Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1922, p. 15

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CL^SSIFIEI^AIWERTISEMENT^&l^UjESTWrE Mi& SsSSS * ;•& REAL ESTATE REAL VALUES BARGAIN; 5 ftf& STUCCO BUNGALOW; ilienclosed sleeping porch; hot water heat: ilhear transportation; easy,: fcsjpfltJR. NeaF'O^atatlo^^Twni sic*Jâ„¢***10*,!? * bed rooms; sun porch; good lot; $3,000 cash at $10,500.00 M ^ „^4. Excellent solid brick" home, builti|*y fgowner; .• large Toomsj sun parlor; f breakfast porch; . 2 sleeping porches: large attic and high light basement; -wooded lot 60x210 to alley; easy terms; ! $17,000.00. Semi-bungalow; stucco; large screened porch; 4 bed rooms; 2 baths; deep â- Pl wooded lot; near "L" and lake; terms. « $17,500.00 New White' Colonial; four bed rooms, t two baths; hot water heat; all dec- i orated and ready for occupancy. $17,- 600.00. ^M^-WMfi-. â- â- 'â- â- > Lot Bargains ";." -â- â€¢*.•>: *-â- -'-1 Highland, avenue; only few lots left at r Special price $25.00 foot. _ â- â- 'â- : ^ Fine wooded corner 50x140; 3 blocks to V station. $40.00 foot. " . lAlso fine inside lot W .-,tfcT frpnttrlinly iy. $30.00 fti-5-^'-^-;• â- >-â-  â- â- *.&y$fip:'â- â- &:â- &â- '<â-  Winnetka Colonial home; almost new; flv»- rooms; > hot water heat; deep wooded corner i lot; garage; easy terms; 4Mrtoa only $10,600.00. . ^Practically new 6 room stucco; 8 bed _______, ____,___ ^jgcÂ¥f^qio bath WltL pedestal fixtures; large living room; _hot water heat; garage; 4 blocks to transportation and 5 blocks to lake; 50 east front lot; price $12,500.00. iVery fine high wooded Sheridan road 1 corner lot, 100 x 200 feet; in excellent â- â€¢â- -â- bj location where^ surroundings are the $ very best. Owner desirous of selling; i cwill make attractive proposition. . f f3iILL AND WHEELER r'tl-:^- "Homes for Particular People" "^ToTTSihderi Ave. 743 Elm St. â- ': Wilmette 93 & 364 jf Winnetka 142 , LTG12^1t«r FOR SApB -- JUST COMPLETED, beautiful 6 room and heated dining porch, brick and stucco residence; If.1 w. h. 115 Sixth street, Wilmette. Choice east location. Phone Wilmette FOR SALBr-FAIR PLAIN MAHOGANY ^_twln beds, with springs and mattress; in excellent condition.- Phone Win. 510-R. ,-. •^Fliia-ltc FOR SALEâ€"|760 CASH, $40 MONTH, $4,000; new_6: rjMitt-^ojnae^_2„ glazed: porches; garage; (fine) well; close in; trade in diamonds, lot equity or R. E. contract. Box 302, Kenilworth, 111. LTQ12-ltp FOR SALEâ€"A SIX ROOM STUCCO residence; reasonable terms. Address Lake Shore News, A-8. L12-ltp WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOME WANTED TO PURCHASE WILMETTE home; 6 or 7 rooms; price not to exceed $13,000.00; possession May 1st or can use sooner. Address Lake Shore News, A-6. L12-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO RENTâ€"BY LOCAL PAR- ty; 7, 8, or 9 room house; 1 or 2 baths; 1 or 2 year lease; 3 in family; best of references. Address Lake Shore News, A-7. L12-ltc FOR RENTâ€"APARTMENT FOR ~ RENTâ€"UNFURNISHED FOUR room apartment-; private bath; kitchen- ette; heat; electricity; gas; hot water Included; rent $65.00; occupancy Feb- Also furnished rooms for rent. Wilmette to- --Inn,â€"728*litft- atreetrâ€"------ETGI2^Kc WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS BUSINESS WOMAN WANTS ONE OR two rooms; has prefer board also. News, A-6. furniture for same; Address Lake Shore L12-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR SALEâ€"SUBSTANTlAIt T^ ^OJ£ -rr home convenlenTâ„¢ to Northwestern 1 steam station and the electric road; £ large living room with fireplace; good ; 50 foot lot with garage and driver The dlaiest Jralue in town at the price. $8,000.00. Terms. ^ 8 room home,north east, in very attrac- tive condition ;^bBautifnl 75 foot lot. ^ $15,500^ / Splendid \8 room stucco situated mid- way betwteerrthe steam-station and lake^ 7 hot^water heat; large glassed sun and â€" sleeping porehesrall exceptionally large __light rooms; 2 rooms and bathroom on third floor. -â- â- .â- â- â- :â- :;-..- New 8 room brick and stucco, north east section, 3 baths, also shower^ glaaed^ ? sleeping porch; built in garage; many ^unusual attractive features; built by *r owner for himself. Selling on account ? of health; Can be purchased at actual â- ^••:'COSt.'. Specialâ€"55 foot wooded lot in south east Winnetka. Price $67.50 per foot. Sure to be worth more in the Spring. Beautiful 90 foot corner in best section Wilmette. $82.50 per foot. 8 room frame in good east section; large .;...; glassed sun and' sleeping porches, 2 f baths; heated garag^Jnlconnection with \ house.. For sale at a sacrifice on at- FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED KITCHEN- 'ette apartment; 2 rooms; private bath and porch. Phone Wil. 980-W. â- â€¢â- _____ LTG12-ltcT FpR RENTâ€"FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue. WJlmfitte^_Phbn»- WU^iOSO, LTG7-tfc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE FOR RENTâ€"UNHBATED GARAGE; good driveway; centrally located; also furished room. Phone WiL 844-J. ^ L12-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WOMAN DESIRES TO TAKE IN washing at home; either rough dry, or ----- „ â€" WH. 790. LTG12-ltc SiTtJATION WANTEt^MMALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for _ sale; ^pruning^ trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man, experienced and competent. M. J. Sulli- can, Mgr., 882 Pine street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1549. LTG9-tfc EXPERIENCED MAN IN CONCRETE and cement work, desires to make con- nections with a contractor. Am ex- perienced in handling men. References can be furnished. J. Shortridge, 544 Maple avenue, Kenilworth, III. LTG12-3tp SITUATION .. WANTED ^4ELDp$LY a,iuuoiii. ^Louse,. FOR SALEâ€"W AND , W s SEWING machine, oak china cabinet, and other articles; very reasonable. Phone Wil. „67&___ L12-lt0 FOR SALEâ€"$90.00 HOOSIBR WHITE enamel Kitchen Cabinet; latest de- sign; perfect order; for $50.00. « LTG12-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES THREE BARGAINS 1920 WILLYS-KNIGHT SEDAN JUST past the 7,000 mile mark. This car has never left the streets of Winnetka. It is in exceptionally fine condition through- out. Equipped with cord tires. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price $1,500. 1919 MODEL 88-4 WILLYS KNIGHT 7 passenger touring; far-the very best mechanical condition; a good set of tires; this car is just out of our paint Shop and is finished In beautiful Prus- sian blue with black running gears. It is honestly represented and is good for thousands of miles. Price $750.00. , ; 1916 5 PASSENGER CASE TOURING ~lhvery good condition throughout. This car is finished in a wonderful sea grass green with black running gears. It Is equipped with a good set of tires; a Vffry ^f^nATniffll anfl f?"»M» **«•- T*rit>.* m ^lNNETKA^MEOTORt eof Lincoln avenue. ^Bone^Wln; -I6ft^ LTG13-ltc FOR SALEâ€"STUDEBAKER SPECIAL 6 sedan, 1921 model; never off pa vino ; mileage less,thah 10,000 miles; ear has always had Studebaker service; has heater, shock abspj^e^rs, bumpe^ FOR SALE-DBTROirL'ELECTRICâ€" double driveM?ebuilt with new batteries; .will sacrifice for $1000. Phone Wil. 3240. • â- .;.. .--â- â- , •'â- â- -;:.i- :.-â- -â- â€¢. ^â- â- -., â- ,:.1in^^,l3C42?tte> FOR SALB-^DBTROIT COUPIb, 191»| IN perfect condition; must sell; best offer takes it. Phone WIL 2340. L12~ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS ~ SALEâ€"LADY'S BICtCLB: ALSO FOR______ _ flreless cooker. Win. 264. SALE" .FOR........______............._...______.. Bull pups; beautifully 6th street, Wltonette. Phone after 8 P. M. LTGia-^ltc PEDIGREED BOSTON marked. 104 L*2-ltp FOR SALEâ€"STRICTLY FRESH EGGS. Phone Wil. 708-M. L12-ltc WANTED- TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS "WANTED 'TO^"BUY=SBCOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, 111. Phono 189. LTG19-tfc MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION 45WNERS OF tire and Is In A-1 condition; model with extina* Is worth ? (new) $2500; offered for cash at $1,500. Call Wil. 1808. L12.itc WICKIE SAYS STOP* TUVUVtt US^BIt at t« dqop o' nu' vwr FBtms] OLE ^OAe*tOW^A-^AU, SBt VJOMY YA^G H« UOVAG TOVUW NEWSPAPER \ ArVH >fOO We have a number of steel tanks, suitable for storage and supply of oil-burning heating plants in 1000-2000 and 3000 gal, sizes. These tanks are complete with fittings for installation. We will install same at a minimum cost; a large =. tank will ^aimpllfy^your fuel problems and enable you to buy in larger quan- tities which means a saving in the price of fuel. If several parties inter- ested could arrange for purchase and installation at the same, time they would effect a considerable saving in the â€"cost^of^ installation. - y - ^-5* a Continental Tank Worlcs }j! :;rl^v:r:.-;jl05^Monrpe" Street '^ff:fr- |r <Phone Dearborn 1388^ .:Miv2^Nichois. ^MMi&^A INCOME TAX«RETtTRNS ARE YOU QUALIFIED TO ©O JUSTICH to yourself In making: out your own icnedulel our simple system o^'lp? sonal bookkeeping Is systematizing many a north shore man's affairs. May we not explain it to you. * A telephone h- call will bring this explanatlotti ^Pjeices; ^ are ' rate<|. from the , amoun|,: volte,w?iiiafc;v done. 'â- 'â- '?â-  "'."â- .'..... â- â€¢.•--^^â- â- ^•--^^--r'-~>':^^«™g»^r\-';;-i-',A-," Certified Public ipAccountantSi :^ $t* Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago. HI. Ran- dolph 2037. Can be reached^jto^ «ha evening at Wilmette 2270. LTG12-ltc INTO TURN YOJ4R aPARB,J| â- â- -"â- â- 'â- â- "i^^y-': DOLLAR£......... ....... StJPPLiY ISoal cbhsiimers wttn^ *^ftcl«l Save'i^uaranteed to save the user 30% of his coal. Men or women will find this a very profitable business. Ex- clusive rights. Write for full, p»J* ticulars enclosing stamp for repl3fe^i» - 'HOUSEHOLD CHEMICAL .CO. :^S 180 E^Srd:M<,rm.:,m^-:Wm*>^^f: ^UPTmjLSTERTNGT-^ i^XM SHADES* draperies, slip covers. Formerly with Mandel Bros. 1922 Maple avjBmie, Ev* ^iimston^ „JEhone_JBh?ajnsJtoj^ g|AMES:: B^MACmfU^Jll LTG9-4tc WANTED TO RENTâ€"A PIANO, COL^ umbtas School oFMu&mmE^m2^MM LOST AND FOUND LOST--JN OR AROUND NEW TRIER High School, a case containing a palr^Of glasses (horn rimmed.) Please_ notify r f;WH.; 1772. -â-  â- â- â- â- , ^'r--^y':-â- â- :^-'y<-:.'£4*riSM. m GOPHERS SET RECORD li Every town of 500 or mot© persons tn Minnesota has an American Legion post, Oopber state records show. Five hundred and thirteen poata and 275 LTGld-3tc| Auxiliary units have been organized 840 Linden avenue. Phone Wil. 68 L12-ltc ALMOST NEW 5 ROOM STUCCO BUNf ^ galow; sip. pch; h. w. ht; tile bath; Mflre place; 50 ft lot; three blocks from W: steam. station. Br Z. Termsr â€"Onljr Ss $8,000. •New 6 room Frame Colonial between -^^^Steam and'JS/$; tile bath; vapor heat; __ Ipjeartra-toilet and: lasatory::^st Itoorj -~^#7bresJfer4st nook--and den; fireplace; A ^bargain at $15^000. E. Z. Terms. . Attractive, new 6 rm. solid brick bun- galow near lake and **L^; glazed, sun i':-r^ZiM,.-J^--j&iB;'--t baths; h, w. ht; large \- v^vMake-:^nlckr offer. - â- '.:â- â-  â- â-  - ?a£~Z'^:- r-^ Spacious 8 rm. stc; glazed sun and sip. * pch; h. w. ht; large garage; deep wood- iJed lot; a homey home ^with 2 fireplaces * and 2 baths; $18,000. Reasonable terms. : In choicest N. B. section-â€"Unique 10 rm. -Pstc; glazed sun and sip. pchs; 2 baths; * double garage; h. w. ht. Lot 76x176 ft. $45 per ft. buys 80x92 ft. east side, lot; convenient to Steam and^'l/'- " :^4 $82 per ft for-beautifua _^_ best north east section. ;:,;;:lIli-M.:. E-: BARKER; & CO. End of *'L". 407 Linden Aye. Tol Wil. 407 LTG12-Itc â- A YOUR OWNHOME-WE â- ':FINANCE'Aifiilil _,. . . . - â- .......*. ^iiome for ^you, as we have f«£ four f^aras dresser, 4wJnJ>eds, small chert of you Idawera bed-side^ lapTr^gl^hairj Jill In hundred others, Just as soon as >ve paid fof- ynur-selected-homi rito North Evanston and South Wil blocks from tracks; best lake and east" of" "L' transportation^* our - pro- sosition includes both guaranteed in m ivestments as well as wonder*-• â€" Ifyfcion for a home. For partlci 1 dress, Lake Shore News B-88. L10-4tp PHINiCINdr OF ASOM^t liSSxpEMiHG^H-iaii liit*iEFFICIENCY:==' )1 |JWI1^|^E;RE^^ A. jplA^dcock, Mgr*pi '" St,^l^|f>hone;Wil."4304 News,. B-35. EXPERD3NCBDJS0HITB MAN WANTS house cleaning and working around housesr 650-perâ€"houri-â€"Oliver Hertz- i berger. Phone Wilmette 906-M^ â- â- 'â- -â- â€¢ L8-4tp ELECTRIC1- IRONS AND- TOASTERS repaired, vases wired, etc. R. I. Adams. Phone WIL 2845. LlO-tfc PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. -~PBo'nÂ¥r-Win:-am-J.:--rr:--Tpr.^^GW^tfe HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE AND FEMALE WANTEDâ€"MAN AND WIFE, WHITER for general work. Man must be chauf- to do general house work and cooking. A four room-apartment over a new garage will furnish pleasant JUving _ quarters. Four in family,; small house, Must have had long experience in thesi occupations and furnish good references. The salary is attractive. Telephone Harrison 1884, Or address Lake Shore News P*208v LTG12-lte YOUNG MEN, WOMEN, OVER 17* DE- siring government positions. $130 monthlyr^-wrlte for free list of-pposi*, tions now open. J.; Leonard,^(former Civil Service examiner) 690 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. Ll0-3tp FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD POOPS FOR SALEâ€"A JOHN A. COLBY & SON'S hand laid bedroom set; parchment color enamel hand-decorated set, consists of L12-1tc iiiilL ITKA COLONIAL; FIVE BBD rooms; 3 baths; 2 porches; garage; 100 Joot loti fine location*i^3outhwestWin* netka. Price $2600.00 . . ubbard Woods; 6 rooms: ~^porches; nice lot mear^sohool. JB^iffMg^-,^^ lencoe; splendid locationT^^onvhoTisef hoUow tile;Mot 66x210 ft; $15,500.00. ^i FRANK A. REH> h^Fhone ^WTn. ISQg. i^rennet-rH^bar^^^ LTG12-ltc SIX ESTATE HOMES lore May 1st. ^Prlce |S,6mJ0(rw^$ll^ 600.001 terms or exceptional barwrins w &± :~^as&itfe»e4iB,^:F^^ FOR SALEâ€"USED SMWlNG^fACHINES -^^hite $15.00; Rotary White |22.00; Domestic $8.00; New tttm~ |15.00; Singfir_ $18.00; Singer. k $22^00; Singer $25vOOT^ Standard $18.00; ^"cox^and Gibbs $18.00; Wilcox and Gibbs $25^ Electric sewlnjiiimacltttoeii portable^ $38.00 -tO^$60;< Patterson Bros., 864^ Davis St. Evans- JZEGlO-atcll SALE ON USED TA**B3NG MACHINES, taken In trade Wte our Brunswidfc ^wS^a^llo^^alrgains f^aBdng machines. $* cairy most aByme good makes. Easy payments.;-,i ^.,â- â- â- ^-â- ' .;;.;, Patterson Bros., 82S payfa Bt-n^m ton 664. ^ > LTG10-3te FOR SALE USBb pANOft ^YJP^ tolel^Decker $«).0o; dibfiK $M0jp0; Smith and Sons ^.OO&eoll and^ Son $130^0; WeUlngton â- }.. 1176^00? Bauer $195.00. Come in i jlnd see our new Cable^Nelsonplanos^^s^ppeme^«-3 Patterson Bros., 828 Davis SLm®vans ton 664. LTG10- *3tc- for-SALE--rbas6nablb % COUCH ^ned^wltosprihg and mattress; four [lencoe; splendid locationT^^omTMBUwr j»edU_with spring and mattress; four 4 bed rooms; 8 large proches; extra radiator hitrnldlfYers! charcoal automoa Jamtg»l^flBl~3aBlgESg^fcf^^ Z-gte^ter; fotir-hqrner elem6_hea^ WateiTneat; coastructton ^wncco-f^ â€"with alternating heat control; several ;>tot 66x210 ftr-wltli b^tJlH&a_picturft frames^^a^gooo^^a^ndtt feBest buy in Glenwe, JMe^ â€"P^na^gin. 1062. r ., LTG12 â- ^ USED WASHING M^HINBaREBUIIjp Moto $66.0«r ThorT|66.00; Thor $76.00; _. T......____^I6»00; Bdett $70*00; Judd $60.00. Easy payments. __ Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St.J3yans- ton 664. LTG10-3tc slii^isSSPil'S for Progressiv |S|5g| siness ^4?!^? :;.£n. L^rge: autoin6bne-:'ncianuf^tui^^ v^v wire.,merchMit'; in' tys:.territory|j|||||||^^ l|SI^Sl':' CThe line comprises £yro cars favorably known all over the worle#* One^J ne, the most comfort-g ing at a medium price. increase from month to month. Cars are right for a record year of business. sli|j|^iPiS^S§lfe?jSi^ ML TlpPlI ^TEe^^td't^pe of business mail, witiFoipinS izing ability and moderate capital will -find this aii Unusual op^r|un|v^^^ profitable business. â- aiaafeajafeaj^ag Box 90^1-ake Sholfe Nj^^jll'CMMrA^ MANi^ElvfEf^l :M0m fetti mm ;«iS^ *M: •"'^|j;'-'V| ~M§ ^-^^?*Pr-;€5| fll!l^W^ri^ m^ and is prepann^^rand |i ;Expr^^=aj Taxi Service ;'|efvice;;.nev^ M &m |Clean Cabs/';|;:^,|^';J||.|j|| fCourteous Qiaiiffejirslil |Qu1lk:-'Tr#llto|a^|^^ stations, or from your home tni^o gog iLight hauling of all Jcin<d^| y*^fi^^^^iiy^^^kr;^ - Trunk|yto and frorri depQ|s| ^^1^^ â- -â- ^ra <r *&&!&£&[ '/SfMii' FOR RUGS "plumbing, lumber, stoves ^Tj^Gi2«ltcilI3Sa^t2«i^^| 808 ^street; p£TGT-«e as» o liB^W^^Bilft^s^B'

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