;:*SSf' ygllSAY, APltL Y, 1922 If irjSjt^g" WANTEDS WANTED TO RENT--HfOUSE Ratesâ€"10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 12 p. m. Rates lor the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Taik-arid^gleTicoe Newsr^Oc per : line. Black Face type C^arged:Double:Price. _m;/.',.;.. REAL ESTATE Bl JkROOM FRAW BAST CENTRAL SEC- tloo. lot 60x200. Good -wtlue at 1*2,000. 5 room elastic stucco/bungalow with fe glafsed and heated. siA room, hot water f hemgooA^epfhel porch, tiled bath, lot ^r5ft^K| Wery attractive offering at Modern^ room stucco, 2 glassed porches a and 1 open porch. Hot water heat, tiled f=bath, 2 fireplaces, lot 60x160; garage. â- vm $14,500. ' SPECIALS JN VACANT Sheridan Road corner 54x150, high ground wit$ beautiful-view of the lake, $135. mil Inside lot on Sheridan at $125 per foot.,fe 60x196 south front on Linden Avenue, $95 per foot. 60 to 75 foot frontage, nort east section, $110 per foot. .-SQxIOOjl^. _bl5Ckfl_jWjefit___of__NorthwesteFn steam station, $50 per foot. 60x125, 8 blocks south west of station, $30 : per foot. Many other good buys. Phoneâ€" S40 Linflen Aver^ "f^£!z::^^et"t08 L22-ltc A; R. EDDINGTON & CCX UNEXCEL^__ AND SELLERS ie^to^soye: «___ â€"------â€" op real estate 6"k, ^ungralowt2 porghes;~large living room, nice neighborhood. At- tractive ;Jjuy"at $8,750.1)0. 7 R. house, H. W. heat, 2 porches, lot ^ 50x155, very reasonable at $9,500.00. 6 room frame, H. W. heat, 3 por-ches, nice lot; garage, convenient to transporta- tion. Good income from property. Price $10,000.00. 5 R. Kellistone bungalow, H. W. heat, lot 50x200, 3 porches, attractive neighbor- hood. Good buy at $10,500.00* SITUATION WANTED BY AN---- :_ aouu. i uuuu -oujrutr»iw,»™.vvi -T-^ v r»*»n/»pd colored laundress (references). --O^v^ni^t^eTtraTOptMrtetioTiT^ar gw- dress Lake Shore J*ews A-89. age, modern in every way. Price only $12-,600.00. ' 6 R. stucco bungalow, Winnetka, lot 60x â€"JoV-feea^tiftrily^oeatedr^landy buy at $14,000.00. , 1157 Wilmette Ave., Phones 640â€"1417â€"2066i â- .':'â- O-iiL^JHOlmettft LTG22-ltc r^AN©~ NEW1 6 RQOM STUCCO IN choicest East section. An unusually clever and attractive home; sun and sip. prdns. h. w. ht.; tile bath; show- " er; deep wooded lot. Owner must sell. Make offer. 8 room home in finest location and in â€"splendid conditions Most ^ttracttve^ and modern; large lot; fine trees; double gar. Reduced to $19,500. New 8 room home just finished; most ar- 4;istio and complete; h. w. ht.; 3 baths; xm«,«a,a*», â„¢ w»gBa. WANTED TO RENTâ€"6 OR 7 ROOM house with option to purchase. Wil- mette to Glencoe. Tel, Glen. 813. ^j_:__r__-.....>-.;â- ,-...... â- •â- â- Ltg21»4tc WANTED TO RENTâ€"6 OR 7 KOOM house Wilmette to Glencoe about $126 "" " " familyâ„¢,* Tel. Glen. fm Ltg22-ltc per month. Small 813. ' :/ - ' ' W&k WANTED TO RENTâ€"6 OR 6 ROOM furnished house,, from May 1st to Oct. 1st. Address Lake Shore News A-93. Ltg22-ltc IFOR SAj-g OR RENT~ FOR SALET OBTrENTâ€"6"ROOTSTlM< em cottage, 182 Forest Ave., with ga- .jcage^-jjear New Trier and Country Day Schools. Tel. Win. 160&. Lt22-ltc FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED HAVE RESPONSIBLE TENANT FOR furnished houses $100.00 to $250.00. Mrs. Fuller^ 1734,. Asbury Ave^ Evans., Tel. Evans, so;itst H7!Tr^~.:r: ^tgtotc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENT^-LARGE BASEMENT RM. Can be divided in two if wanted. For saleâ€"large ice box or exchange for smaller one; spTeU Wil. 116. 'â- 'â- â- â- â- â- â- .â- '.-:«SKI t':;--- .' • • Ltg22-lto FOR RENTâ€"PLEASANT ROOM, 3 BLKS from Northwestern depot. Tel. Wil. 937-J. Address 602 16th St. Mrs. E. L. Ton Glahn. L22-ltc FOR RENT FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. fi29 West Railroad avenue. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. Ltl7-tfc SUITJLQF2 :OR_LRQQMS,JWITELBATHt garage, breakfast, large east side homer two and one-half ployed person preferred. â- Tel. Glen. =LG22-4tc TPOR RENTâ€"LARGE FRONT ROOM, suitable for a couple-or a single party; a^citchen privileges. Tel. Wil. 2265. L22-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS BBT "WA^^ED^DRY^SSEMENTTSOOTOTN- ----- -furnished; Protestant family, center Of town. Phone R. I., Wilmette 1920. L17-tfc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"A POSITION BY REFINED young lady; has had 4 yrsl High school and some college. Very accurate. Will do general office work with chance for advancement. Tel. Wil. 743-R^or call 1508 for interview. Lt22-ltc EXPE- dress Lake Shore ^News A-89. Ltg22-ltp SITUATION WANTEDâ€"BY. EXPERI- enced colorexlr^aundresjr7 {ret erences). .Address Lake Shore News A-88. _ Ltg22-ltp RELIABLE WOMAN WITH 2 TR. OLD =chil<I desires position-in- generaraouse^ work. Tel. Wilmette. 1992. L22-ltc WAITEDâ€"NURSING OR SEWING Bx" Mrs. Lucy Robinson, 930% Elm St., Win. Phone 674-W. LTG17-tfc HELP WAN~TEPâ€"FEMALE STENOGRAPHERâ€"PREFERABLY ONE experienced in public^utility^or^min*- "ciparwOfk; f6r~permanenrT>osrafe 0* village office. Prefer a resident ,oX wm Xftka or Vicinity. A^ply^by mail for interview to H. L. Woolhiser, jVâ„¢age Msn^rWinnetkarlB. - - ^j22j^t» FOR RiENtâ€"APARTM«NT FOR RENTâ€"6 ROOM APT. AND GA- rage near trans.; h. w. ht, large living room and fireplace, lrg. sleeping porch and open front porch,_.$9p per month. Furnished if'â- ' desiMd« 872 Pine St., Winn. ^ Ltg22-ltc :;'; â- FOti RENT^-QARAQg FOR RENTâ€"MODERN GARAGE: ALO suitable for storage purposes. Ave. Tel. Wil. 980-W. â- Â¥6k-MH%JSmgt __ Lake L22-ltC FOR RENTâ€"JPART OF OFFICE FOR desk space*. or small business. . Inquire 1157 Wilmette Ave. Ltg22-lto /â- : FOR 8ALK-VACANT', FOR SJ&ffl**- LOT8^WX800 â- :>ol. £â- *"*- â- â- â- â- i^t^A"Gros* ihOUL-JB^ MhWtjM, wSk toViimette depot. !*?& P«rA»g»1 ft. Address Lake Shore Xv^Jfa^fi FOR SALEâ€"LOT, 54x178, CLEAR IM- provements in, River Forest, TeL AusJ tin 2907. 1-M-Jtft kaia^;~p- u _ ......__ _ ^slfeSf&;SA«ISiSl^fei|Â¥^^ ' I 1 I^SlirL Jill â- I WH&Klare. hard to>'getM Orders exceed the possihle^suf^m^^^ gjgilg.....'Order noW forjutufe delivery, mwvhen you thmk: â- VJOmi Jggjf Wm :_.._ . â€" ...--janiesf we::eJ^ehWma^Sj^tM When the work is finished the bill represents reason lODQ ^ImtrheVnly Complete Service Station Between ChicdgtH^ Sales Manager ;J jrvrd |l^EVANSTON.:^g ^ oave ^ Grand Opera ^CHICAGO! 'Wf^SSSiS^i1^^^ Grand Opera ^CHICAGO' w iininaH near lake: 8 hatha; douMfl gar. f $250 mo. Ind of "L" 407 Linden Ave. Ph. Wil. 407 ------ Ltg22-ltc A HOME IN BEAUTIFUL KENILWORTH CAN BE BOUOHf AT A PRICE FAR below today-B^bailding cost. Eight rooms and three inclosed porchesâ€"ev- ery modern convenienceâ€"inexpensive â€" heating system, convenient to transpor- tation. Lot 50x175 -with attractive trees, shrubbery and garden. In the center of a fine residential community. Rea- sonable first payment. ^.^ .„„ < BALANCE ON MORTGAGE *, J-l yxztcirF. E. M.jCOLE -pmâ- ^29 Peoples Gas Building '% _^^^LiJU-......â€"'â- - Chicago-â€"'â€"â€"-----•â- ^"â- â- '^z Office Tel. Har. 2785. Res. Tel^^n£ |{*. ^^OJl^SALl^-:WINNBTKAr PRICE JUST .._:..; reduced to->14j600j 7 room house, h. w. heaV lOObft. loti east tTiihhard Woods-r-Vacant^fiQxljBflL ft. ^Flna - location on Scott Ave. Close in. Price Glencoe^-7 room Frank Lloyd Wright L.~^»^: houser doixbie>«aragef *B=aw*-feeat! Ij,i-t^5xl8* ft. 412f600, --^=~=r^r^ I FRANK A. REID pi 4Mi38_Linden^Av^^HubbMd^ Ltg22-ltc WB HAVE A CLIENT WHOsWlLL PAY $15,000 to $16,000 cash for a 6 or 7 room i-«ubstantial home on good wooded lot. North East in Wilmette or in Kenil- worth. An opportunity for an owner who would sell at once., ^„ . . WILMETTE REALTY CO. • 518 4th.-fit. ;' â- - „ ,w„ â- A. ^|Yoodcoc^ I^gfel• ™™& FOR SALEâ€"HOUSfeS FOR SALEâ€"FOUR RESIDENCES UN- I der Construction; tile bath; sleeping -2 porches. All reasonable^Mteej^J^S? ^frcBerry^^trneaF^koTcier^^^v^^ Call Winn. 1119. ' Ltg22-2tC FOR SALEâ€"MODERN GLENCOE RBSI- dence, 7 rooms, tile bath, large open f porch, double garage. Bargain for manent pfe.ce' -ences rottttW««^ 229 Essex RcL, Keniiworth. ?"$$ i*:**^ 'H ,^^f WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENERAL, housework; no washing; must wwta£ stenaTsomeTmhg-aWt^^^ only need apply. 843 Washington Ave., Wilmette. -^»hone Wilmette 2299..-.. . a Ltg22-ltC •wmwm ^jg*!M@J WANTED â€" LADY BOOKKJJJlSfiaK. Must understand cash .rang.ledger work Plain penman; good position. Address Lake Shore News A-92. Ltg22-ltc'j ^'mS^'r^'.Ktifft'y'. WANTED -4EXPERB3NCBD GENERAL maid, good.cook, family of 3, adults, good^wiges. 1015 Forest Ave^TeL WiL WANTEDâ€"GIRL FOR GENERAL housework < white, )t references, ^War- wick Aye., Indian Hill. TeL K^22}^ WANTED^WHITE GIRL n FOR- ^JEN^ eml housework $16 to $18, no laundry. Must be capable cook. Tel. Mrs. Mc- Tntosh. Wil. 1962. LTG22-ltc WANTEDâ€"GIRL ORT WOMAXJv/OR work^^S^aSeria^Welch's Cafeteria. Phone Wilmette 1981. L22-ltc^ iVANTErrâ€" WOMAN *"OK GENERAL ^usework. ASults. TeL Win. 431. Address 1087 Oak, St., Winnetka. SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE North Shore Trains are operated at conveniently frequent lntervals^~no long delays or|ir^ .-time^iealure 'â- gtJblM&^^ WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US Ilworl^-troesr-ahrubs a^pexenni^sz^ox salerpruning, trimming an^ grading, trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M -J. Sm- HvaS Mgr., 882 Pine^Street, Winnetka. Phnr,A Win. 1549. h~-„?? CHAUFFEUR, WHITE, AGE 38.IJI; vate family N. Shore; 15 years without accident?&*«eareof «ome; permanent. Phone Wil. 1080. Mr. H. Room 3.^^ gi|p4ime::-ieaiure or;fm laPTliflwift'eiarW !^smoothlsevejy)ace.irhe jarge, oomfotiabklcars, roojny^g |mgnjgho^^fe junfaitingTiivatch^^ &m quick 295. sale. J. M. Compton. Tel. Glen , Ltg22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"8 ROOM STUCCO RESI- dencenBtoiwood Ave. East side Wil- I SS Occupancy May 1st. .mauire ilWt=JB^J5a«er. 1312 E^wpod Ave^, "â- """Wil " ' " Ju^i-*cc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED 6 ROOM m house with sleeping porch. Iw III grounds fully equipped with apparatus m for children: garden. June 1st to Sept. 5r~SENT FURNISHED VH^'^^S4-1 WmnoaEa^*me=ifiriQ^SfiP±£ilH^^%^| i^m ± rooms, pteasant4ocaUon^^on^aiux. cool; 4 oa&s. $325 per month. .Address Lake- Shore News A-91. -Xtg22-ltc FOR RENTâ€"9. ROOM HOUSEjINHUB- _. ,^co3^i638 Forest Ave., Td-Wtt. BLBCTB1C IKdH. VACUUM CT-BA^J ^l?a|ces sold. Pbone R. L Adams, CARPENTER, JOBBING, ^AKAUJiJ building a specialty. _TeL_iJ?TOr2X- PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, ^- q'rp w^AJ^T@D---EXPBRlia^CED^ Li- ried and steady) $30.00 a Austin 2907. %eeS^:Tefc.' L22-ltc ELDERLY -MANâ€"WANTS ^y*^ rare can lawn, garden, nanoy Jr"" â- Soto. °%. Address Lake S^gevg MISCELLANEOUS WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY wp aS country home _ 8 ROOM. SOLID BRICK. OAK FLOORS and fSish throughout; Hot Water^Heat. f ear Brick^ Garage, Fruit Trees. Lot 100xlJ85--cavJCoHier. ^Teims^^ ^g^ggp ^ Investmentsâ€" eleohone Wilmette 484-- P?^.^OLDBACH m:- jlepresentative Telephone Wi2mette_1°2TG2l-tfc WANTEDâ€"TO BORROW $4^000 ON first mortgage on good property^ worth over miceB%rmount,s|sAa^s^La^ Shore News A-90. Ltg22-lte jsafeft^^ aidiS^fliployed to safe- guard your journey? Hiii:Th#North. Shore Station is handy to all parts of; town;**" WB In Cnica^:vou.ri^ toit^j^^M^M - |^^|p^;jf-6i|^ NORi'ii SHORE «K;Â¥:^~iJgsi^^^fe Express Trains foiiiOiicaga leave Wil-^ ;&;:;;iW||f3^|i|igg <:m&Mi*x 1 mette every halHioi»-^rbm^^itHttttp fej«ga|| hour to 12:08 a. migj|||f§§§i^iiii|^^^^p^S Read the Want Ads â- <i§fl -"^mS^M: -iSmlmSIm --•â- "-.~:^sSe' »**;