Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1922, p. 19

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'> ^'*l.f"$Wn$ ' Wfrnm*^ 'tt^i^r'.'^^rfffrft' '^% SB â- Baoaasasn Clarence ^ Omaha, Nebraska, Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, ^ in Boston, Mass., delivered a lecture On Christian Science, Monday evening, January 23, under the auspices " First Church of Christ, Scientist, â- iff # tlie^cTmrch edifice, Central Avenue at Tenth Street. The lecturer was introduced by Mr. i?Ji, W. Panushka who said:..v-;3:"-^4,'V. Friends? ^It is my privilege this evening, on behalf of the members of this church, to extend you a cordial ^welcome. Jesus said, "Come unto me* all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and J will give you rest." Mi0$&:M&i!% Through the universal appeal of Christian Science, giving^ TOankind^ar better understanding of the Bible and man's relation to God, many are seek- ing and finding that freedom and rest !which Jesus promised. For the purpose of correctiylinforni- 4ing« the public regarding â- *-Christian Science and the life of its discoverer and founder Mary Baker Eddy, a Board of Lectureship was instituted by Mrsj IMdy, ae one of the axstivities of The Mother Church, -The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., -ef-^whieh this Church is a branch. -.....-------" ;â- '-"".....~":........-3---â€"=-â€"-^--^ The speaker of this evening is a members of this Board, and comes to us well qualified by experience and authority. I take pleasure in intro- ducing Mr. Clarence W^Chadwick, C.' S. B., of Omaha, Nebraska, who will address you on the subject, "Christian Science: Religion made Practical." yy Mr. Chadwick spoke as follows: "CHRISTIAN 8CIENCE: RELIGION t/4MIlMADE PRACTICAL" ,. â- ;£! What the whole world needs today is more religion. But this religion must be made -praeti prove remedial or constructive. The gospel of healing must accompany the gospel of preaching, if the Word is to be with power. It Is what Christians du, more than what they say, that convinces one that there is salvation in religion. $& â-  =• :-|||ff 'B?"fâ- :-" W:M^MyB§ Because Chrtstianr Science HiajB healed its thousands and hundreds of thousands in Jesus' way, it has won its right to recognition as a practical religion. The best way to inspire a man's faith in God, is to heal him morally and physically, thereby prov- ing tohim the power of Immanuel, "God with jis'f and giving him^breath f^^^^&f'^o^fS^pf^Ih'^&icfe' to strable religion, His experience of healing soon does away with his in- nate opposition to spirituality. Those spiritually healed 4n-Ghristiatt Sci* ence have nothing to say against Christ Jesus, nor against the religion which he lived to establish. Their one desire is to understand God and His Christ and to make their religion rpriiiijiteafc^^^ â- :>;,* xv as" . "-;.". should prove to humanity that Love manifested is the greatest thing in the world, that it is the one thing worth while, the pearl of great price. How can there be more than omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Love and Its infinite manifestation? All other terms used to define Deity are hut dif- ferenrhames for divine XoVe. Christian Science reveals the spir- itual idea, man, as forever inseparable from God. To know, then, that God Is Love, makes men fearless, unselfish, loving, kind, and compassionate. To know that Qod is Truth, makes men truthful,, trustworthy, upright, and honorable. To know that God is Life, makes men more mentally awake, active, and useful, and, therefore, in- creases longevity. To know that God is Spirit, increases spirituality and leads thought away from the body. To know that God is one infinite Mind, quickens one's mental faculties of perception and comprehension, and enlarges one's capacity for right think- ing- ' '^i"'â- ' yy„:/J^£Mt'y Love's invitation, given to the world through Christ Jesus twenty centuries ago^ ^Corne unto me, all y« that-la- bour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11: 2$), is re- iterated today in the Christian Sci- ence text-book, "Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. It comes with healing in its wings, re- vealing the sacred mission ofâ€"Christ Jesus, to teach and to demonstrate*the lesson, of divine Love. If we would become acquainted with the Father, we must learn to love, for what saith the Scripture? "Beloved, let us' love one another: for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love" (1 Mrs. Eddy's teachings have thrown so much light upon the life and mis- sion of the great Saviour of men, that the whole world rises to call her blessed. She says in substance to her followers: "If you profess to love him, keep his commandments." Then she explains, in unmistakable terms, how we are to prove our obedience. When once, asked Whether she be- lieved in the atonement of Christ, she replied: ^*i do; and this atonement becomes more to me since it includes man's redemption from sickness as well as from sin. I Reverence? and SJlore^ChrM,iM^ with us," or demonstration. It is re- ligion made practical." SSi^^if^S One Who taJSs aMftrriMatf tian Science is confronted with the same glaring headlines, announcing the forthcoming plague. What does he do? He will most likely accept what he reads, and will eagerly convey the information to others, it is safe to say that ft wttl mot occur to him to chink of God as an ever-present help. He believes that tome awful calamity Is about to be experienced; and he thinks of it to much, and becomes so fearful of results that, almost before he realizes it, that which he greatly feared has come upon him. Fear and disease are more real to him than what he calls life, and he surrenders to them unconditionally! How true the Scripture, "Perfect love casteth out fear; for fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love" (1 John 4:18). Thousands upon thou- sand of human lives are sacrificed every year, because people insist upon believing and fearing what the senses tell them, instead of acknowledging the power and presence of God. Demonstrationrjs tKeZ^o^r^by^ Vine Love made practical to human- ity. One cannot grasp the meaning of scientific demonstration nor be- come a successful practitioner until. one learns how to feel and to express I meatsâ€"or~-H0ly love for all .mankind. The true Chrtss tian Scientist strives to abide in a .healing consciousness, one character- ized by genuine humility and confi- dence, as well as thankfulness for God's goodness and; mercy.^'"I;2:|!";^^:||.;:;' Had Christ Jesus failed to prove that "his word was with power" (Luke 4:32), could he have conferred power upon his disciples "to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of dis- ease" (Matt^lQ: 1) ? Indeed not! No Spiritual power to his followers was nothing less than the practical proof to them of healing, accompanied by such audible attestation as the Mas- ter felt led to give. And this is dem- onstration,. which fully agrees with Webster's definition of the word: "to show by proof"; ^'Jto, establish beyond a : doubt.*' • ry'MyM0mâ-  â- â-  "•:•.. â-  v â- â-  â- ' . Christians today are given power to heal only when they lose confidence in matter, and turn to God with such implicit faith, trust, and understand- ing, that healing actually takes place. %â-  The Apostle Paul's experience on Jfce4s]landibf Melita will illustrate jthl& ^^•^^^•^^m'^^^W^^^^ had; sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin" (John 15:22). The com- ing of Christ, then, is the message of a sure salvation for all mankind. But until they receive this message and lovingly obey its demands, the prob- lem of evil ^ t&ejii wtt solved. 'â- â- .: ' ^'im^-^v ^^^-'-: y^:'::y^-:x^ Where Christ^ Truth#ils, Gop is; and where God is,.svil is not^-ESvilr then, in all its varied phases, is but a seeming absence of God. The warning of Scripture is not against the presence of evil, but against be- lieving .':that: evil.. .has .presenceiigMy.; The only possible pretext for'â- !fv0'- lieving in evil is to disbelieve in the all-presence of God, good. Does the Christian dignify his religion by think- ing and talking about that which has no real presence? Has he any Biblical authority for voicing error? Is not God's law just as much opposed to wrong thinking as to wrong acting? Can one continue to think wrong and at the same time expect to realize the presence of God? Can one think sickly thoughts and at the same time realize the presence of health? Is not God's :':pwaiSS^-TWnaieXSE^ more than an idle theory? Is it not something which cannot be annulled by the dictum of the personal senses? Pray, what is meant by these state- Writ, **Mypresence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest" (Ex. 33:14)? and ory of disease. On the contrary, all of his time is occupied in magnifying the , things that make for health and happi- ness. Since Qod never made a disease gemof, blind human belief must father it; but belief never gave real ppta$r. nor life to anything nor to anybody. Then, why flee from a nfetes*g«rm aj| one chased by "the sound of a shaken ieaf^Lev. 26:06)% The so-called dis? ease. germ that is supposed to travel ,â„¢, from city i» city, and from conU-â- *•" nent to continent, is nothing more nor less than a disease thought germ; and when Christian people grasp this 1aet-iir*tar^ighVo#^ they will lose their fear and dread of disease, and will deal with the germ theory as a purely human invention. Unless we intelligently "reject tbi mental suggestion of disease and germs, what is likely to take place? Sooner or later, the mental image of disease will be externalized* or Shad- owed • forth on the bodyv Tta only'lM way, then, to protect - the' body., is to he ilifpl ever on .guard to â-  "dismiss.. froji eon* it|l§: sciouspesrthe':thougW^^ sin the moment it is detected. If we ^"ggi I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord" (Jer. 23:24) ? Do such state- ments suggest to the Christian some- ing purely imaginary? To the stian^Scientist, the all-presence Of God is the eternal substance and real- ity of being, The presence of good is the undeniable absence of sin and disease, else there is no foundation for Christian healing. The heart of man should rejoice to learn that evil and germs as thought, we shall be up saved the experience of a so-called die- ' eased^ody^??fS*^^ The moii^HK^^^^wSSm is already well on its way to a state ol- innocuous desuetude, if reports Do not J from medical Journals are to be cred- S5S^S^??tI^^ Of reality; Wueii welearn that God*afthoughti Darkness is not presence, but is only A seeming absence of light, else dark- ness could never be dispelled by the light God is light, and, since God is all, spiritual light must be the only real presence. All else is but a seem ing. Ignorance~of~God is not pres- ence; but every Christian virtue bears witness of the everpresence of good. *«' DOE8 CHRISTIAN 801 ENCE % HEAL? liDoes Christian Science heal the sick? is a question that is answered today in a most practical way. In all parts of the ^tv^liffid world may h*. ited. While experimenting upon sub- jects selected tor the purpose, thou* sands, and even millions, of differ- ent disease germs have been taken into the human system without pro- ducing the slightest effect; and at the onset of various diseases, 110 germs whatsoever have been in evi- dence, all of which goes to prove the fallacy of the theory. Some leading phyBiciana of the country do not ;4H IS story is told of a man, who, when a small child, became separated from his parents and was made to iove that he had a moat unkind and cruel rather, pnewfro was always se- vere, unloving and unlovable; one who was relentless and unforgiving, showing neither mercy nor pity for his own. The child listened to this por- trayal of his father's character, which naturally made him very unhappy; and he grewto manhood, actually be^ lieving it all to be-'-trnei." well lally, a -inir0i^i-"r^bla"^^ acquainted with his father, found his way to this mail and told him what was really true about his father. The ^an soon saw that^^ boring under a woeful misconception |of his parent, who was now repre- sented to him as a most loving father, full of goodness and compassion to- fward his chUdren, never angry nor wrathful, but full of gentleness and tenderness and kindnessâ€"just the op- posite ^y^^^J^:^s^-M^^,M ;| v^MDemy^ o£ ua £ta^re b^ett ctduceutod to believe what is Just as untrue con- cerning our heavenly Father; and not until Christian Science entered into lour lives did we learn that God is iLove, full of gooduejwr-mercy; and compassion; that He sends no evil, sin, disease, nor death upon man; that He Is never angry nor wrathful with His |cbMren^ but unutterably kind and lov- Wy Who but a Giod who is^TS^^r-tv^iciiill' and considerate Father, "full of com- passion, and gracious, long-suffering, and plenteous in mercy andiaruth'MPsv :86:15), could say to us: "Come now, Sand let^ns reason together,â€"-though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they ^e fed #ike crimson, theyshaUrhe as^wool" ,__...,.. _ _ ^Isai-^ilSJaâ€"^Wkenâ€"©tieâ€"eliiefience^^ony; consequentlyr »at toere ar«4n r^iv^aess-^-sinr-one^^an^ say- with the Psalmist, "O give thanks .unto the Lord; for He is good, for His mercy endureth torever** ^Â¥szyli^iy.~^ - «1 Some of the terms employed in Christian Science to define Deity to human consciousness are Love, Truth, iven and earth and mati asiar^scienttsts^n^-^^n^ that Jesus, the highest executor of God's law, atoned for our sins by an- nulling the righteous penalty for In- dividual wrong doing; but that, by demonstrating the omnipotence of good, he proved the utter -powerless* ness of evil, and thereby outlined for Us the one and only way to escape the penalty for wrong doing; viz., by ceasing to do wrong. By proving man's atonement with God, good; he became "the way, the .truth, and the life" to all mankind. Christian Scientists do not ques- tion the spiritual ori ,TopiT» Thay flY»reptr without reaerva- blrWrous" nliifeslw^^^ of God's blessings wiH toU thoughts, wwww. or ideas,' are omnipresent. and;'; insep- , arable from their divine source; that they, alone' are really' endowed ^. with : power' and intelligenceâ€"thoughts of sin and disease vanish into nothing- ness. A correct or scientific under- ^i; standing of God heals because it canr not help healing. Healing Uurough ^^ - Christ, Truth, takes place as natoraUy f .as the; shining of the .sun.:'. .Bvery:.ray;;:^M: of spiritual light that floods human consciousness declares the presence, power, and glory â- :-.ot;-X<Gtott"-":"iiii^;^fiMT Christi How, itheh, can it ayoid7 disf MM tion, Mrs. Eddy's statement that "Mary's conception of him was spir- itual" (Science and Health, p. 332). They honor and revere the name of Christ Jesus, and they k*ow-onl;y too well that something more than lip service is required to enabte them; to follow in his mental footsteps. They recognize ^tm~ 1 hecesstty^ifSf^pBhs^ crated Study ahd applicMbn Of the sacred Word as presented in the Bible and in the Christiah Science text^ book, if they;, ivould ever make their 4reiigi6#--ipra^caL^:S::^^^^^ One-of the highest tributes ever paid the Saviour was by our revered Leader when- she said: "Jesus beheld in Science thcJ perfect Iman^ who apj peared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. Tn this per- fect man the Saviour saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the Sick" (Science and Health, p..476.).: 'J,â- ^â- â- ^-^'â- ^^ "-.:â- ' ...DEMONSTfWTION-ff^-K-KB' What is demonstration in Christian Science? It is the practical proof of God's power and presence, resulting in moral and physical healing. By way of illustration:. Suppose that a in Christian Science receives ah imV partation of spiritualS§power which soon enables him to clfuhprehend the rudiments of Christian healing. 1 Demonstration is not humanly will- ing ^©r^otttllning things to come our way; It is the voluntas surrender of self-will and iself-mterest fe»°theHEEood of humanity. Christian Scientists do iibt demonstrate material things. They . , „ â€"*- „ # ,* Â¥fjr# TU^ntayiy to b^«"g ***** ♦bink. tor mankind. Her goodness was felt is about to make its appearance in his community; that "ft has elsewliere already claimed its thousands of vic- tims, and that materia medica Is un- able to cope with it. What does he do? He instantly wfusesâ„¢to^acc#t sense testimony by striving to realise that the one Mind, God, is everpresent and reality no evil minds to believe in dis ease nor to fear it; that there is really no evil power to mesmerize anyone into^bellevihg what is untrue. He knows that divine Love is supreme; that is casts out all fear. He persists of He pfe, Spirit, and Mind. To one trained- omnipotence and omnipresence to believe in a God of wrath and ven- good; and what, is J;he result? geance, these synonyms for God remains tearless ancl strong; he es- when studied in the light of Chrtstian capes the devastating scourge himself, Science, reveal an entirely new sense ^andJhe^hetes many others to recognize would soon succumb to the poisonTBUt Paul's faith and trust were in God, JKMch-gave him power not oMy to heal Jiimself, but 2&any others who later came to him for help. The barbarians, after looking on for a great while after Paul had shaken "off the beast into the fire, ancTfelt no harm," finally "changed their minds and said that he wasr a God" (Acts 28f5-&)W ] The modern unbeliever, after wit- nessing numerous cases of healing in Christian Science, must also change his mind if he would ever understand given power to heal. Thousands are daily turning away from matter to Mind for help, and the demonstration of Christian Science is taking place in their behalf.: Many are being spared the experience of the surgeon's knife* A very^tow treatments oftentimes removing any necessity for an j>peration^-Thg man ^who ir healed you that they owe a debt ^-endless gratitude,, not only to the one God and to His-«ott- Christ^Jesusrl>urTo the beloved Leader of the Christian Science movement, Who in the year 1866, discovered the science of Chris- tianity, and labored unremittingly and unselfishly to makOftgit available to the j«^hole,:world^^ The great Master -s %OTght ilahd wrought above vahd coritrary to the senses, and, by so doing, he demon- strated the truth of his own most profound statement, "I and my Father j^e-oiie'*-~-6ne in guftlity, but not tn quahHty*M He was "mal cause it hasâ- ;no:.affinity;,with;,hate|c1:;^S Mind ..heals'^l^^^^^^^^^gj^^^^ with .matter.iif|^;|iiippy Ing into accord-with the will of God. That is, they seek first the leading of divine wisdom, and then, as the re- sult of unselfish obedience and trust, ^11 heedful things are added unto them. Demonstration discriminates twtwejenJbuman want^and^ need. Ifiluman - beings: ;mayi;||want;•;* great many things which it is not at all needful nor even advisable for them to have. Demonstration enables them to acquire only such things as it enables them to be truly economical. TalkingHdhristian Science, or argu- ing in the letter, without practicing its precepts, does not make religion prac- tical. Demonstration Ib the consistent blending of practice and profession; it is the answer to the unceasing prayer of Christian living, the over- all powerfulrand^ gowras-tte universe to perpetoal peaoe andrhar* gOOUi â- .:".»»:,* GOD'S PRE8ENCE Why are Christians so vitaUy con- cerned in the coming of Christ, Truth? Is it not because Christ comes to unmask and to destroy the falsity of evil, therehy^TOveialing the all-presence of God, good? Is it not In abiding in this secret place^jf-the^ t>refectly^ ^lear^ then, that until one gains the right idea of good, one does nnt nnmprehend the mythical nature of evilf Can one o^erconie evil before one understands, at least in part; the power and presence of good? Christ cified for proving the unity and real- ity of good. ••'-. :;#'â- "â- â- â-  â- â- â€¢â€¢â- â€¢ - Mary Baker {EWdyV» because of her spiritual recognition of the Principle supporting Jesus' healing works, which enabled her to annul sense tes- timony, likewise aroused the malice and hatred olr^woridllngSgS-^ «hel?truliPSd omnipotent Love to fill every human heed, she lived to love and to bless ail mankind. One who was for many years a member of Mrs. Eddy's household, »henV speaking of her work for hu- manity, paid this loving tribute to her aracter:* "Our dear Leader was » spiritually minded woman or she could never have wrought this great work as well as proclaimed by ethers and we cannot speak enough in her ;praJSe7~;-^igl^p^<%rist'..Jesus':'said; *J and my^ather? are one.' Mrs, Eddy said, 'Follow your Leader only so far as she follows Christ' (Mes. t902, p. 4). She did not Set aside the Saviour. She knew his worth and his work, and she tried to bring-to the world the import .of that work." <:.â- " Many thousands of brave, toyat Christian Scientists^ injjatLseMlpns of Christian Scientist reads in the morn- mem 10 awimre uuj »â- Â»Â»T*aâ„¢B^â„¢v7r?ri~r^*~^-F£^^ and ecclesiasticism, have achieved such notable success as to place Chris- tian/ Science healing far beyond the experimental stage. Physical healing in Christian Science, however, is sec- ondary to the conquering of sin, ex- pressed in the deep-rooted vices and passions of the carnal mind. There is not a Bingle known disease or sin that cannot be healed in Christian Science. This Science ripirsemili jrasnTmai cessful in dealing with so-called con- tagious diseases, where the whole mental and physical manifestation is one of extreme fear.. We soon learn in Christian Science that health is far more contagious than disease. The mo- ment we become conscious of the presence of divine liove, all evidence Of disease and-jdL fear^^-eontagioa disappear. This provesrthat disease is mental and that Mind and not matter Is its remedy TREATMENT Treatment in Christisff Science means doing something for IBe .^slcsSi^p1 according: understood Principle, ,..... instead of experimenting upon toem# with poisonous drugs,, and then wait- inf for days, weeks, and sometimes for months, to see whether they get * well. ::"•:Christian,v:Scien^^ to the deaf, by doing sometmng ior them which no other When it gives a sufferer immediate possession of â- â- â-  health â- ; and â- â-  strengOipi^' after materia medica has pronoun ^ its verdict of hopelessness, it something for him which physfcml sense does not and cannot explain. When all manner of diseases are healed in a few Christian Science troatme stroyed, does this not prove that in- telligent action has been taken in behalf of the afflicted ? When *he i^|»- ious and fearful mother asks^e^ tor ^ her innocent babe, who, the doctors ifcfi- %«inot possibly "survlver'-"â- 'a^S^S Christian Science gives instant relief by breaking the mesmeric environment of ignorance, fear, and anxietyâ€"who would presume to declare that noth- ing has been done for the kelpless Infantt Ift ^Christian - .Sciencet^treat-^,.;;:^' ment makes'.a specialty: of ^any-^one^^^^ thing, it is in doing something for suf- fering humanity, instead';- of thrusting^ ^ God aside tn the hour of â- ' trouble .by^M';: bowing down to tho ver$U&/:0t^il&&*. ceitful senses. * When these senses pass judgment i upon man, declaring that he is sick,. even going so far as to pronounce the verdict of death upon ^him, is it the Mm sit idly hy ««« ^^wy. â€" w»-.â€"w-, ,5^ of five witnesses who know positively noihinFoTtne^ thy diseases?*' Or'shall; we'rise inpliiil righteous' rebellion "against such ..teswjiigf timony, knowing that the power and -presence of God and .:• His Christ:' are «|1(1§ more to'-a man than anything ..elseiM^m m the worhMltis the physical senseSr^^g remember, ,that: advise .and. would naa^.M^mM r>iii â-  * mmnmrti •ht.^m * w »*;>. >xx> 1 c-k call sin and disease real, and man :ft|ggggp mixture of mind and matteri-aadT-ffiat-^^if demand complete medical superviskin|^Si .and control of. the human body. ;Xt;^^li the hand of the Lord shortened that it cannot save? ^CSd~"i^er ihspi faith in the use of poisonous drugs, it goes without saying, then, that! pShrjs^u^eiftnee, fa^^^^fefe^0! founded "upon the belief of Intelligent matter............ ..-.; ..^^^.i:......â- ' -m*-^..... Lei_ pfffticiilB^^ the fact-that

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