'^mmmmmfm' ......-^^.THEX^ B-5 XSBBZtr -v- Next Sunday, Rev. g. A. Lloyd, pas^ tor, will preach on "Simplicity in fte-l liglous Living," the third sermon in' his series on "The Platform of Ghrisi tianity" as proposed by Jesus in Mb- Sermon on the Mounts The atten- dance at these services is evidence of; the_fact-thatJihe congregation is en-; joying these Lenten sermons. ,; Mrs. Marie Edwards Von Ritter, organist, has introduced into the Sun- day ^jnoming programs, a very inter- esting organ recital just preceding the Morning S^T^lcer^nvmn^TjaTtlcirlartr -J^ntafe*-Prayer, with Litany *nd_acU na^mbera ol^thed^urchr School. The- program will begin at 10:45 and the following numbers will be- rendered next Sunday: "Liebestraume," by Ltsjt, "Adagio," by Volkmar, and "Meditation/' by Faulkes. , " The Covenant Class, made up of boys and girls from^he^ first year of the- Intermediate Department, meets each Sunday afternoon at 3:45 in the Church Parlor. This class, under the ;adership ' of -Mrvâ€"Lloyd and-Mrg^ .awrence, is studying the "Simple truths of the Christian Life." The Tuesday Morning Class is con- ducted as a Book Review of the New Testament, and includes each week a very interesting discussion by Mr. JLlpyd." Next week Mr. Lloyd will con- tinue a discussion begun last Tuesday on Paul's Letters, speaking "of the source, content and purpose of these letters. At 4:30 Sunday afternoon, a group of young people of High school age and older, meet for discussion. The subject for next Sunday will be "What I Would Like to Know About Praver." All young people are cordially invited to these meetings. The Roosevelt Troop of Boy Scouts meets each Friday in two sections. Company^Ar'-meets at 3:45, and Com- pany "B" at 7:30. Mr. Harold Gilmore is Scoutmaster and Mr. J. W. Dobbin, Arthur and Ewart Cook, and Lloyd Tresize are Assistant Scoutmasters. At the Mid-Week Meeting, Wednes jiay ^v^ningt Mr-r Darot will opoak on - fe"Why I Believe in the Bible." Mr. lloyd will lead the meeting and a begins at 7:45 "The Wolf Cubs," an organization for boys ten and eleven years old, will meet at the church each Monday after- noon at 3:30. Mr. Gilmore will be in charge.â€"... â€"'....â€"--------------------â- â€"- The Neighborhood Circle, Mrs. W. G. â€" -Glover, chairmanr^wlH-hold-aBraH*day â€" mooting Tuesday, ^Karch -21^at-Jlie_ church, hostess. Mrs. Frank Whtt rwill be the _ Thace, was the usuaJLiarge^altend- ance of boys and girls at the "Chil- dren's Movies"- at St. Augustine^ Par- iah House ntrtfao throe^difforontrshow* ings yesterday afternoon and evening, 3:00 P. M., 4:15^, M. and 7:30 P..M. Two more reels of "The Chosen Prince" a long story of David, the Shepherd boy who became Prince and King, were shown. This was followed by "Little Jimmy's Prayer," a picture showing the wonderful religious faith of Childhood* and its reward. At the showing of the first four reels, of "The Chosen Prince" last week the children 'were fortunate in having with them Mr. Henry, the produeer of the picture, wholaxplained dtfferent3ible customs And told why different things were filmed in the wayl;hey were. YeBtw- day's program was furnished by.J/lr. and Mrs. H. G. Alg^r, 256 Sheridan . Road, Winnetka^Myp 0$?'%'; The Womeh of the Associated Guilds of St. August!ne's^Church will meet todav, FridayT for an alPday session immediately after the Service in Church at ten o'clock. Luncheon will be served at, 12:30 for the workers. Seme of the ladies met specially last jjotiday afternoon in order that more work might be accomplished, pt <* boys' club of St. Augustine's, will be taken to Chicago on one of their out- ings, and on Sunday evening they hope to attend the address with stereopticon pictures of the Sunday. Evening Club on "The Wonders of the Home Land," especially the great American desert. On^Mcmdayrev^n|pa~inre held in the Rector's Study to discuss the formation of a Chapter of "The Daughters of the King." A meeting for the formal organization of the Chapter wilt be held-in the Rector's office next Monday evening, March 20, at,S^M^^-s^ .' :^i,^u!^;^4-^^: ;v : Wednesday, March 22, there will be ^JThursds in the church at 7 o'clock. dress, ^ an4 each Friday morirtng^ in Lent there is a Celebration of the Holy eoinnrantonrat 10 ArM. T-rH "Saturday of next week, March 25, there will be the Festival of Annunci-* ation. There will be Holy Communion at 10 o'clock in the morning. Wednesday last, the March meeting of the Vestry was held in tMfe Recton's Study. -On Wednesday afternoon-Mrs.-W. B. Palmer's club of young girls held their weekly meeting. ^^J 3 rV > This afternoon at 3:30 the Pioneers, the young boys' club, will meet in the Parish House. â- :â- -;-,, ,,-^^c r^ A very interesting program has been arranged for the Vesper service next Sunday at 5 o'clock. Mr. Gordon Bradt willgive ah address on "'World Facts and Our Responsibility," ilius trated with 100 beautiful stereopticon slides. "An Impersonation and story of the life of a ChineseGirl," by Miss Margaret Bradt. Concluding with a "Motion Picture Pilgrimage Through Palestine." At the close of the program there will be a Christian Fellowship Hour, the young women of Mr. W. G. Col- vin's Sunday school class serving light refreshments The concluding lectnlpeMn the spe- cial course of Bible studies conducted :5enl^b^sexfcT3ifisfteb omission of a previous lesson the time fur the next lesson will bo doubled, beginning at 2 o'clock and concluding at 4 o'clock. These classes^ have been largely attended and tKith, Increasing interest All women invited; , * 1 %The members of the Men's club are entertaining their wives ..this, evening in the church parlors with dinner and a special program. Thejnea are pre- paring and serving the dinner. Mrs. -"Monday^'liighr'Bo^ the church at 7 o'clock. t-'m meet Friday afternoon at four Girl Scouts meet at the church. -i:^km^W^'^$^- ^ Remember Dr. Rapp's Men's Bible Class Sun$a|r at 9:'411^;.'.-:-:4-â- â- -â- ;"â- :'>^.-d*;§i â- ' ' ^Another B^:Epworthf#':?L^agtie"{^debate! Sunday night March 0. "U .....„.«... JUDGES COLLEGE DEBATE 3 Robert H; Anthonytiiormeir^ i^Services evjery Swndj . .Ay,%T:i:Si^^MiliMl-.-............. structor in Rhetoric at the University | ai^/iny Rf>hool at 9:45 ^ of Minnesota, and now engaged in the re^ the north shore, was at l£6unt Ve^n^lowaj Friday of last week as judge in 4 debate between teams representing; Lawrence and Cornell colleges. Mr. Anthony is a resident of Glencoe and has offices at 11 S. La Salle street. | Chicago. J^,:the;;Woin-s nd _ ^Church serviceg%t U :A. â- â- !& '.":':Lentel- ^rvilet^7ine1lt evening March 15th at the Mr. and Mrs. A, JTX Oash» I Ave, Wilmette. 1 Attend the adult Bibteclasf taught by Rev. Homrighaus. Attend the growinf ^stnlaf1 Schbcil, Mr. L. F. Mueller,..$upt.,v;i^;^x,i^,Ss?^ C. H. White of the Woman's club ^bf Chicago; is the speaker; City The special music" lor hex% Sunday morning will be a soprano and tenor duet by Mrs. C. Russell Small and Mr. Clark B. Shipp, entitled "The King of L©Yfi__My Shepherd Is," by Spjnce| "Preparation for Easter" is the gen- Wednesday mid-wee^ service. The subject of Dr. Magill's sermon next Sunday morning is: "Meeting a Real Test."'.: '^Wm^€W^4^ ^,^4^111. for next show the ^ The^hlldfeh's Movies Thursday, March 23d, will final two reels of "The Chosen Prince TJnlsTiJng"tBrhef6fc-lif& of King^Daâ„¢ one reel of "The Call of Samuel" and one reel of "The Goodâ€"Samaritan.' The films will be provided by Mrs. A. fc Mouai^61ft Lak& A^nue^WJlmette, ^ %*I Next Sunday, March 19, will be the M«iird Sunday in J^enU There^will be ffUfoiv Communion^ |tt eight o^lock, MIiChurch^chool at"Â¥:45, and^lHoTning Prayer with Sermon^at4| o^cl^ck^ifej „,.,„ On Tuesday evening Mr. William W. Ig wh<h»'a r.inh of bovsjnet in the Parish Sunday services. Sunday school 9:45. ^--^â- -â- â- â- [^^t:^ Preaching services 11 o'clock. , Junior Choir rehearsal 3:30. -iffg?M\M Vesper Service, & o'clock. ^^ ^ Epworth League meeting 6:15, Mr. J. R. Harper leader, intermediate League meeting 6:15. Epworth League social in^ the church; SaturdayslgM March »at8o^oc]c. All young people are invitee This means YOU. There will be games, re- freshments and a good timeâ€"for all that come. All league members are expected and .,aJL,m" corned' warmly."Ifli b.e^julfe Tibil!wirafe menifitf^^thttt^ pay- ment TSf^their^rBgular chiOTefc sub- scriptions are asked to bring them up- to-date as soon as possible, because numerous unlooked-for expenses have emptied tne treasury andr left some unpa^JbljUs^^^ WednegdayZnight- at eight, an -Jin^ usual meeting in the: church.; ~xVm *re^ invited to come and sing, or speak or pray or listen, but come and enjoy an old-fashioned llprayer meeting -broughtâ€"-up4o^ate^-^rry--4^^next Wednesday -nigfit. •. iMmmm^ Wm. A chorus choir of fifty voices sings at the eleven-o'clock seryJie.__Preach- ing by -the^pajstdjv B^SianselLBw Sli^. iMMmm^ipM 'ff00gM~ gSSfii ^SPPRSiKSSSSI iiil^ SS^J^S'h ?^w&- ssffe*! ^IlliWSiSWiS^^^ ^'&f$.'. PERHAPS YOU ARE NEAR rOU CAN REMEDY THE DEFECT mm I BROADEN AMD LENGTHEN YOUfl BY REGULAR CHURCH ATTENDANCL :.lii& m$ ^SHSf' IS TlLEAl I SO COME TciGlTOOT^ i*g. [-^^^00^S^^M. mms Rex. Gilbert Sianstll Reo. Francis C, SUfim The First Presbyterian Church J?ffrg^te^t%<^ t. Augustine's Episco] 1 msm |^i^|§f|. tf'-A^Wn '•"â- attests. p«^S^ ^fti* Wmm fffir Wm3 Sssfe SSMiS Mi*1" ;ij^jS^% ?mrnm Hfss W009S, W' #«M' Ret. Hubert Carleton ipit:i ^:Re9. HermanW. 'Mej(«t: .SiBf|||illl?ii $0m fflffi mism filllllilP WmBps mmmM - pi '^M^." 'ma ^ife^^iSS^^P â- ^fe^{L»'