Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1922, p. 4

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*? I Appears in Concert Here Tonight :5^;^e*wae»gsK«i%^| .•â- ;„ mammaeaasssas^i THE LAKE SHORE NEWS FRIPA^IJaV U^. Residents of .the north shore who are fond of good musfc, well por- trayed, are looking forward with un- usual interest to-the concert to he given this evening at the First Metho- dist Episcopal church of Wilmette by Milan Lusk, the gifted American^ â€"â€"â- â€"-vfoifirfst, ........ 1 Mr. Lusk appears in special concert Jinder auspices^fjtlviLJJenior choir of the church, which has planned the eve- ning of music as ,a fitting farewell to Mr. Lusk, a Wilmette resident, on the I away on an extended concert tour. ^ Witole^ has riot been Sri- enounced,music lovers may be assured If Of an evening that will long be re- membered as one of the -outstanding iIBi musical events^riLthe-seaaon. Mr. Lusk has appeared frequently Hir*recitals before various north shore clubs and groups and may be said to be the most popular of the violinists summoned to this vicinity. He has traveled extensively both in this country^ and abroad, achieving many noteworthy* successes. He is a student of Otocar Sevcik, teacher of such artists as Marjg^Hall, Kiibe^ifc "a^d^MorlnX^SevcIk once said of Lusk, "He has a brilliant technic, aJbeauti- ful tone, and his playing displays tem- perament and purity of execution." Mr. Lusk was born in Chicago and first gained recognition in this vi- cinity. He went abroad to study with Sevcik after studying with the fore- most teaclrers=in-Ani«rica.^He has ap- peared as soloist in the leading, phil- harmonic orchestras in European capitals. His American debut at New York last year was an unqualified success, and led to many successful engagements in several eastern and ^niddlewest-states. IgMW Receiving Seis:^ WlM&l supply shop â- :m H. G. LINBWALL, Prop............. . . â€" 508LindenM£ W1NNETKA, ILL. The new Type 61 Cadillac foufpassenger Phaeton hsilSTAe rcniarkabk handling -ease and road performance which has always singled butJCadillac^hut its added dashand smartness conferafbrther distinction which has gained the approval of the many motorists who demand appearance and performance combined. Lower, without any sacrifice of road clear- ance; gracefull touch of"the cumbersome; die Phaeton ia ir admired on city pavements and appreciated r-â€"^--'on cousin CAMLLAG MOTOR CAR COMPANY ^ EVANSTON BRANCH Division ofQeaetol Motors Corporation .. ,\.,. ,..~ 1820 RIDGE AVENUE • TELEPHONE EVANSTON 4841 %&&&. > c. •-â- Ill nil =111 I- \Um-wJ WilxiX The Standard of the WorU ^â- â- â- â- â- ^â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ^â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- Â»Â»j; In PW saw?* slftl? Mf HE M ST IT C J$I N G TO m In Gold. Silver. Irish Point, Picoting, Etc. Also Buttons Covered K|' '.§i:^Pleating,Machine Scallop and Hand Embroidery. Have added a line of Pictorial Review Embroidery Transfer Patterns, Nur Wilm«Me Avaan* SUf g Tll31 Greenleaf Avenue :^""-* ^^ilHine' Wilmette 2354 J Rtt-S-; Op*n8A.M.U>6P.M. 6ld««d Saturdays 4 P. M. « ygg. ...--------.------------------*. _--.-_____â€" 1 ^;?'Siiii|#iMs?# ^ .-v â-  â-  â-  • â-  â-  i«* stW' â-  • Wi h you^enw ^^^^..wrbng:\..about,:: thel mechanism m ^ttl^yojpajr, jHtl^yjeing able: Mw 1Mdcatrtw'.ciufl»jQr ..source, I r in '^s#SSS A'::yi mm â- â- -â- ' ,a,'ifti;fe; â- ' :>" "V; aH:7:r:'mm? Ux â- :"W^'>-"w0m iiisiS ;«h. ?t«s3i fcxpress E. G. LINDGREN, M Garaffi 1225 Central !«3EiflfSS«g t Phone Wilmette 113 KLINGE & WHITE GROCERY AND MARKET^ - RKGE ANir LAKE AVENUES Phonej Wilmette 114 ^> FomD 9:00B0:Q0 d. rn^ ]Sj?^ Pure Fruit, Telmo Brand Preserves in 5 lb. jars net; raspberry* straw- anry, peach, pineapple; '€.]..^0 White Lily Selected Tissue Toilet Paper, 1000 sheets^ si 9C^ II 4 far â- â€¢- - ---~-h«Pf^':- â- .XiUVli. :â-  Tl â-  B-VB '7::',«.;.. •.'•â- â€¢â- â- Â»".â- .'•â- â€¢â€¢.• • ;*"^.» ..,. .«â- â€¢ • -isS Bob White Toilet Tissuel| * aper, o ror. •«.. •»:'.. .. • • Klinge and White's Bulk Coffee, 39c a lb., ^ 1L^ xWx^r-xx- .--.'-• -V; Selected Spanish Olives, full pint OesTaV California Orange MarmA- J^de^J^jM^jaiv 29^^4for^_^ Full line of Fancy Candlesi ^fYl ji^S 3 for â- -.-/â-  MVUMM 12 oz. pkg. of ^&aihola/U health || drink for ..every meal, --*fe per pKg. •"•'>:. • . • • • • • •. • • • Anhcuacr«Bu8ch Beer, .:case;,.;i'^v:.^ J£0... .^i^.,,^,^, :f$iffi>~.f§lj£ MEATS Leg of Lamb, Rib Roast of Beef, 40c t# ^â- R^--»»«18c,.22ci Shoulder of Veal Roast* l^^^B^ Breast of Veal Roa^l £||I M*h pocket, lb. % , .b.... v i. t^O*:/ '.' • • • .. • !• jLjfe_«- fresh Dressed Stewing Chickens, al\vtiys oi^ hand, ^r Pressed gjgl; Sli MaM

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