Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1922, p. 7

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ammmm&mmmmgmmmmmuumaassasmmmammammmaBamBammammBm warns nsWatkins-Porterllil Recital Tonight In Methodist USIC lovers and followers of dramatic expression will be more than interested in the unusual program which is lp*Wpresenfed at ttae"Me odist church this evening, under the auspices of the Young Woman^sJMJs- sionary society"of the church. r*$i Vesta Murray WatkinS, whose repu tation as a soprano is nationwide, and Ethel Woodstock Porter, a noted dra- matic reader, are to appear in recital at this time in the following program: O Sole Mio............. .v..., .Capua Vorrei ..... .^.. h..^v;...^v.... .Tosti Villanelle .............., Dejl ;Agua t«=^isS#Mrsv-'-W*tk4nts ' ^M!iJ&ngliffihmM>*»-^^<w^ "fcifc '.. Cook a A Dream .tiv....^^^.Anonymous i The New Piano V..â- *.......Anonymous IrflF^Ferter ^r^lllOTeFs^roon HBntorThy Heart ..; Mrs. "Watkins Smilin' Through^; 'Mrs. IPorter To a Hilltop ...... -Th^Wino^B-tir^^ â- mg£&% Mrs. Watkins Miss Betsy. Shapker, 823 Central avenue, is leaving today for Gulf port, Miss, where she will enter the Gulf Park college, for the balance of the school year. Mrs. E. B. Shapker, and her small don, expect to go south about the middle of February for a so- journ at Ocean -Parkl^ji^ -ffo%$j&- â- <<â- â€". Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Knudson of 611) Gregory yreH"«f ttava mnvrf tn T.i Mr. Lee Ifad<yhill retnraftfl *n im} le, vol Washington avenue, last week after a fortnight's trip in the east, where he attended a convention in Pittsburgh, and later spent several days with Mrs. Underhill in New Little Peggy Boozer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Boozer, 805 Park aveune, is reported to be re- covering from an attack Of pneu- monia. Mrs. Harry Brolaski of San Fran- cisco, Calif., is the guest at the home tain at luncheon and bridge today at ...,;....... Walt v.fC^v.Allitseni .>...Play Cutting :,:U..'.V.;;. ...Cox ..Rogers of her sister, Mrs. R. E. Ricksen, 1006 ~ " an avenue, for several weeks. Mrs. H, C. Tobey and her sister, Mrs. John A. Wolf, formerly of Wii- mette, now of Kalamazoo, Mich., leave Saturday for Mobile, Ala., and Avon Park,.Fla. . . ;.;:,,.: ,' ;v';'::;'""^^^:--/y-". Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Wrightson, 1006 Linden avenue, are leaving Feb- ruary 8, for an extended eastern trip, stopping at Niagara Falls, Buffalo and â- New .York: City.:. \ .^-r..^V:^^i?i^m±..- â- " 'iMembersof the First division of the ^ Methodist church, and their husbands, i&genojyed a progressive dinner, served in ^three courses, on Fridayevening of Mr; and Hrs. C7 E.vRenneckar eh- last-'weekfliln the Home of Mrs. pee j tertained the members of the Evening pt iA Stokeivin Kenilworth, the first Bridge club at dinner on Saturday il|eour^»^was^wrvedVand then the guests, evening last at their home. 935 Elm- had. a long trudge to the home of i^Mrsr-^--T^I^erett^^W>^Forest ave- Wnue where the main dinner course tttjwas partaken of* ^TJie dessert course S%nd program, consisting of readings by ,_„ fMJsa-gttett^mdhergr ofIffi*^?0'*?* ^_ ^ .tjavielT^earoTW»netkar*nfr tMrs. Albert Page of Wilmette, and a pflviolin selection by Miss Catherine ^randquist, accompanied by Wipifred ^Mickey* took placje, at ifte Charles ^ Lundberg home, 1638 ISTalnut avenue. .- Jhere was a large and enthusiastic rfineeting of the board of the Wihnette MiSPublic School Art league last ^j^jsi^piK ,.-:â-  day in^ningrf-i _â€"^ ._..,_. ..., , _ ....... made. Amorifc the most iinportant are gallery tours at the^fc E&stitUteV-to bei given the '.seventh^^^d^-ieigWth; - of the mothers'â- â- golBfj-;«Miiw!i%.|^r"'""'*"â- '""""â- "'â- ' S at the Art Institute the*, will\W*M& $. :l^^Miss;..i.FOTker. :^j-W^^^^m i^useum â- instructors.;;,^ ftr :AlTahgementC;^ I for an Art Appreciation^i^t^on-5 1 ducted in much the same^ way as. the f musical contest. ; : â- â- /:m$f^0$j0 8-^v^"fcear^t^tfae^Axmyjin^ I 105ff Lake Shorei.t!B^^^f^m§^w '$&-Thursday-"afternoon^ of this veek. i Assisting Mrs. Sperling was Mrs. p Alfrea J. Bensoh, :.Mrs.iSGteprge^B.. I Beatty, Mrs. Jefferson Jac^ j Morris M; Townley, Mrs. Nathair W. p MacChesney, Mrs. Martin.K. Northanv 1 Mrs. Carl Metterhausexi, Mrs> TOUUim i B^ Â¥rice, Mrs. Lewis S. Eaton, Mrs. ft Charles F; Wiedeman, Mrs. Mary -H- i Selfridge Standish and Misa Mary â- â- â- : HH &86 Elmwood av^nue^ are Jeathigjo- I day for Davenport, la., #here they will I be the guests pf B^Sohblm's sister wood avenue. HiHrs. Frank Van Ness, 731 Laurel avenue, is leaving next week for Tuc Son, Arizona, where q^e will &pep<i the remainder of the winter with Mr. 'V«n:;Nesa,r_...........^ "i!Br^ will come to Wilmette the later part of this week, having purchased of Louis^ FiMueHer,'tSe r^jrtt^eatl28 MrslSArthur W. Allen, 80a Chestnut ajrej|ujB^lejtfc early this week to spend the remaihdex of the winter in Miami and", other: southern â- â- â-  co1aS%^ties^|pp| I ilrs^ Charles McCue, 681 Washing- ton avenue, has^returned ?#6m a week's visit with M». Edward iShel=i don, in Muskegon,' -Micn..:;i3^tss®?^i*s Mr. and Mrs. George H. Duncan and family, 701 Central avenue, are . ._ jjiej^ng ^F^bruaj^^ Mrs. Harold a Sperling of ?^ette> J^^fefe â- -- Dr; ind. Mrs. Charles N. Reese, 727 Forest avenue* are leaving the latter part of next week for an_extende4*0z ,jojafn^: anft). Belt, flifbe1 hoitess * to the Tuesday Luncheon jand Bridge club at her home, avenue, next week, ,6j3^J|ashington .. ..tÂ¥,?„¥........... ...... . â- :*Sg^|t^"vi^if|iis ;, Tjbuii;F.;^Muelier. .'ant^flBmi^flW moved into their hew home at 619 tJfego^y^avenTO^wBch~lhey recen :0^-|^oh*iS5a^s^^ There will be an all-day meeting of the North End Circle 'of the Congre- gational church in the church parlors oh:-: Monday»^^^^^«^^^a Miss Naomi Mueller was unable to return to Carthage Academy owing to illness, but she expects to reSttme her studies there l»ttr^^gp'~~"* for several <â-  aayfc^R^;":Soh^m~ff- pects to leave nere Sunday ^^>In hw family for a short visit in Bavenport* before going^ oh fib Omaha* Neb-, to take charge o*;.^--:§iffimfG':&nm Grace Lutheran church. den, Wisconsin. â- ... .,..,.::..m^;mm^^mm[ Mr. and Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher, 716 Central avenue, left Monday for an extended trip through the south. Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Pope of Evans- ton; announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday, January 14. Mr* and Mrs- John D. Grieg, 631 Eighth street, are sojourning in St Petersburg, Fla., for several weeks. MnsTCarl Schroeder, 711 Park ave- nue,(is seriously ill at her home, 711 Park avenue. .. .........i„:../. ..... Mrs. Perry L Smithers, 711 Lake avenue, is spending a few days this week with her sister in FJint, Mich, 3 F fltfrs C. P. Dubbs, 1221 Greenwood arocuc, is leaving today tor t! tended vigit in Meadville, Pa. mujft&C.â- . BFCurtiSB, â-  912 Greenleaf avenue, left Tuesday on a business trip to Nashville,;Tenn.|I|, 'W+' " ___.. M^-^iohhston-Md-^^oiBj^^ ie^ ^&m&^SSSt. "of^he^^wSveFltat^^^-.^ man property at 1039 Linden avenue, to J* A; Wi« of CJMcago, w^ shortly occupy the residence, was also ;Mgotiateds>w^J|i:;:ili: Johnston and company....... Mrs. Charles Braithwaite will enter- her home, 90S Greenwood avenue. Mrs. Charles "Harrison Smith was hostess to the Thursday club at her home, 919 Forest avenue, yesterday. The Thursday Luncheon and Bridge club met with Mrs. George H. Caniff, 723^Central avenue, lajai,wejkt__^_^^ |ELvi|r PipIMP fofs;'.tlll: j^iitt- Ifying ol woman, is carried out here. ISThe MarinelloN system is used. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ELECTROLYSIS .Mi»s:Chuw^:^» mmmmmm. m ti*MlM'li;liBi«i»«iiw««»«»«iiw«w»»»*w»»««»«M»w«»«*w*">*' ^ TJie women^arWilmet^Tm^ #lay^afterno6n:^r:th^-n;^ m F. B. Crossley, 60S VTashsiiigton ave^ S.:nue;:: ^ror^^the"' p^rnose of |orniing_ ^ S'Womaj»*8 Bx>osev^it:::Ste^ .. M of Wilmette. The speakers of th«rday m were Mrs/ ft Fv Langworthy of "WTto- S-neaa:l^rMw..;Cmarlea.:Swan ot wr- m -'^BalML:-:i^:hM-'^bakw^:M:^ of these ^â- ^iiiWHDittatlo^ ^S^j»<econu^ofa^ ties for the Ehrana^dn'TOs^tarbenem will be given on Friday, February 8j«t i« 2:80 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. carl B B. Hecker, 601 Laurel ayenue. For â-  ticketa or tables, please call Jf". H. s«;MrBi: Hecker.: M w. :]7A^VMenttoe^teanca;^^ ranged for the .^^.^____. ___ evening of February ^17, to be given by ^e Soc^commi^ tee and the Young Woman's auxiliary 41 the Wilmette Woman'ajdyb^^|he club house. Tickets may be obtained from any member of these commit ^Mlss Nellie Houston of Houghtoji, Mich., is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. JordanT^101» .avenue. Mr. and â- 'M^V'-'lvillterd'.^a^lUijiisiv were dinner hosts to the ^*H. and W/^ club on Tuesday evenng last, at their home, â- ,522 Central ::aveBtte.|^|^^,â- â-  ^ Madame Bda Goedecke will deliver an address on' ^play/' before flii members of the Lake View^ Woman's :;club,o|iu.F||ruary ifc^^-0f'i-}&;Z ':^:1^^Ga&tm^7, Clarke, i»S*"^aaniiif- !to|Lavenue^leJL;re^n^Jo^ tonio, Tex. ^.JTfie^^Iaie^bai^^ tertain at the Winnetka Woman's club -^ra^aobert-Cowt^i^^ Elizabeth Haskins of this village, fffl return te her-home-in Syracuse, ^JJ. Y^ next Tuesday, after spending the jmanth of January with, her fagfr, on Tuesday evening, January 31. One of the Tuesday Luncheon and: Bridge clubs Bierwith Mr*=Fi^^Say? 1?ia Forest-^^a^ibiMliL^tB^---^^ I ^MiiMii Thi» wtte mB!<Iftitnast::iireefcc of :tEifm||^^gi^^^ Unusually low pricer ar^ lit csrtect iier«^--^^ ^; lili^ll^ft©S8ii^^^^^ii s ifSjJStPjj:, Longdoth. Well finish^ arioV^sely wov€n.^SeUs^egularly IJII^T 50 |loth, wellJSm0^4^M^Mti$^^ ullifly for25c; safe price, peryasdL Nainsook for 19c; 10 yard bolt. v lUi .. .;A--Weil fiiiisieo^;n^ «00k>-36'-v wio^h^deal for merits, ctc.^3S^^^ii|SI^F' clie^i^Ial5^olors.-aM,|;#^^ plaids. 'Sale; TgS^.^!r!LX^^M -«- Comanci club met with Mrs* Frank Watson, 1341 Chestnut avenue, on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Charles Bveland, 226 Ninth street has left on an extended trip 4K*ntfc j^^^'Pf*"1â„¢' â- '"â-  MM mm: atte| Household Special* Onl '" *â- * * *'â- '""â-  a limited quantity of these special* to- these prices. Come in early. Wax§P6Usk v'.iS â- fesis ^Ittnxber of popular pat^rnsi||Tliis ^oteis^gooo^iali^^ lRe||e^,^rsets« â- â- â-  ^^^ :iaiidl^£^ieaJi condition. .'Some .of â- ^• sold foif as much as $5^0. This iurniturepoli^^^<q^^ base? Will iQt curL • . â- â€¢';*i"::**"«." â-  r^SkS*^;*!.'/1*! ippecial. ......Hardwater Soap KKirk's^^Hardf water soap, large sisr| eakej special price ^ger dozeni^.. • •.:-;. 1148 Wilmette Ave. feBffi

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