Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1922, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY; JANUARY 27, W22 â- _B_BftssssBBs_sHB__B.Bs= "^fs^0SS00ff ilworth Happenings % Miss Priscilla Sol of Boston is the guest of Miss Louisa Sanborn of the Virginia hotel. Mss Sanborn is giv- ing a bridge in her honor Thursday of next week. _ Mr. Frederick Little left Friday last for Pasadena, Cal., to be gone about four months. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Allen returned last week after a trip to Washington, D. e.* andL New York Cty, H J Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brooks Maher returned last week from Palm Beach, where they went on their wedding journey, and are living at 6 East Elm Street, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jack White left Thurs- day last for Pasadena, where" they will be at the Maryland. Mrs. Charles Whitney, formerly Beatrice Lackner, i§ also at tbeJMaryland. ? Mrs. Charles BaxterTlvho has been the guest of Mr. and MrsT RoyHuIherT for the past month, returned to her r hom«^in^leveland=Friday. i ___ : Mr. and Mrs. E. Dwinell Slater, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Allen, have returned to their -home in-Evanston^-------------------------------- -\â€"â- â- â€¢'........ Mrs. Sidney Ball was a luncheon hostess at Indian Hill Tuesday last. After luncheon the party coasted. ~Dr. andfairs. Rufus B. Stolp enter- tained the Evening Bridge club at din- ner Monday last. , u~ Mrs*William Taylor entertained the Duplicate Bridge club Tuesday after- noon. â€"oâ€" Professor Bridges of the Univerity of,Chicago spoke at the "Neighbors" Thursday afternoon. ^MrTand Mrs., Leon Ellis entertained informally at dinner Monday evening, Mrs. Harry V. Crooks entertained at bridge Friday afternoon. Mrs- Valentine Smith entertained at BridgeJFriday last______ r Catty Sellers, Organist Pleases Large Audience A padked audtorium greeted Gatty Sellars, great descriptive organist, when he appeared in recital at the First Congregational church Tuesday evening, underâ€"auspicesâ€"of theâ€"WJl^ mette ChUrch Council. Mr. Sellars was> assisted by Signe Hagen, prima donna of the Casino Opera, Copenhagen, and American opera. n hoor of Mr. Euwafd~Pan WOODMEN INSTALL OFFICERS The Modern Woodmen of America, north shore lodge, held an enthusiastic meeting at Jones Lodge hall Tuesday of last-week at which the ammal_Jl_ -7f *tW~; The Curent Events class, conducted by Mrs. Adams and Miss Julie Adams, met Wednesday morning at the.Ken- _ilwprth club. Mrs. Rufus Stolp entertained in- formally at luncheon Thursday, pre- ceding the meeting of the "Neigh- bors." ' â-  t Mr. JEdward Parmelee of Utica, N. Y., whMhas spent the past two weeks in Kenilworth, left Wednesday. PsH.....^e I^MiVrHMrtâ€"Mm* Frankâ€"KetchainJleft Saturday fo$ a two-weeks' sojourn in Mr. And Mrs. LeRoy Woodland toft Sunday for Riverside, Cal., where they expect to remain a month. Mr. W. Irving Woodward spent the past week in Minneapolis and Duluth, Minnrâ€" â- â- _,, . • ... -----«-M_™„__________=_„^ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerould of Ev- anston, entertained at dinner Friday last in honor of Mr. Edward Parmelee. Mrs. Leon Allen entertained the Afternoon Bridge club at luncheon Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs- Wendell Clark of Ev- anston entertained the Thursday Evening Bridge club. Mr. and Mrs. Owen T. Reeves enter- tained at tea Sunday evening. ^ Mrs. Roy Hulbert was a luncheon and bridge hostess Wednesday last. Miss Miriam Shattuck entertained at tea Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps entertained at tea Sunday last. Miss Miriam Shattuck entertained informally at bridge Saturday evening. ToPut oi Good Firiri Flesh and Round Out iYour Face and Figure Get a FREE $1.00 Package of Genuine Yeast Vitamine stallafion of officers was observed. There was a special social program, followed by an old fashioned oyster stew. _^_____ â€"......â€"â€";.--â€"-•"•-.....- ...„ SONGS, DANCE, FIGHTl AT MUSICAL REVUE Nothing was c»nmittedtoinsure the "artistic" success of New Trier High school's first Musical Revue, an ex-, tfavaganza of parts, offered at this morning's assembly period at the hign school. For the very good reason that the production entertained no plot or fixed idea it was given the broad designation "A Musicale Revue,' by 4te-^rouuc«r^ico<Aoiv^^idJiey^Epieg^^^^ of Winnetka. Assisting Spiegel as the leading spirits behind -the unique and rather impromptu venture were Miss Con- stance Parks, Bradley Pruden, Charles Rummber, Harry Mitchell and Luther Adams. . The program was launched with popular songs, introduced a la Eddie Cantor by David Levy; a brief vodvil sketch "Where Does My Money Go," produced by Sidney Spiegel; Speclal- ties by the "Buncan Sisters," who for the occasion were Elizabeth Duffy and Constance Parks, exponents of har- nrofiy via piano and banjo plus the-in- evitable vocal augmentation. J Followed another sketch lit which appeared Bernice Kaufman and Sid- ney Spiegel, a dialc^e^ndj^ajrodxra. "Second Hand -Rose.";7."':^.7.-.'7 ;v Next appeared Elmer CTlenh, who fav- ored with a funny dance, and the wind- up attraction entitled "Fights .______- lesque of 4he Dempsey-Carpentier melee featuring Luther Adams, Charles Rummler, Bradley Pruden and Sidney Spiegel, this latter also pro- duced and staged by Sidney Spiegel. Stage m»niffW"wiM":Watney"Fratlen" and the settings were arranged by the Art department of the school. - ~ â- S Moon Hollow. Moon Hollow is the name given to the spot where the boundaries of three states meetâ€"New York, Vermont and Massachusetts. What Every Woman Knows. â€"When a woman asks her husband f< *_ little money," the word that seems to. impress him most is "little."â€"Bos- ton Transcript, SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Grocery Telephones" 510, 511, 512, & 513 Meat Telephone 514 50/ fASH Cwb and Carry - - - - 5% Discount ^^^vVt^tS On orders of $1.00*r mere of normal DISCOUNT Profit Goods. Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St. Cash and Delivered .... 2% Discount These do not apply to Meat Department.--------- SPECIAL PRICE DOWN SALE Jan. 30th to Feb. 4th GRANULATED SUGARâ€"The wholesale price has been raised, and some refiners have with- drawn all prices. Today the jobbing price on beet granulated is $5.45 and cane is $5.65 per 100 lbs. Our special price applies only to_ our stock now on hand* and ts net, ho cash dis- count, and with an order charged or cash of $1.50 or over. ~ REPUBLIC PRESERVES^Pure, contains only fruit and sugar. raspberry. 15 oz. jar at a special bargain price. BALDWIN APPLESâ€" .^^ -...........^.-y:..... Hard, firm cooking apples, 10 lb_7?\77 ......... RICHELIEU ROLLED OATSâ€"These>re not like the ordinary rolled oats that are offered* you. They are of the finest quality, clean, no chaff* and look at the price. '.'â- â- :. Large, 3 lb. 7 oz. pkg............,..........-----...................... REIN A OLIVE OILâ€"A fancy grade of pure oiive oil. This one of Spragu* *« aj| Warner & Co.'s best brandy Quart can......,...â„¢ . ^»............ 7......... $±.fiU Strawberry and Jar, 23c; dozen.............. 53c $2.75 80c ffered 20c Science has at last shown how we some- "'â-  times grow weak, thin, and emaciated -on an abundance of food (lacking in vitamiira) while with a much smaller amount of food, rich in vitamines, we may-quickly take on good firm flesh, I increase in weight, and make a retnark- Sa able gain in strength, jenerjgy and en- durance, provided your blood contains ^1^ sufficient quantity of oxygenated or- '""^|-ganic-4rpn to1 enable your body to as- 8*^- similate your food-properly? r Without organic iron both food and vl- lamiffSr^rr «bsolji|e|Z .u.9ele8? as your body cannot-< matter into living cells and tissue unless you have plenty of organic iron in your blood. For centuries scientists tried in vain to make organic iron. At last the problem was solved so that you may now obtain pure organic iron like the iron in your blood from any-druggist under the name ~~ of ^Nuxated Iron.'* â€"Ithas been -arranged to give «rery=^ {purchaser of Nuxated. Iron, who wishes o put on flesh or increase weight, a large regular $1.00 package of Genuine Yeast Vuamlne~4Eabiets absolutely rree....._. Be sure to take only Nuxated Brand Yeast Vitamine Tablets with Nuxated Iron. -Do not be mislead -bjHUBitatiomr-â€" iitoe^i^ foodtwJU(A oftea contaift-oxugi FREE $1.00 COUPON This-coupon, tfnaad within 2g£g»ll»e days,' entitles you to one | m reauhu'fl.OOpnckaaeof Gen t§«rine~-Yeast Vitamine Tablets, absolutely free with each bottle If your dealer does not 6a*e on* Vitamine Tablets he can easily ob. Cain them for you from any whole* •ale house. Cut out this coupon and present it to your dealer today. FLORIDA ORANGES Sweet balls of juices ISO size ^doz _____â€"â€"'-â€"-55e- % 175 size, doz.............. ,50c 216 size, doz.......-----.....40c EtORIDAzGRAPE FRUIT______ Perfect fruit " 64> size, doz. $1.10; each..... .10c 80 size, doz. 90c; each..... .7|l-2c FLOURâ€" Pillsbury; Washburn and Cere- "IBta tNo^rasTf-isc'ouht) 1-8 bbl. BUCKWHEAT FLOURâ€" Old fashioned pure, 5 lb.....30c JSICHJSLIEtt ENTIRE WHEAT FLOURâ€" r_35rJ--_r--^_v».vv..........vtv3Se ^0I^_HAM FLOUR^ 5 lb. ____........ â- HCHELIEU^ PASTRY FLOUR 5 lbs......................25c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR......'. .:_,......_,_„_ ...__.__:;v-. pkg. ^.-----v;.â- -.-. â- ^--.-.-.v,......... 16c YELLOW CORN MEAL 5 lbs.............. RICEâ€" __ TIead. TExtra Taney LARD Pure,bulk, lb. CRISGO-^^^"--^"^^^^"'^^"".....-r lb. ........................22c DR.„ PRICE'S PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER- MEAT DEPARTMENT------ Native Chuck Pot Roast Beef/ lb...........................24c Lean Beef Stew, lb...........20c Lamb Patties, lb. .........-v,, 32|? Home Made Porhr Sausage â€"-*r- Meat, lb................... .32c Breast of Lamb, lb............8c AMERICANLFAMILY T_XUNm_Â¥ SOAP-râ„¢ $1_5~|-----targe barsvxut tc^wetgh 4_^_ro_.; 66 bars in box..............$3.90 10 bars, no cash discount,. .60c CRYSTAL. WHITE LAUNDRY^ SOAP^- =400 4>arsitr boxTr .r^r:7:77$53fr 10 bars, no cash discount,... .SSc AMERICAN FAMILY WASH- ING MACHINE SOAP CHIPSâ€" SKINNER'S MACARONI -SPAGHETTIâ€"?^ ..22c AND _7 oz; pkg. RICHELIEU MACARONI AND SPAGHETTIâ€" A macaroni of very excellent qualify*- Large, 12 oz; pkg; whicl. is much cheaper than a 7 oz. pkg. at 10c; pkg......777:7^7777.14c ATION OR PET MILKâ€" Lar^e can, 12M>c±smstUTrz^nr69aS iTmrFF'S MOLASSESâ€" â€"^ _ color, No. 2f% • can. 7.. 30c -GLEN"WILD^»IOLASSESâ€" Dark color, No. 2% can.... 18c MAKER'S COCOAâ€"- U % lb. can . rw. r^77v7;V:;^21c BURNT^-^-----------------^--------- E^_TRACT= 1 lb. pkg................... .20c CRACKERSâ€" •National Biscuit Co. Remember tHisT Bulk crackers are one-half the price of package crackers.' For example Saratoga Flakes, 9 oz. sells for 20c, and Premium Sodas* the skme ^crackerrexactly Graham Crackers, lb. Ginger Snaps, lb. . .77 Marshmallow Pecans, Vanilla Wafers, lb. All 15c packages ..... .....18c AINSLEY'S FRUIT-! The • original canned, assorted fruits-for salad; large No. 3 can- 50c; large No. 2 can........33c SUNIBAY APRICOTSâ€" Fancy, heavy syrup; large No. 2% can; doz. $2.75; can... .7 .24c RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLEâ€"^This\"W absolutely -the^finest quality packed-IPerfeer slices. Heavy syrup. Ntot^rcssr Doz. $3.35; can.............28c GOLDEN EAGLE PEACHESâ€" ^^^^llow'. Free. Delicious Peaches. First quality. Heavy syrup. No. 2% can; do_r $3.85; can 7. .7735c IMPORT PEACHESâ€" Yellow €hng; ^yer^ ffiie fruit; ...19c ...38c ....38c ..'..14c WELCH'S CONCORD GRAPE ~ Juice 'â- â- ,.â- â- â-  __5uart_........... t^-,^. ^Xt^Zfo PHEZ LOGANBERRY JUICE HONEY White Clover, Comb PRUNES ..32c Santa Clara, SweH^Extfa7 ^ Faneyr40*50=si_erlb. FIGS __ Smyrna, Extra fine, 6 ^Hb. â- .stttt- .FiGfi;xSS^:77^':7'^n7 Washed, Pulled, 15 oz. hot. crown, CURRANTS _ Golden Eagle, lib. pkg. ..:;. Mc JtiCHELIEU SEEDED RAISINS Doz. $3.00; can ............ ,27c RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNEL CORNâ€" Sweet, tender. No finer packed. iDoz. $240; can ............. 18c BABY STUART SIFTED i EARLYtJUNE PEASâ€" uie medium pric^^quS â€"ity^Pea^m^hi^jrrade are'becomr ing scarce; doz. $2.00; can 7.17e RICHELIEU SIFTED gWEET WRINKLED PEASâ€" 177777 These are just like fresh peas. Doz. $3.25; can "MONSOON T0MAT0I_S--^ Fancy quality. Large No. 3 can. â€" _>o_^00; can 7.............. 17c RICHELIEU LIMA BEANSâ€" i Green, medium* size, extra fanc^" -^at-a bargarfl prrcer "Nor«aghs-'_!_^" ^yo^mr^tor~2-^mr~ih»^ can ............;............25c RICHELIEU SPINACH^! II Clean, ready to use. Large Nq. I .... r77777,......^35c|7~~can at a bargain price. No ^ash ^discount. Dozen $2.70; can 22K_c RICHELIEU STRINGLESS ^ICHELIEN CRANBERRY SAUCE- --' â- â€"Trr-râ€" -..... - â€"- f^DeliciousvT-tReady to use. ^wholesale price on fresh berries4s^46c a lb. No. ^ttr-â€" -The cran- RONDEL FRKtfCH MUSHROOMSâ€" __ Choice; can...7, fe^7v^38e- * •.. ..._49C BEANSâ€" Finest quality, tender^ green, ^stnngless, No. 2 can. At at bar* am-^rice^ â€" No ragbTTdii can .......... PLYMOUTH ROCK TUNA ;FISH--^7-^â€"7~~~"' I^No* 1 can, 38c; No. %xaim7720c LIBERTY KI^PERJED HERRINGâ€" Large cab

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