Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1922, p. 6

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^V'»l'-f^'V;"\"rJ'"^V^7T^ SSfft ittff vmmmm- THE UKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1932 Kenilworth Happenings mii Miss Cornelia Keith, daughter of ^Pto^aa'd^'MlwrTCarlTCatli, returned to ©Emma Willard School at Troy, N. Y. ? where jshe-is attending classes after SS.: spending Easter vacation in Kenil- worthr^TrT Tolin Keith arrived home •7. Thursday to spend the Easter holi- vi7;, days_______ Mrs. and Mrs. Vincent Taylor and daughter, Peggy,, are the guests of Mr. Henry Taylor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Georg6 Keehn have taken the horn l2£-.-Di- Paiinlee while thei are JUi Qlencoc sf with Mr. and Mrs. Loomis Hypes. ^M'£:^%-:t^:^' v:);- â€"oâ€"- â-  ""â- ' """•.'",'.""'.'â- â-  â- ' ';. ^SfMis&Heiien Reeves, daughter of Mr. 4^ and Mrs. Owen T. Reeves, who is at I:,;: tending National Park Seminary ttaÂ¥ »S j!e±iirneit_a£ter--spe»d4ngâ€"Easter-^a- Dr. and MrsV Rufus Stolp enter- tained at dinner Wednesday evening in honor of their daughter, Katner- ine. â- â- ;â- â- â- :â- -â-  ' . Mr. Carl Keith and son Elhridge and daughter Margaret, and Bob Osgood left Friday for Big Lake, Wis., to spend Easter. Mr. Loomis Hypes left Wednesday for New York and sailed Saturday for Europe to be gone six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Mauslby Forrest are Ithe guests' of m Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Reichniann. â- 'â- ". lD,enter- tined the Evening Bridge club Mon> day evening;;-: -- cation in Kenilworth. ^ Mr: and Mrs. Owen T. Reeves were dinner hosts Thursday evening In honor of their house guests, Mr. Louis Stevenson and Mr. Lon Merwin ~ot Btoomlugtou, IIIt Mr. and Mrs. Walter *Gerould wno have been with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tuylor, Jr., for the past ten days have returned to Evanston^ "~~~MrsT Frederick D'Aix^^ entertained fifteen young girls at a bridge party Saturday last in honor of her niecet Clara Belle. KMllwx)r4h^^ednesday ajEter-a-fort^ night in New York as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Avery Gerould. te,EMr7"aid Mrs. Waiter Marx are be- ing congratulated .upon the birth of a daughter, Sunday last. ^^h^trustees of the Kenilworth Union church held their annual Mrs. Harry Harrison entertained the Study Class Wednesday after- n2°ik__~i--...'";"'~_' -----.......*..... ~Mr. W. Irvin^Woo^waTa^sp^hTTasT week in Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Ruth Woodward entertained at bridge-Thursday_evening. Mrs. W. W. Wheelock was a lunch eon hostess Wednesday last*___------ 7â€"Mrs Warren Pease entertained_the ^meTnWnTBrTae^lub^TuWayr- dinner Tuesday evening in the KenTF worth gymnasium. WilHiett^lee ^F e ami n gJ2 Qr F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil Lawns Grading Lawn Fertilizer for Cinders ^ Building Material General Teaming We Build Drive- ways Sand and Gravel FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE 723 Vs'. Railroad Ave. rHione Wll. 53 Socialtiawcntod* Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Southworth who have been with the Bodine South- worth- in Kenilworth since their re- turn from the south, left Wednesday for a short stay in Lake Geneva? where they will make their home this summer. : • ._..„_._. Miss Frances Flpntyp, returned Sun- day to Port Wayne, Ind., where she is an instructor in the high school, after being tin? guest of her parents, Mr. and „Mrg, JtL L.JElentye, 729~Lake avenue, forthe past ten days,: __r J -......â- ......------------------------:~;^' o â-  Albert Thicker arrived home Tues- day evening from Madison, Wis., to spend the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tucker, 1214 Lake avenue. The Men's Whist Club met Tues- day evening in the home of Mr. Joseph Lanning, 411 Laurel avenue: Their wives were entertained at the home of Mrs. A. J. Mouat, 616 Lake avenue. iuacheoi _-M4sB^orothy-King-«rrived--htjme yesterday from the the University of __W4seonsinTâ€"toâ€"be-^wtthâ€"her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. King, 611 Forest avenue, over Easter. John A. McKeighan, 1606 Forest -aventteT-arsophomore ar~~New Trier high school, is spending the week-end with relatives in Elmwood and Peoria, &he marriage of MlsfrMarymWa "' daughter of Mr. and fors.^Jjmfs S. Winn of Evanston, to <*<**« J*â„¢**?* Gibson of Evanston will otake place Saturday ^ening,^AprU 29 at 8.30 o'clock at St. ^^.c^^a JFSf Winn will be attended by »w sister-in- law, Mrs. Warren Winn (Martha Lusted) as matron of honor, and_a group of out-of-town friends will be her bridesmaids. Mrs W E. Hudson and Miss Beat-^ have been in Califprnia for several weeks, and had contemplated a^trip to Honolulu before their return, post- poned their trip on the water until nexU^earT and hav* returned 4k> 0 REPLACE "BAD' WMm BROOM8 fvpias. Recently, The Fuller Brush, com- % pany put on the market a household tl broom which was later discovered to i be below standard The company is Endeavoring^ to locate each on© and ---?- replace it with another broom of i superior quality. The local represen- £ tative says that a postal card ad? â-  _jfe" dressed to C. F. Bamberg, General #> Delivery, Winnetka will receive prompt aj&ention. :.*;.^^- -fiff!^R4JGiFtXl©f^ 0ANT/ The Crucifixion cantata. "The Mes- Mr. and Mrs. -mg^-frorff "the CrosST"" is" to "he ren- : dered at the church this evening by the choir of the First Methodists i^wjh^-^featuwfcHOt^the^^ be the display of a large illuminated Ashland avenue, iiave returned from a, motor trip from Springfield, O., with Mr. and Mrs. George M. Crandall from Kilbourne, Wis. Mrs. Richard W. Jordan will enter- tain the Tuesday-Luncheon and Bridge club at her home, 1012 Green- wood avenue, next week. . Miss^irM^OitKs<E the University of Wisconsin this week, to spend the Easter vacation with hi parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Othner, 715JLaurel avenue. Mrs. B. F. Blymyer, 626 Lake aye? nuo, is convalescing at her home fol- lowing an operationrHtor appendicitis at the Evanston hospital/ â„¢ Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Smithers, 711 Lake avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. erawtcrtfr^i^^^eHtraT^ave^^T^ave: "returned from a sojourn at Excelsior" Springs, .Mo.. .... .'. â-  ~*:^.r-:^r Miss Constance Jordan,, 505 Maple avenue, has been appointed a delegate to the Philathean convention to be held at Jacksonville, 111., next week by the local chapter of Philathea. ^r; and Mrsi Rlchafd Cody, w had been residing at the Evanston hotel since April 1, hav6 gone south for an extended trip. Mr. ana Mrs. M. S. Humphreys of 519 Gregory avenue, are rejoicing over thA fr|»-tft nfasnn. on Satiirda 8, af*$t; Francis^ Hospitai^Evanstpn. Miss Roberta Skinner, 723 Central avenue, accompanied by Miss Vir- ginia Buchanan of Winnetka as visit- ing in Boston and New York. "Bal" Robinson, 1026 Aahland ave- nue, is with tl EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE Easter services at the First Method- ist church of Wilmette will be featured jt>y__a_^unrise-service at 6:30 o'clock Sunday morning. Dean Traxler of Ev- anston willJie.the_special speaker. Help! we're running out of Blue Devil ads. $25;00 for the best; *5:00 for every one we can use. Adv. L23-ltc nofs baseball^eamTrOn a: training trip Ihlthe souths Mrs. George Garrett has returned to. her home in Lee, Mich., after spend- ing several days with her old school Mrs. T. B. Potter wagL hostess ta-th members of the Thursday Luncheon and Bridge xlub this week at her home, 607 Forest avenue. ::fMM:^MX lug BC,clol „„,„ „______-------------- Miss Elizabeth Singletdh, 522 Hill friendr l^rs^ E. Nr ?j f^Mt^tWmt^ 1019 Davis Street § f Phone Evanston 578 Ev*n$ton .---.-4

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