~<ts â- 10 ^^liiilSIilS^?-â„¢^^ t ATfi? QHnUE NEWS. 1 IT WOMEN CAN DO: III COUNTY AFFAIRS :u Clean Them^Jp House" Says Mrs. Lieber I asked BfeS Lieber what a woman could do, as a woman, on the County Board: "What can a mother do in her home? Is the father ol the family a good housekeeper? Cook County isn't a tract of land. Jt's_ an immense group of human beings, men, women and children. It's a great big family. And It needs mothering. • "We've often heard of the city "fathers." It's time that we should hear of a few mothers. Look at the sick people in Cook Coung^Jouldnrta mother on the BoardTdersomethinr them that a father couldn't, wouldn't, do?" - . Mrs. lieber Is the mother of two children, one teachtogTn^California, the other now in high school. She -herself was a teacher up to the time %f her marriage. In fact, she is still engaged in that work, having already taught 14 years in the Sunday Schooir She has had a great deal of exper- ience with teachers and with school administration as secretary of the Winnetka School Board. 2 THE TATCF SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. APRIL 7, 1P»» Model Legislator Couldn't Find Time to Do Much Campaigning Because of Press of Business-at~CapltoI = Carl R. Chindblom Congressman Carl R. Chindblom, who represents the Tenths Congiw sional district (Including New^TrJer^ rinnetka acnoo* jsowtu. sionai unmn ^iwhhhh^ ZT ~Zl ^Wreir-too^lieTgained^raluable^e^ Then too Ba»Tgstngqr-T«w««w . /«: ,n ino ""HW,« nw»«-« ~- ..wr.â€"^-â„¢ adise in her years as president of the I tivea Is a candidate for renomlnatwn Winnetka Woman's Club. In fact she t0 that office at the April 11 Republi- is so well versed in the theory and practice of parliamentary law, public speaking, and civics that she conducts clBpgQfl in those subJects^Her^pupua can be found in~1x>wis all tho-war^ine ^o~aftena to important leglsla- from Chicago to Waukegan. "I believe thoroughly," she said, in the application of civil service to all county offices. I can see no other way of getting rid of patronage. "Taxes? I don't know-_iiqK_inflZ can be reduced, but I do believe it possible to get a dollar's worth of material or labor for every dollar ex- pended. A good housekeeper and mother has to do that, every day of :her life.--^£-â€" -^--Â¥^' â- -> - "â- "The road-houses? Vile! ! We have laws protecting animals. I'm going to fight tooth and nail tar the protec- tion of our girls* I shall also stand firmly for law enforcement. The ^^r bestlawis ftwlish if not enfweed. Idl «ot-course I'm enthusiastic about t§lfl our beautiful SkoWe Valley. It ought ^*^ aft to be^n the Imprest Preserve. ^ SS «I»m sure that the people onthe Shore, as well as everywhere otee to Gtfok Comity, believe that ISBlfct mm can Primaries. Congressman Chindblom started file campaign only a week ago, having remained In .Washington-untiL that tive matters. He has established an enviable record in the House and Is extremely popular with his constitu- ency. He is a tireless worker and has done much for the north shorejn his first^term at Washington. Annual Town Meeting And Election Tuesday The New Trier Town meeting and election were held Tuesday of this week. The Town meeting was Jjfid tit Winnetka ttominuhity House at which the various township officers made their annual reports. The un- opposed Township ticket waare-elecfc ed Tuesday as follows: ~ i ® Supervisor, Gertrude M. Thurston; tnwft^aerk^yy^giersonj assessor, G. R Harbaugh; collector, Hoyt King; highway commissioner, H. H. Snerer; justice of the peace, P. B. Crosgley; constable, J. W. Selzer. â€"^ggg^lgjgprdeiervl ^mowisarefutTat^ tentionâ€"soak the unmentionablesyta Bin? Devil. â- --"~~^â€"^;~*'"-â€"â€"* AOTV.- X/TGvfll-KC Mr. J. B. Anderson, 1230 Hill street, is seriously ill at the Washington Park hospital. * -......P@IaFTERMATH OF WARJ..... War wounds and nervousness lajd to shell shock are bettered responsible for the act of Ralph W. Harrison of Maplewood, N. J., who committed sui- cide by shooting, himself with the army revolver;,hj^i;?!|p4^carried' in France. . ,„^®i-"^;'..y' â- % ASH SCARRY TREES SHRUBS FRUITS PLANTS. Big reduction in price when ^ou, come to our'nursery lor- them;v^wf^:«:.ig All stock hardyâ€"freshly duoâ€"-roota not dried out. r£zr~ how to get to our jturtmy.^;*; Peterson Ave. is the north line of Rosehill Cemetery. Go west about 2 miles to nursery, just across the canal. Fine roads. ^Sixty-six years in this location. the stock when desired. IPETIRSONINURSERJ 30 NORTH LA SALLE ST. TELEPHONE MAIN 3613 Mr. H. W. Mons, 921 Oakwood ave- nue, has returned from a business trip to Cincinnati, Q. GENUINE EDISOI^OUTFril A REAL OFFER PRICES HAVE BEEN REDUCED ON J1MSONS GENUINE EDISON HEBBlXWHim FORMER PRICE REDUCTION ^ $22.50 --,â- - NET PRICE ^4145-00â€" 4 DO^EDISON RECORDS 1 NEEDLE ATTACHMENT 16.20 4.2fc 10.00 COME IN $193:70 ;||i||| An&IIhear 8.00 $34:70 EDISON 12.00^ 2.00 $159:00 828 DAVIS STREET! Wilmette 526-Phones-Evanston 654 JhMiUm open tuesdotTthursday and saturday evenings mMWBI CHEVROLEl 3MC3§lQtMES MOTOR CO. ETahston, I1L w^r.;i:^.:rm.-..^^tJB§§PRW* Me ir' a ndlW6menli^|§e!; Repu blica irfnma ry, jn ext forSHER Laubenheimer is 4yâ€"a Republican |i|| since he was old enough4o know^and- l!|t always lined up with clean and capa- llll trie njyenliHe is a product of the Chi- ^^"â- ^agcpPublicâ- :â- Schools,......married -and sending thre^~^ the same ilft schools i^t; SfwJfSP*'p!*,S mm .He^is:a;Masonv'and.an;'Ell^||J||||f=:f aw For twenty-five years he has been . can party and civic affairs of the city and comi^.lSff§:^ Pormerly cashier^of Rogers Park Na- tional BaiikBAt^ii^senl^ydi^ Wi rs-Bank. as i^s ':MMM »^^ -k good solid and substantial fellovP^ ^fze~up his portrait.^Â¥esrhe is serious a^^Ksis^^S^^jsS'â- W&$^MS£iMii\