If-â€" THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL M. 19S8 !*#; With One of 1914 If the -motorists of today were set back into the year of 1914â€""those good old days'^-how would he fare in the purchase of an automobile? What price would he have to pay and what would he get for his money?";^:;;^I{|| This^pfdpositionWas placed before the motoring public and immediately there was this sort of a reply, "Ah, if we were but back intlrerdear old^iays of-14, we'd get a-lot of automobile for mighty little money. Prices were-certainty^iow. Why, I can remember when we'd get &; Spufendorf car for $950. And you remember the old Clankety car that was priced at $800. There was a real buy." ;^ But would the motorist of 1922 be at all happy if he were put behind the wheel of one^olthe^e 1914 car sselling: for $800 to $900? Imagine him trying to make Hubbard Hill on-high! Imagine him driving over unpaved streets. Imagine him bumping over the^Z^^^^^tosid at its^wbrst-andtrying-to make speed. 4-^-^- _ ^-^^-^r^r^r^^ :â- â- •â- â- â- ; :V0;v-â- - ......--.-.....-......'â€"......'..'.....L^;l_""":'"â- :'r--i'- 'â- ;â- 'â- â- â- •;â- â- " •' •â- *â- "â- â- - '-"' â- â- " â- " â- â- â- '-â- â- ; ' - .â- â- ->â- â- â- â- â- -â- -â- .. .. ,â- â- .::â- .â- .;';â- â- â- ' :â- â- '. v':.."V'.â- ::.â- .â- ".:: K'.;;^-,;;'-'.;-,';'.^ The car of 1914 is not the 1922. The motorist of 1922 is not the motorist of 1914. In the last eight years there* has'beeiij^iKK^ remarkable advance in beauty of line and finish, in power and speed of motors, and in ease and comfort of riding. no comment. The car of 1914 was an easy-riding boat, but even so it wasn't a tenth as comfortaS^M^^^^a^WT^^^^^^ ~~"~ .....~~" " ~ ^~- '•'..â- ' . $ The improvements and conveniences that have been put into automobiles in the last eight years have come gradually and we have becomeaccustomed to themMgradually. They are none the less remarkable that. The motorist of 1914 who paid several thousand dollars for his automobile at that timeâ€"buying what was called the finestcar in the world, did not get as much power, speed, comfortable riding, fine appearance nor any better standing up qualities than the motorist who planks down $1000, or $2500 for a car now. In fact, a 1922 car would so outclass in perfbrmance the best of -the 1914 cars that there is hardly any comparison, and the motorist of today wouldn't hesitate a minute in picking the car of 1922. Yet in spite of the great improvements which have been made, modern manufacturing economies and recent reductions have brought the price of good cars down to what the motorist of 1914 would consider a ridiculously- low figure.-----rr~-~^~-^-l....7.......'........;_v_,.-..-......._.-.:;/rtTTZ7^~::~r- .. â- : ..'>,:--.-:â- â- ;:,,."râ€"~~â€"â€"r^^Z,. '".'â- ""....... , "... . ' ~ : ~ -^â€"â€";~â€"' -^pg^ No, the motorist of 1922, we are afraid, would,be inclined to turn up his nose at the car of 1914 in spite of the low price. "~~T^i7rr^r^rZ7Zy^t^ The greatest bargains in the history of the motor car are right here today, and we sell the leaders of their respective classes^-^ 'r"~~J^~7~'~'^7rT^'. HAYNES75--P525 HAYNES 55--$ 1695â€" COLUMBIA UGHT SIX $1078 ^Good?' MAXWELL $965 ^EUVlREimgffiHERE^ If it is not convenient to come to our show rooms, we will be glad to arrange Â¥^emonstrmtionrat youincOTveiirence, if you will give us a ring onJthe telephone. Won't you let us hear from you today? J^filll WtMS'M â- $$â- >£!â- 'â- '-&' $fcv3* Jans-Lamke Motor Co. sSlsllliSgil lip W8m ll't^SS Mi TOI3-TM7^D^ steii 6020-4250 COLUMBIA LIGHT STANDARD EQUIPMENT STANDARD EQUIPMENT 31 x 4 Oversize Cord* Tires. Disc Steel Wheels. Timken Axles. ~.'........ ;,..-..~~ Stromberg Carburetor, "/-^r^:^^!^ Borg & Beck Ctotdx^:^^--\z:/^W^$ i Genuine Leather Upholstery* 5 Barrel Lamps. Wheel Base, 115 Inches. -31x4 Oversize Cora Tires. > Disc Steel Wheels. - - ^ ^ 6-Cyl. 45 H P. TBfld Seal" Motor. Timken Axles. __' ,; •â- ';â- 'â- â- -,. "GOOD" MAXWE 1922 £H*^!*M5Baa3^8iK ^ Stromberg Carburetor. Borg &-Beck Clutch. Genuine Leather Upholstery. i-JEtarrel Lamps. Wheel Baser 115 Inches* p:j MODELS 'J|:^;g„|g|g|| MO®ELSp^|M:p Touring â- V^llif' $1078"; Touring ^ggj:0ff^W!S Sli05^Coupe^^^^^^l39 1495 ^Coupe Sedan III i,!^ mm. SSS11 Hi mm gflfffp Ittflfl s$8s %S^^^^sgss^^f|;^v^ J