Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1922, p. 7

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'tmgsaSSa&m §TH.E:kAjQL£HO Search Your Attics „I â€"For Wliite-Etephahts- For Economy Shop Tea IF you have not already set aside on your calendar, next Tuesday, February 28, as a most pressing engagement, 'twere well to do so now; for it is most important that you attend the White Elephant tea at the home_©f Mrs, Edward Lilien- field. The exceedingly catchy little jingle, below, inviting you personally to this gala eve^nt, is on its way to you this morning via the post card route: "!Ypu and your friends and your ^ffff#trte^d*sfriends tootâ€"â€"': ;;V-vT Are asked to a" tea on the Avenue; White Elephant^Day^lor^thr^ojioj^, Shopâ€" JBring anything, from a towel to a mop Starts at three and lasts till six- Give us donations from pans-to bed .. /ticks^^^^J....... ,; , Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Scheiden- helm, 704 Lake avenue, who have been sojourning in Florida for several weefc&rhave come asTfarHaorth^a Try- on, N. C. where they will remain for a fortnight's visit. ^ "> There> will be a meeting of the-Wo- man's Catholic club of Wilmette on Friday afternoon of this week at the Woman's club house. An interesting program to be furnished by members of the Young Woman's auxiliary, is to be given. All attics today many elephants hold, To us they mean cash, when once they are sold. Ajfe Lilienfieid's Jioine,- on the Avenue 816 ilichigariâ€"-we'll be looking fonrou Now do try to be there, put all things ^asidej Montgomery Major, 215 Ninth street, has recovered from his oper- ationjiox appendicitis,-andj^eturned to Harvard last Sunday mornings Mrs. Major accoffipaHied her son east; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Arms, who arft yfttHditig wr the North Shore hotel this winter, have issued invitations for a dinner dance to be given on the evening of Friday, March 3. at the We want you to come if it's just for^ jsortit-shore-«otefe the rid^' v Wilmette chapter No, 253, R.<A- M. will present the following program of Interest, on Tuesday evening, Febru- i ary 28, at Jones' Hall. The artists 'B wilt 3>e Miss Ingrid Arnesen, soprano, §Miss Eloise Bedlan, piano, Miss.Nina 'Winans, render, and^ Mrs, Louis- ^unstman, baritone. ^ v r f TJie- eiahg^pf the Fbrge^^^o^Key "A-Stiar^n Spring's -Mrr^unstman #Rogers .Sanderson Awakening.. 4 > %•.-. Miss Arheseh Happy the Bride .-----..... I Miss Winans ntasie Impromptu ....^ !ly on the Shore... Percy Miss Bedlan O'er the Billow Sea,..EarlM Smith Mr. Kunstman Sonnet ... i ;|g|...... * .Richard Hovey Mjary Helper 6f Heartbreak ^..Chopin Grainger r There will be a party for Junior members of the Ouilmette Country club at the clubhouse this evening. Members of the Junior Auxiliary in- clude Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Lester, Mr. W& Mrs. J W. Hv Higbee, and Mr. and Mrs-* Douglass C Boyer. w fe tTho third^^visioi^^^e ^L^ . .Margaret Wiattener^ Alff society of the Methodist church The Idyll of the Carp. Austin Bobson ann0uiice a White Elephant party for __ W^SW^^fflul^cI JVibiin Obligato, MrrF. A. Bedlan) Because ...vv^D'Hardelot Migs Arneson There will be informal dancing fol- lowing the program. /.::,,j;; ""';"A Silver Tea will be given on Thursday afternoon, March 2, at the UiEdgewater Beach.Juii^^rimTuiJir-ee~toc â€"rHeFb©rt-r^fann live o'clock, by the officers of the " ' * " "*"' T Tenth District and the officers of the Clubs comprising the District, for the benefit of the Mary A Club for girK :^3Phisi Club=*wbs ^5unded=by Jud** Mary Bartelme to afford a home for jgirla after passW through the Ju- venile Court and while they are un- der its protection. The home is non- sectarian and the District hopes to secure 500 or more memberships in the Club from the members of the Clubs in the District; T*b Ifeestrange^ from $12 per year jpr J34^^o^Jtefe 52. 'per year.,' '^:J-;^^^^^E^^:$$^^ There will be-a musical program at the Tea, and Judge Mar^jr Bartelme and Judge,A*ISIi^^^^J^j^J^^l of .â- â- honor..;-*............"............."-â- â- "*** Mrs. Dork - ^ jr. Lloyd;.â-  HanaMPi^^F Eiew city^-i& a "guest at the home of ^rsrWttford W. DeBerard, 802 Elm- wood avenue. Drr and Mrs, Hammond made their home in Wilmette for several years; pre< to New York city, where Dr. Mitchell engaged in government service at Mitchell Field. The Doctor has gone to Colorado where he will take up the duties of his new post, and after a visit_among old friends here, Mrs. Hammond will go to Colorado to join â-  him.,^^t^^'.-v â- 'a.W^,-?.~I^Z--^^i-~^^' The Horace G. Drury home it 622 Central avehueTfias been sold recently tb Mr. William Holmes pf Chicago* who will take possession on March 15. Mrs. Drury and her family, will take temporary rooms with Mrs. S. M. Dingee at 952 Lake avenueruntit their new home on a lot adjoining their old Residence Jte completed.' â€"-^-f^ s~~ll':----J-.....-.j-^-ir".v;":To.....r- •• ^:.:,r. â- â€¢......•-•••t-:^ Mr. Charles^ N. Roberts, 1014 Lake _avenue, returned recently from a Yleb it with his daughter, Mrs. Charles ^PhfllipB^Slemibn, in-Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mrs. Glenrion, had planned to come east for an extended visit rjjj^^he^parenfethfe Bp^SFbttt^tar postponed her plans until fall^gggr "^l^^d^Mrs. ;aIX;:;V;'kelter, 82<T ^reenwoodT avenue, -entertained at a dinnerjydjo_pjL^aiiirday^vening lastm "There were cover*77for ?twenty-five~ iigests^A^noveL^eature of the even- of the radio pro- t€d"eyery Edison buildings ing was the receiving gram suci as is evening on the Mr. and Mrs, George B. White, 811 Fifteenth street, announce the birth of a daughter on Monday, February 13. ,: ,.-... Miss Ruth Moulding, i004 Green- wood- avenue, who was lorced-lo- re^ turn home from her trip west, owing to^iilness, Is^reported to be greatly improved. The active and alumnae chapters of Chi Omega sorority entertained at luncheon lit the Kbrth Shore hbteH on Wednesday in honor of Miss Ada Caldwell of Denver, Colo., a member: of the, grand coitnc^ol^hrQj^ga. %ilr77lmTa^rsr': C^F..: ^easef^ha^re^; cently sold their home* at 726 Laurel avenue, accompanied by Mrs. -H. H. Dey u^nd^Mlas -Beriiice^eycrare-leav^ ing Monday next - for-ULOSt Angeles, where they will make their future The Ladies Aid society ,:<*f ?#^the Methodist church will hold its regu^ ^ar^altdayg^rmlDnthly meeting, ;iiext Thursday, March 2. Luncheon will be served by members^of thesFifth Division of which Mrs. W. W. Bald- win :â- ; is chairman... iâ- l^^^^l^^tS^^i' has-^returned- his home at 629 Prairie avenue, after an extended stay in Florida* His brother, Arthur Braun, who has been home since the holidays, is leaving this^week-end for his farm *u ^or|h Dakota. 'â- .... .....^r^^t^E^^* Mr. aid Mrsl A. R^,Eddlngton, 914 Central avenue, are receiving congrat- ulations on the birth;^of a daughter, Mary Jane, on^hursda^r February 16. *$&. â- â-  -m^MmMmmm^^^ Mr. and Mi's. Lyman M. Drake, 3S3 Lake avenne^navei'eturnea-Trom a month's outing at Miami and other southern coast Teso^s:^^^v:/s^:*;ii^^-j j ip^ Fellowship clul) will be enter- tained on Saturday evening at the fibine of Mr. and Mrs. Frank X Scheidenheim, 804 Forest avenue. f G The Travel dub will meet in the home of Mrs. S. A. Wheelock, 822 spue^rnextr^use^ay^after» noon. "Miss ^Eleanor Blymer of 622 Lake avenue, had as her week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Colville Jackson, of Chi- cago.,, .,,,,,,,,„,.;,... . :- .'^v,,,-;,:^^,:;;^.....,,,,,^.,,- -The^Tliursday cluh #as enteHalned in the home of Mrs. Arthur^TayloTi noonr f One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs met yesterday with Mrs, Clarence M. Puhlman, 623 Washington â- â- aV^BUer^.;---.--^--.--- â-  â-  • ;...;:-.: -h^; -.â- ;;:.,;â- :;.â- ,</ / rMT; and Mrs. Fred Smith, 729 Eighth street, leave for St. Augustine and Daytona, Fla., tomorrow for a four weeks* vacation. Mrs. Laura B. Evans of Taylorville, 111., trustee of the University of Illi- nois, was the guest last week of Mrs. B. F. Clarke, 45 Crescent place. On Monday eveningr^Mr. fand^ilrs. Arthur J. Taylor, entertained ithe members of the "H. and W.'* club at dinner at their home, 835 Central ave- nue, /.r-itv Mrs. Eugene R. Selleck and small son of Chicago Heights, were the week end guests of Miss Hazel Russell, 1009 Elmwood,. aven«e...., ^,-^ â- ^4^.-' On Tuesday of this week, Mrs. T. H. Maddock opened her home at 1005 Greenleaf avenuei-for-an-mll-day ineet^ ing of the Neighborhood Circle of the Congregational church. Mrs. E. B. Shapker and son, 823 Central avenue, left Tuesday for a visit in New Orleans, Ocean Springs, and Gulf port, and will return-home early in May. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Albertson are plamnjnj^tojm^ on Broadway avenue,- in North Evans- "tbn, early next-T^ekrâ€"---^: ^- > ^fiss Hazel Russell* will entertain the alumnae of Chi Omega sorority Sinformally_at: her hoiner^lflasâ€"lant wood avenue, this afternoon. | Mr^^and^lr*-Gborge-H^ Scjtf Ibach, -160fr~Lake aventre; haff as"their house- guest last week Mr. McIntyraJif Nest York city. .'.â- .,•' .'. •::;,..^^i^.^,:..;..,.;.,^ Mrsv F. M. Forey of Washington avenue, is leaving today for a visit in Syracuse, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. C. R.- Barnard have j3old their home at 633 Elnrwod ave- nue and are leaving Sunaay to make their future home ln~Xbs Angeles, -^ i Mr. and Mrsw »H. B. Jenkins, 1607 Lake avenue, returned last night from a week'sT^visit in Detroit, Mich. ^ BROOM DANCE, BANJO FyRNISH|YE OLD RIP' The Tiiesday Community Dance com- mittee arranged a program for its special Washington Birthdays party which received Jhe^Ma&y-J^PJ^&L ^Fthenarge audience, as everyone appeared to enjoy the evening to the utmost. ';â- 'â- â€¢ ':'V;;~^ 7Tr The special "Four Broom" dance ex- Cited a lot of merriment. ^Two of the Brooms were dressed: as "Lady Broomsyy=^rand-two -as Brooms.^ as ^^Gentlemen _ iTwb of the men starte^r-out dancing with the "Lady Brooms" and two of the women with the "Gentle- men Brooms." At each whistle (blown every half-minute) the broom dancers passed the brooms to others at the same time robbing them of their part- »or« ThP rpaimingrfiin can easily beT>ictured^in tbnrimagination of one who lias never witnessed this dance. [ Other feature dances completed the perfect evening of entertainment. The adition of thb banjo to the or- chestra lent a lot of "pep and go" to the dance program ^and was partic- ularly welcome to the^ybunger people wlin found it it the desired syncopa iion, minus the preposterous so-called "ja?z". It is the aim of the committee Jn piafeft the banlo a permanent .part pf the orchestra provided the ance warrantsTfhe addition; '.;'" iLAINE TOMASO I-I;I â- ill Teacher'Of :'â- 'Piano, and:'|:|i:f; . Harmony..'.. W25-Hintnan-Ave.. â- : ; ^ ^Mbndayjand ESvanston, 111. a ifm%iTuesdayJn Wilmette. Worrec mery m eriwimâ- ,.____.___ xhvther^Netv S^des itr SModergit EgggP! Cole, fined knee All Greenwood avenue^ is to his home with an infected liMrs* Charles L. Malor and sbifc"ii5 Ninth street, left this week for # month'8 â-¼isir in-:Boston^ii|pipg cxml#-^8itx:th#~gT^ under the able and efficient direction ot M# Louis' :F^Mueil#;;:^v:::f Services every Sund^ an's club at Tenth street ahd Green- leaf ;„.aveiiua,.L^:xL^^-f" â- r>"'inr"\^^' Sunday School at 9:45 a. fyi.^M' â-  Church- services at ll^ai'm^tffrspil' All residents^ stra,ngers or visitors are cprdiallyi:fT|tft^|^^1^r3t|p^JiS' Come and hear Hirilcn^bT^thlfe Illinois Synod who is filling the pulpit temporarily..;^;.';.":i:;:.":\;J,'..^,,^,-,^;; :"': ;'~ Visit the Adult Bible class taught byl Reirâ€"jaomrighaus;- ~jjy^: SB DECORATIONS §Mm Floor Coverings «;'Furmi1iPfiâ€" 'u:E. .»:, •/£&•&,/;.'<â- **.':'â-  ,-.:v...-•,..;':<'.â-  .« \.!:-'.-:'-\}yic»3ffi -Wilmette- and,=eeiiti^I;Aieiwe$' i»^^M lb. box special packed! -assorted chocolates >., • - Double strebgth hbar*p| Jhourid drops, lb. .^... 30c; Imported-' Spariish' riCastiie!iIli . '^(16 â- bars|^g^||^|p|^p|||^iW^: i;Lac^.^..piive';-...C)iL.?. imported:J;;':^^p?; W' fromV. Spain, , li*! pt.j 14 â- p^^- eg;! â- *â- â- â- â-  "a ~Ji^^i^vi'^i^Ms^siM^mS0^mi' t ,g%.• ana:' quarts^^^|gs:|ffj'63|l«lii||i^S" .Have yourvhot^fudge' and :'bitttOTcotchj:iwttd^^ _S&CLChocolate and butterscotch ; iudge. 1^2 â- ot.. ',.can^MO<0&^^: Spanish salted pcahufst fi>^ ^bS =brick'-';^#^i Any flavor Guernsey :^.'-ice..'^cream^ vy"£a;i:sT.?M A Special Flavored Ifricfc Every Sunday lis! ' Whe Store of P»rs^Ad Settice ^ilfigl:^..'::-: :^p^^^S$swS^^$^§ MtiJui^^ JPkotU Wit,:W$^:: ^ComposefrPianist rium the other day. He will play any clay for I the o wner qLjbl genuin 7 Victorr VictTola.:.iiiMm ^FtrerMrortcTg greatest chosen the Victrola as the medium for the ihost perfect reproduc- tion of their art. If your home is without Hi „.-â€"1 . ~. -~- are denying yojirseL- the most wholesome en- joyment in the world. W9& .fill â- v^Fjf!^^ Victor Owners, entertain ^ourfriends with f f he.i^iiowin|y|^g^ 64919 -. Le Goucou •*B4^,#?^^l|#j^|^§^^^^^^^.' .I?a|i^ i4â€"^-«» r*~i.~T*r*i^ hAi â- â- â- â- :.-â- -,--:â- â-  â- ' â- /â- fc!!*-' V|§^r^C^elil»«iF; fii^Bacftmcwiiwoif1 .. *,. WaeUffianinoff SBi }SSS 64980 14645 74W 64921 64935 â- 11*44630- -***"â- â-  64971 f4t^3 Golllwoggs Cake-Walk Prelude in_^ Major. ^ Prelude ®iff^hor. .J hs*IL Spinning Spng.^ ®8fe ^^I^^^0fm§^^»^:i:'j^^ Mendelssohn^ Stu^ly from "The Children's Corner'f ^Fr^a^4n^^neaux.^|^|^^ ..Valse in':I). FlatyMajoMBllpis^Si:^!!!^,!^ â-  fSSKO '^w'&mw* ^"iffil^lilP^feg^yfel^^^l^lgSg^^ <^&M^Bs^lMSi 'mm. sife"

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