Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1922, p. 20

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mm- wk'^ '-"â- â€¢â- 'I'- ll ws% ji'i^^Sfif^^-5 20 tttf I Iakk SHORE NEWSrFMDAY, JANUARY 27) fe22 fluence of any form of mesmerism or hypnotism. The experience -of a young man.seeking help from a pro- fessional hypnotist, will make this point clear. His very first visit re- sultedin seeming-*eHef-fr©m-extrema pain, but the relief was of short dura- tion. Again, he sought the same source"lorhelp amd with like re- sults. He soon found himself making several calls a day, and each time the Interval of apparent ease from pain grew shorter, until finally, after spending several hours a day with _ Ws-woTrtd^e^ielpeTr^rod^exp^rteireiiir of tneir loved ones, all tears will soon fi no relief at all, he discontinued his calls." â-  At this juncture a friend recom- mended that he try Christian Science. He-^td-so-and was quickly and per- manently healed. The Christian Sci- entist, understanding the omnipotence and omnipresence of. divine jwina, was enabled to prove to the patient the unreality of pain, and this healed him, and awakened, within him a desire _ fa lr»i»w ntnm nhnnt find something [ Hi w nofftllft.] dppaitHil tiOllilllUilicalur. them to prove conclusively that Spirit cannot be rightljnconceivedrof-as less than infinite. The publicity which is at present being given, to spiritualistic claims, is, no doubt, one of the experiences made possible by the recent world- war, which has called forth the men- tal anguish of muttftudas, JQhgmg_lor: ^ndâ€"sci«ntifl€allyT everything that communion with their dear departed. If all who are still clinging to this belief of embodied and disembodied spirits, will only look to Christian Science for a present spiritual sense be wiped away, and the understanding will obtain that Spirit is Life, God, and that man, the image and likeness of God, can never be separated from eternal Life. --•â- â- -*.- When it is better understood that man lives, and moves, and has his being in Spirit, and not in a mortal body, the so-called communications of spiritualism will rightfully be classi- fied as sense phenomena, unknown to which lnevertakefl_-place under the soporific influence of mesmerism or hypnotism. TREATMENT NOT SUGGESTION iFrom various human quarters there comes the amazing assertion that hrlstiah Science ^treatment is noth- ing but human suggestion. Anyone -who knows how to give a scientific treatment, knows that suggestion plays no part in it. When one learns -how the sick are healed in Christian Science, one will neither advocate nor make, use of hypnotic suggestion in any form. The only healing power is divine Love, and the vitality and warmth of divine Love could not be imparted through suggestion. Sug- gestion Is the child of self-will; It is a lawless human make-believe, which neither heals nor blesses. t Hundreds of men and-women hav* had their experience with the so- called clever salesman, who persuaded them, against their own better judg- ment, to purchase some needless ar- ticle. This phase. of willfull suggest i=tion may ^metimey ^pei«^lo-Jbe '....... " ' AT but belonging wholly To~ourâ€"present plane of existence , _ WORLD PROBLEMS The religion of Christ Jesus pui into daily practice, is the only thing that can rid the world of the chaotic conditions which now seem to prb- vail. Coincident with the demonstra- tionof 2the_CbrisMan_jyirJEM_Js_Jhe_ clever, but It is never Christian. traveling salesman, forgetting-ibe Golden Rule, and wishing to estab- lish a record for himself, sometimes yields to the temptation to make use of suggestion. What is the result? Word soon reaches him from his Mouse' that certain orders taken by him a short time before have been cancelled by letter orwire from the purchaser. If salesmen were Chris- I tian Scientists they would surrender their positions rather than stoop to such wrong methods. With a certain class of business men a successful salesman is one who sell a bill of goods to a dealer who Fnfrt;- ftjtpjfljt ^vrv i«et theory net m disappearance of that "greatest curse of the human race"â€"selfishness. Hu- man laws will, no doubt, continue to be enacted during the transitional pe- riod; but not until the higher law of Spirit, founded/Tipon the First great Commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," is recognized and obeyed, will the reign of human selfishness give place to universal peace and brotherhood; to humanity, justice, and kindness. Christ Jesus, the great- Wayshbwer. offers complete deliverance to the world from its social, civil, political, and religious differences. His un- paralleled example of self-sacrifice still shines forth as a beacon light to all who would learn the divine solu- tion for every human problem, be it small or great. Strive, as one may, to find a shorter route, one will dis- cover, sooner or later, that the Christ way of learning Life, so long lost to the world through dogma and perse-' will be unknown; Any act of coer- cion which inflicts untold suffering upon thousands and millions of in- nocent people, is very remote from the Christ method of learning how to live so as to bless arid to be blessed. Both capitalist and laborer can be- gin today to overcome, intelligently stands between them and the redempt- ive gospel of service; and this over- coming will result in the adequate ad- justment of every human difficulty. In_i4jther_words,-they_must learn to live and to love as true Christians. There is positively no other way of pacifying or healing their grievances. Employer and employee alike must understand that they are the serv- ants of Christ, Truth, and are not laboring primarily for material gain The machine was^ cohered with iihb# and sleet on. arrival, with 450 pounds Sf^^'m^^iel^^ from Cleveland and mw&h tities will be found. - The oil at first appeared to be very clear for crude oil, and one expert even was so mean as to say he be- lieved it to be seeping from a tank somewhere IBTtne^ vicinity. The oil, but for the establishment of the reign of righteousness on earth. Let capital and labor get together in an unselfish desire to do the will of God, and there will be some men- iSTllividends" declared and dlstrlbW Christian Science, the problem of uni- versat^suffrage is rapidly approach- ing realization, but it* is not yet di- vorced from some pronounced phases of human selfishness, due to a lack of understanding of man's relation- ship to God. Christian Science places no barriers in the way of wontan'ji coming into her own. She has stood for and she still stands for the no- blest, the purest, and the best in hu- man life, and no imperious attitude of her lordly companion can reduce her to any lower rank. It was the pure-mindedness of a woman that gave birth, centuries ago, to the Saviour oi th^woiM. It /was the exalted spiritual perception of a woman, Mary Baker Eddy, that gave to tb^~wond7i5 moaerh times, the great spiritual discovery of Christian Science in that wonderful companion- piece to the Bible, "Science and Health With Key16the Scriptures^ ^H«n EI. w£ETk«£^2i^ «£*t?T One cannot consistently reflect upon cution, has again been given to ha- Y. _.: . w mnrna- u* OV4,r „iflv«rt inanity through the tireless, unselfish efforts of our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy. She it is* who has so quickened the universal consciousness to the need of studying and practic- ing the precepts of the great Nazar- ene, that countless thousands have been enabled to say of him, as did Peter of old: "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matt. 16: l^y^Jt^hetimo apont in forcln^ha^^tb^-ipdiv the pari that woman has ever played irr the great humanitarian, education- al; and reform movements of the world, -without being willing to ac- cord her the right of suffrage. TEMPERANCE The demi ation of Christian Sci- ence will prove to be the only possi- ble solution of the temperance proh- lem, because It sciehtiflcally destroys others, could be devoted to a more serious study of the Sermon on the does it upho: salesman has no right to argue men- â„¢,„„„ „„ „« cepts, the reign of unselfishness would sooner be recognized in every depart- fiiSI goods and that he^_wjll_bjiy them whether he needs thom^oFlaot. The use of mental argument by which to accomplish any selfish purpose is prp- hibtted in Christian Science; is^Hnmanautocracy, personal domina- tionâ€"all selfish human control, plays no part In legitimate business. In- stead of being remedial or construc- tive, it spells inevitable disappoint- ment and defeat for anyojie who con- l^«« tinues, either ignorantly_or intention- "s»««. mr frfpinds to hold good thoughts for lis Is^aeareless habit, ttlStSfi If we want them-to treat us, to. pray ipspl for us scientifically, we should say $!Mm& Ho, It should be stated, right here, IfliBItr-that"holding- thoughts^for:..persoiiSrin: iittlSll^^rder'.tb' smooth over their aches and MlMSB- pains, is not the practice of Christian _.._â- .. The rule tor cttrjBtjan coll. ifcj Mg^rti^ait-ReiQnco ifl to kflep would be to understand aifiTifrTIotBe will of God; to live a life Of Chris- tian service. The selfish materialist, whether capitalist or laborer, believing in the reality of matter, is living a life of material accumulation and hoarding. What will awaken him? He must learn how to give, how to lend a helping hand to other*, how to ah own thought pure at all times, i$£a«?to believe only what is spiritu- IS'SiJ^irue". about :God and man.' This le definitely separates Christian Ji Science treatment from the practice *ilM^.jfi&rtfaated^ thought." 'â-  â-  y9W0MKWm^:^ "Christian Science so thoroughly re^ ^itaiSfr-cfjjites-' the- 'false claims of clairvoy- thatuwhen ar^cla*royant^ttrns^^ffir^fom^Ta~ow^bTeMngB. It is Science for help, he soons loses all faith in his ar*^ and forsakes its prac- rq*sei*>*«>< Wee^The sobnerT^ch ewoiiecTis^rao^ tfftljlll: tice is destroyed,' the' better:. for hu- ~^0Ks^ â- â- ' inanity, for «K>?n«M>*^h« ^addflBt-of-hu- :^piiii.'inan -experiences", have come to those who have 'been induced to -believe Its Pfpli mteleaffliir divinations. ^;â€" :â- . _ __: fftlftliiâ- â- â-  Christian Science treaesent .is- the lljiglfl plain and simple truth, understood C and demonstrated, which' makes free ^â- â- â- "\<::->^ prayer of those who wirtW â- "â- : :v:*i^W**M^'^'-^"^~'.'^~'â„¢^~S^S|»^tW.'S'*^^"j"r '."?T,"- ;^fei^BHRISTtAN SCIENCE • OPPOSED:. "-'^^^^P^^TOf^SPI'RITUAtrSM-l^M * :^!^^T^WtWb particular ..time, when'the ^;,5^^';'thought ot the;:human.body is: being ^l^g'-^-abnormally accentuated, when spir- ftSlift';'*taalism; and mediumship are .so ob- ^fcii ^^sessing. the public .thought, and the P^^^ialnavaillhg: attempt Is being made to associate the name of joat revered Leader, Mis. Eddy, with those who believe In communion with the de ^let It lie "said that Mrs. Eddy never believed In spiritualism, ifer in ediumflhip; never believed in any communication between the living and the departed; and in proof of these statements, one will find in her text- book. Science and Health, a chapter iriBtian Science versus Spiritualism." ^ Many spiritualists, after turning to Christian Science, ment of human life. Jesus' teachings are proved to be practical in Chris- tian Science. The practice of Chris- tianity has' not-fatted. It was the lack of Christian practice which caused the church to drift into dog- matism and formalism, and to substi- tute creeds for a demonstrable re- In is hottlTe"^BfiwCffiF^PIemj^ ance reform, but it voices the quick- ened sense of millions who would do all in their power to! save the world from widespread debauchery and crime. The present crusade against the demoralizing tendencies of the carnal mind has the unqualified sup SEEPAGE OF OIL^^i^^- STARTS BIG1 B00M1 AT^r^^ Augusta, Ga-Tlds section of Geor; gia is in the throes of an oil 'boom Sr something closely akin, following the discovery of oil seepage on the site of a new Y. M. C. A. building. Experts of various, kinds ^ve. been summoned to the city and investiga- tions are being made at the rate oi several * day. . . . S. W. McCallie, State geologist, has been given a sample of the oil and is now making an analysis of it, but ne has rather dampered the ardor of land owners by declaring it to be extremely GRAVITY LAW DENlg SBYPU\NElNSlfORM Mineola, L. I.â€"Gravity was defied by the United States Air Mali Service airplane, driven by Pilot C. B. D. Col- yer, when he tried to land in face of the terrific gale at the Curtis Engineer, ing Field at Garden City. Although the propellor was making ^,400 revo- lutions a minute and the machine was nosed 'down almost perpendicularly, the machine stood absolutely still run- dreds of feet above the field. Colyer finally turned the machine toward Hazelhurst Field, where he landed. The plane is driven by a 400-horse- power Liberty engine. however, gave him the laugh shortly afterward by changing its color to pure crude and steaming up a little on production. Another expert ex- , pressed the opinion that the clear- 4««ssâ€"of-the^oH-was~due to the faet that it was filtering through some layers of Fuller's earth. ed, which will bring about conditions heretofore unknown, and the convic- tion will Obtain that all men are cre- ated to live and to let live. More re- ligion and less selfishness will solve every world~i>roblem.-â€" UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE^ wjwmM _ _......____ Under the lonvohmg Influenceâ€"of- -^Tffe"nDa^t^ecenT_ visitor of expert persuasion declares it to be not at all unlikely that an oil pool oft, some dimensionsâ€"isâ€"underneath Augusta | and a thorough investigation is about to be undertaken. Drilling is expected to start on nearby property soon. MASONS PLAN LARGE TUBERCULAR HOSPITAL San Antonto, Tex.â€"Taking cog- nizance of the great number of deaths from consumption annually among Masons throughout-the coun- try,^steps ~have~been-taken"by-athe^ Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas to- ard the location of a large Masonic Tuberculosis Sanitarium in the South- west. Grand Master D. Frank John- son, of the Texas Grand Lodge, has named Robert J. Newton, chairman; B. F. Berkeieyand F. P. Miller as. a committee to confer with the Grand Lodges of New Mexico and Arizona for the purpose of preparing a plan for the establishment and operation of a tuberculosis sanitarium. The sanitarium will be national in scope. Figures tabulated by the Na- tional" Tuberculosis- Association show that there are approximately 42,300 Masons suffering from tuberculosis throughout the country and that ap* proximately 4,700 dies of this disease annuallr. rAtnAND LABOR tation of being a happy people. They The seething„conflict between, cap-[have good reasons for being sd^Ehey have learned that the fdundation of all true happiness is the expression of divine Love. In loving their neighbor as themselves, they have learned to look for the good in^ their fellow-man and to eschew the evil. In the words of Sheridanrttiey __^BeJieve_jmt_each^accusin^Mon^ ital and labor is largely an exhibition of human selfishness, due to false standards of education. If the world's educational: institutions could be founded upon the Christ, Truth, in- stead ot-JBpon belief- in intelligent matter, there would sooner be~a race of people, whose only aim in life what a man does with his wealth that makes him truly wealthy. The helpless sick man is just as much a slave to matter. He, too, is huggingâ€"hir sick beliefs, and con- stantly adding to them. What will heal him ? He must learn • how to give,- how te^e^re^iztherigo^ he« longing to man's real selfhood. The moment he begins to give out ;that which is real and true about God and mahv he begins to see "the light of life** (John 8:12), as expressed the poe&- by Thou art not here for ease or pain But -Manhood's glorious crown to 'â-  .„â-  gain." "â- ; ','â- â- â- â- . 'fi'gsff^^BM^W'-' The arrogant sihn€^rb^c^ indulging his false pleasures, is like- wise leading a life of accumulation. What will save him? He, too, must learn how to give, how to express that which belongs to_ God's man. The moment ne experiences repentance, and the joy of living in order ,to make others happy, he awakens from his selfish dream, to find out that "the earth ie the Lord's and the fnl- ness thereof (Ps. 24:1). This, then, is the solution of the problem of capital and labor. Both must accept Christ, Truth, as tholr schoolmaster end_le4TjUaielessQa of true givingâ€"how to live Ih order to bless all mankind. When the Golden -jfgffi' have^ost. air faith in ep^ualisj^b^jRuie Is scientifically andersteod^au* port of every true Christian Scientist, who will "patiently await, through prayer and demonstration, the final conquest over all evil. CONCLUSION Christian Scipntlatfl^have the repu-j carnival.â€"amiâ€"amongstâ€"theseâ€"lights-f and shadows^oJL„c^^^ As most weak persons do; But still believe that story wrong Which ought not to be true." They believe in that wholesome, con- structive right thinking that const!- •le* them to do their full duty to God, to their Leader, to their country, and to all mankind. swords ^ofâ€"our Leader, "the song of Christian Science is, 'Work- workâ€"workâ€"watch an* pray * yrJHe». 1900, p. 2). Christian Scientists, there- fore, are joyous, willing workers, in fullest sympathy with those high ideals which make for a true Christ- ian democracy, and they are doing their part to have these ideals real- ized in the preservation of a right- eous government of the people. They know that to work is to pray with the understanding, which means to main- tain a right mental attitude at all times. Only by so doing can they make their religion practical and meet the world's great needs. Its loyal followers recognize in Christian Science" the demonstration of true Christianity, and they will press on in their crusade against all evil, until Christ shall reign supreme ih the affections of men. Our beloved Leader's prophetic benediction rests imnn thA bnnr- '"Tlift <>lamnnfn nf earth beat^in jvain against the im- mortal parapets of this Science. Erect and eternal, it will go on with the ages, go down the dim posterns of time unharmed, and on every battle- field rise higher in the estimation of thinkers and in the hearts of Chris- tians (Misc. p. 383: 10-lB)i Weather Deok. f A "weather deck,w in ship bonding terms, is a deck with no overhead pro* â€"-------â€" Th«TArTdf Life."^ The art of life is to keep step with the celestial orchestra that beats- the_ measure of <<mr career, and gives the cue for our exits and dur entrances. Why should we willingly miss any- thing, or~T?reclpitnte anything, or be angry with folly, or in despair at any misadventure? In this world there should be none but gentle tears, and fluttering tip-toe loves^ It is a great and vices of the playhouse, there is no abiding.â€"G. Santayana-iir the DlaL ~ That's All the Difference. ^ rjud Ttmk^ reputation for wisdom by saying noth- ing, while a parrot discloses his to "norance by being needlessly conversa- tional. Daily Thought The things which m««» ^ r be for the best.â€"Owen Merec Instructorâ€"^Piano. Yfiwp aiid Harmony wiWMmii Miss Adelaide C. Jones 1 -Graduate of the American €on- servatory of Music* Chicago ^el^mL5S58^^53^X>enttaUAve^ Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician fl Phone Wfl.2052 1150 Wilmrtte Ave. RESIDENCE PHONE 537 WILMETTE 1030 Greenleaf Avenue :"'".......^^'""Wnmettell\.....;"'T':^ Phone Wilmettf 2508 | Plate and Window Glass Artglass, Mirrors, Glazing COMMUNITY DANCING Every Tuesday Evening Byron C. Stolp School leatsat.- Class Lessons 7:45 to 8:30 Dancing 8:30 to 11 ;00 -â€" - Admission 50 cents_ner person, Wiltetefte Ice & ^eaiiiitt Go«^ DISTILLED WATER ICE^- Black Soil for Lawns Grading ..i_.„-i';iJi^.,- Lawn Fertilizer Sand and Gravel Cinders Building Material General Teaming We Build Drive- ways Fl LLIN Gâ€"R EASON ABLE 733 W. Railroad Ave. Phone Wll. A Garage is a Public Service Station :i:;-::^?i We Are Equipped to Grtve :Y<^:;;Service||f|||||; SUiWJES^^ '.Johnston' Compression Tread Tiresl|p|| JJ Towing Service, Day and NightlI3illiil|^|! BROS. NORTH SHORE GARAGE *!*]§»' Wilmette,- 01 Jlillililfciiig Phone Wil. 234 611 W. Railroad Ave. SpsS $0 Hi Hemstitching a^^^^i^gi^if^^w^^^-i'fl In Gold, Silver, Irish Point, Pidming, etc.t ^Buttons covered, â-  pleating, stamping, initial and hand embroideries^ ^v, B , (Special Sale on Texto ^Tie-arid Crochet' ^iksV::.^ltfil! * --"":"v^.:;';;-;;â- _ :/.:..;.â-  Agency tot Brussels Lace Cp^,igffIllgllIiit'S: j± fine line of imported Belgian Laces, in Duches *......... ..... Rose';aad,VenetMnppml^^|l^^^^^^^^ ^tttt?t*ofeitiliii^e^ Class Work-^Quick I*erso1rml Service ±m:AsM*:. CARYiIllPti 1131 Greenleaf Avenue f^ Open 8' Am^jj^JUfMlA^^^^^^^^ Closed Saturday* 4 P. M. â-  â- â- â- â- â- UiJiHflBaBS : nsi^^^^^MMi '•' "^&WM.l2G!sb$ifi

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