Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Apr 1922, p. 4

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•Wwm-^i THE LAKE SHORE NEWS FRIDAY. APRIL 7, 19 >mer Democratic Committee Chooses Fori Winnetka Woman for County Board Post American Legtph Wilmette Post No. 46 Mrs. Jean P. Washburn, wife of Attorney William D. Washburn, 1014 Sheridan road, Evanston, and former resident of Winnetka, is the only Tenth jjigtrtet candidate/^ the rag^lpr HAmnrrfttkv^^ "CoolT county ^comSoissTdnera." There Is ao oppositfon to Mrs. Washburn's candidacy; as she has the en- Vs Democratic organization. ^y^M^'-Wt^bbv^^ewts of experience in public work through women's organizations, have given her opportunity to learn the county problems, her 'â- *Qoiaam:;ikqM ' i^' |^^^£^*;^^.^vr\:.:?:".â- 'v. :.^|^| important Offices " She was eight years a director of the Chicago Home for Delinquent Girls, 4U ^nryjawj dirhtitoi of the Park Bi&ge~School fofypepenaenz uira and, dur- ing the late war, served as a director of the Chicago Woman's club, the Evans- «S ton political Equality League and the Tenth District of Federated clubs. As -" War Emergency chairman of the Tenth District, Mrs. Washburn led in out- It';!, fitting soldiers with home comforts as well as in the care of the sick in camp i£:\;M^^Sne;is"said. to have intimate knowledge of the county institutions and her ^^^C^la^^ii^faii -'^uQt«-of---se9rrio»- lift--vrteoaB. -reSaonm-'vr'OKlcw- "It is explained, qualify I fi J*ra» Washburn to work intelligently lor a scientifically planned county Jail Hi- and criminal court building. She is advanced as the desirable type of women 18^ be chosen to assist in the important and essential business of "County aping/* . '. - .,..'â-  "â- â- "â- '.......:~~: "r~";«~â€""" â- â- â- â-  â- ^~ir~7^p^:: :&' â- '*'"'•.'...â-  comparison flTME PHILOSOPHY OF DANTE God, Modern science tends to oelitUe the individual to discourage him but important in r-4heâ€"world. Th« At the business meeting on April 3, Congressman Carl R. Chindblom gave a short address. Speaking of the rules governing discussion in Congress he said that a new con- gressman or one who had been there only a short time did not have the same privileges of, the floor that an older member enjoyed, but, that there was no limit "to the work a new.nienv ber might do. Congressman Chindblom is visiting the various hospitals caring for the ex-service men, and also the veterans' bureaus. He is always ready to as- sist the men in whatever way his services may be needed. In closing he emphasized the part the Amer- ican Legion and - the young people of the nation have in the future work of our country. â€" The North Shore Post on Broad- way, Chicago, held an open meeting Thursday evening^ AprU_6, and a special invitation was sent to ~Qie~ Wilmette Post The jmeeting was followed by dancing.-------^ v. i AH ex-service men and women are cordially invited to the meetings ot the local post. Business meetings ^re held the first Monday of each month, and the social meetings on the third Monday. All meetings are held at Library hall." WOULD^ADOPT WAR VET Their own hero's death from old war wounds has caused, a Des Moines, Iowa, family to send a request to the American Legion for an ex-service man for adoption. New Subdivision Along :'0gf Sheridan Rd., Kenilworth The Kenilworth Village board has approved the new Mahoney subdivi- sion, a tract of thirty-four acres at Sheridan tended. Road and Tenth street, McQuire and Orr secured the land for subdivision purposes after other real estate firms were said to have failed in the endeavor. The property will be used exclusively for residential! purposes, it is stated. ARE YOUR BEST FRIENDS TAKE CARE OF THEM^â€" GLASSES FITTED ments will re- move t the cause./ JONES DRrL. W. „.------ , j>HY5CiLANdCHIROPRACTCtR-OC^ Room 27, Brown Building Wilmette, 111. Telephone Wilmette 2557 Affections of any of the fol- lowing parts may be caused by nerves im- pinged at the spine by a sub- luxated verte- bra. C h i r o- practic (spin- al)__adjust' SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 or 513 Meat Telephone 514 Wilmette-Central Ave, and 12th St. Cash and Cany - - - - ~S% Discount On orders of $1.00 or mor* of normad Profit Goods. Cash and Defirered - "C #5. 2% Discount Vi These do not apply to Meat Department 10th tPAPRtt 15th SUGARâ€"The finest standard, Eastern cane granulated, goods. No cash discount. 10 lbs. ...............------......------• •------.......... VAUGHAN'S SEEDSâ€"Agent for Wilmette. shrubs, garden tools, fertilizer. AMERICAN FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAPâ€"10 Extra large bars Rosa ToilefSoap FREE)..'........T............------........ .^. FLOURâ€"Pillsbury, Washburn and Ceresota. ^ i gjj No cash discount. 1-8 bl....................................... w. With an order of $1.50 of normal profit .......T,;;.;;;7:S?f^^ii0ie Get a catalogue at my store. Seeds, plants, in the universe; but Dante conceived of humanity entirely in terms of sep- arate souls. Man was insignificant to hinC to he iur*7TircoffipaTisoii wttir .rr_____ man questions Sod, denies or JsaoJ^-Hlm,.co^peratea^ritltHimi4 â€"COFFEEâ€"Roast Blend or even creates or evolves Him; but in ] j^b the face of the physical universe he teels humiHatedv-----------------â- â- â- â€¢..........-â- -â-  r1 â- ' â-  â-  : â-  t â-  i a * llaiiCY (ioods A real "Polly Prfin" apron, with applique "panoWstSmpeirdWun^ bleached muslin. || Millinery ASpeaal Showing 9m"'." â- ___________;_ UILUNERY mi QflY Q0QDS ^^«N»esfe/ti«iy^i^ PUm WiL W9 I I 1 .....J A Full and Complete Line For the Ladies SIMELEK ow Heeled Oxfords mild sweet coffee at a xerjL-low price. LOW^l The cost has been advanced. Half. lb. can last I NEAT DEPARTMENT POWDERED SUGARâ€" Confectioner's XXXX, lb.-----8c S*^ ?^lD W?\P^« J*r Armour's Star Hams, whole, lb. 36c Chase & Sanborns, 2 lb. can, 80c Bafi„ll_gapaWit n,. ....... ....20c ^NOEISH=31^KKFAST^TEA^-^TISnffi^^ Ibrrrr.;.. r25c .45c M 3,60c quality, lb. OOLONG TEAâ€" 3 A, 50c quality, lb......... -45c RElNArOOVEOlt^- " "~ Pure, sweet.* One of Spragne, Native Pot Roast of Beef, lb. 24c Short Ribs of Beef, lb.......I2l/zc CONDENSED Warner & Co/s best, r^t MAZOLA SALAD OILâ€" Quart ..-----..--•------.•< DRT^Ria^S PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER- campbell's - _. -soppsâ€" flJZOâ€" Sny khifd or ass NEW YORK CHEESEâ€" ..52c Old. snappy. .Delicious fla^ Made last June, lb. ..TTTTT^Sfc IMPORT YELLOW CLING PEACHESâ€"~ f Very limited quantity, at a sacri- fice price. Large No. 2% cam Doz. $3.25; can.......-----27$6c SUNBEAM FRUIT SALADâ€" Assorted canned fruits for salad. Large No. 2% can, doz.....$5.70 Can ......................47&c RICHELIEU GRAPEFRUITâ€" Just the meat of the grapefruit. Delicious, No. 2 can, doz. J|3^0 GOLDEN EAGLErPEACHESâ€" Yellow, free, large No. 2% can, SUNBEAM CRABAPPLE -JELLY $3.85; can MONSOON ASPARAGUS 35c YELOW CORN MEALâ€" - â-  * 5 lbs.------------------.......12^ RICHELIEU BUCKWHEAT FLOURâ€", ,__ _^ Pure, large 10 oz. tumbler, a small quantity... •...... MARSHMALLOWSâ€" Bulk, always fresh, lb. „_^__â„¢______________ COCOANUTSâ€" KICHELIEU ENTHaBHWHEAT LargeT^reshr^cfr^TT; .Only ..20c ..30c FLOURâ€" 5 lb. bag.................37J^c GRAHAM FLOURâ€" . â- â- â- ' 5 lbs......•.................2*° RICHELIEU PASTRY FLOUR S lbs. .. •.. • • v............. .28c BEACHNUT PEANUT BUTTERâ€" ^Large, 10 oz. jar........... .25c RICHELIEU MAPLE SUGARâ€" Pore, 1 lb. cake......;.....35c flT.n MAMSTg MAPT.R AWTI Buy now. The wholesale piicfi^ has been raised. No. 1 square can, doz. ................. .$4.50 Can ............^....,....37!^ RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNEL -CORNâ€";......T-T-^,-........^r-m^mmm Finest quality, tender, swee^ doz. $2.10; can .:..........-. 18c CARMELO SWEET GARDEN peas- â-  â- ..;:; m:mm^mm^r Very tender and swee^"'at' a very low price. Doz. $2.10; can 18c DEARBORN CLUB SIFTED J SWEET PEAS-^ LARDâ€" Jb^i-^ Tr^r.22^ CRISCOâ€"Lb GLEN WILD MOLASSESâ€" Dark, No 2% can......... DUFFS MOLASSESâ€" Light, No. 2% can -----... PRUNES*- Fancjr Santa Clara 40-50 lb. .....»._______ ^JKICEâ€"-Fancy, head, 1h> 18c .28c NAVYBEANS- Hand piceked. lb. -.-. - LIMA BEANS^Driedrlb. RED KIDNEY BEANSâ€" -Lb: CANE SYRUBâ€" -N6r2%-can-i-............. *.. S5c RICHELIEU CATSUPâ€" The most delicious catsup. The flavor is not killed with spices. ^ 17"m. ootlle ..:tr..;^r;...27Vae CRYSTAL WHITE LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" 100 extra large bars in box$5.50 lObaTs....................:55c ^Ss7 TT^|fc2» . .10c r:i2r 10 oz. 10 small bars? 6 oz.-........-79c START RITE SOAP CHIPS-*k ArmoorV t lb. pkg.-.. %1... ., 18c |j>mONDACKTX)IIJEC_ii^ Si VA&ER-- ......:'â- -â€"" . -;=:H"':'. Creoc lar^:;^_niz^M^o^9S^ jJExccptionalh? fine and very rea- sonable; doz. $2.60: can .....22c RICHELIEU TOMATOESâ€" Canned tomatoes cannot be pro- ducednof finer quality and flavor. ^*aLajr«e^l0^Jlt.Cai^ doz. ^s.$235 Can...........-----..___.. .20c PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOESâ€" Extra standard No. 2 can, doz. $1.65; can................___He ^RICHELIBU^STRINGLESr^^ ^EAK^^ Knest q^ialityT-tend^ir^greeii stringless, J4o* 2 can.â€"At * ,bar- ^jn« price. No cash discount. i?5^B0i^^an ^-â€"^*-ase EMMART^S^IOMqiYâ€" No.^ca^doz^ $Ij6S;, 0Mk mm ^llllllu^^HRnlipi T>ry packed; Ncvl^caa, doz, $240 :WS •â-  'iSPHSii'lfe

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