Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1922, p. 12

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, imMiyij-ri wmmw ml THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 10»» Ratesâ€"10c per line for each insertion-. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 12 p. m. RatesJor-Jth^ same advertisements in The LalM Shore News, "Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face type Charged Double Price. REAL ESTATE B, M. JOHNSTON &ca For Homes and Vacant Property Modern and attractive 6-F00t^»tu^f0hbu1"; , galow, hot water heat, tiled bath, lot ' â-  â-  3 60*180, „ convenient to bpth_Ii_ ana "^lteam^1tiMhÂ¥Tn^e^fecrcdndltlon, Trice ^r-room stucco, hot water-heat,-«un-«ad- sleeping porches, tile bath, also extra râ€"lavatory and t^^ on^^tloo^ s^x- ~~^age? lot 50x190. Splendid buy at $13,- 7 room stucco, choicest location, dining :i 7 aXsleiping' porches, t&*Z°<^*l0}l owner leaving^town,......Offers. home at Modern0'6-room stucco home in south- Mealt Glencoe, hot water heat, garage. lot 100x150. Price $13,500. „«OJ,~ ^7-roonV^ome in Winnetka, near grade â€"^-aTrd- high school, sun and sleeping gbrchS, 1 bath on second «°^g^r one In basement, garage, lot 60x170. ' H* you Preplanning . on^the Purchase of a lot do not delay. Warm weather will see further advances in Prices.-^ San offer you good property anywhere from Central Street, Bvanston, toHBh- land Park. Let us know your wants. Phonf Wilmette 68. 340 Linden Avenue. " A. R. EDDINGTON & CU. Unexcelled Service to Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate # 6-R. stucco bungalow, sleeping porch, % convenient to Northwestern transporta*^ ft-Il!>Iframe!0east location, convenient to ©transportation, nicely wooded lot. M Price $13,700. , • ' _, ,n i?-K. stucco, 3 porunes. rorjn^odRteH S?r cation, 2 car garage. Owner going WeBtr $# â- ' 116,500.' • "• . v beautiful new 6-R. briclc and stucco, col- fcmlal, centrally located. $18,500. " 6-rV stucco, H. W. heat, wonderful E. ' location, nice lot, house very modern in every respect. $21,000. â€" 8-R. brick and stucco bungalow. 3 W porches, (front, *leep. and break.), lot l| 82x164%, arco heat, 3 blocks to "L and %bnderful 0-R. white colonial, 3 porches, ^ lot 62x175, exceptionally desirable E. location. $28,000. „' x . Real bargain in vacant on Chestnut Ave. 1157 Wilmette Ave. â€"- #f^WR-^u Phones: 640-1417-2066 ;^;--v-# plS'Siiir- ' Wilmette, --lutaols^-^i-^^f â-  M â- â€¢â-  â-  Ltg25-ltc M 1M. L. MOODY & CO. BUNGALOW, LARGE. LOT* 5 ROOM 8K 800 5 room stucco bungalow, toe lpc. 18,300. 5 room new brick bung., beaut, wooded lot, $10,500. -,.'„„*. «i Ann 6 room new stucco, sacrif. cash, $1,000, Ff^mstMCCo,l^ei:^t,-46x5J0p. 2 car "garage, east. Bargain, $11,500. For Rentâ€"New 6 room house, only $J0. Buy this last ;lot in Wilmette ftr only Siifce-atlggest you inspect our list of low priced lots, and also the choice ones on the Road, one^loxfctp lake, oerjt. $116. «< At h fit ',":.'â- 'â- "'â- , >:'::-'Tel. Wll. ZSSlo 511 4tlt St. â- ; ^:,^y';.......;» :\ I/TQ2S-ltc FOR SALEâ€"WILMETTE, NEW b KM. ^bungalow, 2 large bed rooms, paneled ... ------ .----- ""in FOR RENT*-BUNGALOW GOING FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS Want to rent my new modern large brick bungalow; beatftifully furnished; large sun parlor and breakfast port, ex- ceptionally large living and dining remM. This bungalow can be had very reason- able. It will pay you to investigate. Phone Wilmette 775-J. Lt26.ltc -j»QRâ€"RBNT^QARAQg FOR RENTâ€"HEATED GARAGE, 904 _______________RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"BEAUTIFUL NEW VN- furnished suite. of rooms, fine bath, light, heat, hot water, light house- keeping; adults. Tel. Wil. l^,^ FOR vrm.â€"RENTâ€"ROOMS WITH BOARD Tel. Glen; 300-M. ____L25'"g uvm pRNT-FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND ^Sd^ater. ^We^Railroad avenue â€"Wilmette. Phone Wll. 108tt. Lt-17-tfc JX)R RENT-PLEASANT "^JV^IN private family. Convenient to tranj. Business woman preferred. Adress Lake Shore News B-8. L#.r«c WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS WANTEDâ€"IN WILMETTE, PLEASANT ^^^^j^rnjBhad or unfurnished, in a ' S^^oTSe^wlthin walking distance .of cafeteria. 1129. Good references. Tel. Wil. L26-ltc COMPANION COMPANION OR TUTOR TO TBApL abroad^ French instructor, linguist 30 <UTTJATION "WANTED â€" MAN AND SwSfTexpNrienced and_wilUng to work as couple, good ref. Tel. Glen, eiiv^ WANTED-PERSON TO CARE FOR child afternoons. Tel. Wil. "Jg^tc WOMAN wanted^ukse -jtmj«.s»- GIRL OR ---... 3 years old. Tel. Kenil. 1007. ^^^ WANTED-GIRL FOR GEN'L HOUSE- wSk. ^Mr^ P^rcyCutler, 1016 Ash land Ave., Wll. Tel. Wflr WANTED â€" STRONG MIDDLE-AGED W#Sn^to wash dishes by .electrie^ma^ SSne Apply Welch's cafeteria. Good hours and wages W» MP. WANTED â€" MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN Winn. 1558. *^»» SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE___. EXPERIENCED WOMAN WILL DO *gr^ast ^â- â- g.ho,ir- "ras SITUATION WANTBUâ€"HIGH .^"""f SITUATION 'WANTED-MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work;trees, shrubs and perennials for sale? pruning, trimming jtfid grad ng, trees and stumps removed; also drive- wafl^ut to; can furnish Jouse-man experienced and competent M. J. Sul- S^S Mgr.,;882 Pine Street, Winnetka. FOR _________SALE-MIE0KI-I-ANEOU8 Jl POWER MOTOR $25 SMALL METAL, CHICKEN HOUSTON WHEELS $5. 804 Central Ave., Wilmette. Fh^^}^ FOR SALEâ€"4-BURNBR GAS BWm -Reliable". Bargain at $16.00. Inwi'e A. R. Bddlngton & Co.. W\g^.ltc FbR BAI^BAB#fl WHITE^ENAMEL high chair, scale, nursery heater, play fence-^d^OTnbMttSL^u^ rocker. Also one Corona^ typewriter. Call Wil. 313. 1* Lt25^tc FOR SALEâ€"COLLIE PUPPPJS OUT OF champion registered stock; white-col- lars, extra long muzzle. 1527 Walnut Ave., Wil. Lt25-ltc gooBBsaBsee FOR" SALEâ€"HALF PRICE, PREMIER vacuum cleaner, complete attach- ments. Good as new. Tel. Wil. 2327; yi: : â-  , â-  L25-ltc^ FOR SALEâ€"TWO 2« IN. SILK LAMJbT shades, $10 each, 874 Bluff St-.^encoe^ FOR ^ALB^ BICYCLE, BOYS' OR men's; new tires, etc. 815 Park Ave., â€"Wtt-----------------------= --------- L25*ltg FOR SALEâ€"3 PAIR HANDSOME SWISS •- net and lace curtains $30^a-paiiv-Cost { Pd tOggome $45, used 6 weeks, also <>nejpairflh| net, panel curtains. Tel. Win. 608. Ltg25-ltc ?wofltaWfi.llChange your ^IocIib^ and watches on Saturday evening and we â- will count on your presence at the services, and your children at the Sunday school. On Sunday morning the pastor will preach the second of a series of ser- mons on the best known Psalms. The subject of this sermon is THE GOOD SHEPHERD and the text Psalm 23. The officers and teachers of the Sunday^school meet onMonday-even- ing. May 1 at 8 o'clock at^he^hurch, On Thursday afternoon, May^, the * amies' Aid and Mission society holds its regular meeting at tiibrary Hall at 2 o'clock. ^Visitors are very cor-, dially invited|||!f,ft . mmmi^iXM The "Builders" Young People's so- ciety meets on Thursday evening at S-oVlock-at-tibTary HaH-for itaregu- lar business and social meeting. In- asmuch as finel plans must be com- pleted for the Couptry Fair to be given *t Jones Hall -on Thursday, May 11 every member of the society is expect- noon. mothers -of the member FOR SALEâ€"FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and o exchanged. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212.' Ltgl-tfc FOR SALE-SHETLAND PONY, GOV. erness carJuand^addle^-Tel^Wtegg M6j Why Don't" You Drive Nearly all your friends doâ€"why not you? Perhaps you never realized how easy it is to get a reliable car. A Few ot^Me^eek^-Offerlnfls- CADILLAC SUBURBAN SEDAN 1919 model in the very best of condi- tion: fully equipped; special bargain. BUICK TOURING 1917 modiel D45, in very good condition. It will stand a rigid inspection. Tires excellent. A reliable car and a bargain purchase. «^,..,^, OAKLAND TOURING 1917 production; re-ground cylinders _____ ,w pistons; a rare value at the P^l JBU1CK ROADSTER ^# 1915 model; has had mechanical adjust- ment; tires very goodLJPrice^iow^ "TITTr-TSSXOKr SIX 1917; 5-passenger, in very good me- chanical condition. Shows very little wear. Continental motor standard equip- ment. This car has seen very little mileage and is well worthâ€"the-f>riee we are asking. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. § 562 Lincoln avenue Winnetka Ss ^ : phone Winnetka 165 will be the guests and the meeting will be followed 'by-::j^e.,lnVeatlture|wppp.: Dinner. Miss Florence Neill of the^M|if|« Chicago Scout. Headauarters will. in«i||§ vest the candidates 'who have .succeOT^tiiM fully passed the Tenderfoot Test. i| I NEED MAIL ME«8ENQER-^ Thursday, May 4, has been estab- lished by the United State Post Of flee as the date^or-the-acceptance otsil United States mails each way bef tween the Wilmette post office anl^ the Chicago and Northwestern raiW way station. The service is not let for a stated period, and no witter^ contract with bond is required. The service is subject to all postal laws and regulations providing the c"*to* juary penalties and^flnes^ formalin; ..... _...... .,.......__....liil.,.^........... Do not fail to avail yourselves, of the opportunity to give your children an early Christian education. It is offered freely, but is worth more than money can pay. The course offered at St John's consists of Bible History and Catechism study, each child being given individual attention in its'work. Thirty children have now enrolled, but it is expected that at least twenty more will come. These classes are conducted by the pastor, who will be glad to give any further information ci' the matter.':;';^:7 '?M£&M$&M $$Â¥: Lfg25-Ttc SITUATION WANTBD-BY EXPBKl- enced gardener, caretaker with ^rooms. N. Shore preferred. Married^and A-l SferTnces. Tbos T. Kees. Telephone Lake Forest 68.________ LTG24*y PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- "^""♦" ."â- ."»>? ^Sed; expert; best^«rei«J^^^j--~^6^^ Phone Win. 509-J- LTG15-«c -------- ||||: dining terms. room, large living and Open front porch, $8;000. music E. Z. blocks" from sta. Improvements all in | S and paid for. $1,750. â-  % - . . ^ p For Sale-~Winnetka, new colonial home, f«5 six rooms, sun and sip. pchs^twoJ»aths, Wmti vabor heat, old Ivory trim., wooded MSpA^eaT bargain for $16,600. ($2,500 HSPSi'to turn).:;"......~~~....."' Seventy feet of jva^ntinj^ alve N. B. section of Wlnn._ Wonaerful site.for a^ first class HOTieT One ol the few lots left in this part of the village. :~ " 16,300: â- ^Linae* ^,piil43^m St.^lnn. mmm^ Vk* Vm. -S3 and Wtan. â-  142 -..... YOUNG MANâ€"EVENINGS, DlKifiurjsx mail advertising, credits and collec- Sons. Add. Lake Shore News B.7. HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE WANTEDâ€"A REAL ESTATE0 SALES* Wn^. 511 4th St^el. Wil. gm 5Uc """FOR SALE^-HOUSETrOLD^QOePS^ FOR SALEâ€"MAHOGANY DAVENPORT FgSdfn^Srbuffet. full-size bed springs fheap. Name^your^ own price -at 347 Oak Circle, Wil. Tel. WIL-UB--^^ SALEâ€"BEAUTIFUL ^UPRJGti^ condition. Must^sell; will accept b offer. Tel. Wil. 633. Ltg^-ltc CADILLAC 8 CYL.; MODEL 51; TOUR, re-bored cyl,, new pistons and wrist pins, also other hew engine parts. 2 new tires; in good condition throughout. A real bargahv^-^"^ â€"Ltg252ltc ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN Linden and,Prairie Aves. Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, M. A., Pastor Phone 1396 SERVICES 9:15 a. m. Sunday school and Bible Class at Library Hall. 11:00 a. m. Service and sermon at the' churchv-1---v: "â- "^'i^fi^^^ry:^ 4:00 p. m. Every Monday and Fri- day, classes for the Christian educa- tion of children. IJlIlaLAZE; AT .LAUNDRY-: Fire emanating from a No-Koi lart^lf* nace at the Home Laundry on :Green|teg| lear^avenue, early Monday morni.ig.|||||i?| caused slight damage in the place|;|p|i|| The local department/'/.extinfi^wnejllllllf the blaze. WI^-M^^^M^^^^^B^W^^^ >;V A COP AND A â- Â«ALI^*^fl|p||| Martin B. Tirsith, 6 feet, 4 InchesliliMl tall, and hefty with it, begins Monday May 1, to patrol the beat as a Wil mette policeman. Tirsith, teliaved -t%mm be one of the tallest coppers in cap-|f||? tivity, was appointed to the local forces?^: by the Village board at Tuesday'^ session. .'. i^4.V;SE: ' ^'^^ilSKEI ^M^iMify^Hif^ W'?' Sunday School in all departments at 9:45 o'clock.'. The Men's Bible Class will meet at 9:45 in the parlors of the Masonic Ball, Brown^buildingrâ€"â€"-^#iM" Regular preaching services at .11 o'clock in the church, with music by the: Senior,.choir,^and,^mm^;^ pa8tor|::;;;"?:.;: ..v â- :^'\::x::-^iippip^M Vesper services at 5 o clock with music-ByZlhe Junlor~cRolr and two solos by Mr. L. F. Kunstman in ad- dition to the twenty-minute message by the Pastor, especially for parents and children. The series beginning last Sundjiy^ia^_______ Refreshments are served-^to young people of the two Epworth Leagues by the Ladies* Aid in the dining room of the church at fix o'clock^ ea^h Sunday evening. The Leagues dpen their regular meetings at six-fifteen. Gordon Buck wJlLlea<L the Intermediate I eague-Meeting and Mr. L. M. Hile will lead the Senior League. â- ' â-  "-^_., -1'-^- The Monday Lunch Club meets at 12:30 o'clock Monday In the Cen- tral Y. M. C. _A. Building, Room A, lfLBouth"TiBflflll"' ftt"*»*, ^blnnffn -Ift. -Wm GIRL- 8COUT'COOKIE8 WM Cookies large and cookies small, Made by Scouts.both-short and tall, What's your order? rphon© us quick, So that we the tricky „^ " Thirty ^cents is: all we. .ask» - Itfilis And we find it is no. task,pfpfe|fTo deliver to your door, *« ^ ^ J Dozensâ€"one, two, threeâ€"or more! TelephonezWilnlette^23*82 Meeting of Prayer and Praise .Wed-|g| nesday^ evening «t "a"b*t5lockr^©iM|g Stansell is talking on the-.series^'Ap; Wr-^dt-Ch^ist's-Friends."-^'-::^^ ^: 'sm Ofncialli Board meeting Monday ig jvening at" 8 o*cilo^.MIB0l0^i^iif$M m>u Do not wait until Sunday morning .__.. to set the clock-ahead one hour.^Your IWiHiams^ W. B. Lindblad chairman of Committee on Arrangements, Wilmette 906-W«^ Boy Scbjits meet at the church at 7 o'ciock^Ktonday evening. Mr. C. N. Stokes, Scout Master; Mr, G^ ^, B|n|- ley, Asst. Scout Master. '-i^M^M^ The Junior Scouts will meet^Thurs- day evening at the Byronr^a Stolp School at seven o'clock. Mr. L. F;. fFod4i^niiior^coutlifasterrAssistants, Mr. Pierre Bontecou and Mr. Elmer will be late at church if you do, and that would be neither pleasant nor The Girl Scouts will first Investiture meeting hold this their after- THIS KBNILWORTH You can own and move in by May 1st, if you will act immediately. You will be surprised to know bow easily you can purchase this property if you act now. Having purchased another home near-by, I don't like this property to He idle. It is really a fine chance for some on#. Bight rooms, three porchesâ€"sun, breaks fast and sleeping porches; aU modern conveniences; fine heating system. Loca- tion near transportation. Good sized lot, with attractive trees, shrubbery, flowers at seven o'clock. Mr. L. F. nnti f^"»a<" QtL back lawn. Make ap- pointmeht by telephone and see the P»W- |p \! erty Saturday'-^Kiiva^^S^JmV:-1^.^^ just the home you have been wanting to |p;|" ? purchase. Telephone Kenilworth 598 or §|||| Harrison 2785. â- ' • -"â-  i|:s!|il AND BOX er; har- FOB SALEâ€"BRASS BEV "min^'cSlcb^nd pack, chairs, bafry's il^POR SALEâ€"NEW 7-R.--------- ItiM very finest location; H^WjJtieat; sun liltand sleep. pl*T ^ nook; hugb colonial Uv, r.; IteepLrlarge Sm wooded lot. The best buy ever at ♦l5i-,| SSSi|;500 -and' on terms. .â- â- ..- â- -•...'.'.»'.â- ;.*â-  tf Brand new 7-r. brick in very choicest east i Motion; unusuattjr.clevw wd Attractive ^-^^sun, and sleep, pchs.; h. w. heat; 2 tile •v'#i baths;:.-Shower; splendid wooded lot, 'i'";---Si-6wne*..'muBt sell; make offer. ... Wenil-cdlOhial home oil hug* wooded^cor- S^ner; finest location; 8 baths; > large sts sunny rms.; extra fine living rm. «e- duced now to 126,000. A remarkably bargain. ':â- "'â- â- â-  «l'- -^~M, E^ BARKER & CO, â- 'â- â- -â- '..â- â- .^Si1 â- ]}::<;::"i :-'":.".. "â- â- â-  Ltgao-ltC Ltg25-ltc, TS~SerSJna^jfi&&BSr^&^^ COLONIAL IN ^S^r^oofc stove etc. Just the^thing WILL SELL OR TBADB1 BQVTTY OF $15,000 hi a 136,000 Winnetkahome,.for small residence in good location. „Add. Lake Shore News B^«. Ltg25-ltc, I": ^â- 4i-:: #€Mlv..aMj*-4*OMg "INJR SALB--GBNTLBMAN'S UP-Tp- ^ date 3B«w#oiiRtry A^ Northern Wisconsin on the shores of the famous Manltowlehl, including 48 acres with approximately 8,000 feet of < shore line, 0 acres under cultivation, ^-. main lodge, 7 largo rooms, furniture, draperteB and ruga, new last year, large i-"-" front and sleeping j»rchea> screened=ln r separate dormitory, away from main : tonB«^%wi»ings around all porches and V %Sfory. electric light andjwater - system, large bathroom, cement floored j»rai^ wtthSWo«kif^^ ar with 60 tonr5olrlcW^aJW :lw^ atands, cook stove etc.,. Just the^thinr ^to? your summer-cottage. Very cheap. 685 Park Ave.. Tel. Wil. 1S69. L2S-ltp FOR iALB>â€"2 HEATERS J GAS AND ott; fxomb. desks, B. walnut and oak; bed. Phone Wil. 1248. Ltg25^1tc FOR SALEâ€"BROWN 'LEATHER: DA V- enport; good condition, reasonable. Tel. Wto. m. Ltg25^1tc FURNITURE FOR SALE^HBAPriMU8* bO sold by-Saturday, Phone Wilmette 985-M. 1012 Greenleaf avenjfle>rWll. FOR Tel. SALE â€"- FURNITURE, Wll. 1298. SALS---60MPLETE: CHEAP. L25-ltC =lngs. of a^ four-roomett^bu^alow,^c)|anc6 for newly weds; cheap. M. Tel. Glen'* 832- Ltg25-ltp FOR SALEâ€"GAS RANGE, 8x10%, JUG* and refrigerator; good condition, cheap. TeL Wftr 1180, between 1 and \ p. m. Saturday. 'L25-MP WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCBLLANEOUS PUBLIC arate cottage for care taker; boat house, * boats, 2 Evlnrude motors, new one STENOGRAPHER, PUBLIC * «, light andjfrator] TtFEWHITING* g MULTIGRAPH^rJR, " " ' mimeographing, addressing, folding and mailing,r promptly and "accurately^ done. Bvanston Letter Service, 620 Davis St. Tel. Evans. 614b. Ltg2g^tc -and one-half ton iroM-tpuoic, ons .--w^_ - ^ â€"" -Mckens, pjg from Chi blooded Jersey- cow,' chickens, pneajHints, . Best of bun Greenwood _ and Ave., Wilmette, ... fan ligeonsv Wm* FOR „^_ heated. RENT- Ltg25-ltc rentâ€"Houses ~ " ROO#F^^.NjBfe>JHLOT^ between Lt26-ltp FURNIBHBD HOUSE, f dining and sleeping prcba. WANTED TO BUY---SECOND HAN© furniture and other household goods. His^est priced-paid ^for^ same. Crost Furniture Store* 1004-06 Emerson St., Bvanston. HI. Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfc MISCELLANEOUS -NOTARY ELECTRIC IRONS, VACUUM CLEAN- ers repaired. yases_ wired ^_alL electrical appliances sold. Phone R. I. Adams, SCHAEFER Tel. Wil. 434. I^LmNCEgREAL ESTATE EEEUS FOR ACRE TRACTS IH NE^^K®LTOHNSHtP W0i'"Si i%^ti&$M£ mi i^r I$pringtim0^khe countrf^fthe great Ou0 mdoors is calling you to enjoy the healthy Wlmsures---and fo antt ^open'meadowsWmake:i%dvantag&::0:Mts^ ajW^JourmgJfWWp mmmm ;p mM Tmvelpmre you wm^when ym^iease ^^most etono down payments^;"^^;%f^j|^^^|^fi^ is7 'SSi>S^|i !>?tefeJ8( m>RB and uNcoim k'^^S,- 'SfmUi S!sifei$ wi MM w$Sft Si^RIBMli P- Sales Mqwo^T'*^^ "Phone Evanston 4884^8 .'i#s ^brxl T IU IMVF.RSM. C \U .218.': ^-IBsWraSs?'*!'? 810 Church Street NexttaPb ^^0^^-M fSfiir

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