mm^m^m^':"^^§& B^^^^:|Tif^y4'^.?,-;:..^ NEWS of the NORTH SHORE CLUBS Music Committee of I Winnetka Woman's Club New America Shop. The patronesses are Mrs. James A. Patten, Mrs. Har- ry Pratt Judson, Mrs. Roy C. Plickin- ger, Mrs. Abby Farwell Ferru, Mrs. Prank R. Fuller, Mrs. William Dixon m,iwi.ii~ ..~-----â€" - - Frank R. Fuller, Mrs. wimam i/uw Closes Year's Program .£*&3g£g£&m'£ ____-â€"-â€"â€"-^~-^~~"1 quiC Mrs. B. J. Bufflngton, Mrs. George Pags^ Mrs. Hyde Wallace Perce, HE Winnetkar Woman's Club ^eoneluded^ its musicall 61 this season on Thursday afternoon, "%pril27."" The artists of the ««» ifterndon were Mrs. Guy Stuart M,Sleyr-:8oloist;.....Mrs. Everett THarr*** Pi accompanist; Miss Catherine Wade- itif-Smith, violinist; Miss Gorin, accom- H!..panist; and Miss Comfort Hinderlie, i!§li pianist* mtS^Maei-^aer^aaBSees were TigM- and Jiamgr BvaastoiL _i is? :fS,JC: fee* own an a great favorite with her audience, W# was in excellent voice and sang charm- '07* forty. MteS Hinderlie, a pupil of Mr. ««i Howard Wells, was cordially received. Klshehas a good understanding or her mMwotk and played well. Although very If modest and unassuming in person- aHty, she has decided talemt and we will shall expect to hear that she has won agefid place with the young artists ofthetuture. The accompanists were both excellent in their work. The good attendance this year has shown a decided interest in music, ^Mrs7 Roland ^VP^^n^JdlL^e^hair- man nexTyear and in such capable hands the club looks forward to another pleasant year of music. i Mrs. George \V Dixon, 1250 take Snore Drive, ^^g^l^^^^S 2:30 o'clock* for a-pianoforte lecturV recital, to be given by Mr. Henry Pur- mort Eames for the benefit of tne Wis Headache S "Sick or tired feet can put you out of hari**fey ^ith life," says Doris Docher in the N. Y. Evening World. And the Oman's Editor of the N.^Y. Bun says: "Sometimes the housewife s headachea are due to her shoes. There is nothing so irritating to the nerves jts standing in tight or wrongly built shoes." - IT good'^emelsr to try^forjiirvou& headache is this: A pair of comfort- able; correctlybuilt Cantilever Shoes, and a good walk in the open air. Re- peat the pleasure daily. Cantilever Shoes are not suggested r- physician* when he is .needed; "but jMJiy-^hea^acheFBaW # ache, tired feeling^ etc., is borne with- & «ut consulting a doctor. It is these P^ ^'every day" trialsâ€"which make you ilillEeel you are neither sick nor wellâ€" Wfefhat can often be driven away by IPflnerely changing to Cantilever Shoes, Pi* with their comfortable toes, proper it heels, natural outline and flexible llfc^ct permitting the foot muscles to lit exercise freely .and the blood to circu- .:,|fjt \:iat©:naturally.^:'-^___j_.__.^....-.^^^^----..... s^ Nature wanir you to feer well and For Sale on the North Shore only by N0RT1T SHORE BOOTERY HI 529 Davi«^t^-ee**-CWca«o^ "^ ^^giolie^Ev. 6757 p.,...............,, Wo Unsure â- â- '.'â- proper fittir^Jo^jMi^e Z^Bsw^-^mSMne mour White service to you without m Wm$. |A^E|i| wlT|WETi| Wfk'y'-'"- â- â- *LJmt= ____........JOI Dr. Julia Holmes Smith, Mrs. (Ernest j. Stevens, Mrs. William Dow Wash- burn, Mrs. Henry M. Cooper, and Mrs. William E. Sparrow/ jr. Regents^act- ing as patronesses include Mrs. Charles E. Herrick, Chiacgo chapter, Mrs. William L. Pattison, HenryDear- born chapter; Mrs. George L. Cragg, Kaskaskian chapter; Mrs. P. Q. Perry, ard TT Block/ vice presiL__ ortne DTXR-; and Mrs. Vinton B. Sisson, Vice state regent, _*_^â€"~->r. THENew^inerica^hopTthe unique nationalization agency of the Daughters of the American revolution, benefit from the pianoforte lec- ture-recital to be given by Henry Pur- mort Eames Tuesday afternoon, May 9, at theâ€"home of Mrs. George W. Dixon,. 1250 Lake Shore drive, Chi- cago. ___-----......'--......;~-.........----:~r The little^sho^p-maintalnedr^birthf, ».-: W&^ ......___............. lfiiiiiiiii» cement Work â-º q| gjj kinds Contracts For lawns and landscape Gardening â€" Phone Winnetka 911 Call Mornings and Evenings D. A. R. in the Stevens building offers for sale the handiwork of foreigners newly arrived in this country. It serves as a sort of introduction to these newcomers, and the Americani- zation workersof the organization follow up each individual case, hoping to arouse interest in the best stand- ards of American citizenship. The slight profit made on its sales does not cover the expense of the "follow- up" work, and the society must raise the money for this part of tlie, under- taking from other sources. :; The patronesses^ for Tuesday's] musicale will be Mrs. James A. Patten, Mrs. Roy C. Flickinger, Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson, Mrs. Abby Farwell Fer- ry, Mrs. Frank R. Fuller, Mrs, William Dixon Marsh, Mrs. Walter Clyde Jones Mrs. William A. Gardner, Mrs. _wn- liamE. Sparrow, 3r.,^Mjs."A. ^. Mar- auis. Mrs. E. J. Buffington, Mrs. iSrge^T. Page, Mm Hyde -V^a^ PefclrDrT^uira Holmes Smith, Mrs. Ernest J. Stevens, Mrs, William Dow Washburn, Mrs. Henry M. Cooper and Mrs. John W. O'Leasy. RUGS IMPD^EP^andCDOMpTIG It would be to the interesrof the North Shore residents to acquaint themselves with the prices offered on floor covering of everv description before ordering else- where, "in addition to the pride in deal- ing with a North Shore merchant would be the added-interest of furthering the community spirit and advancement. smmsss: €L£ANING and REPAIRING 514 Davis Street Phone EvanstonL 5712 EVANSTON REQJUEKT service at^alriiost all hours; a high rate of speed consistent with comfort and safety; centrally located stations in Chicago and Woodlawn, with excellent transportation "facilities to Mjpi_ of city; unfaiiingi)r prompt affivals[^easy^ riding^^jric trains^jnd^rc^^ pioyesF The^advantages explain tl^i^j^ ^ erence^ of T^w^iHtei^ed travelers for the ^Road^ of ^efTricer^I' ftORTH SHORE ^*«SI3^ Grand- â-ºera Limlied drains for |Chica|6 ind Wooal^vn leaveliWilmette every hou^P from 6:45 a.|nr to \^^J^B0^t^^f^^^^^i^^^§M. All Limited Trains U):CkW^^^^^£^^^^:Wl rdand Dorchester and do not circle the £00*. I; lour to 12:08 a. m. ALL TRAINS OPERATE ON CHICAGO DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME i^S|i|p|Bagga^v;;<3&gcfced to All ,Pomfs||i||S| til â- i"t7SK§8|;| i;afc-as£»a.. â- • â- â- f^ Junior Column %::$~%W$l idmeKo< TheStoreFarOhildreh 1160 Wilmette Avenue Witett *^eiT^esani?l "Where are you going my pretty Miss Pride?" "Going a shopping, fcind sir^ she replied. "" JXharnail you wear; Show me this wonderful shop, lady fair!" "Gome, if you wish, sir, and there you will see Fashions that ^fHl „f?eiy=child^ Soon we beheld; but a moment- it tookâ€" 'Really, there's no place just like __KinDIE^IOOK! * * * • w â- ..-... Dear Kiddie Nook: Some time ago, I bought a sweet little wash dress ffom you. It looked just darling on me, and every- body admired it at home until I told them*S£he price. Then someone suggested that I rmgnt have bought something to answer the purpose just as well. for less money. You see, we had been in the rut of watching for bargains downtown, and got the habit of considering pnce more than anything else. It did not taJce_Jojig+-iio#ever,~to real- T^e^hat your dress was the wisest bargain we had found in a long time, after we saw how well it stood *4he test of going through the laundry without losing caste. It wears remark- ably, and we are thoroughly converted to the qualities, as well as prices,^ot^ KIDDIE NOOK clothes! This ought to be a" good message for your column. The test^ of ^nceim the^ quality. Think of this, whatever you buy. The Store for Children ha^ al- ways stood for the best quality that money can |>uy^__Furtherniorer^d»^^ many little customers of this that Kiddie^^Nbok well u^^r^^rids=i?^t!^boil1 ey^r^hing_jy want, and keeps all these delightful things in stock, so they can get them con-! yeniently-at any time. If; you want to know wherej to buy for the boys and girls, just ask them! TheJ are satisfied with Jheirl store. ^1 *«• V V l^stbck. See our ?*'Chami pion"I Tennis Shoes! JjeJ my JLou Pumps." ^w ^P^- TP,. Mil The "sweetprl-o^aduate^ will noU disappoint liej =sbSi sei dress now. Some dj our Her gifte jaayfalso® found at The Stoi i/,.^^iS :^^B5f:E:M^- :•' ^^IIK'teSKSf! ^r'^h^rilVn^jri^fci)^"' • r 11 "'- .._J-i ^_________.....-.....3%ss?im>-...- . , ..... ......^a s&^_