Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1922, p. 12

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12 TWT7 T.AKTC SHORE NEWS- FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1982 WANT ADS We are mutt be FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILE8 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD used ear at bargain prices? i listing a few below. They seen to be appreciated. .M.. A few of this week's offerings: Winton touring; very good mechanical con- dition; top. tires, uphojsterfng and bat ^-teries, excellent. Price low. Buick Truck 1918 four-cylinder, panel body,, new tires, new batteries. This car is in the very i best of condition throughout. A bar- gain At this price. -----------^-AppeFsea~Tett«ag----------~ jn fair condition throughout; a bargain at pur price.-------------; Overland Touring 1021 touring, tires almost new, uP&olftef- ing good, curtains new.Thisoa* SJ*1 ^ood mechanical cond. Pi-Teed reason- ably. __ -___ ________ Hudson 1916 touring, model 6-40, with winter top. Tlent-rCondltionâ€"------------â€"------- "Ford Speedster if you want a speedy little car let us ^demonstrate this for you. i_JVINNETKA MOTOR CO. 662 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka • Phone Wlnnetka *«»£TOIT.ltq FOR SALE-1918 PAIGE 7-PASSBNQffiK 'enclosed car; good^condition; S5J5 for ! quick cash sale. . Tel. W1L g^27-ltc FOR SALEâ€"FORD j I good condition; a sale. Tel. Winn„ Lines to Be Remembered. n can forgive, hut I cannot forget" to only another way of saying, 'I will not forgive." A forgiveness ought tw be like a canceled note, torn in two and mirned up, so that It never can be shown against the debtor.â€"Henry Ward Beecher. * ____ As It Work* Out. ----- By the time the small boy who now levels In dirt gets old enough to dope and oil the car tor dad he'll be so afraid of- soiling his handa that ha won't eo near the Job. Shoddy Sheep. ••I believe I'll go over and examine them sheep of Jupe's a little carefttll* -er.~-sald Mr. T------ to his wife; he's offered three of 'em for that yeller heifer, but knowin' him as I do I aim to be sure 'fore he gets her that their teece aln?t half cotton 'stead of all wort.**â€"Youth's Companion. Miss Nettie Kaufman, 1029 Elmwood avenue, is seriously ill at her home. _o_ Beta Theta Pi fraternity. ™«J» «-| fo.^ L Slm0ns of-213_J3ix Mr. C. a Mltcnell-. 819-lAifle»Hwe4^^ Saturday from a bu^ nue, is in Detroit, Mich., on business\ Clara Wiech: Schumann and igna .s^ ^ ^ pwri|f minol6t this week. % J- Paderewsni. _---------- ------------Her~Pf6DabTe Intention. Wright had been sent to the bank with his weekly amount, and when he returned he did not have his book. Bis mother asked him where it was. After quite a little hesitation he con- fided to her in a whisper, "Welk motherr the^rintd^nt^nOeBt ife^ think she wanted to weigh it." TOURING, 1920, bargain for Quick 1203. LTG27-ltc BEFORE YOU BUY USED CAR 5EETHEJ0SW ^GARDNER GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR $895 LEXINGTON CHICAGO CO. 1008 Davit St. EVANSTQN Ltg26-3tc FOR SALEâ€"HUDSON BAtiftn ♦ mechanically _ ' painted; 5 new cords. 2128 or Evanston -415.6 and Sunday. v^SUPER-SXX Can Wlimette after 6 p. m. L27-ltc j1 FOR RENT-OARAOE _______ FOR RENT-OA.KAGB AT 1021 GRE^- RE paired; e^erfc^st Teferences. *5J*J*•' Phone Win. 509-J.; Ltgl5-tfc ONLY 46 YEAR'S AGO Forty-six years-^agp there was one telephone in the worldâ€"the instru- ment which Alexander Graham Bell invented. / . • Today there are more than 1J»«J0»- OOfr telephones in use in th? UUttea States alone, t ^ " t!i%^'; â-  Fortyrsix. years ago^the world s^ en- tire telephone plant could have been "held in one man's hand.. - . . Today the telephone plants of tne United States represent an investment 1 of more than ?2,O00^OMOO, and ^ons^t s of 21,000 central offices, 34,000,000 miles of wire and ft large amount of other euulpmenL__------â€" ^â- â™¦Â«Â« ^ ^Forty-six years ago there were two telejphone^ emplpyjs^^eJLj^nd bis as Telephone to Deaf. The receiver of a telephone set for the deaf that has been invented in Germany is small enough to be hidden In a person's ear, while the transmit- ter can be carried. in a handbag or fastened to clothing. Dream Lore. a man to dream of beating _e one denotes good fortune; if he Is in trade, he will thrive; if he is In love, he will marry the present object ef his affection,_who wILLbrlng him inoneyTtfhe Is a farmer, it denotes good crops and an* addition to^ hit: farm. AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R, Continental Motor $1695 F. O. rT ICTORY Evanston 140 1GGS 1549 Sherman Avenue under the HENRY PURMORT EAME8 Henry Purmort Eames,Jnternation- ally known pianist, gave a lecture- recital Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George W. Dixon, in Chicago, to benefit the New American Shop maintained by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Mr. Barnes is a Chicagoan by birth, and a graduate of Cornell college, la. He received the degree of L. L. B. from Northwestern university, and is a member of the- Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Among Ms Wk ' LAY "T" RAILS â- ::^ "Work is in progress on the laying;"p of "T'* rails along Oreenleaf avenue over the right-of-way of the Chicago] North Shore and Milwaukee Electric railway. At present rails are being placed on the curve at Greenleaf and East Railroad avenues. "9'^ Mrs. Arthur Wlnsiow, 606 Wallfe ington avenue, has as her guest^fofl several days^Mrs.-Cobb or Davenppr^ la. '• • 'â- â- ..;â- : â-  . V '-â- â- .â- â-  â- â-  :-:$M 3 Day May Sale on Used Pianos T3UST CLOSE OUT OUR^(OVERSTOCK OF TRADE-SS $450 Conover, - $150 n $400 Bush & Gerts - $125 $425Vose&Son - $115 1395 Kimball - $125 $350 Girdill - $85 .j $395 Stark - $155 ^ $375 Reed & Son - $90 $375 Story & Clark_^$55 $500Steinway - $18fr $40fr Bauer - $75 PAYMENTS $5.00 to $10.00 PER MONTH 828 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON, ILL. Saw Value of Fortifications. P fohn Ziska, a famousJeader of tfcfr iHussite party in Bohemia, gained the «:#;-~-.k5»> J^wiw»#^ol' jtortificationj' ln 1420 he_took-UP^a^ â- â€¢--â€"^â€"=*-â€"â€"iSir^feii- strong position near Pragueonjan ei^ III^HaencW-shice-toiOT^ *S< |§l %eld >* with a fpw thmiBwnd men |ir.::agaihst'an army of 30,ooa g#?f|fj|' ^^^^fe-Fh^t-Oriwtal-Rtigsr „._ „„„ „,... Plt^lulTin- the^ Orient are-mentioned L.J*%T clalsic^wr|tej^f_i^ iir^There^are~^some rare sped? ill mens in the museum at Cairo, Egypt which date from at least 118Q..B. C. ^MMii It is just as important in^^ the Gtfttirfor^teemfc terms "Landis Award as it is to build a skyscraper. ^illWRENEWS ^^ ^BatabUshe* 1912 PP^Sl^ with which is cdmbined 'iji^- |a THE WIOilBTTBS -; IiOCAI' »M$&mA ' ^^ â-  â- '.'â-  - ' ' -;; . Established 1898 ^M-0^A ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH il||ii.,|iAKB SHOBJB rUB. . ®-mmj** itagljCentral-Aaw^ buti SHINO COMPANY -WUmette>:jU^ ^^naimette i»ao communications must $H ihouM^ISclt ttS editor br ^d^»*g P^flttea -to insure appearance in current i^tertalnments or other affairsjwhere It a Landis -Award- painter cannot do your work immediately, sayi, to him, '1 wiU be a good citizen and wait until I can have my work done the Landis I Award way." NORLHSHORE Lake-rim district on a smooth-gliding electric train. Rolling through the pleasant countryside, free from smoke- and cinders, you are given $n hpur or so of rest and enjoyment. The heavy, all-steel cars are roomy and clean. The seats are comfortable.^ North Shore trains maintain a high rate of speed with- out sacrifice of riding comfottor perfect safety. They ire^iniiedFlby carefully chosen employes who jam littedTotear ^he responsibilities with which they are charged. Are^yotr acquainted with this conve- nient route? A painting and decorating contractors und*r-â€"4he Landis Award will be furnished. Sintered at the P«»tolBce atsWilmette, claw,sunder ^i*meCoTJia*eh\«, 1879. imittee Jo Landis Award La Salle Street Ximited Trains for Chicago leave Wil- - mette every hour from 6:45 a. m to 1:45 a# m. Thesejtrains operate di- Irect to 63rd and Dorchester. Express Trains for Chicago leave Wil- mette every haHMiour from 7:04 a. m* to 8:04 a. m., then 8:38 a. m. and every half-hour to 12:08 a« m. y$y Save v. Grand " ^CHICAGO' All Trains Operate on J2hicagp^Day%ht-Sa ^Baggage Ghecked to AH P1©^^. Wilmette, Avenue

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