Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Mar 1922, p. 15

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^gjltllliiliilft Ratesâ€"10c per line for each insertion., ^Mitii|riwti 3 lined. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 12 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face type Charged Double Price.-----------~ REAL ESTATE â- J!uA. R. EDDINGTON & CO. UNEXCELLED SERVICE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS OF REAL ESTATE. 6 ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW, 2 Jorches, lot 50x171 nicely wooded, prior 8,500.. Very easy terms. 5 room bungalow, 2 porches, large living room, good neighborhood. Cheap at $8,750. --------â€"â€" â- â-  ' .. . ' ,â- â- â€" 7 room stucco house, h. w. heat, 3 porches, very reasonable at $9,500. 6 room stucco east locatlon^bhvJBhleht to transportation, lot "46x301, 1 car garage, price $12,500. -FroOih stucco in Glencoe, h. w. heat, nice living room. Price $14,000. ^7 room brick house, dandy east location; 2 sleeping porches,.sun porch, H. W. heat, bargain at $16,000. room frame, very desirable location, near the lake; nice lot 60x150. $18,000. room English Colonial in Glencoe, h. w. heat, nice wooded lot 66x210. Will laiWf) wltjiflnw^frartttw, ilrapfliit«Mii-tet^»hftti linoleum, living room rug and stair carpet. Price, $20,000. • 1157 Wilmette Ave., Phones 640-1417-2066 â€"â€"â€"-------Wilmette, Illinois 8 Ltg21-ltc 8 ROOM MODERN HOME IN CHOICE "1" west section. Hot wtr. ht. In good condition. Good income proposition. Easy terms. Only $8,000. ^ -New ^-rooni Colonialhome. Choicest location. Convenient to all transporta- tion. 2 tile baths; hot. wtr. ht. Sip. ._: pch. Large wooded lot; easy terms. $17,500. Make offer. New 6 room stucco in very finest section. Hot wtr. ht. Tile bath; extra toilet and lav., sun and sip. pchs,__Garage^_Woh- derful value. $18,000. ,- New brick Colonial; 7 large sunny rooms. Living room 16x32; immense heated sun porch; sip. porch; 2 tile baths. Shower. Billiard room. Fine wooded cor. lot. $21,500. M. E. BARKER & CO. End of "L" 407 Linden Ph. Wil. 407 _____________ Ltg21-ltc 9 ROOM STUCCO LIKE NEW; BEAUTI- ful wooded lot; 2 car garage; reduced to $17,000 for quick sale. * $12,000 will buy a 7 room modern stucco home, fine wooded lot, east location. )uirk action required^- - -â- <-â€" FOR SALEâ€"HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"8 ROOM WHITE CLAP- board and green shingled house, wood' ed lot, 6 bed rooms, 1 bath, house in perfect condition, white enameled wood- work; sleeping porch. Price $12,000. Tel. Win. 1188. Northeast of Winnetka station. ~ - â€"â€"- •â- -"~ â- -.-â-  L21-ltc FOR SALEâ€"8 ROOM I STUCCa KESI- dence, Elmwood Ave. East side Wil- mette. Occupancy May 1st. Inquire Frank r. Eager, 1812 Elmwood Ave. Wil. L21-2tc WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO BUYâ€"5 OR 6 ROOM house east or west Wilmette. -Have $3,500 cash. May 1st possession. Ad- dress Lake Shore News A-78. Ltg21-ltc sfor; SALEâ€"UPRIGHT BRAUMULLER piano: $100 for quick sale. Also Ger- man copy violin and leather case. Mod- erate price. Tel. Wil. 822-R. r ' L21-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"SMALL HOME, 2-3 rooms on large lot; suitable for small chicken farm. Address Lake Shore News A-81. v Ltg21-ltc FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE FOR RENT .â€" FURNISHBD-SMALL blouse for summer months, with or with- out garage; excellent summer loca- tion, with garden. References required. Tel. Winn.y1375. Ltg21-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO RENT*~6 OR 7 ROOM house with option to purchase. Wil- mette to Glencoe. Tel. Gleh: 818. BY MAY 1ST, 4 OR on the North 5 ROOM HOUSE -.....- ---------Shore. Adults. Address :Lake Shore News A-80, Ltg2JUitc FOR SALE OR RENT 5 ROOM BUNGALO^, "H; . ________ _ .... ,_. ...rHHAT; hardwood floods, large atiUrwnd bath: convenient to school, trans., public golf links. Poss. May 1. Tel. Win. 631-J. Lt21-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"FLAT WANTED TO BUYâ€"2 FLAT IN GOOD neighborhood. _J10,0JML_to $15,000. Ad- dress Lake Shore News-A=S2râ€" ___________________________________Ltg21-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD OOOP8 FOR SALEâ€"OWNER ttOlNG TO CAL., 1 mahogany dresser, 11 piece Chippen- dale dining room sefev.7 chairs, horse- hair seats; 54 inch table, buffet, serving table, china cabinet, l<Uv. rm:set,iCa*- penjfurn., 1 full size satin finish bedUbox spring, hair mattress, 1 Circaspian'WSl- nut chiffonier, 1 William and Mary book case, H5 piece Willow porch set including chaise lounge, 1 rug, 8x10, oriental pat- tern; largest sise mahogany Victor Vic- trola with records, good condition, $150. Phone *Kenllworth 1160. Ltg21-ltc FOR SALEâ€"VICTKOLA AND SEVERAL records. Also one Simmons single bed. Good springs and mattress, dresser, kitchen table: Tel: Wil. 2244. LT21-ltc FURNITURE OF 4 ROOM BUNGALOW for sale including garden tools; cheap. $500 cash. 315 Washington Ave., Glen. Tel. Glen. 332-M. Ltg21-ltc MUST SELL MOST OF MY FURNITURE at once at bargain prices. Sold house and must move quickly. Tel, Winn. 1621. Ltg21-ltc FOR SALEâ€"FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, piano, fixtures, plbg, lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. Ltgl^-tfc ^FORâ€"SALEâ€"ONE MASSIVE 3 PIECE mahogany parlor set, leather upholster- ing. Tel. Wil, 935-.W* 1021 Central Ave. ................... Ltg2iqtc MAHOGANY FLOOB LAMP WITH ROSE silk shade: Will sell for $15. Tel.. Winn. 1646. L21-lte SALEâ€"9x12 FOR 'SAI)E--USED WASHING MA- chines, overhauled and guaranteed. Thor, $50; Etiknv $65; Federal, $35; other bargains. ^Patterson Brothers, 828 Davis if.. EVanBion 684. Ltg21-8tc FOR SALE^USED TAjDKINazZMA^ chines. We always have oifnand bar- gains in used talking machines. Pat- terson Brothers. 828 Davis St. Evans. 654. Ltg21-3tc FOR SALEâ€"BABY GRAND BILLIARD pool table with mahogany library top. First class condition^ TeL WiL 266. L21-UC FOR SALEâ€"FINE LAYING HENS. TEL. -Win. 534. 900 Oak St.. Win. T . Ltggl-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HUMPHREY GASJWATBB heater,~good tarmewnrTel. Wln.o29M ' 'â- " Ltg211tc LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€"FOX TERRIER, MALE, WHITK black patch on left side: .black tail. Name "Patsy." Reward. Phone Kenll- worth 2553. ^ Ltg21-ltc SALE-AUTOMOBILES im m*$&Km mum*®-w-i very best condition. Owned by private party. This car has aji excellent set of llflires, one extra. Bumper, and stop fights^ ~ Ca^ ^nIJh« seen by appoint. $S^M^mT^4 WILLYS KNKfiHT T '^passenger touring; in the..,*.very b««| Pthechanical condition;..* good set # of iltires; this car is iust <wt of our j»Int 35*hop and is finished In beautiful Prus- gtlBian blue with black running gear. It Sis honestly represented and is_good <of thousands of miles. Price $780. 1016 Dodge roadster, taken in on a new K?|Dodge.:^ThlseW IS m Ifood mechanical Sicondition. Excellent set of Une thres. If taken this week/ sale price-WO..;;'<fm 1917 Buick Model D 85, 4 .oyHndef, # > passenger in excellent mechanical con* ,JM41Uon^T4res are very good,- with pna» ?#extra^;A very popular and economical i£carvCtB00,.xU':"';i;^ 562 /Lincoln- Ave. -j^^Mht^M^h^^^-^ Ltg21-ltc LOSTâ€"LARGE CORAL PIN. MONDAY morning^ handsome reward. Tel. Win. â- WOE.- ;::J_|__;"; â-  Ltg21-ltc FOR SALEâ€"1819 DODGE; LOOKS ANi? runs like hew; $475; for demonstration tel. Winnetka 681-J.v>, vX...y^..Lt21-Itev CHURCH FOR oriental 2239 pattern, Domestic like new. rug, blue Tel. WiL L21-ltc FOR and SALEâ€"DARK china cabinet. OAK Tel, BOOKCASE Glen. 806. ±± Ltg21-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS The subieet of the aMreMIfbiLSufit^ ilay mot«i»JBLjKiJLMl: "Tnem^&n*# ' quences of Deferred Hope."; . : The regular Communion Service will be ohBervHr Sunday morning. This has been one of thfe outstandtn^T and most largely attended services of our churctil It is always expected that every member of the church, FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RKNTâ€"LARGE STTTTTVTG BOOM, fireplace, one or two bed-rooms, fur- nished or unfurnished; garage. Glencoe. Address Lake Shore News A-83. Lg21-ltc FOR RENTâ€"2 LARGE FURNISHED bedrooms, one-half block from cafeteria, one block from Northwestern Station. Tel. Wil,- 935-W. 1021 Central Ave. „..,,. __«___;â€">->â-  Ltg21^1ta FOR RENT FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil, 1080. Ltl7-tfc LARGE PLEASANT ROOM FOR RENT. Reasonable. l»hone Wiln»tte 930-Jr' L21-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS AMERICAN GENTLEMAN WITH REF- erences, employed in loop, desires room in private home having very large grounds. Near R. R., elevated. Samuel Cushman, Rm. 525, 327 So. Lasalle St., Chicago. Ltg20-2tp WANTED â€" DRY BASEMENT ROOM unfurnished; Protestant family, center of town. Phone R. I., Wilmette 19205 L17-tfc W1LMETTR REALTY CCX auy^iiS-illy Js?Ba jX^fcjjw Woodcock, Prop. if^@B#Â¥R^^ifi^ ^2* HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE tion, lot 60x200'. Good value at $12,000. 6 room elastic stucco bungalow with r^Yafc^'w^^XJ" glassed andJieated-aun-room,-ho^water- â€"Lake^hore^?ewtKA-7 --ireat;;â€"sleeping porch, tiled bath, lot--------------------------- . 50x200. Very attractive offering at $10,500. â-  â- ' . Modern 6 room stucco, 2 glassed porches and 1 open porch. Hot water heat, tiled bath, 2 fireplaces, lot 50x160;, garage. $14,600. SPECIALS IN VACANT Sheridan Road corner 54x150, high ffound â€"-wtthHt)eautiftn^ew^of^helake^$135i inside lot on Sheridan at $125 per foot. 50x196 south front on Linden Avenue, $95 per foot. . ..r~ 60 to 75 foot frontage, north east section, $110 per foot. â-  , . • 50x200, 2 Wocks west of Northwestern steam station, $50 per foot. 50x125, 3 blocks south .west of station, $30 per foot. ' "'«.." Many other good buys. Phone ^^TTTDHNSTDF&TOT 340 Linden Ave. _ i ^ JWlUnette 68 *': Ltg21-ltC rehr -m wK&' FOR SALEâ€"WILMETTE, 5 RM. STUCCO '; bungalow, water heat, ivory trim, near â-  Z-' trans. . Price $8,000. New 6 room stucco near _ , __-- r-.- - - k htd, tile bath, panelled walls, side Mfb", built In features; very complete home, $i4.Kftn lo^lm^tufleo^wellrftuJiS^^^^^^^ baths, sun and slpg. porches,, htd rooms. Splendid buy at *1J.W?. For Sale, Winnetka, new white Colonial, H!S. E: 3 bed rooms, 2 baths, sun^ and P slpg porchesj attached and heated ga- | rage, 60 ft. wooded lotr$20,600. ^...r.^ H feet of choice vacant, S. E. Within sight of the lake; all imp. in and paid for. This wont last long at $75 per foot. HILL & WHEELER End of "L" 407 Linden ph*IJ^ {to A.HOME IN BEAUTIFUL KENILWORTH ^GAN BB-BOUGHT AT A **}G&^** 4? below toa»y's biding flPJ&^JSf]^ ; rooms and three indosed-porcfaps â- every "v modern -convenienceâ€"Inexpensive heat- % ing system, convenient to transporm- s tion. Lot 60x175 with attractive trees, ^shrubbery and garden. In the center ^ of a fine resldenUal comgiunity. Rea- sonable first PaynSefit: - i BALANCE ON MORTGAGE llm^ F.:E. M. GOLE a l^cii 829-Peoples JQM^ Chicago Office Tel. Bar. 2786, Res. Tel. Keri. 598 Ltg21-2tc FOR SALEâ€"VAC ANT FORT SAEE-4 LOTS, 75x300 ON WDL- mette Ave., Gross Point, 15 minutes' walk to Wilmette depot. $13.50 per front ft. Address Lake Shore News A-69. facilities . for schools and sale in Winnetka near transportation;â€"Address â-  * â€" â-  *,t«21-lte^ WANTED â€" RELIABLE WOMAN AS mother's helper where cook is kept. References required. Telephone 2334 Wilmette, 730 Linden Ave., Wilmette. Ltg21-ltc WANTED â€" MAD3 FOR GENERAL housework or for work by the day ©r half ~dayT~~70r Park~~Ave., Wilmette: Tel. Wilmette 2520. L21-ltp WANTED â€" MOTHER'S HELPER, 2 sTn^irTrnildren-ftr~family. Mrs. J, M. Crom, 1062 Linden Ave., Wil. Tel. Wil. 319. â-  . _______ Ltg21-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE EXP. DRESSMAKER WISHES^ making and altering by das WANTEDâ€"NURSING OR SEWING BY Mrs. Lucy Robinson, 930% Elm St. Win. Phone 674-W. ____±_ Ltgl7-ltfc WANTED -*• WASHING TO DO AT home; finished or rough dry; reliable work. TeL WiL 2398. v L21-ltc SITUATION WANTEP-^MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US estimates on year landscape work: trees^"shrubs andrperennralS^foT" sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive* ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sulli- van, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1549. Ltgl5-tfs EXPERIENCED MAN WOULD LIKE garden work or care of lawns. Have had experience in care of carsyj Address Lake Shore News A-75; ' Ltg21-ltp FIRST CLASS GARDENER AND HOUSE man, good with tools; all around house. Position wanted by May 1st. Married Tel. Wil. 997-W. L21-ltc ELECTRIC IRON, VACUUM CLEAN- ers repaired, vases wired; all electrical appliances sold^JPhone R. =1. Adams, ;WiL-2345. • L18-tfc HOUSEMAN WOULp_LIKE POSITION. Capable of tekTng care of car (colored) TeL Douglas 7463. Ltg20-2tp PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; experU best references. Foster Phoni^WinTBOS-J.------------- Ltgl5-tf& CARPENTER, JOBBING, g^AGE building a specialty. TeL Evansten 6884. Al Prochnow. L21-2tc iwthTday or hour. TeT by the day or hour. YARD_ WORK 'eT^WnriHOF Lt21-ltc GLENCOE LAKE FRONT THREEr^ACRES, RIPARIAN^ ^RIGHTS,, WANTBD TO BUYâ€"SECONIT HAND house; fine estate, half large Colonial- mile-from depot. F. land Block, Chicago. "Woolley, Ash- Ltg21-ltc WANTED TO RENT^HOUSE WANTED TO R^fT^ BED^jaOOM house, hot water heated, In good «ec- S Address Lake Shore News A-77. ^TANTEp .TO REN?? - FUKNiS^ T^OTisef or few mouths, Apfll la^ori lst. wa 8 adults. 262. References given. Tel L20-2tp Point or Wilmette. Tel. Wliu^gj..^ WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-06 BmlTSon^St., Evanston, 111. Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfc SIMON, 719 â€" Litg21-ltp FOR '* SALEâ€"3 ACRES OF BLACK celery ground, 1 acre in one lot, 2 acres in one lot, 4 blocks south of Lincoln- wood school on McDaniel Ave., North For further information ad- Shermerville, Ltg21-ltc Jsvanston. â€" _.. .. -dress Mrs. A. eLevernier, III. Box 155. FOR SALE â€" MONTBSORRl-BgT^gtl&F ask sifter, $2; bureau, $3; metal folding bed with rtiattress, $3; child's white enamel wardrobe, $5; mason jars, 40C doz. Wilmette 1704. L21-ltc PONY, ALSO 14th St., Wil. â€" zr Ltg21sltc FOR SALEâ€"SHETLAND cart and harness. 315 Tel^W^1.^30-R^==rz^:r HATCHING EGGS FROM OUR EXHI- bition winners, $3 per 15. Guaranteed fertility. Tel. Wil. 708-M. ___Lt21-ltc rr. FORs SALEâ€"YOUNG HENS. THOR- oughbred S. C. White Leghorns. 260 to 300 eggs per year. Fine foundation stock. Phone Wil. 1940. Ltg21-ltc senool tb; unite .^nday^ai'* .^.^-^-------..,.^„,_^^„.. . Maglli in his study Tuesday after- noon at 3:15 o'clock for thei pvatpgm physically: aWer't«•attend, will be pres- ent. ~7V- '•â-  'â- -â- 'â- '"•â-  Aâ- /-;?;-:;.' .^ Mrs. C. Russell Small will sing the Ninety-First Psalm, by iMacDermid^ Bunday at the Clarke B. cial solftr morning service. Shipp will also sing a Mr. spe- -22S The Annual Meeting and Dinner o the Church and Congregation will be held at the church 'Wednesday even- ing, April 5, at 6:30 O'clock. To those interesMddLn^^herBumdgy school and not attending elsewhere, we extend an invitation to visit our school and inspect the work. It is thoroughly graded Ttnd organized for departmental '^m^tl^^9^^^^^-;J^: ages.,. ,.*' ,": ~"-':--;::kSM^-'" The ^ Youn# :Pebple'#® society -&Wi. ^ Christian Endeavor vitt ^pwttctpei* in the Wilmette Youn« People's Un- ion social to be given at the Baptist church Saturday evening at 8 o'clock* The jyunip people of the Surdity and congregation whbâ- :$&$£& With ^e^ churijh W Uaste| requested :'ifemiet:':.'^ of receiving instruction as M the dHi ties of the Christian^ life aiid churcli membership^g'||i*:;0 mf}M$MB^M.,...^ ^,â„¢ ::- ehurcb~:'Serviceâ€"11:00:^"a, ';fl*lnSSSfc Junior' C.:E.-3:30,p.- m^pipf^^ Senior C. B.â€"-5:30 p. nl? Mia-WeeK~3ervlce, Wednesday, 8:00 p. m. WimM^MSi&^^^^X . The church is ibcatedyaTUhe cor- ler Of- Ninth street *4ira ^jtjreenleat avenue.-T:=- AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 1101 $1695 F. O. B„ FACTORY '. 1^^^ «-Gv-rL-BRIGGS»l: Evanston MO 1S48 Sherman Avanu* g Grand 1 Opera ^CHICAGO1 ^ JQVC ^ â-ºerd ^/CHICAGO' . i.^rgpiry"^:'>jj In Perfect Gomfoi^ To ride on a swift, smooth-running North Shore Train is to enjoy every mile of your jpurnejMhrough the pleasant I^E^im^^ and are^onrfd^aWenattefl^e^^Bi] are cheerfully willing to serve you. | Service i^eonven^ iently frequentâ€"excellent for stop-bver trips. ^ are promp#|Have you tried this handy routeJ? Limited Trains for Chicagoj leave 30!mette^very hour from 6:45 a.jrn. to 1:45 arm. Baggage checkedito _all pomts.::.ii;afe;"'V/;'..-. r.:..- \;;;;i^^gygQ-i^ NOR Hi SHORE |;ii^Sbttth Side Service||i|| Three fast trains daily betwHn Wil- mette and63rclSt. and Dorchester Ave, €htcago. These train^|?also stop at Loop ^atioinsT^rdraiid Calumet,and - 63rd. and. Univerity.|. | M^W^m^M OLD BOOKS BOUGHT. Oakton St., Evanston. HI TWTSCELt.A:WEOtre~~ 'r^^^^^^sm"^^^ M, SOLID BRICK. OAK FLOOR^ 2 Car**Brick 'Garage, JBVuit Trees. 100x185 ori Corner; Terms. J.H. SCHAEFER Investments Telephone Wilmette 434 P. J. GOLDBAC Representative ephCne WHmfette 1038 Lot Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette ^ xM&^^'y^?^^:iW':S'^l'^ JS'i'i Express Trains ^^M$}.^i^4 mette every halWiour from ZM&»m to 8:0#la. m.,^khe&J&&&^ tifc atid| ^everyJhalf"hour to 12:08 a. m.

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