12 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 3. 1922 â- ~ _ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1912 with which 18 combined THE WIMIBTTB LOCAL. NEWS Established 1898 ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK â€"..........â- ------.....-.-----------by......... LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. Telephone ... •..-.- .Wllmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION. .S2.0O A YEAR AH communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday noon tq Insure appearance in current Issue. ' " â- ____ Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates.___________ Entered at the postofflce at Wilmette, Illinois, as mall matter of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, MAR€H 3, 1922 reading off the words, absorbing the thought and the optimism which they carry. It is a little fly in the realm of psychology which, is as certain to bring re- sults as the sun is to rise. A spirit of confidence in the future brings a readiness to accept the chal- lenge of business conditions, to jrely JUpon the co-operation of one's fellow-men, and to usher in that time when "business will wake up" which is so ardently looked for by the whole world. And this call to the people of the United States breathes con- fidence in them and in their fu- ture. ♦ «»----------- What thej£ really need in the noble halls of Congress is an ex- pert in the realm of legerdemain. If only some member of that august body could produce the wherewithal with which to pay the soldiers' bonus from the silk WEALTH THROUGH SPENDING _________ In the days when children were^iat; of somerilluWieusvisitor,^: taught to write by copying with z.-J±: painstaking care wise, or pseudo- wise, sayings in their copy books. â€" they had it early impressed upon their minds that economy is the road to wealth. In after life many of them have forgotten the max- im in so far as practicing its pre- cept is concerned, but the truth of it is never doubted. And yet there is nothing that is better il- lustrative of the fact that a half ~~~Trulh~ls~lio^uTK~at all. It takes more than the most perfect economy jZ to bring wealtnT -V The fallacy of the proverb is be- ing demonstrated today when busi- ^ ness everywhere has been suffer- ing under the strain of the practice of the utmost economy by those in ^executive position. Wealth is not made that way, but poverty for the I ^greater number. Wealth, great W%yiwealth such as we wish to see in llllSthe nation, is made only by spend- II* ing, wise spending and creating of lll^^iew^^sourcerthTough the develops ment of those which nature has so pluck it out of the air, all would be-well. But the bungling efforts of everyday politicians to find millions of dollars where there is no money, is a pathetic revela- tion of their lack of prowess in the art of the magician. AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY "E*M*«tOirl40------1ST -Sherm«n Avenue Our Repair â€"-r~is made up of a combination of ex-â€"â€"râ€"---------- pert mechanicsâ€"each one compe- tent to overhaul or repair your car completely without the aid of the others. v To add to the efficiency of this de* ^ partment we have trained each man _________1_____to specialize on one particular kind of work, thus giving ourcustomers better service in less time. This system in conjunction witÂ¥^ completeness of the jgcgnpmen^ in^our shop, insures yotr of^having absolute satisfaction, regarr " oLwha^naiiir^ Dodge Brothers sedan WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. 562 Lmc^ilii^AY^^ ------ AfteFtHe Ovll War the country entered upon an era of immense development in' the expansion of the railroads and the many kinds ^ of industries which the nation' could support* New wealth thus ^peatea^tobk the place of that which Hliad been destroyeT^ylhÂ¥war~and' k h^^^^^^^^L^ tne system | ma|:liadrbrought affluence to the • - great planters of the south. Some- "i thing of that spirit should be evi- dent today, and must be before we fetshail see anything like the-pros^ ^-§>erity that we so ardently long for. m^ Withdrawal of capitalsromrpro- ;gjkjctiye--enterp^ Upholstering and Refinishing Jetter have- your furnitt attended to now before the spring rush and save money. We are equipped with a special drying room, also have experts in each depart- ment and can guarantee best of work at a saving oyer^ Chicago "pfriueB^---: = =- of the industrial plants that ar6 al- ready in operation to the lowest possible point compafibIe~IwW keeping the nucleus of a working organization together, suspension of public iiiipiovementSTthesg pi1P:iare^ way^Tln^'wliicV'to (extend thfc lilt period of depression, not to lift it pt§-,-aiid ' open': the-way .lor the new era 8ife:-^vh-ich oiagjgjgufre upon tts already IJittlrttelT^ |toppage of the industries of peace. I llEconomy^ i«^ inessentials -and wise spending on those things ^Vhieh wiM build^up the resources Mthe nation^ tf^ STORAGE hFURNITURE CO m^: l^amtfc^jr* & 615 DwitSt, Evanalonl EtmuiiS 7 «a3T ^T the nation, tms is rne ^rograjn m _w ~^^:_^2.1 whichthis country must adopt and â- gJ| LAftlUn |^(:;:lollow'^seduibusl3rIf we are not to IBtS-suifer. needlessly for .the folly -of S^tiie world that plunged us into the depths of war and brought us ouf ,ik **"ft^^^^joi^gain' for anybody^ m^....^^Bg^M^i--W: but a part of the i„^_.J»J>J>L-i.- I'hepowtf of mental suggeslidW is being brought into play by €he ,wsm.'national^organization of Rotary fea^a clubs illimpressive looking sign Next Week Monday and Tuesday W March 6 and 7 ROBERT McKIM Wednesdayâ€"ManSt,? SE4*REÂ¥@ST • ^ »•#!#* In Don't Get Personal" If you have ever made a trip to Chicago, it is reasonable to suppose that, you rode on one of the fine North Shore trains; Tndriiaving "bTice-tried this convenient route, you will adopt it as your regular one. The advantages are manifest to every one who has enjoyed a trip over this line. ZExcidlei^Jspeed^ti X „„____^ -of-g-gfnglc measure of safety or cpmfortT The^employesjre. always courte- Quajaad^aMntiyj^-^^ is prompt, ff||§flaip^^ (k eat black tftl'lettering on white background JflP iet jorth this Jdea^^^eazmjk ^KSaBBS^^J>Uck3iip,:'talk up-and.. ..^B^iink up,^bttsinesjjwill wake up." i^B'By'reasoli oi-the vitry infrequency" ' K^clwl^efitbers;; .%p€rates: with * mms _â- • -^_ ;M2|^; ^tensity.. ;Men stand Mm z*~wztt in §S'::'5<i5;#^iiti iifmroi f#" ton's Masterpiece Chicago leave Wil- mette ev«fy kour^ ffom 6:45 armâ€"to 1:45 a. m. NORTH SHORE Chicago leaye mette every half hr. from 6:39 a. m. to 12:09 a. m. Fivefastt^ and Dorchesiterâ€"leave Wilmettrdaily. T^ese^^ Calumet, and 63td and Univetjsity. Procure new time cards M^ nearest^tieket office^ Wilmette Ticket Office m Wilmette Avenue ^if^w^!!g56$Si^^^'4^HS