ss 858. Hotly Contested Vote Biff m *>£* **% ^t^^?^?^?*?",:1 ,(ffJ,,.^,-K:<§^i . . wne to 0. ft N. W. tracks, on the g Mm Jymected In: frimanes ;§0iif^(Continued from page ijii^WZ â- Deneen candidates: Charles S. Pet- erson, president; George F. Hand. Jamel~Httrpefr Gertrude. C. Lieber, Howard P. Roe and Edwin B. Vail. Candidates "endorsed by the Brundage political group: same as Deneen candi- dates with the exception of Edwin B. Vail, for whom Michael Schiessle is substituted. Busse-Hoffman-Weber candidates: William Busse, president; Frederick ; W|||Penfleld, George A. JtfUleivâ„¢IX,JD.MiwmnB and Wil^km Maclean. : Bpptl^flr'. ^.....â- ' ' 'â- %hwte- Vote "^fmmm': ^Polling places and District bound- aries for WUmette and Kenilworth are listed as follows: iff 12th Dist.â€"Bounded on north by Village Limits, on east by Village Limits,: on sauth-~tiy West Side of 12th street, on west by C. & N, W. traCkS. '%li:ii'-'-£$?i4-S£KK'i'S:'p. .' c^;^? >K/J;!';'..-'/ i.;' Pollinf:':;pilifief"Itealii 'Office, Vil- lage HaH.â€" - â- **'.â- â- â- 13th Dist.â€"Bounded on north by Village Limits, on east by West-Side df„10th street, on south by Green- leaf avenue, on west by East Side of 4^2tn......street. : ......_..,_...._.:.. SJPollfns; Place: Judge Mickey's Officer --Village......mmM DisP-fiOTmlet^o1i*loS^ Village Limits, on east by Lake Mich Igan, on south by north side Forest ~^enue~to 9th street, on ;west by Jieest side of 9th, Forest avenue to Ifcoint east of center of Byron Stulp ^school hall on 10th and Jfc^^Sl^i^wir+i^ lllide ToT llfth~na^^ - Limits. "0>:: fi^i^M- WSillv " f Polling Place: In' Nofln: Half of iByron Strip School Hall. -~#^th~E*st^Bdlma^^ by - South side of Forest to 9th street, and point opposite center of Byron Stolp School House to 10th street, on east by Lake Michigan, on south )>y North Side of Central to 8th street and 8th to Greeni«afr-on the west 45^ |0th and Greenleaf to center of -fiyron Stolp Schoolhall. i! Polling Place: South Half Byron ; Stolp School Han. Pfi|ii||||p:Ii| â- ml16th Dist.â€"Bounded on north by the south side of Central, Lake Mich- igan to 7th, on south by Village Lim- its, on west by east side of Fifth street, Limits to Central. ff| iV.f§|r Polling place: Blaisdelrf Barbler Shop, 4th and Linden. 17th Dist.â€"Bounded on north by ; feuth sid^; of Central and 5th to 8th street, oh east by West side of 5th - and Central to the Limits, on south by the Limits and 5th to 8th streak-jon the west by Blast side of Woodbine west by C. & N. W. tracks and Lim its to Greenleaf. , ifPolling Place :i §34 East Railroad "avenue. :.â- \.rWS- ^^MB^m§$;im;^M 19th Dist^^ounlii,:^o1l:;i^rlh'""%â- -theâ€"south side of Wfrlmette avenue Limits to C. & N. W. tracks, on the east by C. & N.' W. tracks Wilmette avenue to Limits^ on south by Lim- its and C. & N. W. tracks to Lim- its, on west by Limjfs, and Limits rto Wilmette avenue." \ if$0^B0&M- • V m Polling Place: Flinker and Flinker. ^20th Dist.â€"Bounded on south by north side of Wilmette avenue and C. :&-:^-Virrj;ra*R"s~to-Xiinft8, on west by Limits, Wilmette to Lake avenue, on north by south half of Lake avenue to C. & N. W. tracks, on east by C. & N. W. tracks andL^^ to Wilmette "'avenue. |^Mif!.ilSpl Polling Place: Public Library 21st Dist.â€"Bounded on north by the Limits from -'-the Limits to the C. & N.-.W. tracks, on east by C. & N. W. tracks, Limits to Lake avenue, oh south by north side of Lake avenue; C. &., N. W. tracks to Limits, on west by the Limits, Lake avenue to the Limits, x^is '^spu 'Sr^H- â- â- ':^p^,-^r^^T'^4-~ Polling Placer Firf..Station^*';::>* Residents of Kenilworth voteâ€"at- the Kenilworth,_^__.. __i£._..l .':._.__... Residents of Gross Point vote at Gross Point Village .HomIS^^P^E- j£lSS£ $20,000 RESIDENCE xSffir^"- i Arthur EL -Carlson, 1433 Rosemont avenue, Chicago, has been granted permission by the Kenilworth Depart- ment of Public Works to build a $20,* 000 residence at 118'Oxford road, Ken- ^~ Instructorâ€"Piano. Voice and â- â- •â- â- .*• Harmony 1 Mist Adelaide C Jones Graduate of the American Con- st servatory of Music. Chicago TeL WiL 2S58#S 1530 Central Ave. LAMP SHADES Made to orderâ€"Old ones repaired^ land sewing by the day.â€"Call S 1 evanston zanHi School House 18th Diskâ€"Bounded on north by Greenleaf avenue and C. & N. W. tracks to 8th street, on east by Wood- ine~rota^8th, ^reenleaf^to~^3ie~LlgF The smartest and Beat Dressed Women In Chicago have their. lOrtandWei End Skirts E-WH^SON 'fin IIIIIIIIDon't"l^yrour Rugs :Furriish:;|. Lfisease Vjermafe^^^^^^^- /•'^'â- -J-.'.^jiW ' Our methods of dusting and washing neither wears,:.:^f^m^^^^$: finest floor coverings^ It takes all the dirt and spots from them, %tro>^ all disease germs and .'renders4, your rwgi free, froxn* n^lis^d their eggs- JThe colors ace brightened to look Kfte new, an5 the nap is raised arid the them AR AM. K.1 MESTJIAN^ Native Cleaning and Repairing of Oriental Rugs and Carpets p^g^®^ :6<>7-w;'Railrx>ad ii^^M Tel. Wilmette 1940 "â- ^f^^WlJ^^^^^^^^^^W: llllllllllll' TELEPHONE WILMETTE 420 5 PHONES IK NO WAITING la W0^^^0^^$" ltf",Made with your own material" Suite 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 17 H. State CHICAGO 16 N, 2< Hemstitching IpG "d, Silver, Irish Point. Picoting* Etc. Also Buttons Xovcred. 'T2psspwr:-Pleating^ A foieline of Imported Brussels Lacesfm Duchess, Bruwels, Rose. *nd SI:illlifiil{lVenetian PbintllReasonal?le prices. .i|i|iiiiiiii Hp'Cla^^ork Open 8 A. M^to« P. M. Closed Saturdays 4 P. M. £ Ball m^^ Welch'sM You eat the Best F iobtainable^.,.llilll Cooked to suit the most particularâ€"^ - and served the" asji;i sS^8«l mmMmMmm.,,. WW* mm : ftsSSiS»isyiS