MN»' r;\2 % NBWSTORi INTEREST! FN iNORTMfSHORE IGLUBECIRGLES Club Enjoysiiwo"'* Delightful Programs WO Winnetka artists, Mrs. H. H. Anning and Mrs. Hfarvey I. Brewer, to» gether with Mrs. Dwlght -G; Ofeutt o* ©len<coe, gave a most delightful pro- gram of French music at the Winnetka Woman's club^oiL^hursdayrJLftnu^y 19i:^TBe club Is justlyâ„¢"|j.rbuldF^always^ of the accomplishments of these musi- cians; their charming poise, artistry and conscientious interpretations are a continual source of delight They gave of tholr boat in the gives her instructions ©very Tuesday morning at ten o'clock at the club house. Every woman ought to be in- terested in this sort of education, since she is to take an active part in citizen- ship in the comng years, and an ex- cellent opjoftuifit^ this winter for us all to become better acquainted with matters of this kind. ^^hS^Aoli^^ the Woman's club of Wlilmette will hold an all-day meeting in the club rooms on Friday, February 3r from10 o'clock until 4.^M$M^,^--MB' Sewing will be done for the Social Service Department of the Cook Coun- fascinating compositions peculiar to fthe French people. \ The visiting artist was Mrs, William sHovfe, j#rahb, pupil of Franz^Jhtfr ?«howlity, wftos^^ con l>"nist. Mrs. Howo sain? admirably, several "Bergerettes" and concluded â- wjth a beautiful renditioa of tb« "Louise" aria of Charpentier; Mrs. iLputo Scbmid was in charga of this ygrogram A very enjoyable afterno*^ |Hl the auspices of the Drama Study class '"^v ftouk place at the club roon rn Mon- Iday, January 23. ||The one-act play, -^r*Overtones,'! was presented by a cast m H. Car num. 'Aire Wi/liam Ogden Coleman, Mrs. ;;-^;ILloy»i Faxon, and Mrs. J. vWiUiams - :^zi JMacyy TheHPartB^were ^ntfh one well :l?|lltaken"1S and the audience showed a 'S&&ifr*ftrty appreciation ^ot;, the -plajr^jand â- â- "-•f^ithe-players/-'.;::^ ""â- 'â- ": -"'III â- â- â- '" «|| The author of this^clever play, Misjs â€"-^fiSIJA'lico Gerstenbergi was -presented* apd "•^"ojspoke briefly on what constitutes a â€"*- fplay^and^ |te necessary for a would-be author.§i| : - The contest for the writing of ohe- - stct plays which is open to all resi- dents of Winnetka will tflose Febru- â- â- â- ;. ary 1, and fill manuscripts must be ^turned in by that time. Thu success- jful play will bs presented b/ the class. FTThe Board of the Winnetka Woman's ^oTub Ts^efferihg Citizenship classes, conducted by Mrs* Maurice HrLieber, free of charge to every woman in Win- netka. .. Mrs. Lieber, who is an authority on this particular subject. .W&- Women In Chicago fHEjWfLSON SKIRT SHOP Ji >Made with your own -material"-^ Suite 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 â- 17 N. State CHICAGO 16 N. Wabagh i * Sii. LIONEL BARRYMORE "Boomerang BilF' ,** ...',:'.-'. MMMpWUf â- .â- â- â- *â- â- â- » A Paramount Picture THURSDAY AND FRIDAY |l|lil'-;-" FEB. 2-3 ##®f| gÂ¥ALLACE,; :REiD-_| |ll?ISIKlttiSPand â- Wt%tW?-:y% M *RENTfFREE" li&MAJaramowmt Pietar* fx 6- SATURDAY***. * " WINIFRED tm$ '^8ssiS|s§ (Mrt.Wrti. IN ;h*h&% iy^i- u mm ^i^i^" 11 Mi ty Hospital. Luncheon Will be served. On Wednesday, February lv at-2 s30 P. M., Mr. R B. Pattison Kline will give the first of a course of four lectures on Current Events. The great popularity; of Mr. Kline's course of last year insuree-a full-afc tendance at this series. m:&w vet in 20 hospitals Twenty hospitals in three years is the record of one disabled fighter dis- covered by the_American Legion. Physicians at Fort Lyon, Colorado, where this patient is now being treat- ed, say that he at least will never suffer from getting in a rut. - WKms, ^he Store For Children WMG^Wiimette Avenue WmmmMA WiLMETTE ^^x^^^& -^^^fi;"-!" 'ij$?vf&r-'* pales may come, and sales rriay go, put now's the time you ought to buy. Things at KIDDIE NOOK are low in cost, and sufe:"tp"satisfy.|l|«^ None who have visited the DRESS sale have been disappointed. You can yet select some remarkable values foraiiy::gj|c':Uj|.io 'waAxffimm^^^^^^^^M^ SLEEPING-GARMENTS, reduced to $1.25 each, and another lot of good FLANNEL SLEEPERS at 85c,« r will be found among many attractions at The Store For ChUdren this ^eek^^^^^^^^^^^^^;| ^'^â- ;^^tfw-jj3»^.i<4j9^. Ppfff mMMm %& vjv- '*3MMS0^$M "^7- Special Clearance of â- â- QHwjH^I^S or ;br;esB|||||li,5| 529 Davis Street §ilnMrtkS^ IwillllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH^ c^^^ wp|ff^ij m occasions await your !A" liiitod-iiew: joy: tor' a ,nataoa!^ ^.thcy. .M^gHI were "hot cakes" they couldn't go fa^teif-^^^P^' throughout all America. A million and -iiiiiliilil^ ^^^tove good ice cream and luscious choco- ^m^&mm^M^mms^^^mwfve gooa ice cream »nu iubwuub vuv^v and delivered to the consumer S|s?^S^§ Buy it wherever ice cream is sold. Made by local ice cream mfiiHEicfi^^ under the patents of the Russell Stover Company, Mailers Building, Chicago ailSsftiaiS? â- haJSts-w M^iiSl? IM8 l^frtS;^ ggtSirijg* ^^^^^^^^