Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1922, p. 9

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BAPTOT CHURCH g Sunday is tli& Annual Stewardship -Day in the church. Mr. Sttfler will speak at the morning service on "The Joy of Doing, The* impossible" and Jjfi the elose of the ^ejpYice Will com- mission a group of' forty-eight who will during the afternoon visit evey jjJEI^ m family in the church pledge pi financial: to receive their for iJie pledges for the fiscal year beginning May 1. The canvassers will sit down to lunch at the church immediately After the morning service and will commence their visitation at 2 o'clock. All the other members o| the^ehurch are asked to remain at home until -they have been visited. - â€" Under the Unified Budget plan* on which the church operates, every member not only of the church pro- per, but all who are members of the Bible school;jf the Woman's society, the Young Peoples Union, the World- Wide, Guild, etc., will be asked to pledge to the support of 4he church ^-whtch^B*w^^ â€"the organizations connected-^with ^ Accordingly, in the session of the -iBible school Sunday morning the scholars will be asked to make their pledges for the year. It is anticipated that the budgets will be quickly over- subscribed because of the large growth of the church during the past year and the strong and active interest In thef past of the members^- Tâ€"------- __j Members of the Christian Endeav- ' bv society of the Highland Park Pres- :i>yteriai^^^ Young People's society at their regu- lar meeting on Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock. , . .;,^. ! The^Junior and Intermediate :rso- cietieswill meet at 4 o'clock- Sunday afternoon, v The, Chicago Baptist Social Union, will hold its closing meeting of the year at~the Hamilton club, Chicago, Tuesday evening, May 2. Rev. Wr S. Abernathy D7 D., pastor of the Cal- vary Baptist church;; Washington, D. jC., President Harding's church, will be the speaker and the Choral society of the Oak Park_Ffcstchurch will sing. • â- ;.';[â- â- â- â- ;]<{-:â-  'â- â-  '^~:--<m SpmleSng of the Woman's will be held Friday at the Detailed notice next week. le jciety #m*ehi; **lf$[e^imuaiMeeting of the church Vill be held at 6:30 o'clock at the church Wednesday, Mpy 10. Elabor- jlte plans to make this event memor- ^SbTe~1n^6^haia:iOhÂ¥^ under way; ^ I The Wilmette Baptist: ichurch is located at the corner of Wllmette and Forest avenues. Bible school at 9:45. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Mid- week Prayer meetingr-Wednesday-at â- â€¢8 o'clock* 'â- " ?":W,...': '. ':#':. "r"'^: taken, so can the Chnrch Offlce new if you plan to be on hand. Tickets fifty cents. Reservations should, be In by 'Monday..._ j^;;. * ...,(i; ^.w..;v ;;:;,.„. ,.^,... .â-  ..â-  The Coxy Corner 'Guam ! Huffman, chairman, will hold an all- d|yj|ej|^^ The Tatapochon Camp Fire Giris will meet at the Church, Thursday at 4:00 ^*clock, jtb make final prepara- tions^fOT:Tp^tFop"Saj^^':"!!^^;,^ :^. .e^e^lrir^venW^CirlS5 M*s. Br"WhfwlfM»k ^ftjriw>ft«â- â- â- :â-  will hold an/all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry Cooper, 824 Lake are., Friday, May 5, Mrs. S. A. Wheelock, And Mrs. David Betts, will assist the The Junior Department jwfll 1 told ia party at the Church, Friday-all members of the department cordially invited. 'These already popular parties need no further announcement^; f:g Dr. Magill's sermon subject ror next Sunday morning will be "The Unat- tractiveness of: ReIigioh.n^^i#:^;.i-m ' ".".â-  â- â- â- '.. ' __'- : â-  ^MMSWr4S'^Z::: Parents will present their little., ones for Baptism at the regular morning service on next Sunday, April 30. | The newly* organized Westminster Guild will give a May pay party in the parloir"t>f~-the---ehttreh Monday after- noon, May 1, at two o'clock^ AH young married women of the church are .in- vited to attend. Those having chil- dren from one to nine years of age are requested to leave them in the Sunday School Annex where they will be cared for by Mrs. Durham aridTMfST Newtdn, A Light Bearers Band for the children from six to nine^years-of age will be organized at this time/ -.â€"A;j dinner in connection with the regular monthly meeting^ofThenDfllcers and teachers of the Sunday School will br^givett-Tiext Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock. â- '•""<?^:^r:*?mr.:' Sunday School .^.... ..vrir9r30 Church Service' .......'.'.. .11:00 Junior C. E. ..............3:30 Senior C. B. ....,./..... .5:30 Wednesday, a.m. a.m. p.m. Sim. Mid-Week Service, ........................8:00 p.m. The church is located at the corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. A local braami of the Church Pm& odlcal club has recently been formed in St Augustine's with Mrs. Ruby Foy Truitt in charge. Through the agency of this organization many thousands of magazines* periodicals, prayer books and reading matter of all kinds are sent to those not able to provide such for themselves. 'Ad- dresses are furnished to all willing to mail one or more magazines regu- larly - after finishing lath them.:: Sfc Augustine's branch already has a small number who are doing this regularly performed^ quite a difficult operation. 'Mr.'Prlngla stood toe operation well and is coming along splendidly It will be some time before he will be able to be at home. _ -At^fche-Gaildrea^s^ some 1,200 boys and girls saw "Black Beauty" which proved to be a great favorite. Yesterday's showing was the last of the season. There was a special program of comedies carefully chosen lor boys an* girls which was greatly "enjoyed*by large number ir~ «uu>^» w«w «« -«^o .â€"â€" .r?â€"*-* As it is necessary to darken the and Mrs. Truitt Is eager considerably Pari8h ~ House with heavy curtains, ta enlarge the work and will be very which make it impossible to provide glad to have names of those willing to co-operate and assist Her address is 921 Thirteenth street, telephone, w^imette ian* NtrV OltW*l*ringle, TrewVi&t of St. Augustine's, was taken-to St Luke's hospital last week where Dr. McArthur requisite circulation in warm weather, it has been decided to end the sea- son with this month and to begin af- Itfer the summer vacation. : i i^ The Choir Boys of St. Augustine's are beginning to think of their camp They^ajo planning to give aconcert in the near future to help raise money to defrayieixpenses.---^l-^:- -^.......^~,~.~ The Rector offldated last night at the wedding of Miss Bthel Lusted to Mr. Edward Richardson. Hiss Lusted has for a long time been one of the leader* in the Church Sunday School work at St Augustine's. Among the wedding presents was one from children: [ of St.. Augustine's SchOOL:r:;;-/>-r:|^';^:>;'-. •"â- *•' â-  â- ^^P'ktiwS3$iM-'-â- wfiWS'SM': Don't forget ail Services Sunday at St Augustine's will be held by the new time, that is, one hour earlier than the present winter .:tlmev:^;-:-crtfi? it (Miife Church News on Page m) :;~r which make it impossible to provide LEGION AUXILIARY CARP #AWTf ... _j_'___«_a»-_ J_ _____ â€"..__.*«.â€".-> ~kn ' tnnnlonn T nâ€"Inn anrlHu-mr AT The American Legion auxiliary of Wilmette Post No. 46 is making plans for a Card party to be given the latter part of May;: T4te^p*©ceeds- are to be used to further the ^ors; among needy suffering ex-soldiers. A feature xifjthe^par^iijfMb^ numb^riSTprizes which will be offered sfcttM\:Pis*«-fc^ ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH oday d Cir- A Rummage Sale will be he at 521 Fourth St., the Eas_____ cle in charge........'^.~-'-.:\"~-'^.:^.. ."f,,â- ,;;,.^ M Turn your clock back one hour Sat- ^urdaymghfeApril 29th. SundaylMpmj- Jng Service, will begin at eleven o'clock Daylight Saving Time. Next: Saturday nightâ€"(tomorrow night, April 29, summer time begins. Be Bure to change your clock Satur- day night All services at St. Augus- tine's on Sunday will be held; on "Daylight Saving" time, that is, one hour earlier than the present winter . time;---------â€"-------^-H^-1--::^ -â-  'v:' The special preacher ~at^ St. Au- gustine's nextâ€"Sunday - s morning, April 30th, at eleven o'clock, will be Rev. B. J. Randall. Mr. Randall is Secretarx ot^he Diocese of Chlca go and is not only closely in touch with all Diocesan affairs of the Epis- copal church but also with the church nationally. Thoso who attend will be sure to hear a ^practical address of wide Interest to all. There will also^be Celebration t>fthr Holy Com- munion at 8:00 a. m. with Church School and^Bibieâ€"Classes at 9:45. ^ W RoV. 'StepÂ¥en »â-  Ai T4oy-d Ise as lis subject next "Around the Wilmette I Sunday, ,MVWM„____________Horizon," the eeco^"semoir4n-*his eervices-to-thOi Church Family^ Miss Mary Welch, Contralto, will be the soloist.;|pj||||||;" il The Congregational Conference of "Ifllinoisl^firbs held MSJF*=37 at Cham- paign, RL More than the usual amount of interest ^s being shown in the Conference this year, as it is to he Held in the new College Church at ^Champaign.-and a number A^^ known men will speak. The~uelegater from the Wilmette Church are, Mrs. W, A. Tucker, ^firs, S, A, Lloyd,_Mr. â- ':Harold Qttmore^:"y:'t^ f The^%oard%f Trustees will hold its May meeting at the home ofMrs. ^^S^Harlan> 430 SheridanryRoad, 3keniiworth7 Monday, May 1st m "gf^ The Woman's Christla^'rempewnM orese'^oT^C^icaio^Ts^aivi^^ mtb ten Districts, including all the Chur^JtSundaxis^oolsli^^jdjocese. Each district holds an annual jgather- ing at some central poinCXastyear's service for this district was held at St. Augustine's and was so successful- that those in charge asked that it be held here again this year. This service, specially for the chil- dren of the Church Sjinday^gchools of ttie^ North Shore will thereforense held at St. Augustine's next Sunday 3tz3j30jâ€"Rev^lb A^ GerharAtJ^cJo^ of Christ Church, Winnetka, wi dress the^c^ldteir-aTra^he-amounts of Lenten savings of the children of the various Church Schools gltfte Dis- trict wiU be announced. ^Mllpl::.! St.IAuMsti11^00^8 and 8irls wiU assemble in the Parish House not later than 3:15 and .march into the church. /L;.....,;:.; J:,,; y-/~~~'V^^r^~r~* yK^p^ti^^M0^MwMndi&^^ Be^ Honest and others. Bi^fe m: the woirld Help sujppoft a aGhureh pi' HI .iDnion will meet with the Woman s iMissionaty Society oi_tbe G^ncoe »Methodist Church at the home of Mrs. ^Ilfeiiry White, 483 Madison Ave., fldencoe, at 2:00 P. M., Monday, -ilist____......,____-;_.......--â-  -^-â€"^~ --- The Eastern Star Annual JBanquet play inal dinner of the season, ^ iield WeJ^esday eventag^Jiay^r^ ht. 6:45. The dinger wmhe_served by lie North End ?»cle, ^oT. directty afr w dinheKan Ulustrated lecture The"women: of *he Associated Guilds will meet in' the Parish House this Friday morning, April 28th, at 10 a. jb* Lve for an all day session. There will be MaT =«s=4nferma^4unimBxai^fo*L tiie^work- ers at noon, and at 2 p. m. wffl he held the regular monthly business meetmg at which a full attendance^ is requested The United 6ffe-__.__ . , miaily "br the women of St. Augustine s --------F share towards a Yei-y-^arge annual sunTlraiBed each-yearâ€"hy^the will fctSe^n* «tereoptican views will W rfven in the Auditorium and any hoS^u«ah^to attend the dinner ^^e^Se^t the /ecture,tOnly reservations will be tafcen wm Episcopal women of the United States* will be presented at^^^fjicialser-^ vice to be held to St. Augustine s next Friday, May 6th. The aervice will be lield at II o'clock and will be the Holy Communion. ^l$t$0$$i im' 'â- :W6m&'r-:£$"- -e^---' .....â- 'â- /.' ^hfTrefuiaFv^^meettogi*™™ held ^t St^^gustine?S »axt Wednes- day evening, May 3rd, at\8 p. m. in- The FirsfPresbytenan 11 Rep. Ceo. P.Magili** Gilbert Slansell pp^MirfSMSi jgjfep^yj; JUpTStept^A. ^toyd The Wilmette Baptist RrtiFranth C. Stifitr RetoHefmen$^M*ier m$s!M$ zM Rev. Hubert Carltion} m- Lutheran tfs§s i^^^ |?ig§^ iMimM m •£$$§£*$$ ft^te:.-!':!. I®' iii^^^^^s^s SS7;; --aKBt."â€"jM&rffSm .- â- %£&.-

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