sBffgyfl* pIS^^g^iSii^^^gpsll^^ffe^fl^TZ WANT REAL ESTATE |§R..lM.?JPHNSTON & CO. : ^BAHGiUNS IN MOMES AND l^OTS" FOR SALEâ€"5 ROOM STUCCO BUNGA^- low, hot water heatedr^fla-sed sleeping New *& room elastica stucco bungalow} < ___ith glassed . and heated:ra-n^rflonk (sleeping porch, rear porch, hot water Ineat, tiled bath, lot 50x200. Reduced If or quick sale to $9,750. ȣ**«*- 4UlkH, BUS W V«, !•»• .......-- • IT room frame home, convenient to steam m... station, full 50 foot Jot, sleeping porch. â- ?( Price 7,250i rr^â€"---â- Si Attractive 7 room hoinse"m~rgootl~ east section. Property in splendid condi- S-SCStion and ready "for occupancy. .Price £il"$12,000. Terms. 1 Modern 8 room stucco-within four blocks ;& fc«f lake. All large light rooms, dining | and sleeping porches, lot 50x191/beauti- SrHfully wooded. Price $17,000. fpmmm: â- - WiM: AGAIN WE REPEATS Ss ; a Don't wait to purchase your lot. Prices ^ are advancing and good lots are getting '& scarce. A few good offerings? are: % Beautiful wooded lot on Prairie, 50x250 '-% ' at $2,500. ji Doyle Court, south of Oakwood, .50x125 at f. $1,500. â- & Fifth Street south of Gregory, 40x150 at M- â- '• 3,200.' fiCGreenleaf Ave. between 7th and 8th, ^^xl84 at $4,500. :., . m Chestnut Ave. east of Ninth St. 61x166 at g&~â€"%lfiO0r-â€"-:.....â- â- -'-â- .....:.._^.^_â€", L).-. P Sheridan Rd. at LaureL_Avei_J4xl50 a"t sa â- 6.800. i ~_ â€",„ ** «<» t0 Linden A^venueu .___;.. Ph. Wilmette 68 L26-ltc FOR SALEâ€"4 LOTS, 75x300 EACH. ON ^Wilmette !Aws^_ Gross^PolSt, "If Join iStwalk to depots $13.50 per froijttfoot unfurnished rooms for 3 weeks in May. Tel. Wil. 722-W. • L26-ltc WANTED â€" FURNISHED ROOM OR rooms, preferably with kitchen privi- leges by young couple who will be on ^hbrth shore during the summer months. TiTGMdLjc £tH A^ R. EDDINGTON & CO. Unexcelled Service tq Buyers and iSellers of Real Estate § 5-R. stucco bungalow, new, good location in Winnetka. $9,000 easy terms . New 5^r: Kalistohe bungalow, H. W. ieati-niee-neighborhoodr-€onvenient-JO transportation. Best buy in Wilmette for $10,000. â- . • , 7-R. house, desirable location8, sun parlor, ^breakfast porch, beautiful^wooded lot. See it before you-; buy. Only $13,700. New 6-R. brick and frame, colonial, at- fe*ractiv_ East location, sun^parlorj, H. W. heat, very pretty Tiome. TO.1 6-R.~~Btucco house, extremeâ€"east loca- te gtion, sleeping, porch, 2-car garage, lot 50 S?xl92. This is a well built house and S^fwiU make you an attractive home. $15,- "000.00, . â- â- â- â- â- . 10-R. stucco, sun, breakfast and sleep* gp3n#=pi6rcfaes,-JHi- W- heat, J-par~_i fflgo, a. good buvffor price asked. feet. $19,000.00, 100 ^eet $23,000 ^Phones 640-1417-2066 I^TJW.....1157......' m; ___ Wilmette Ave., ^ Wilmette, Illinois. - „' ,, â- â- â- â- .-. vLtg26-llC L. MOODY & CO. SI El ROOM BUNGALOW, LARGE LOT, X§6 room "stucco bungalow, fine loc. $8,300. i#6=«)omariew brick bung>, beaut, wooded IS lot, 410^00...â€""ir~iiii(«i S#6 room new stucco, sacrif. cash, $1*000, I 8 room stucco, water heat, 46x300, 2 car garage, east. Bargain, $11,500. # -'"'For Roptâ€"-TtfftW' 6 rrtnm house, only $90. last lot in Wilmette .Buy this *C:Ve 'suggest you inspect our list of low priced lots, and also the choice ones on the Road, one block to lake. per. ft. $115. 511. .^vB^.:^-.^;;^^^^ HUBBARD WOODS, ALMOST NKVT Colonial home in best* southwest sec|ignr * Shear depot and school. 3 large bedrooms, PSwith space for two more, two baths «|and lavatory, sun -: parlor, breakfast cch^an4i-4wa_^lfieptag_.PQtchfia,^H. JM± lieat. No-Kol burner, double heated garage. Price reduced to $23,500. . Winnetka, a real bargain ln_a weU built colonial stucco home on Foxdale Ave. -Swlth_lQ0_f^tJ^ntagj^j:_^ Owner has cut price to J14,500.> Hubbard Woods, 7 room home -with breakfast and sleeping porches, fine lo- sscation, nice lot, *1M00.- H;? : ; FRANK A. REID - W: Qgg T.lnden Ave.. Tel. Win. 13U0 Hubbard Woods; ----------------LTU2«-ltc LEST YOU FORGET^ !73^RKER^reOr Has the most attractive bargains S in both vacant and improved i property on the North Shore. '* ~two=J&aL iBelow^we^-di IK: st hllVS A BEAUTIFUL STUCCO HOME IN THE best east side location; 3 large. bed- Tooms, very large living room. /""J place. This home must be seen to he appreciated. Lot 50x185. The biggest ^bargain at $14,000. ... _.lTrtott-. One%tâ€"the best-<M>rner«â€"In~-Wilmette, ^south east front; wonderfully wooded. For quick sale, $65 a foot. Phone Wil. ;.â- ;•;â- 407, • ' •â- •â- â- â- _____________ FOR SALE-WE CAN ARRANGE WR you to move into a new 5-room btinga- K WILMETTE REALTY CO. FOR RENTâ€"8-ROOM wv^«.« dence. Immediate possession. den Ave. 700 Lln- Ltg26-ltc FOR RBNT--ATTRACTIVE"iH:ODERN-8 rm. house, wooded lot. Address 1316 SiChestnut Ave3|^wa. Tel. KenU. FOR RENTâ€"UNFURNISHED APT. FOR RENTâ€"JULY 1ST, ATTRACTIVE 6 room apartment. $100 per mo.; near 'fltation^aad-Ja^eTi^eL Evans. 6TZ: done. Evanston Letter Service. 620 jnu. w». i Davis St. Tel. Evans. 6145. Ltg2S-4tc • ers repaired, vases wired; all electrical appliances soKt """â€" ^ ~~"*~J------ IM&mmgr Tefet-Wtti JgORirftAfcCâ€"-LPTS: LTG26-ltc Tel. Wil. 715-W. WANTED T0 RENTâ€"ROOMS______________________________________ WANTED TO RENTâ€"FURNISHED :OR^ORTH~SHORE liANDSCAPE GARD FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE FOR RENT^-OARAGE AT THE REAR of 914 Central Ave. Inquire 1157 Wil- _mette„AVe., or 914 Centra* Ave. y L26-ltc FOR .RENTâ€"HALF OF DOUBLE GAR- age, 710 Linden Ave., Tel. Wil. 142. L26-ltc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE AT 802 LAKE Ave. Tel. Wil. 980-W. L.26-ltp FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FQR^JIENT-=P_EASANT ^ROOMr.=^Ri private family for one or two gentle- -men^C6hVenient to trans. Tel. Wit 442. LTG26-ltc FOR RENTâ€"LARGE FRONT ROOM, block and half from steam or electric cars, only to person employed. Tel. WIL 1673. .â- .â- â- â- â- â- .â- â- :;â- ;.â- ;.â- -...^.r;-~^TI_f6rMS- FOR RENTâ€"FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil, 1080. Ltl7-tfc FOR RENTâ€"LARGE PLEASANT ROOM --convenientâ€"to'4ransportatron..^^sctn.-:- Cable. Tel. Wilmette930^L- L26r1tc H 1916 model; winter top; a very Slpopular -car with Continental motor, sm rare value at, the price we fp'e" liasking^ ..'â- â- .-...'\ -.- ;:Q"; v . .'â- ..:...•:.<;â- : ,;>S §:;OVER__AND,,grOURINGi| FOR RENTâ€"LARGE room, private family. «oi COMFORTABLE bath, two blocks om Lake. Tel. Winn. Ib41. Lt_-26^-tc SITUATION WANT-:Dâ€"FEMALE cooking and serving -will do cleaning^ by day or hour. Tel. Wil. 984-R. ------ L26^1tp HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTED •â€" housework GBRL. in small FOR GENERAL family. Tel. Wil. •_r and laundry work at golf club, to go Meals furnished. Tel. %ome nightsv Wilmette 1711. LT26-ltc WANTEDâ€"A ^laundress one ; 1484. . RELIABLE day a week. (WHITE) Tel. Wil. Ltg26-ltc WANTEDâ€"NEWS CORRESPONDENT ® Jn Kenilworth. Phone Miss Risley, ^Wilmette 1920. L20-ltp WANTEDâ€"GIRL_ IleiaT hbusework. CSVHITEi^ FOR GEN- TeU^Wil. ^22-W. Lt26-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- ^Teral housework. Tel. Wil. 288r Ltg26-ltc SITUXTrON WANTED-MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for ii sale; pruning, trimming and grading; ft trees and stumps removed; also driv- isaways put in; an furnish house-man ^experienced and competent. M. J. Sulli- - *jvan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka '%&â- â- ' _â- "â- LTG24- SIT. WANTED BY CHAUF. (WHITE) o_^ge-31b;fluigte*=Amer*^J!ivi=^^ N- Shore 15 yrs. without accident. Take :'?tiafe homer^peritt. A-l ref. Tel. Wil. v 1080, Chauf. perm. A-l ref. Tel. Wil. EXPERD3NCED GARDENER, WANTS i^A^steaAv- position. Tel. Winn. 1644. Ltg26-ltc PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expertl best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. Ltgl5-tfc FOR ______SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE-t-A 3 PIECE GENUINE wicker sun parlor set, suitable for porch. Dining room â€" set, dark oak. - " â€" "~------~tfess=491 Fir St. ^tTelr-l,_____________________ m • . â- . ' ..________ LTG26-ltc A VERY HANDSOME AND REFINED as well as useful writing desk made throughout of finely- figured rosewood. Finished antique brown dull finish. 1026 Church St., Evanston. L26-ltp FORâ„¢SALE^=MAHOGANY BOOK-CASE, r Will exchange for floor lamp or tapes- try chair. Tel. Wil. 874-M. _ L26-ltc suite. -BEAUTD7UL Tel. Wil. 795-J. DINING RM. L26-ltc WAN1 WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND HAND furniture and other household' goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-06 Emerson St., -Evanston, 111. Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfc ^FOR SALE-^BYL r OW JN uiK. 5-ROOM on $7,000. Ah excellent investment.for Sme one. Address Box 155, Wilmette WANTED TO. BUYâ€"2 FLAT OR ROLL top desks; good condition; reasonable. TeL Wil. 631. Ltg26-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"EDEN WASHING^MA- chine........ â- ..^.TTTr^T- . -.^6^0 Thor Cleaner.................. s.ou Eureka Cleaner .....•...........12.50 Stahl rectifier pipe N...... •••••• 65-0.0 All in perfect condition. Tel. Winn. 44. Ltg26-ltc FOR SALE-WINNETKA ATTRACTIVE ^^onv^ttage^flrepJace^Fr^ , tiTnice large lot ^^^^S^t^P For quick sale, $4,600; In^aire T ♦« toiJU at .Winn; TeL Winn. 1689. Ltg FOR SALEâ€"904 VERNON AVE.. »LEN- coV T^ntframe house_and large^barn.4 FOR SALEâ€"BABY CARRIAGE IN GOOD condition, $15. Tel. Glen. 910. Address 100 Crescent drive, GlencQe. _^ o LTG26-ltc T^PBWBITiNGl MULTIGRAPHING, addressing, folding mimeQgTaphing, aaare»»mg, iwains 1 .,-Ml, wnPTIj ,nd ma4fing* promptlyâ€"and accurately- H^^- â- . ment TeL Wil, 1040. Phone R. X Adams, L18-tfc 56HAEF w^gioar W$UKN£&-^BC^^ IN NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP Ltg25-lt_ eners, experienced and competent in caring for and planting flowers, vege- tables and everything in the line of gardening. Tel. Wil. 708-N. Lt26-ltp FOR SALBâ€"AUTOMOBILES WE There are TELL YOU SO no set speeches In our used car department; every car has *>%s own history, Its own limitation and its own advantages. We tell you so and even the inexperienced buyer knows at once that he can 'count on square treatment^|^;^gi:;i| 1 A few of this week's offerings: Jt OAKLAND- TOURING'|| §P MENT, SPECIAL £ NUMBER 14 ASSESS. ^^^anecW-A^>Msm<i^NetiCT_ ^ =f^^m Notice is hereby given to all .persons in- ^Iji^Sunty, tere-tedthaL Uw Village uf KeuJlwuith. I'gf-i^JS^gâ„¢^ Cook County, Ultoolsr having ordered the ._. ..--.. Improvement of Abingdon Avenue from rBACH ^nd-conneetl_«^w4th^fehe-^res^t-jpave^ mftnt il^ Pl?^^*'*" Ttoad 4a- And oorinect- lng with the pavement herein proposed in Robsart Road;r Robsart-Road from a,nd connecttPff -^l"* the pavement here- 1917 production. Has had consider- able mechaiUcal^AdJustnc^ Jtop; tires very good. :. :.;::?::-..g|si|||| ^~__OdBl"8S; fjcnairtcal 5-pa_se^ery-«i~_^od-i_e-- ^endltion, paint and ).$*$&â- ery good; price low. fStDl^^^ lH9~7prooliclib^n7~t_*en"-iffTm^a^^ )odge»car; exceptionally good condl- |tion throughout^^^pe^i^^arga^ WINNETKA MOTOR CO: 562 Lincoln Ave4, Winnetka _. Ph6ne Winnetka 165 FORE YOU BUY A USED CAR SEE THE NEWi GARDNER GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR WMff^'^"$895 ';:;'W'-'â- â- â- > IIlEXINGTON CHICAGO CO. I 1008 DavU St. £VAN&TON^Ltg26-3tC- LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€"COLLIE PUPPY 3 MO. OLD, answers to the name of Tex. A little boy misses his pet. Finder please TeL Wil. 769-W., 110 Fifth St. L26-ltc FOUNDâ€"FUR NECK PIECE IN WIL- mette Sunday, April 23rd. g Tel. Wil. 957-J. Owner pay for adi - L26-ltc In proposed In Abingdon Avenue to a line one (1) foot west of and parellel with the east end of said Robsart^Road; and Robsart Place from and connecting with the pavement herein proposed In Abingdon" Avenue-Ttnd Robsart Road westerly td and terminating to a circular turn, the tenter point of which shall be the center point of the circle c^.saW Robsart Place, by excavating, grading, grubbing, draining, preparing t^f^aj*- grade, grading and smoothing PMkway?; adjusting catch basins, and paying with reinforced Portland cement concrete^ with integral curbs a roaaway twenty-five (25> feet in .width in AWngdon Avenue and in Robsart Road W'jelsn^^ii18),!?^ in width in Robsart Place WldKwldths to be measured Jrom back to^back_of the integral ctirbs, except^at pavement connections, where the ^dwaJ„/^ be widened along curved lines,^d «• cept the circular turn in -SO^S^giS? which shaU have a radius of twenty- five (25) feet; also by protecting, curing and cleaning said Proposed pavemenV in- cluding trenching, -backfilling, the remoy being on Ma liV.tJie J>«-0f ^J^Ja Cler-Lof^aaid ^Ma^Hl^^^n:^^ l__r"_cfl©^edft"XP^~t»P~*i'v^f,wt"*,- â- â- -. County, imnnf*. for ,__c_---WMfe. ment of^SsS^d^^^Sj according to the benefits, and %,W__*S assesstoent qierefor havtag bgen m»g*: and returned to said cou|Pti~Docwt, *£* *_oon ^ejreafter ^^f *_f ^Saont^o^ strtoemay*m cSeeMon^Jnrta|d^oSit hearing and make ^eir ^efens^^jaio^ Srdlnarice provides for ^^^^^ said assessment i»A ten^ (W)_W"g S_ stallments. with interest^ thereon^^ the rate of si» per centum (6 per eentj per a,DaSd, Kenilworth, „ino^|_ay 4, ll»iJ Person appointed by the president; Of the Board of Local Imprpyements _f the ViUage of Kenilworth, Cook County* «k ^ linoiH (ff"a «"«*> an^h^ment approved |S JSdConfirmed ^^A<^^ iSS*-^'! Cook County. Illinois), to make, said ,&*&$§ cial assessment, ._,;___ ELMER B. JACKSON,; ^Village Attorneyl i Mrs. O. W. Rilsiell, lOOS^ElniWOod tvenue; has returned trow^a liushWBS trip to Neenah-Menasha, W18. &m^^^m Avenue about three years agft ' ^SoidTecently for $12,500.00 %^^s?^^ iNVE_ff W^ VACANT for INCTCMENT. t- partial payments arranged f<w|i||m| 7C J. Woodcock, Prop. Phone Wilmette 1304 ire t wo treasons y o ii s h 6 ii 1 di hi a v e gFTTY-SPRINGFIELP ttres^oiv your eafc â€"-the quality is better than jeyefv .__and the prices liavel)een ctfastie^ can hc^iniy a ^ _ Kelly for no more than you would have for an ordinary tire. pay â- 11 â- ii iii â- = â- t ~ â- !i" i§i JLg..|. ^jfe^CASINGS MOUNTED* FREE^^ £---.....r ;^'-v-rrâ€"f:â„¢- Also a full line of Hydro-Tyron Tte^f;-^;^tf£ Grounds 66x200 It. fruit trees. $9,000- Fine shade and" Ltg26-ltc SlSW COLONIAL BRICK HOUSlfi, mfj Ss SeTbaths, $25,000. Owner. EiSSg Places Oie^g0- Phone coe' 195. "wAN-rgB tO-RENT~mouSBâ€" ft f DID YOU SELL YOUR , IHlliaiiHQUSE ? mm^Â¥ «>r«.4-_4 *n rAiit 7 or 8 rm. house, East ^ f^VySniettr^br two or^S years. ll cS make attractive Proposition and m^^y^^^^ de8iredt L2fStc ^mon. Tel.-Winn, ail. â€"°v FOR pBNT-rURNI8HBO_-------_ ^SS_SA_I » Woods. Ideal altuat1®^ *_ '* iarT& Co.. exclusive agents. : Woods. 'mmm^^^M^^^pfM&:: iHHH-^lil': FOR-SALEâ€"FURNITURE!. RUGS. CART, ^piano.-.fixtures.- plbgr. lumber..»tOYe|. â- _ anything bought,â€"gold -andr-exehanged»- -i-g-•• 808 Oak St.. Win. Tel. 1212. Ltgl-tfc â- - - FOR SALEâ€"1 HAND WOVBN^ ALL wool rug 10x20 ft. Cheap. Ph. ^1877. FOR SALE â€" CLARINET. B FLAT, good condition. Call Kenilworth 347. LX0r_O-ltC FORT SALEâ€"HUDSON SEAL WRAP, â€"eap. Address Lake Shore JNewai «-«. FOR SALBâ€"GAS swing, child's slide, buffet. 489. THEATER,-----LAWN Tel. Wil L26-ltc Hubbard Ltg26-ltc . FOR SALE-PERFECTION OIL BURN- er; 1 man's suit; violet plants: 2 large pieces of tent canvas. Phone Wilmette §55. L26-ltc FOR SALBâ€"THOR WASH. MACWINlfl; porcelain^lned ice box; library'table, dining rm. table, etc. McDermott, 226 |thg St.. Wilmette. Phone Wilmette jfc>R SALE-ONE BED A^JENSiJRJ one Oliver typewriter, in good condition. Tel. Wilmette ,1723. L26-ltp FOR SALEâ€"LOGS. TEL. WIL. 795-JT. HplfaBlockNorthcfDEpotv V ibeBrdth W; MOTOR VEHICLES ^I^W ^T, JWEHRSTEDT, _>ropi 562 Lincoln Avenue | :-:' Winnetka • Imnill_||l|_lllllll«liBIIIIII^ t I â€"IB? iMXiBl 'its'