#§*j| ^mk^^^^i.^^r^r ^gp^'^^f^pM^jpp^ p|,fifS||t -$$* SS^vS*?? >THE LAKE SHOP* *"â„¢f* PRIDAY.^RII. H, JW» PUBLIC FORUM iiV-i-^-W;»:';V:-^H^;i?.'Wllm«tte. 111., April 14, 19ZZ Iti ^Editor, The Lake Shore News, Wilmette, m. <{>#>:? Dear Sir: '"'"'"« • iig$£ I noticed-In-the Public Forum of tyour paper published today what pur- ii4fe ports to be a letter by. "accredited ^representatives" of the Wilmette Im- PT^tt^emettt Association in which a 113teeling of resentment is «xpressed at ^ ^ Psome statements I am quoted as hav- t-iil^lng' made in a previoUBjaflue and_ which it Is thoughtnoalfe into question ~ the purpose of the organization. ; I do not care to engage in any con- troversy with the "accredited repre- sentatives" of the AssociaUon^anent ' the scope and purpose 01 the *2?$5" ^S more familiar than myself, but if 1^-thwwffi refer"to the article again In which I was quoted they win find ^m- that I did riot directly charge that the S organization was officially furthering ^ Ithe candidacy of_ theâ€"independent "~~* candidates, but that I stated in ef- ehip who so ^gor^^jand^yrtly supported merdu^hgTthe^p$!Pi||s- lative primary -.campaign. ^^T;^--^ The results of the election were most gratifying, for it was conclusively dem onstrated that could it have beeinpoar sible for me, or for those who knew me, to reach the voters, I would have been nominated. But the machine held the determinin^-ivotesâ€"andâ€"it swung the election. I put one hundred per cent of my personal effort into the campaign and I appreciate £iore than I can tell your heartyâ€"co-operation. K. of C. Menlirial Service At Jones Hall Next Tuesday Memorial services for <*«?»*{«£ members of Ouilmette council, Knights oT QSumbus, will be held .Tuesday evening, April 25* at Jones' Lodge The occasion will be featured by the oration which will be delivered by Jerbme-erowley, master of the fourtn degree, and musical selections to be rendered^by the Columbia quartet. The advance sale of tickets for the Spring FroMc dance to be given Sat- ining, May & *t Kenilworth Asembly hall, is said to be most promising. The first practice game for the baseball nine representing the coun- cil will take_place_Saturday afternoon on New Trier field with Newman couiicTr~of B^anston furnishing opposition. * candidates, oui ia»i x dm*v^* »« ~- ff^t »hft^^A4MH^4te^h4ef-t>fficet^wafr -rftfe availing himself of the^facllitiea-of the organIzatIonvHthth^t_end_Jn ife^-T^tew^â€"Tnls~7lnTdrmaTIottwas con- &-^veyed to me by one of the members g of the organization. The outcome- oi ^ ? the School Board election I thUik SIS speaks volumes for the justice of toe © position that I assumed during the Ifi^-iajnpaigitr^So-far as being one of the Mm- sponsors for this ticket I desire^to |i^- say-that4^4n common with a number i% of others was misinformed by a few B agitators with respect to the existing ft r vacancies on the Board/nevertheless, M^twhen I learned the facts I lost no ^a^time in endeavoring to have *heao> *MB ditlonal candidates withdraw their Hf S petitions, whichjBmsa^great^al representatives" of the Wilmette^ Im-. £ovement_^Aiio^iaJklQik^ Yours truly, ;. J. NOBOORP. ^61 gratitudeto^ theTwit ofmy friends and acquaintances in New Trier Town BURG! IN WILMETTE lit a new package that fits the pocketâ€" At a price that fits the pocket-bookâ€" Ttie samerutmwtchea^WeJta*ltf^~^^ Turkish. Virginia and BvRLEYTobaccos •JilJ^am^- O^TlEKEEPI ERS who are arT^rtxulaflyKir careful about the qual- ity,of our bread have h3^e4-4n-a^vast-meai|| sure to increase its, popularity. ^Thanks, we intenrhtcrkeep the ^f^uTJilaWmStr^^ few of the specially good have beer* sold^rat entirely. ^Still there are â- manXthin^^ (when our present stock of these items is sold we Jcannot replenish Jhe J|oJ^^j^^n0ieseT-price's^ Don't risk "yolr Jewelry, Bonds, Deeds, Securities, Important Papers, Etc, by leaving themjinprotected in your house when less,thah one cent a day will rentr a box controlled by your ow»key in a real Safety De- posit Vault.- . -1.....â- ;â€"" --â- •-r-: Suif Cases, Trunks or Packages of Silver, Clothing, linen, etc, also stored in. Fire and Burglar Proof pautti>y the month, at moderate rates. â- â- â- 7M;#£':femim Come in and examine our Vaults -f^f^;r I Krilt Ur^rmear In Styles for Spiring and Summer The sort of garments many women prefer for ^this changeable Spring, weather as well as flight ^on^rtable \mderwear for Summer, are fmelndecHn these assortments. Each style and "grade is of good quality and will give excellent^ ^ervjcevjjftfe suggest_youjsuj^^ ^:QS^2^^^1^SSiS|Zp2L3ze^ are yet^ ^:compiete7~l^"^,.; hS;*^ ;:,. ~ ...... ;â- ""^ This week we are featuring Hosiery for every purpose, and^rou4iaye the advantage of large setectionsand attractive values. There are time^when^ojL^niax-m wear stardy-jgot^ ton hosiery; there are more dressy occasions when you want silk. Both cotton and silk ws^^ thosjtei^is-shown\in^ dependable quality. Among the numbers be^f ing shown you wilt find toee la&^izMSenix~.kmg& silk hose- -No. 365 ajL>1.20, No, 708^atH|i^fr andNo736aat------ ^ â- iC=s=a=s ^ !8--at -WLlsLâ€"r-^^^ u-Tor trie L,luiafenkWmMMMm msmm^msmis. Si^^^*^*W girj^ditidi^&o4C stockings, we already have "a good, complete:;;^ selection of Children's socks in white and plaiitPS ^hjrfef wiA ^ncy^to^ fgf