?:)|^t|p ?o. THE T.AKF SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 192% February 17. Mr. ,S. J. Duncan Clark, director of the Boys' Federated Clubs, will deliver an address on "My Neighbor's Bey."_ Music by & colored qwriB^^i&<l£~M.^T-Exazy Monday and Fri Supper will be served at 6:30 o'clock, day, religious instruction'of children. »9;30 A, M. ------- the church. Subject of the sermon: "God's Grace Toward Menâ€" a Doc- trine* of Inexpressible Consolation.'* Rom. 3, 23-24. Church Service-â€"11:00 A. M. Junior C. B.â€"3 .'30 K M. reaper Serviceâ€"5:00 P. Mr Wednesday Mid-Week Serviceâ€"8:00 p. m. ~~............:........ '................."""....... The church is located at the corner dt Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Linden and Prairie Aves., Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, M.A., Pastor 10^-Pra4r4e-Ave^-Phene^3ft" Our Fathers' Faith â€" Our Country's Language. Wfk 15â€"Sunday School and Bible class at Liberty Hall. â- k 11:00 A. ACâ€"Service and sermon at Beginning- next Sunday momingj Ihe^ pastor will preach a series of ser- entine party which Is to be given at Liberty Hall on Tuesday, February 14 at 8 o'clock. An unusual number of invitations have been sent out and it is expected that a great many of the married young people will also be on hand to liven things up.-------- ., mons on the fundamental doctrines of the Bible, the subjects of which will be announced' in these columns each Week. St. John's not only expects its own members to be present at these services, but invites all who are inter- ested. The times in which we live, increasingly emphasize the necessity of indoctrinating men with the Gospel of the sinners' Savior. That isjtojbe the tendency of these sermons. On Tuesday evening, February 14, the monthly meeting, of the_congrega- eB~takes_piace. ^Alf voting members should be.present. Time, 8 o'clock, at the church. - The "Builders" Young People's Sox- ciety of St. John.'s has prepared an elaborate program for its annual Val- On Sunday next, February 12, after- noonLand evening, the North Shore Zbncrof the Walthef "League of Luth- eran Young People-meets at Liberty- ville,Hl. Among ihe^Jnteresting fea- tures on the program is an address bv Mr E. Wiederanders, who will re- late of his experiences in the various countries of Europe which he visited shortly after the close of the war. The delegation of WilmetteXyoung people is planning to leave on the car north- bound at 3.09 Sunday afternoon, â€" No, Shock Absorber. â€"Many a man gets a pretty bad fall from being thrown on his own re- sources.â€"Cartoons Magazine. * Requisitioned the Moon3~ «^ When our town was first lighted with electricity^ the town cunncil de- cided not to have the street lights turned on when the moon was shining brightly. XJne evening our soil noticed that the street lights were not on but *M that the moon was shining brightly, so he came running in and said, "Oh, ma, they thought they would not turn on the electric lights tonight, so they just umed on the moon.'V-Exchange. service That's why you receive immediate atten- tion ajt theâ€" \/./: Winnetka Motor Company, ittil Ifitt B â- I â- â- â- We give you quality-in the foodâ€"- and our place is nice and clean. Utmost care is exercised in the prep- aration of the food â€" What more could he done? ^^^â- iSillipi vS|$tl§#tl88« . Your Patronage Is Appreciated! Please notify j^ rWinnfetk SMMM-MMB.562 â- Lincoln :Ave.t;"; ;^v';.,,,.v. -^._ â- >â- m WBSSBS& still Silt iiii, mm MR fLOUR llfc^ §^GAR miBMWEBNESDAX AND THURSDAY* Finest Granulated, sold only with $2.00 order, not includ- oq^ ing butter, flour, eggs or soap, 10 lbs. to customer BUTTER Extra Fancy Elgin Creamery Beginning Wednesday, February 15th and Ending Saturday, Februarj^flSth PEAS, fancy (June)f||§f JELLIES, pure fruit and sugar. $L7S ORANGES, finest navels, extra sweet and juicy, * 49cliES£S^3M Lenox, 10 bars SOAPS DRIED FRUITS .54 enox.iu ws .....<••>,...^.^ Santa Clara Prunes, Sunaweet, kper box, 100 bars. â€" •;••â€"„5fg |„ g.lb. cartons ........... 1.25 Amber, P. A G»» 10 bsri...-...^,;. .«•. Ak^,^#. -a_.^ ^rtA;__^ -^ss per box, 80 bars___..:.'â- ..•... 5.95 Apricots,:Fancy Moorpark, per^j. Crystal White, 10. bars .i,^ <\ ii . M •«». ::.,.;..;...V-•••-•••• ••'••••••lf#9 per box, 100 bars....u.;.... 8.2$ Raisins, seedless, unbleached. Old butch eieanser? 2 cansvvtfS!^25 ir.|'b. pkoVgiU.,............. .$$§& Gold Dust, large pkfl.....^.i-P .28 Ralsllts>seeded, is-ox^pltfl..^Ii26 ifl»l«| Dust* small, 6e; 6 for.* .25 â- ' . ".'".. ..*;&!,;..,. Kitchen Klenzer, 4 cans.... 12 cans ...........'..-:...... ivory Soap, large cake. per box, 100 bars. v. Fairy Flakes, 3 pkgs... 1 l^|g^ifjS^Jii£? .23 .65 .14 .29 7 :MbSMK8;1' Broln^fc'i^dr'Aralue, eacfitâ- *\0[Wt ,Bon Ami, *ake or powder. V.%j|g10 Sarrtflush, 30c canâ- -',.â- ...------..v ^ 121 P^Mi^^CEREALS' H^^^prollet â- Paper,' extra la roe rolls 'â- â- •: "HIWlilts, 2 pkas......~:f tHr -crepe, 3 :for :..:;-.^.-.....,.;.'.:.fi25 Post Toastles,, 3 pkgs......... .35 Toilet Paper, our extra Seminole. Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs...... .29 "ATTwenii^s-Oats, ptr pkgs..... Puffed Wheat, ^pJegs^ws*^ IftetJUohn'St P»r pkg> ........ ^3 Foutd's Macaroni and Spaghetti, ~:~~X- pkgs.. -..i,>..,_,.,..*.,._,...^.^:..,.-•:... -29 Puffed Rice, pkg. i^V...iii.. i» " .18. 2 for •jg Lewis' Lye, the old reliable, 2 cans ...................... Ammonia, Parson's extra strength, large bottle .. .39 COFFEES AND TEAS Chase A Sanborn'* Seal Brand, v Manor House, Vuban, Webb's; your cholcsr/1«lb. tm...>v;^,; .4S IlMBOEIJLANEOOSlI &?*$â- ?.". •â- .. â- - â- , •.-. - *:'i- Gelatine, Knox, per pkg...... jti Cider, Mott's Russet, In *ottlesr2t !4-galv fSCrjpklir^^'T'• Tea, Uncolored Japan, P«J^-»I#S»^^ p9r 9«> Tea, Orange Pekoe, Wedeles»~Mi;bottle.: 20©!- P«* doz. ....... 2.25 » i4.tt».r 3501 ^i-ibi, 65c; 1-lb* 1^5 Apollinarle, Splits ......||S|,. ^0 quart|,V|||||:. ^5 pkg* »fe=sfe*i=;*lft-; Starch, Argo, 5-lb. pkg...... .45 Navy Beans, extra fancy, 3 lbs.. 2J^. Baking '"Powder, Price's," 12-ozJIS^ carr........................... Jaf m*^^*-^Skm^m** ^starch, ^rio^ta. iMalla, qt.: tin, 59c; pt. tlh.fci' JWeiion, 1 pt., 32c; qt. .. .:.:„.;i||L55| lAtitohlhi Pure imported Olive:£:2 I % OIL i-qt. tin .............. .1.59 ,ea A Perrln's (Worchoster^ I Sauce;,^s^i|^;.v.,...,-...' Iran' Plllsbury^ 2 pkgsi|!|...i Finest granulated, sold only; wlthpi#^ii $2.00 order> not including btitter^ff T flour, eggs or soap, 10 lbs. to cus-0 <«a^ tonfer • â- '.;v... i.... *v. iâ- .?>>.vi... • -â- >'*> .|§|' OS?C. American Family, 10 bars 55o; per .lhoxi:. j6^baMw,.^^^^^ ....... ................»/i/is.r;:W5:oars:.^::^v..v|ii^ Soap p-^-fcJiL,.â- :â- â- Raspberry or Strawberry, ...ffQ** ' rT*»ervc* large Jar 32c; 3 for...;........'ggCHfC TVintAtACkft Monarch Brand, oxtrav fancy 11^-^ . A.pB§||p* :: pack, per can ....___... ....^pZDC ;l>J^«^4:arge-.Mea^-.-Santa, Claras, ^^'â- 'MMaa^ rrunes pounds ., # # . _.;...;......... "^^W'WC Ann^ofra ,n extra heavy syrup, large icaTi" oe :-*M«^^Pjg29c;-: dozen ^m r...... .-.^-„;V,.~~^.-$3.35 <M|3C washes finest linens, -3 pkgs.. ^. .:.^^|i29c. QU^^|3SSlii*:Regular size, 3 pkgs. h,i:J||?29c ll^iit-MEATiiSPEaAL3««|»S3 LIVE LOBSTERS, fresh from coast of Maine, lb. 59c SWIFT PURE RENDERED LARD, 5 lbs., only 75c SWIFT PREMIUM OR ARMOUR STAR BACON, S^srl 2 lb. average, by the slab only, per lb. *..-'•â- . .38c ARMOUR STAR or SWIFT PREM. HAMS, 12 to 16 lb. average, per lb. >. ?............ ,,*'.. Olives ,_Uue< en extra fai ncy, full quart Jar 29c â- â- • .-Fancy .Carollnai^'lbs.^^f^v^j;;/^ Catntin Monarch, 30c value, bottle 26c; #o qa Vxntnu|j dozen "'^^.v.^i,^:.. />...'.:.~....... ..yy^***** • Campbell's Tomato, per can Palm Olive Soap J gar, ^ d0ic> Sardines Wednesday Pure pork sausage meat, â- homemade, per lb-v/;:f§| Beef Stew, solid meat, no waste, per.M>.V:|.^:.ft| Naval or Brisket Corned . Beef, per lb.;-.,.^|||||i|g| Sterling Bacon, 3 to 5 lb. â- -p|ecesrpe,r-lbV^ifg^||f Breast of Lean Young Lamb, for stew onlyj, per lb. .k*-:.......\...-it.â- Fresh lamb patties, made *JC"" â- while you1 wait, per lb.. «j3C Swift Dixie bacon, sliced Of? or in the piece, per lbft.^^JJC? ;"Sw^f^^Salted:rNatrwflOQ â- '? Beef Tongues, per lb.!l|aJO((* = Swift's Premium Hanifl'l C Shanks, per lb. *.. •. MlijCi Short Rib or Bri^Eet, T*' soup meat, per lb- •... l^ : Friday "Selecf Oysters, solid meats, per qt.......tf; York Counts, per qfc... Fresh Green Shrimps, per lb. .. .-..'â- '.-----... 1^ Large Fresh Jumbo ^ a^g„-^ Smelts, per lb... :% «J4jC j Fancy Dressed Roasting Chickens, only, per lbT7 Small, 1 loins, 8 to 12 lb avg., lb. | Fancy Short Legs of Young Lamb, per lb Native Rib Roast Beef, 16th and 7th cut, per lb. |Try. a. .Swift :...,PTen^um:.j::Fresh Ham, 8 to 12 lb.. avg.>j|^||^;a^^^ |for your.. Sunday dinner, "wF^l * only per lb. 'â- ->.>,.:.. ^^, *^Jy JAM, (Paul's) Larue jar, pure fruit; all flavors except strawberry and raspberry, ^ | AA te jar, 3 for. *.â- â- *;â- •.:..... .> .v. Ff^PloVU MACARONI and SPAC>HETTT|fiifr Red' Crosar:Â¥nP^^ IDAHO W3TATOES Kingsbury* per sack $1.39