•mmv m^m*!£®i, ;:|®': 7":f |5;:|il|| :;0s*I tiil&CE Jlftitg^EWS. FRITOY. APRIl^l^&M County Commissioner Post mmmmmmmmm ^sfl?iip!^J#§i| £m Edwin E. Vail, Winnetka resident who has had many years' experience in the banking business in Chicago, is listed among the candidates who are seeking places on the Cook County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Vail has the endorsement of the North Shore Republican club and other leading ^organizations in the county. He has been making a strong fight. Marin and the Mob The effort to put one's own life into tine's MQtk always stirs the mob to either pain or laughter, and I suppose It should, the mob, after ah, being a product of nature, and there for just â€"^_tha*-»ttFBOse?-to~ -teeMfee =^e-metat of an artist. There are countless painters who have energy and force the will in the world to rouse the nn< wieldly mass and provoke it to a riot, they cannot so much -as attract a glance. Along comes a^modest man like John Marin, whose only prayer, apparently, is to be let alone, and who furthermore -has embarked in the usually considered safe calling ot the landscapistâ€"and instanty the world divides into two sections of unequal proportions.thelesser proclaiming li,!-..i£.3Zr:ZZ "That stuff is great," and the greater insisting "It is an insult to in- telligence.â€"Henry McBride in The "Movie" Entertainments for the home |MOTIC^H€TURES of the family Frank McMillan 6500 Ravenswood Ave. Chicago, I1L SS^S^SSSSS^Si^^^^SE^^^ WATCH â€"for the - JANS-LAME FULL PAGE â€"~-~THEXT WEEK PAGE THREE Sf^dYm Going to Move On account of theJh of telephone moves we are caUect upon to make at this season we ask ttflll removal orders that are to Jbe mmvk*^ ^H^ as^decidej^ |palf-ep^Wtci^l Office Wmmm^ y 9H f!f§§§^Republican â- Wi;t$P^ Tuesday, April 11, 1922 THIS man has been the trusted. advisor to thousands of Cook Countians in his twenty-two years in the real estate business. : l ~~They are his friends, grateful friends. In 1916 he was elected to the Board of Assessors, and again in 1918â€"two important terms with credit and most honorable record. He is a banker, an in- vestment expert and pro- jmses a safe and sane handling of the public funds. -ttt--.......... ..... Remember the name/ III!!!! pfffli ^â- B^:WS&^0S&^^^^^^^M ^ M â- "â- â- J m W-^^^MM'SM' Republican ^Candidate^ isB COUNTY TREASURER The Announcements of Lake Shore Advertisers Our Avcessmy itss mm- TSIl artment Hereyou will find a selection of the best equipment till for your car. £here~are many new accessories coxr- being sold tin ough ex tensive" liUS and extravagant promises, which after a few months actual use, are discarded as worthless. Ifitf m$. Our long experience in automobile supplies and ac- cessories has taught us the art of selecting those Mk