Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1922, p. 12

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iWm> :j, ^TTHK iflKE SHORE NEW IPfHEtAlffi SHORE NEWS ||y-;: ;â- :'/. ....... Established 1912 ??f •;:â- â- -â- " ^ â- â- -' with. Which ...Is combined .______ & TPHBS WILMETTE LOCAI* NEWS * ' Established 1898 IBSUBD FRIDAY OF BACH WEEK by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY â€"I222T Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. Telephone .Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION. .«2.0O A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for- publication should reach the editor by Wednesday noon to insure appearance in current, issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where- an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising: rates. Entered at the postoffice at Wilmette, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1879. His findings are ^ FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1922 WHÂ¥^ IMDLITICi -f~: OPERATION FAILS « When we read in the news dis- patches o£4he frank failure ojf the UTS. government in its attempted operation of the railroads; of the disaster that accompanied its at- tempt to operate the shipping boards; of 3ife....chaptic__cpndition_ of the government-owned tele- ^phl^e^tHies^cjf England and^the clamor of the^ peoplefor-private ownership and operation; and of the constant string of collapses of municipal operations, such as the 10-cent car fare on the non- tax paying Seattle lines, the mun- icipal shops and municipal garb- 7plants-^f^€hieagoâ€"whieh=p cently went into the scrap heap, That the sverageratr of Blectrlc- energy furnished by the Hydro- Electric Commission system is higher than that of private com- panies-. That exemption of government- owned utilities from taxation in- creases the tax burden of the peo- ple. That privately owned and regu- lated electric companies of the United States provide more elec- tric energy 4»er_ricapita served,_ their rates are lower, they carry more power in reserve, and their service is more reliable. That the peculiar rate schedules have interfered with the extenv ^sion of electric service to the larais and smaller communities. That higher salaries are paid for much less work to employes. That the investment in govern- ment electric utilities in Ontario represents the tremendous tot&T of 70 per cent of the bonded debt of the Province. That~The^tax~ratr in Ontarid, with itsâ€"utility -ownership,â€"isâ€" #r30â€"perâ€"eapitar -whileâ€"in the Province of Quebec, which has not . embarked in such business, the rate is nearly half, or but $27.10. That, when incentive for gain is eliminated from any endeavor, initiative is throttled and develop-. ment practically suspended------ "Honesty of purpose does not necessarily reduce electric rates," ls_Mr. Murray's comment. |ig and the long succession of miser- | able failures the country over in :g;; attempts to conduct city-owned electric plants, we sometimes wonder what is the fault. I 6eset as some politicians are |i j with queer 'isms and catchy vote- Ill getting schemes-^brr runnings all ^|| sorts of businessâ€"usually accord- Iffl panied by increased taxesâ€"we do jj|^!#t||mTr^ Pig dishonest, either materially or II mentally. But whenever greatly i^t increased tax rates bid fair to bring them into criticism by the 2 citizenry^ or when there is grow^ ; ing discontent over the unclean t§: litiess^^tiie^ S^uacy^f-poJice-or fire protection, S#T insufficiency of the public school il facilities, or laxity in other pure- Hi lyi® government functions suffi- Pi cielit to keep the average public official hard at his job 24 hours a day, he rakes up a hobby which he dangles before the people in S32 the hopesi of keeping them ap- IlSLpeased*:.........-----.......â- â- â-  Usually^ in order to get approy- Iflal of the voters to his^iantastic liiischeniei he makesthemost ex- I It trav^garit pronlises. From a pql- Hiit^aTtrick box.he drags forth an fill JsShCtSI^c^e^^ There risHfiothing particu new in Mr.- Murray's findings. The3r^mply^e-r€e<)rd^hezhistoryJ. of practically all government at- tempts at entering private busi- ness, whether the enterprise be by the supreme government or by an isolated municipality. It is another object lesson for the TEN-RIDE TICKETS BACK After the sale of ten-ride commuted] tion tickets had been suspended early this month, the Chicago and North- western railroad received a telegram from the Illinois Commerce Commis- sion extending the suspension of the supplement which was to cancel the tariff covering the sale of ten-ride tickets between stations', to Septem- ber 30. The tickets are now on sale again at the regular rate. When the water is so hard it scratches the bath tub, use Blue Devil. Adv. L23-ltc is momentarily concerned, clears ly proves his case. , He disre- gards the ^ STATE M€ NT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ^^ETC^^REOtrrREO BY TH Eâ€"~----- ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, QL^.^Tl!«Li»«A» Shore New*** ^published sert title of publication.) " -rr^rweeklyTTrr?atrnr^Wllmettei-tHlnol«v;v^ <State frequency of issue.) (Name of post office and State.) for.. April 1,.. 1922. ;..â- â- -:./... (State-whether for April 1 or October 1.) STATE OP... ILLINOIS.... \ B~" COUNTY OF.....COOK....... «s&' Before me, a ....notary and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared...Lloyd Holllster... who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that -he is the ___business manager-----of the....Lake (State whether editor, publisher, business manager, or. owner.) (Insert title of pub- lication.) Shore News....and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership; manage- ment (and if a daily paper,_ the_cireiila- timf,etcT,of the aforesaid publication for the date shown' in the above caption, re- quired by the Act-of^August 24, 1912, em- bodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business .managers.jarej;. ...--..V^CT-^â€"r Publisher..Lake Shore Publishing Co. (a ~ . „ ..--., Af â- . . • â-  corporation), Wilmette, III... v dreds of dismal failures that may Editor....Erwin Weber, wiimetteLjii^, ^'t '^JoA-We'eMiAtriP AW- Managing Editor .........None. 777777.. have attended niS scheme else Business Manager...Lloyd Holllster, Wln- , wripre He brin&TS in from OUt- netka, III.... (If there are none, so state.) I^« I wnere. ne ormgs in ""/» ««* 2 That the owners arer (<3ive -names ilsgil Side the_JtQWn political tricksters land addresses of individual owners, or, hsi^:-~:<..±»'i*iA :«i *Vi» ^cmc fn nrnvp hi* *f«â-  corporation, give its name and the versed in the l§rns to prove i"^^,^ and addresses of stockholders own- or holding 1 per cent or more of the kl^4*«t^l amount of stock.) ...A. H. Bowman, Evanston, III...... ...E. R. Ladd, Evanston, III......... ^JJo^LHoJIIitej^Wlnnetka, III. o *j%unfairv Syiictre * m v^v jst to help you build a good ^ime are^sf^as^HH as they are on a fcjob If you have ever played tennis or had any notion you would like to, you will be keen when you grip and swing the rackets we will show you.' And the more you know about the game the more injoyâ€" lookiag-^ever our lines. Of course we have all the rest .of the fixin'sâ€"new stock. The sticks you put away reluctantly last fall are probably ^not the sticks you think-theyrare! But the greens are getting greener every day. We have some profession- al irons and choice -woodr stuff. You're welcome to hefLor tryinyour stance^ Some nifty bags, too, and fresh stock balls. Better come in and see for your- self. Whether you lean to the scientific or the simple, makes little difference, we can outfitTyour team^or you and a pal. We sup- ply uniforms and every- thing for a regular dia- mondâ€"rule books and all. Or^ if you only want some spare time fun you ought to .j iiave:rLthe5!ire|^lalioh tools, good bats, mitts and balls. Look 'em upâ€" maybe the old ones aren't so good anymore. â€"and catching the fish are two different things. If you-just like to sit, in the sun all day, whjrpretend to fish ? But, if it's fish you want, you need thesbrt^of rods, reels, baits or flies we will show you. We're surprised ourselves at the great variety of lures and hooks, but each has its useâ€"as we'll cheerfully explain. Camp if you likeâ€" «™ - -^ _ - "r^bnames and addresses of stockholders, own- iifes point and parades them on the m^ public platform. And if he is able jo fool the_pep^[e„ M .gets iheir approvirtb relieve their^ocket books either through increased taxation or some^Jiiru^M ^cheme -of-Jinancing. r^Phe latest ecpose of a venture jof a govern^ ^es il^ ilie realms of private rt§;;mtsiness:rv' comesr, -wltlt an at an ilconnection ppr/bf/the' Hydro-Electric Commis- Bfi|;;sioii:':pl:Ontario^^' Canada. It is MW^pe^to^^ntel^^ing because it llli is one of the large electric pro- lilt jects on this continent, because ^^erives-^ez:tegerr:^^^f=its mSM,* Wmt eTectricT^ from the water power of Niagara Falls, because it has not been much afflicted^^wrHi___ "political" management^4f^_^e[.g»w "^^ American sense, ^aiid because It I has jgen heralded ire a^reaiijlttcs cess. ^S W. S. Murra^ a noted engi- nejsiPwfio was employedHb^ the___ "^~^^^^ government in itsT(Bi^iiatu^^^ 3. That the known hondholders. mort- gagees, and other security holders own- ing or holding 1 per cent or more of total of bonds, mortgages, or other are: Is, mortgages, (If thero are or none, so amount securities ataterr ......E. A. Morgan, Chicago, III....... 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stock- holders, and security holders, if any,, con- tain not only the list of stockholders and securityholders as they appear upon the books of the comnanv hut also. In cages- whprp thg stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of theVcompahy as trustee or In any other fiduciary rela- tion, the name of the person or corpora- tion for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the cir- cumstances and conditions under which stockholders who do not appear upon the oj*ar^jJ:he^iamipan^_aa-Jtnistees^-hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, orâ€"corporation has any interest direct or indirect in as_ bo stated by him S. That the average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or dis- tributed, through the malls or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six months the date shown above-is "'" Atlantic seaboard superpower Sworn ^ ^ auDScribe«t before «e una survey, has completed nr^^HF ^^^day of. tive investigation of AU:- â€"~s-~* -----------â€" prec (This information is required from daily publications only.) ___ TTliCtOYlTHOT-tlSTER but, be cottifortable too! You may think you want to get away from everything civilized, but too simple an ^utfit-may^spoil alMhe-antieipated pleasure.â€"tet-us show you camps and camp-makings that are^ their own oasjurance^^i^xomfQrL^-Ev&^^year th^re~;gr&*=aew things, improvements, patents; new joysâ€"they come here, always, l - tastly-f-ani most assur- 11 mims to record your triumphs and your trials, the scenes of your out- h^S7^tiur^siters^"^rhe coriection of snap shots carries you from one vacation to thejnext. .Besides there ar^ lnfs ^f times you've wished you had a cameralalong, aren't there ? â€"â€"-^â€"â€" J^et^us-showryou the after-the-war models or stock you tip with film rolls or packs, platesâ€"clean, fresh, sure-picture materials; Mr>w"«iWrOH :• vi^ â- .,,••:.-. â- â- .:â- â-  â- :, â-  '."â- â€¢.â- â- â-  #r'iV â- â€¢â- ;.'-;.â- *•!â- '. â- ^--.•' *^--'..- •â-  '..â- ..____ ,..... ^^^MSffM^S^M^.

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