WS& ^fj^f^iS'i^ wfotillf IffSfl*'^ i^Mm? Wm> THE t Airp^npir. MKWS;FRIDAY. MARCH 31, 19S2 r The laflieÂ¥We~wol1trng hard tdFmto^ Next Â¥unday morhlngv April 2, the services will consist of Holy Com- munion at 8 a. m.. Church school at 9^45^ and Holy Communion with ad- dress at 11 o'clock. 5 The preacher last Sunday morning at St. Augustine'su,was Rev. Charles T, Stout. ?The preacher at the Lenten Wednes- day Evening Service March 09th was the Rev. Henry N. Hyde, Rector of St. Paul's by the Lake, Chicago Dr. Carleton exchange^ with him and/ preached at St. Paul's. 4;^^__ II The preacher at the next Wednes* day evening Service, April 5th, will I be Rev. B. J. Bafty, Rector of St. Lawrence's church, Libertyville. The Ladies of the Associated Guilds held a very successful sale in the Par- ish House Wednesday of this week. 15 The Associated Guilds^will meet Ithis morning, as usual, immediately after the 10 o'clock Celebration of Holy Communion in the church SSome of the members of Str^Augus- titne's^uttended the Lenten Mystery fplay "The Sangreal" Thursday, March *30r at St7~Luke's, â- Evanston. sions, benevolences and for their own church. rr'-rr17^fzr: â- "S"' '"'â- "'*" ' ' """"""â- ' ' ««The Wa^w"BIelledhesls'r^Is the subject of the pastor's sermon for next Sunday morningâ€"While every- body comes within its scope, it is de- signed particularly for the children who are preparing for confirmation and their parents. This sermon will be based on the First Psalm. Following the usual custom all cate- chumens will be publicly examined in the doctrines of the Christian Faith durin»^the main service next Sun- day mornmg. A cordial invitation goes out to all to attend this service, par- ticularly to the catechumens ^>M former years. The "Builders" Young People's League holds its monthly business and social meeting* on Thursday evening at 7:45 at Library Hall. These young people are now planning something real big for the month of May. Watch for the announcement. . ' .__/ Lutheran Lenten services are an- nounced for every noon during the next two weeks at Wood's Theatre, Randolph and Dearborn streets. The public is invited to come and hear jce^J^MtteTii^erimm^r'Time, 12:10 to i2:35.=^===^^=^=^^-â€"â€"*- aSo^CrossIng the Bar," by Fearis, at A special Children's service Jor the ^orth Shore Sunday Schools from Chicago to Highland Park, will be held in St. Augustine's on the after- noon of April 30. At the "(Jhildren's Movies" yester- day in St. Augustine's Parish House ^there ^wasr shown the sixâ€"reelâ€"story of "Joseph and Hrs Brethren." This ,Tae:_^nnuaF'nieeffiig""'bt the Wom- an's society of the church will be held on^ Friday, April 7. JThere will be the usual _sewing for the Mission Successiveaudiencesof boys and girls & by the Rector. IIISI For the first time, two moving pic- % tiire machines were used, obviating the Is delay caused in changing reels and 'al- ii lowing much more to be shown in H"the same time^^The^prp^ra^^although l£:jnuch longer, occupied very little SHinore time than usual. The vivid 8 pictorial presentation of the life of II Joseph was greatly enjoyed by all the ft children and by a nummber of adults §§ who attended the. evening showing. liii The three showing* were provided l|f ly Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Read and Mr. H and Mrs. E. W. Pridmore. ft w At the. Children's__M SI Thursday, April 6* there will be shown BillnZ the Beginning" which consists If principally Jot some of the incidents in it Wei HfebTour^I^rdr Thriltmrfoi^ther S three showings, at 3:00, 4:15 and 7:30, H-- will be provided by Mr. and Mrs^ I. m-1SL-Stoweiy1044 AsbilanjrAyenu^, and "^WsomeIS- theHigh School boys from St. Augustine's attended the "Hi-Yf Convention in Evanston last Saturday arid Sunday. Different ladies of the congregation asstedHffiTservlng at the iftft Banquet on Saturdey night. S The Central School Parent-Teacher association has sent the rector a check to provide an afternoon and evening showing of pictures at the .JlChildren's" Movies." ThosOn^hargeofL the J"Children s Movies" especially appreciate this contribution as it indicates in a prac; tical way the approval of the mem- bers of the Parent-Teacher associa- tion, who areNorganized to help for- ward everything which is for the good ojC the children of the Community. hospitals in the morning commencing at" 10 o'clock. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'cIockr-The pioiraiu of the afternoon wlir commence at 2 o'clock. Miss Izeyl Phelps who is just completing her course of study at the Missionary Training school in „ Chicago will speak of Christian work among the Mexicans in Chicago. The business of the day will include briet reports*of the year's work and the annual election of officers. â- %^_^ii~ No department of the church is doing more effective work than the Young People's throe thriving socio- ties, fully organized and caring for the expressional life of over sixty boys and young people. The Junior and Intermediate societies will meet as usual at"A o*&ockrog Sunday af- ternoon. The Seniors will meet at 5:30. Miss -Georgia SLuccock of Wooster, Ohio, who plans to sail as a mission- ary to China in the summery will speak. The Wednesday dinners at the church continue to be most popular the VespeF~service at fiver o'clouk. The Junior Choir is making great progress under the rigid instruction of Mr. Grabau and new members are being added frequently. They will ap- pear in their vestments Palm Sunday morning in connection with the Palm Sunday service, assisting the big choir. Easter morning will be the best op- portunity of the year for baptism and union with the church. At the ves- per ------- _ Resurrection," a devotional pageant, will be presented by a dozen very capable characters. Theâ€"Junior and Intermediate Ep* worth League added three new mem- bers last mbbK bringing their enroll- ment up to a little over forty. This is open to all boys and girls of the parish between nine and fourteen. TheBoy Scout Troop is complete and the charter closed and sent to New York. The Scouts^ meei eyery Monday night from seven to eight, under the leadership of Scout Master C. N. Stokes and Assistant Scout Master, G. A. Bentley. ; il^ Dr. Gilbert Stansell is giving a course of expositions on "How They Came to Take Up Life With Our Lord" each Wednesday eveningat eight o'clock. _^ - . Next Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock the workers of the churcH will dine together and confer on matters hour, Easter evening, n f^Thefpertainig to the forward movement of the church. The Epworth League is in the midst of a campaign to interest all un- married young people in the parish in its program and possibilities. On Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock the big choir is in rehearsal. The Easter Musical Program is receiving major attention just now. The Sunrise Easter service for young people promises to be one of the unluutTamt »^ year. * ENGLISH LUTHERAN Services every Sunday at the Wom- an's club, Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue;"......"" 'â- â- ^.v.;-::^ ;; Sunday School air9:45 a, m. ,„ ,> ' Church Service at 11 a, m. i Attend the growing Sunday School. Attend the/Adult Bible Cla33. Lenten Service, Wednesday eve- ning, at 8 o'clock, at tne home of Mr, pand Mrs. Melbye, 244 Laurel avenue. JEASTER PAGEANT "The Resurrection," a devotional pageant, is to be given at'the First Methodist Episcopal church-:; Sat the Easter Sunday Vesper services. There are twelve people in the cast of char- acters now rehearsing for the event. ff^S^^^tS^ It Is Well for the World When States- men Prince .y **â- â€"'. â- .'..,;:â- " â- _:'.-"' .......,..l.....___._______ A^strife-weary world faces the new Easter season with the gratitude of a mariner who has ^^ eldaped shipwreck by fome ac^oPPfovi- dence. Peace-pact^4iavej3een signed and sealed by I m£n who calledjjQn the great iip Prince ofSPeace^fo*M daily- guidance and strength. L at 7 o'clock. At the prayer meetings during this season the little booklet entitled "His Last Week" is being used.?' The prayor-^eeting^ust^now^ are the largest and most helpful in many years. Ibis evening at 8 o'clock the men of th,e chuprcji will entertain the women in apprectejrJojL of„ the many good services of the women In the, jnimlha^pasfc^lt. is^jshnxjm^de^f-f fAir ifrvery mftiyibftr ftnd friend of the church is urged to <come and bring their friends.,j^^-T^^f^r Junior and Intermediate B. Y. P. U. at 4 o'clock. Senior B. Y. P. U. at 5:30. Francis Carr Stifler, minis- ter, residence 1028 Forest avenue, phone Wllmette 1675; . JOHN'S LUTHERAN i^^K m Linden and prairie avenues, it •- -- :/. WUmette, 111.. Htirmau W. VHtyBm^i^rTastffr iip 406 Prairie- avenue. :.:-|||Phone 1396 ifep'â- :• â- ;'..â- SERVICE^ .. . ; â- •' ' :. §§sM 0: igy j|; m. Sunday school and Bible fc-jriaw at-:Liberty haU.v ' â- â- â- â- â- .: ..' . tel^l0;45 :a.: m. Preparatory servicefor s^commuhlcants.-;-'- â- :â- -:$&:â- â- -â- â- v ^virUrOO. a. m. Servic* *nd Holy^Cota- i|iii.: munion. /â- .. --â€"â€"â€" - ;.;...... ^^1^.-.evening, at 7:45 Lenten ser- $Hl$*n 4:00'Â¥:Si?MoldW%hd Friday ;Ih- 111 itruction of children. M & order to relieve toic^j*^^: H^ dition of th^church, wWch has been increasing week after week, Holy lilr Communion wlU be celebrated three times in the course of the next three Ireeks. Thoafe who desire to go to the â- Sacrament will be given the oppor- ^ tunity next Sunday mornmg, on Holy IS Thursday evening and on Good Frt- B--Hday-•evening......Thcae^'whom ^necesBlty Sdoea not compel to-commune in the Pr evening services areJ^jisked„ tojto jio ll,;©tt Friday. :â- â- . **'â€" â- &â- *â- â- 9s cm Wednesday evening next the iilxth olt the midweek Lenten *et- W. vices -will ^heto at the^ chttrc|ii The lit pastor will' conclude his. sermon series â- * ST the great texts on the Atoning 3? ^rorlt of iGhrtet which a semon^oii .........^Faith's TPestfanony," Actag^ly 13: The Wilmette Baptist church is lo- cated at Wilmette and Forest ave- nues. Mornini worship at 11 o'clock. Bible school at 9:45. - II The Union Young People's organi- -f^tibiriBt "the Vftlige will meerln the churxih for a -socialp^ -eventog, Saturday April 1.. -,V;I ^^:Jm^^ .â- ^ 11. METHODIST CHURCH or nations 4^mchhav^ permitted the deyiis sophistries to^unbala^ Srulers and the people. Gardens flourish and men's thoughtsHare enobled when the prin- ^dples^ the4^UGifie4^iie^t^ wher^^l^iia^re ^gg?'-:s5i- Neither is there salyatian Iff W â- "' Sunday. School at ftil&MM-^m':;;., Preaching service 11 o'clockS iff Junior Choir rehearsal 3:30. Ep worth League and Intennediate League meetings at~6T15. ^Beginning next Sunday morning, April 2, Dr. Rapp's Men's Bible Class will meet at 9:45 in the MaBonic lodge room in Brown's Hall. All men are invited. ^ Tjhe ESpworth League meeting Sun- day night will be in charge of Miss Mable Thorsen, and it will be what is known as a "group meeting." This is one meeting where the young peo- ple sing as if they were paid well for it and were trying hard to earn their moneyv^ JglsttojRr.asicili^^ I oiu~wt^^sdwiarr^""""^,'.' •:. -=§m • - Monthly Official Board meeting, In the church, Monday night, April. %â- '-at eight, llf i_/' â- â- ; â- !!â- , :'â- - The Junior Scouts, Mr. L7 F. Todd, Jr. Scout Master, and Mr. Pierre Bontecou and. Mr. Elmer Williams as- sisting, forty boys in number, meet promptly at^ seven o'clock Thursday Asa was*one of the God-fearing kings of ancient â- "Z~s Judah> ^His battl^cry^^^Help ust Q Lord |i0i^ Q<pd, fgt jfgj^est oh theeM--rn\i ht well |Bethelall£n iiltdl^ace-fenfofce^ under heaven given among ^ men, ^^€fehrw'muBt"l»:'iaired- ' yi..: Â¥ie^WUIIe# AM and Mission so- ciety of St. John's jneets on^nnojh dayT^prtf C at * o^ock at Wbraigr Halt This organisatloiu now has an I mctlve membership of W and haa aet +,WMWl w____ ___t_,___ . evenings at the Byron C. Stolp School other: for there is none other name gymnasium, and close the hour of *" *â€" -----â€" ""'""'games, drills and reports promptly jut eight o'clock. . Mr. L. F. Kunstman, soloist for the Vesper service, is In New York this week, singing for the Brunswick and Edison Phonograph people. He wilt return in time to sing Sunday even- m l^^^iu^pSjhe^ur^ for preserving the I^I^iisfciri^thaf is to keep the world at peacev : Si||ii|lidlM^ 16 tr^ lifvice fof the |^ of 4§ill|ili^ rtdmej the^ community, lllllllJ|the,..„nation,: the'ipror W^fVcJii "li^hence â- a Denent m pro iHffl|if|H^p poys of Christian comradeshipl r i^Gmr^^MslM \mx.w) ;IS ics llai*^ Rev. Hubert Carleton ^^Rtt;-Stephenj£. Lloyd St. Johp's Lutheran Church 'W^wfao, He The First Methodist Chnrch M Rev. Gilbert SiansclL The Wilmette Baptist Church " FtmKhC.SU/a ^:WSBBi^ WW'- U