Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1922, p. 15

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ISlf |j|pPff ' !#is? 4<B«iâ€"«K ffil' LAKE SH6JE NEW^RlfiJfcll^t Katesâ€"10c f&r line for each insertion. Minimum 3. lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 12 p. m. Bates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk ancT Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face -type Charged Double Price. FOR SALEâ€"WILMETTE, EAST OP tracks, must dispose of my attractive 7 rm. stucco and green shingle residence. - Two extra rooms on third floor, oak ^nd enamel finished, double hard wood floors, two screened porches, house â€"metal weather stripped throughout, ex- cellent combination . hoaxing plant, -â€"wooded lot 46x300, doubter stucco gar- age, with light, water and gas in- stalled, cement drive-way. Will sacrl- iftce for $11,200.00;. One-half cash. Call Will 1663. LT23-ltc REAL ESTATE -^--ArffcEDDINGTONTTCO". UNEXCELLED SERVICE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS OP REAL ESTATE 5 R. FRAME BUNGALOj£*-LOT 50x163, 1 car garage, a real bargain at $8750.00. 5 R. new stucco bungalow, 3 porches, lot 50x200. H. W. heat. Only $10,500.00.. If you are looking for a nice new brick bungalow of 5 rooms, this surely ought to suit you. Has vapor heat, 2 porches, lot 50x150, price $12,600.00. !' lot 50x150, price $12,500.00. â-  . FQR_SALE-~H0TTSE;BRICK AND I 7 R. frameihpusei_JjpjQrchesTJot-6^-----stuccoTTIbed-rooms, 2 baths, 75 ft. lot convenient to transportation, -nice double garage, delivery July 1st. 612 neighborhood. $13,700.00. 8 R. stucco and frame, lot 50x185, very good neighborhood, convenient to trans- . portation and the business section^, of Wllmette, $15,000.00. 8 R. stucco house in N. Evanston, H. W. heat, heated garage attached, lot 57x =â€"*75t-$1«vOOO;00. -â€"-------- _^â€" â€" 8 R. stucco house in Kenilworth, water heat, 2 porches, triangular lot 64x234x 54 rear. This house is ideally located in the best section of Kenilworth and we ____are sure that you would like it if inspect- ed. Price very reasonable at $17,500.00. 1157 Wllmette Ave., Phones 640â€"1417â€"2066. Wllmette. _ ___________ __________________LTG2S-lt& FOR SALEâ€"WELMETTE, NEW 6 RM. stucco house easlTnear (L) 3 bed rooms, large tile bath, enclosed and heated sun room, corner lot, panelled dining room, '_ 25 foot, living room, open front porch, $14,500. New 7 room artistic Dutch Colonial home near lake, sun room, $17,500. Sixty-seven feet of good vacant, three blocks from the steam road depot, im- provements all in, a dandy lot tojbuild ------a small house on at $1800. For Sale Winnetka, attractive and nearly new 6 room stucco house in S. E. sec- tion near Indian Hill station, sun por., slDg. por. encl. all new homes surround- ing. Reduced to $14,000. Seventy feet of vacant in the most ex- clusive N. E. section of "Winn. Won- derful site for a high class home. One Price $6300. HILL & -WHEELER 401 Linden Ave. 743 Elm St. Winn. Phones Wllmette 93, wiaueaf^^mtte $30,000.00 WILL BUI_0|®OPiiTHE finest 10 rm. brick homesTn wmnerce, â€"Marge wooded lot, every^blng-that^eomd be desired in a complete m0^.?**?**"5' $20,000.00 will buy one of Wilmettt> b prettiest, most complete modern homes _on fine wooded cornerv- _ ^ WILMETTE REALTY CO. ^A. J. Woodcock. Prop.wU 13-4; LTG23-ltc POR SALEâ€"HOUSES HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"BY THE DAY, GIRL FOR light housework, and cooking. 2 in fam- ily.'Call at 231 Tenth St., Wllmette alter 6 p. m only. TeL Wil. 840-R. â- â- .',â- ; â- .;â- â€¢â€¢â- $?:â- &â- ' â- â- }, "fvrV .â- ;-yH-'^.r;-â- â- â€¢"â- 'â-  . . L23-ltC. $750.00 DOWN, $40 MO. BUYS EITHER of these, both in West Kenilworth, the Community'sectionâ€" 4 rm. frame bun- galow, 646 Temple Ct, stove heat, sink, bath, elec. weir, Prlcje-1326fi.«0, -Also new 6 rm. frame at 620 Houldsworth, same equipment, same terms $4,500.00 May 1st. See now, Y. Pavlik, Jr., Ken- ilworth, 111. LTG23-ltp WINNETKAâ€"EAST SIDE â€"SUBSTAN -""ttaTT6omy"nTne room brick and studco home, $18,000. Pour master bedrooms, sleeping porch; bath second, floor; maid's quarters, bath, third floor ^con- venient to lake, trans, and golf. Phone Winn. 1668. L23-ltc WANTEDâ€"EXPERIENCED, GENERAL, maid, good cooH, <white), family of 8 adults, good wages, 1016 Forest ave. Tet WIK 1776. LTG23-ltc WANTED â€" RELIABLE WOMAN AS mother's helper where cook is kept. References required. Telephone 5334 Wllmette, 780 Linden„Ave.. Wllmette. LTG22-ltcr WANTEDâ€"YOUNG WOMAN TO ASSISTT in store and office work; stenographic ^experience desirable. Apply Kiddie Nook. L22-ltc WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; no washing; must be able to cook. Add. 435 Lake Ave. Tel. Wil. FOR SALEâ€"FOUR RESIDENCES UN- der construction; tile bath; sleeping porches. All reasonable prices. End of Cherry St. near Skokie. By owner. Call Winn. 1119. Ltg22-2tc double' garage, delivery July Lake Ave. Tel. Wil. 240. 1st. 612 L23-ltp WANTEO,TO BUYâ€"HOME WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOME, WINNETKA or Wllmette; possession May 1st; not over $8,000. Tel. Highland Parkl507. __________â€"----------â€"-------------------Lt23=Ttcr fOR RENTâ€"BUNGALOW FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED 5 RM. BUN- galow, located on 890 Willow St., Winn. May 1st to Oct. 1st. (GarageX for further information Tel. Winn. 571. WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE RESPONSIBLE PARTY WILL PAY good rentalfor modern 6 or 7 rm. •home on North Shore. Tel. ^^1804^ Aâ€" 1 â€"OBâ€"8â€"RMV Can make interest- I WANT TO RENT house in Wllmette.------------â€" . ____. ing proposition to owners who have not succeeded in selling. Will rent for long or short term and am willing to ad- vance partial rent on lease. Can fur- nish any references desired. Fn0"6,^*.": mette 2070. L " WANTED TO RENTâ€"tf OK 7 R°OM house with option to purchase. Wil- mette to Glencoe. Tel. Ql^»g-81.4tc "â„¢"~---FOR RENTâ€"APARTMENT FOR RENTâ€"FIVE ROOM APT. SUN- parlor, sleeping porch, *urntehed_or_un- furnished, six months or longer. Adults oTthe^ewYo^ &^^^^^^ 1716 F,~t Ave- WiL LTG23-ltp --------- HELP WANTEPâ€"MALE WANTED - COMPETENT, RELIABLE man for house cleaning. W. T. Creamer, ^42 Longwood Ave., Glencoe'IJ£G23 ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"CHENEY TALKING MA- .chine like new; was $250, will sell for $150 with records; 3 compartment tire- less cooker, $18; ice box, Bohn-syphon, 45; Chautauqua desk, 5; Ent. Ivory bed room set, rug, overstuffed davenport and chairs, sewing machine. Address 872 Pine St., Winn. Ltg23-ltc wmm M FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"8 PAIR HANDSOME SWISS net and lace curtains $30.00. Cost $45.00 used 6 weeks, also one pair heavy net, panel curtains. Tel. -W4n. ^08.^-~ -^- LTG23-ltc FOR SALEâ€"3 COMPARTMENT FIRE- less cooker, first class condition, one sanitary couch, 746' Greenwood ave. Tel. Glencoe 732. LTG23-ltc FOfc SALB-rCHICKBN COOP. TEL. Wil. H83.BiAddress «2fc»Maple - ^Ave*. Wijt â- -: .vwsr L28-ltc FOR SALEâ€"SMALL________________ rignlckeh housed135 Prairie Ave. L23-ltp MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC IRONS, VACUUM CLEAN- ers- repaired7~vases wired; all electrical appliances sold;*§Phone R. I. Adams, Tel. Wil. 1040. »" *-' L18-tfc SILK LAMP SHADES RENOVATISD and remodeledJffi_jEsxpjeri£noeA^ avenue, a student at MacLean College, scored a success in "Overtones" at the jpft^es ;C|uh^ :CM^ I â-  ,i^^* new vBtcsu^^^m-^^: Rev. Wm. Kane, S. J.; author, le^ur**f ^ and psychologist. *t. Jt. Frp^si ^ayleiP churchi Wllmette, Thursday, B«^nlog. ______=_^_i_. April 20 at 8 p. m. â- ' -'^r^|j^^V^:.';â- â- â- â- .â- â€¢â- â-  :!;.;â- ;â- â€¢ JPORT A BT iKL â€"away is Psychologyr*--Thurlqay ©veil- * - """ ""â- " ing, April 20 at 8rp.ym. â- :â- â- â- . - ^ i ,," ""The interTfetattolisw soul and boay"(-? Wednesday evening, May 3, at 8 pv to ;* "Sub-conscious mindV-^Thursday even«$ ing,;Mayll,.atv.$ p. m. "^"â- ^^â- ir:^^^.'^:\'~ â- â-  â-  "Psychanalysl8,,--ynde^;aujB^cJf^i|f;v Woman's Catholic club ^^tt«et& Tickets for^ourse ^ tou^i^ie|m3*fMM^ FOR SALEâ€"USED WASHING MA- chines, overhauled and guaranteed. Thor, $50; Eden, $65: Federal, $35; other ^bargains.__Patterson Brothers, 828 Davte St., Evanston 654. Ltg21-3td- FOR SALEr-USHD TALKING MA- chines. We always have on hand bar- gains in used talking machines. Pat- terson Brothers, 828 Davis St., Evans. _654^ Ltg21-3te FOR SAtE â€" SEVERAL PIECES OF __furniture; brass and iron beds with box springs, gas range, 2 ovens and warm- ing oven. 446 Washingtpn_Aveâ€"Tel. Glen 90. Ltg23-ltc FOR SALE-=DAYENPORT ANEt CHAIR to match, couch, etc, rocker, small tables, rattkn Tel. Kenil. 183. FOR SALEâ€"FURNITURE, RUGS. CART, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212^J^I4gjgfo4 FOR SALEâ€"SOLID MART DTNINGTIM. table 54x54, colonial base, 6 extra leaves. Cost $150 new, will sell for $40. 519 Laurel. Tel. Wil. 1555. Ltg23-2tc FOR SALEâ€"2 OAK BOOKCASES WITH glass doors. TeL Glen. 373. Hazel Ave. Ltg23-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Croat Furniture Store, 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, HI. Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfc FOR SALE â€" FIVE P A S SB N GIB double drive, Detroit Electric, 62 cells, "Edison batteries, seat covers, nicely painted, and in good running condition. Bargain for quick sale. Charging plant separate or with car. Cresmer,^42 Longwood ave;, Glencoe. _ â-  - JML„: BE D. ONE OAKLAND RUNABOUT. CAN seen Saturday, good price. James â€"Swan,-932 Lake Ave. L23-ltc FOR SALEâ€"OAKLAND 5 PASSENGER touring car; very good mechanical con- dition, four good tires ahd spare; body fenders and top excellent.- An economi- cal little car at a bargain. ts? • . 1917 Saxon Six, 5 passengeritouringr1 This car has been used by private party and â€"hacHtbe very best of carer Continental motor, practically new. Set of tires and many extras^sA^eryjieconomi^j^<5ar* J250. LTG23-ltc WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562-Lincohi^Ave;â€" ^â€"Telr^Wln. 166 "Movie" Entertainment* -^-â€"-fedfe_hoine_ MOTION PICTURES of the family s|i Z Frank McMillan 6500 Ravenswood Ave. ........ Chicago, |U. r TOWLES TOURS OF irtTnnn!? w7 m m wmmr sa M k^BX^ m W^WCLAND-SCOTLANO-FRANCe ITALy-SWITZERLANO-eBWIANY & Scottish Lake + FRANCE *»B FLANDERS LAKE6ENEU* *£i?J>S SWISS ALPS 34io900Ak5 AMERICA" MOtUMt rtJfTMT muf/im f*HflftftilV fftMlHfI AiASMv&mMmAmmnm* LAKtmm-TUKU,---------------------- ^^^^^^ THE T& S TOURS COMPANY ___________FARMâ€"WANTEP_______^^ WA^TJMI>-TO~^B«r~F!Bt)(g-OWWBar wainx*iyâ€"_*y__^Z\~ *^» -coil Heliverv. 513-4th St. FOR^-SA^Eâ€"WILMETTE,----SUtfWTAW- venient East location, 4 blocks to Steam station, hot water heat, tile fcatn, ^screened porch, instantaneous water heater, enamel gas range, ice- box, included, .property'. in A-l <*â„¢jfc AtSactfve 8 room stucco in choice North East section, large living room, 3 Parches, tile bath, deep wooded lot, Mo-dem0*) room home on beautiful lot 75 byl75, 2 baths, 2 heated Porches, hot v^ter heat, 2 car garage, deally.locat- ed and In excellent condition *25»o°jh.T1 Beautifully vacant property near lake in, Smith W*st sectW^OO to $135 per foot Some nicely wooded lots 50^ by J50 in East ^SS^SSfSn&S%^ Glencoe, TiLjoiwSroNftca 340 Linden Avenue, Phone Wilin|^.ftc R. COLONlALjAN ECffi^fiAI^E^^NEWL^^ -very finest-locfttionr of a farm for sale, for Fall Givg* lowest price. L. Jones, Olney, IB- delivery. Box 551, L23-ltp FOR RENT--SINGLE OR SUJTE^.QF rooimr^ultable for professional people in Cox building, Wllmette. Call Central 2069 or Tel. Wil. 965-R. LTG23-ltp FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENT: ROOM, MARRIED COUPLE preferred. May have use of entire house first Sunday of each month. Nicely furnished. May 1st Garage Box 211. Glencoe. 111. Ltg23-ltp *OR RENT FURN. ROOMS; HO'f AND F?5d water. 629 West Raihroad avenu^ W^ilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. LU^trc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS; BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front rooms Bert east side location. Private Phone, adults Tel. Wil. 1940._____________ L . .. FOR RENTâ€"TWO, NICE, FUKNiariED r5>ms/ 2 blocks froin Station Married couple preferred, 859 Elm St Tel. Win^t325r . „v. Win, T^LTG23-Ttc ^^^TF*eatf-sun and sleep. ^7 bath •»â-  t%Jjf-*gg lK?"S,e in very choicest eaat ^section; unusually clever and ^tractive aun and sleep, pchs.; h. w. near,, ^ "»» baths? shower; splendid wooded lot; owner must sell; make offer. SeSPcJlonlal home on buget^.odf %\- ner; finest location; 3 baths, 9 Jge- sunny rms.; extra^flne living rm. duced *iio«LJto_$2MW0. A^fo^rent one of finest homes on Lake Shore at $250; ^vT,__ 0 ^^v M. E. BARKER & CO. 407 Linden Ave. Ph. Wit 407 LTQ23-lto ANTED TO RENTâ€"KOUmS WANTED BY COUPLE, BJfiU-^uuM WAadkitchenette. Phone Wil. W^ WANTED - TEMPORARY QUAKT^ fo? family-of 6 during May and Jnne. Address Lake, Shore News A^ WMII0§K,: ify llm^lim^ Charm, Comfort, Refineni^t^^chanting^oolc^^ -----and Corn«cs---Can be Obtained by the Use of I cpergotos, Arbors, Lattice Peaces, Tea Houses, Trellises, We have stock designs and also build to suit individual specifications, the ana]|Btt..ho^TO.>ae.^.laig^tJ»bM]&. Send lor ourJiterature^anit - your selections from our GARDEN CRAFT. We shall be glad to submit our suggestions and prices without obligation to you. Calluponus! GardenCraft ______F^J^ MILLER, Sales ^«gr^ 332^rM^chigan Ave. : Chicago, .„ .._. Re remarkable End of WONDERFUL OPPORTTOWTY TO BUT akbal countrt^homb 8 ROOM. SOLID BRICK, OAK FLOORS and°toish toroughout; Hot.Water^Heafc 2 Car Brick Garage, IVult Trees. Lot 100x185 on Corner. Tenns. J, n S^WAEEBR- Investments Telephone Wllmette 484 â€"^ J. QOLDBACH RepresentatWe .. a Telephone Wllmette ^OW^q^.^ FOR RENT-? ROOM HOUSE XT 5OT -Oakdale avenue. Gle^ncoe • $85.00. au 1SKue. ^Se^oe. |«5 May eth^^Pt^ 80. Address H?MS.JiATZ, tB°*=f2a Highland Park, 111. _______LTGZ3-stc 'tayiR RBNT-9 RM^ HOUSE, O&KD '%dSK4 WTheat, J. R, Oattwr- SITUATION WANTEPâ€"MALE WINNETKA I^NDSCAPECOI^rUS ^bmit eatimatesroir-?^Z£S£teÂ¥m work; trees, shrubs and veren^Btm sale; pruniAg, trin^tog and grading, ?rees and stumps ^oved; ate^J&l^ ways put In; can furnish ^us^xnan experienced and competent. ^.£*j*£ Uvan. Mgr., 882 Pine Street, ^nnet^ka. MIDDLE AGED COUPLE WOULD LIKE work, man as a chauffeur, 18 yrs. ex- Sence, willing to help around house, wife wili do general toâ„¢*â„¢*J&merl- can) (References.) Tel. Wil. i8jjjg_ltp GHAUF*»UB. WHITE, AGE 35, AM^«- ican private family, N. S. 15 years wUhouJVii^rM^^6 °f h°m- â€"Permanent^^Fok Wil. 1080. _____________LTG23-ltp r-nTORBD COUPLE WISH POSITION CO£°?hauffeCu? and »na$d; experienced driver, wife good cook. Victo^^^p LTG15-tfc RE- Phone PIANOS TUNED?9* REGULATBDV WANTEDâ€"NURSING OR SEWING BY Mrs. Lucy Robinson. 980% â- ggtfjjfe Win. T»»fttiA «74»W. JJZZT* x w* -------â€"---------- - - ACCEPT A Winn. 1188.________________ J^TuuLiiu EXPERIENCED WOMAN VVioHES coo^g and serving, wiU do ^g*g Call Wllmette 842-J. LT-srf «p Tel. coal. l&38^^rest Ave* WINNETKA 7 kK W1&T48-J. L23-ltp FOR REN9P :â€"nished house; FtTR- 1 "porches. 2 patb^rooms, Lcld^li blocks- to N. Wjl ^ ratooadi'for 6 mo. Call ^*Kf&?So ^N^S^Fsiff Cherry St Lâ„¢" . »»ffa^^TO^ia iaetKBr LT28-UC xmil SHARE AN ATTRACTIVM « KM. J^Siisb^bSwe. hot watet.heatwttba Winnetka Box « eli^ble 1 Dependably lunningham Prune Shrubs^ Now flhUftil anfl jtrompt attentions -ffulliiOSS of M?y_*n4, ^Ibraom depends upOn-th work and the timieit to done. >rofusion of Important reXanteci Sanric* DsjpartaMnt " 810 Church-Str ^hoflc 4884 4^exPo Post Office M' 'i?l-S|?sKjpiS^ I ThjljOldest--Aiitomobile Dealer in EvanstoiL The only one on the North Shore selling the same car for 10 consecutive years :*~*&i €jQ\mi?$ iilS; wmm iiSS mm. ^gj-lfe! ^mM feflSSP^SC ssiSiasfeijs>wa tti&Mr. m£m 'MtzMi -sEBili?* â- '

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