Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1922, p. 10

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w,m*m' ji'W'W r<vmmm mm:. THE LAKE SHORE '"Wii^^^'^^^^ 14, 1902 A »ay of Stealer Observance begin* nlttff At Ar4ft o'clock, At that hour the 'Bible school will meet In all .4* partmetrti with 'special programs and the taking of a «p@<jlnl thank ottering tm our Hoys' »nd airis* schools in fort ijplander^»â€"-------------------- The Great Baiter Service of the ihureh nt 11 o'clock, ©very possible t<onvetileni*e for the comfort and wor« shlpfiil»e*i M the hour will bo provid- edbut werehiperanfe asked to reach the chureh by 31 o'clock to contribute to the success of the plans. Muste by the ehureh'inKuiole mm quartet with solos by Mlse Miitta Maeko. New metnbers iiml be welcomed into the liiiowihiiL oL tliii_«?h«r!5li ttttdl^Mr. ^ffiflerwill:-"ipwi1r%rt«ny on aw nppro» pri&te theme. The service Will con- clude at "'lit'W o'clock. A baptismal service will be held at o'clock at the First Bap^teMrttureh, it i*ake street ahlTChicago avenue, Top Junior and Intermediate Young People'* societies will meet at 4 O'eloek and the Senior* at ft? 30. latter topics will be considered, The regular weekly aiiureh dinner will be held on Wednesday, April 19, at fl o'clock, Reservations should be given to Mra, V< H, Arden, phone Wil The Service, today, Good FrldayApril 14th, at St. Augustine's will he the Three Hour Memorial Service from 12 o'clock to 8. At this Service there will be eeven addresses baaed on the last seven word* on the Cross. There will be hymn* and devotions be- tween each addreaa. Worshippers can come and depart at the done of any of the addresses, staying Just -as long as they wish or find it possible. AlJLoMock on- Oofrtl Friday eve-1;. . *......""...... i ning the vested Boy Choir or St. Aug iodine's wll elng part of "The Cruci- fixion." The young^girliLfiluteM^Auguii. tlne'a will hold a Bakery and Candy ftolo In the Pariah House tomorrow, Saturday,.April 15th, from, 10 A. M. •on. These young girls have been, working hard nil through Lent for St. Mary's Home for Girls, The proceeds from the sale will be divided between Stei^a^t=Hoine=for Armenian Relief Fund. There will also be a Flower Sale at the same time under the charge of Mrs. George J. Phillips. * There will be no meeting of the As- sociated Guild* today, "~fiood Friday, bu there will be a regular meeting nest Friday, April 21st The newly organised Chapter of the Daughters of the King met Wednes- day morning at 10 at the residence of Mr*. C. 1* Waehe, 084Blmwood Ave- nue. There were large attendances yes* terday afc the Children's Movies. There sing* April 91* The Wlimetta laptist church i* lo* eated al the earner of WllmeH* end ForeM avenuee. Oars should be parlml m both street*. devotional picture "From the "^ Cross.*' In addition nette'?66*af before Tuesday n*»on. w®»ODJU^41i^eceat showings of the Weekly Prayeg MeetlBg^»Y^emes- devotic ~ " '* day evening following "the Ohurobr i^the dinner. - The Fellowship Class of the Bible Jiehoel wllljiold their annual Jmnujuet and elwttan TPHSfieert on Friday eve* Manger to the usual large attendance of boys and girls there was a very considerable attendance^ or^dults also. The eve- nlngnprfrecifi the church was ehort- ened Jn wtierjhat the congregation might Save an opportunity to view the picture at the 8:30 ahowing. This picture is contributed by Mr. and Mrs, Royal B. Smith, to« Klmwood Ave, The Children's Movies next week showing* 18wrte^w4ifc ite^ fcewmee a day of gladneee rather than a day e£ mdneiu^^^^ et«\nf eeurage, and with face* up* turned and, hearts encouraged we pr^aa forward with a w&w faith that erory itep of the onward way shall hrlng \\a lb larger a«d yet larger life I toe«aW^Re^*aw I %m mm^m^m might have Wt% and that y% wight l-lsW:;-tt'i!i«ft a^hdajfttty,* 1 i *^»rttt ti at«eV* * feeauttfiil Imp ter Cantata, wftl h% gtvea h«xt Stt»«»4r, l^r' tft^ «allowl«# Qiiartetr'Mtas ©lad* »i Swarthout, Soprano; Misa Mwry Wfele^ ^©wtatedtftj Wts 1Wilt«r P^nttwa> I feaot? »»d lir> John Raukel, »aes> Be<>eptitxn of M^woer* and the wu%te> t^d*y * ar^laJ wetm will h% held i mmm it wttt u *m ^J^&m a 4*attm *OI, m* mmmm mfcteed, »mi^ tmt^ratty C^dnate, sad » --^f^r*irt«ir«sjtl«^-- m«ft, ^n on Iwo days Ia; Thnrstlay and Friday, April SOth and Slat* at 8, 4:99, day* WflTTfave stead of one, 7 and The well-known ehil- dren'a pleture **»laek Beauty" will he the feature. This Is open, as nana!, free~ot eharge to all hoya and girls of Wtlmette aa well as to their adult friends. The pieture-ia^on^thuted on Thnraday by the Central School Par- ent>Teaeher Aaaoeiatton and on Frl- day hy the l^ogan School JPeoreat* T«aeher Atsoetatton. Thet« witt he Celfthratloas M the ifiKty^ommuiiion at^^Auiiistlhe^ on Salter Monday at % A. Df, and on Ka*t*r Tueeday at M A, ;M. The torttTxm&G* for the season of the OitldrsMftM Umim will he given on April Wb* The auhject will be an- nouneed later. The entertainment will he eo»t3rtt*ttted by the Woman'a Clnh ©t Wilmeite, St. John's regrets very much» that so many people were unable to wtena the services on Palm Sunday tiiprn- ing owing to a lack of sufficient space. ^ Some fifty to seventy-fire people had to be turned away. We advise all who wish to attend our services to come early. _ ^ _ Being Raised From Sours Rejoicingâ€" PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'Dhe sermon subject for Sunday morning Will be "The Message of Bast- AsMhe thought of the world is turned io Calvary, certainly we should turn our faces and our stepB toward the church this Easter Sunday. The following program of music has been arranged for the master service: ide^AReluliaâ€"DuboiSir^ Anthem, In the End of the Sab- bathâ€"Speaks. Anthem, Christ the Deadâ€"Rogers Anthem, The Dickinson. ' .,.«,. . ,«A^ Postlude, Halleluiah Chorus from The Messiahâ€"Handel. Mrs C. Russell Small, Soprano; *Miss Florence Lucau, Contralto; Mr. Clarke B. Shlpp, Tenor; Mr. Ernest p. Dewey, Bass; Miss Erma B. Rounds, Organ- JSt.______________ ___'_____;___L "The closing meeting of the pre- Easter services will be this evening^at 8 o'clock. There has been an In- creasing Interest throughout the week and it is anticipated that there will be a very large attendance for this meeting. The singing by Lieut. Harry W. Lait and the playing of his accompan- ist, Mr. Hedley, have captivated the young people, and we are pleased to raiionnce:fthai the^yiiha*e agreeoVto give a at 4 o'clock especially for young peo- ple. ,liS'":" -(Continued tm Page 14.) :'im "Hr*&r4e*,~' -'*^'^*-.:j ti Black Beauty'* Will Be 1 Next Children9* Picture "Black Beauty", jrfctujrlzajtlon of the-J^ famous story of that title, Jis_to_be_ shown at the Children's Movies in St. Augustine's Parish House Thurs- day and Friday, April 20* and 21. There are to be four showings of the picture each day, the first being at 3 O'clOCk^; ..'4..':^^-«i4 Thursday's program is being con- tributed by the Central School Parent- Teacher association and Friday's showing by the Logan School Parent- Teacher association. The final Children's Movies of the iH 's'SStl! season are to be shown on April 27. ouneerthat^ thex have agreeojo give^ i The Wilmette Woman!a clah^lB^donafer, special song service this afternoon) ing the film. .â- â- <â-  :\^*^$%$w:. " -.^ -Sj^l GHRIST IS RISEN SSI u ®my Sunday at the; W$? m*m WoMtA'Si eiiih «t <*teje»is*r! awftw and Tenth sgfeefc Sunday school at ^45 A. 3d, Chwrth ^iwatit ,w.,v..~^.._______~______-- â- -. i^^jessiy^««^ wtvtom* Mis* .IfcselftFltaev^ s^Wtt sjSi"^a% Sunday e^kool ejwsreteee Baiawr Sntb aft«arnoen at 4 e%«le^L Attend the growing Sunday eeboot Att*n^ th* C^iar^ «erri^e«. iwjs^lsja: «r« a>*t?s>y* weiee«ex e«Je: ST. JOffifSLUiWRAN fmllfWt: aaSitteKSt -» ....._ __ __„ ^SJ^BwWML'f) jSati^e*^*-:B^ W0mmmtim^§-&M ***â- "ifltit thflHaimrtrtni aA- 41 Bradrle a3m» lS?tlia«tte '40k'INNWrtsi eifex -. •â- . 'I%ejMi ISMk ^i*5'"X""lC"S*iie>ay' mtomA mi »Aa!e%^ Ml»a»y HSf*M w&t item wawlwa «IM$\ejj*sjB^ :n-etelegjfc ^aasxtey. mwtem auwl s<Br»wa, M,' mm. mud FH. <C*ur4«3*» aineigiiwa <i* e»d»it»wek- »<e«r will *^St*r * mmmm': *&â- ::*** m&* §*9**tt- aw* «»• m*m in *fee ^r^tia* ^he^sv, Ua** 1& **<* "' lldh!r«N)iti|M 'l|»^-;*:9WrWt»«' J__^__^J" - 4Nsia\-- :lBa»: $fr» --J8lwsis>sl^ejsjsjiiQ|>B)gy.. so loved the ^vvorlci gave his only be- gotten |Son, (that whoso- ever believeth zin ihim should notjperishrbutlhave 3X X To this Fellowship -Jt..........„._ call yom 1BOMBBIj*JKBBSBB- Jeta) iaAcrM ClwnA ^â-º^^s»ssasBx*er^ir«pesjei Cesfn^Djail Wiastte

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