ |K: jfftSii M§§ 'm^ 5fciK W'B^^f^WM The Wilmette Baptist Church St. Angustme's Episcopal Church IReOm Hubert Carleton ssa:^5S**i^'"^ In addition to the rOgularvtwo Sunday forenoons services a special Mission service will he heW at the^unday mUat ^^Sma^^^ik^MsmLicAoo^aklilS^UM^aiU^^ ^3*?5== fvfiiilS^S^^&Sf^^Si^-'. IfcSi! << The Fust Presbyterian Church "^- - M, Mam â€"â„¢":;t<

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