Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1922, p. 4

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"AmericanChristianity in Faith and Practice" is the theme for the month of January. Two weeks ago Mr. Stifler spoke ot^Qm-Heritage^-I<aat_ Sun- day he spoke of" "Our History." This Sunday- h«-wiM ^epeak^of '^Our Em- phasis," dwelling upon the significance of the place of\ the Evangelical churches, the Sunday schoolmovement and the Missionary enterprise^ This evening at 7:45, Mr. WV D. O'Neil, director of Pictorial Publicity of the Bureau of American Travel, Incorporated, will give a program of moving pictures andJieautiful colored slides. There is no "admission fee and all friends of the church -are cordially invited. The films to be ex- hibited are entitled, "Treasures of Wisconsin Beauty/' "Boost Chicago" and "Baking Bread." ChildrejB_will_ "^^nQood music will be^ in-TDr- t^weRomeT^Good music will b« teruersed with the pioturos. The White Cross meeting of Mojnan!s_society-wiU he held at church this afternoon from 2 to «'clock/ the the 4:30 jwilL dateL:!:'.S"'^.S5" TheQfLerrag^from autrchurcli and Sunday school, for Lake Bluff orphan; age, this year, amounted to just a little Jess than $450: CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH â- * Reverend Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor, will preach ne*t Sunday morning on "A New Birth", his fourth New Year message for the individual. Miss Mary Welch, soloist. Morning serv- ice begins at 11 o'clock. The Wilmette Community School of Religious Education began its second semester last Monday night, with great success. Wilmette is very for- tunate in having such splendid people as"©rr-<lrant, rector of Trinity Epis- copal church, Chicago; Dr. McKibben, director/of Week-day Religious In* struction in Evanston_and Oak ParkdJ RJcTiaTd^o^fof^Evahston, and Mrs. Marie Hunter of Oak Park, as mem- ihold its regular meetIhg~oirSunday tfevening at 5:30 o'clock. Great inter- «%ijSlest is heing shown in these meetings lliilwhich are attracting the largest "^0$^ietyMpr::Vw#^;iJ;;S&-^:^.:^'^,.w..'.:â-  -,,. 'â- ,,,, .,.,, ttflt •':'The'"'Church,':D^ffig^e^:of^:the":con-; |^i|Btittteiit members' of the Wilmette sfUljDburch Council, is sponsoring the ift organ recital to be given at the Con- slit gregatlonal church at 8 o'clock on ^Tuesday evening, January 24, by ?Gatty Sellars, assisted by Miss Signe Jgagen, soprano bers of this faculty. Any who were unabl©_ to attends the first lectures, but who would like to become mem- bers of the. classes now, may do sq. Just be on hand tfext Monday even- CuroK";. This JB to be Jijomtj^^^^^^^. the ^mw «-«• ------â€" -- -- . - â€" _servicLe with- the Senior Christian En deavor Society when they will be given an oppbitunityto tell some- thing of their own work. At the close of the program there will be a Chris- tian fellowship hour, the Woman's Society serving light refreshments. On Tuesday, January 24, the Wom- an's Society will meet aMhe church. This istoHbe an all-day meeting, the morning hours being devoted to sew- ing. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon there will be a missionary program »<»».»«..»*,._.«.â€" .â€""-'-rr ~ ^-_.,_ a_d and the studr oF "tfnflnisher Bust 4he men marched into %chur^ana ness" lead by Mrs. Quayle, LunXfoccupied the front pewspgThe clubjis eon will be served at noon \its regular -meeting Tuesday evening. Supper will be served at 6:30, follfljr- ed by * business meeting; and^tne study of the home mission text book "From Survey to Service." ^TOrmfa-week services will be held as usual at eight o'clock Wednesday evening. , â-  _. JU~ the Men?s«club dinner-last Frfc lay night it was arranged that the men should attend church service the loir lowing0 Sunday ^morning in a body. It certainly was an inspiring sight when growing both in numbers and interest ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH At the Annual Parish meeting Of St. Augustine's last week Mr. George W. SDringer was elected Senior Warden aid Mr. George J. PhmipsMnnior W&en: ^he» elected on the Vestry; ,^*:.,7~p Mr. G. W. Springer, Mr. G. J. Phil* lins Mr. F. J. Baker, Mr, B. A. Crowe* MrV B Wilson, Mr. Ford Jones, Mi| P M. BinghanI..Mr. Oliver::Prlngh3.|; ^Mr. p. u.-mfia^^ynw.^\t^rw^i^ praTTt^na^ay-T^^ zeured^lronr^qme ywm**%aA teachers will meet for its month- ^•^iy conference on Friday evening, -Jan-- liS ttjry 27; at the church, at 8 o'clock. 'â- M0r"^^r"fpcawth..' of the school and the present inadequacy of the quarters so g|ip provided lor inthe-new church present many problems which will be before the' conference^^lf ":Ci^li%:^"' #At the Midweek meetihg^biL^Wed- Seiday, January 25, the pastor will be- Mil a aeries of discussions entitled ^^ C^jrch^g TaskV^ Such therffes a^^he Church and the Child," "The 6hurch and Charity," "The Church TJhj| Church and ing at 7:40 o'clock. The Wilmette Church council pre- sents Gatty Sellars of London, the well-known organist-composer, Tues- day evenings January 24, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Sellars' reputation" as an organ- ist and composer is well known not alone in his own country, England, but in all parts of Europe and in North and South America. Included in the program will be vocal solos by Miss Signe Hagen of the Casino Opera, Copenhagen. â€"Tickets tu this recital may be of~ the stores, from the pastors of the local churches. A Devotional meeting, to which teachers and officers are especially invited, will be held in the church parlor, at 7:45 o'clockr Wednesday evening,uMr. Lloyd leading. Follow- ing the devotions, the regular month- ly business meeting., of the Church .sj(&o01-wJii;l»erheld^^ The Tatapochon Calmpi Fire Girls will meet Thursday afternoon at the home Wash- ~mak- Of Mrs; W IB. Diiff, 550 ington avenue? if The girls are Ing little dresses for the children the Arden Shore summer camp. # The Washington Avenue Circle, ^uobbnue, ftnnriftv school at 9;*f> »flr vail -ages. Dr. Rapp : teaches: the men's class and Prof. Hutchens the xiass: ^thiivmen ________^oarThe womern?pI sit »sp§« with the children during the opening \ eacerclflesT MeiiiT andT wdnien, come and home 6f Mrs: W. s: Miss- Frances Jam«rt3i^0BBley wittf^ at tae 245 linden ^avenue Goodhue and Mrs assist. ^ The Secohd tri#j| m: will meet Friday the church. Mr. ter. Boy Scouts evening at 7:30 at Qilmore» oooutmaa w ^uvv^v^^^i At:^^j^SOOy-Womanyii;"QMilil ;lnigin^TTOxr~SinF ^^SZBitlJFriday, Ittwas r^ported-hy^ bring your children with you. JjjlDiy 'ItansejL^nreaches -at. ll;; ^o'clock gjgg :•:'oui'large' â-  '"chorus-" chdliipsinp: "'" $Bnft^^Iend4oihIiMe>^ Vesper Service at ^o'clock, preach- ^Shg-hy::'the^':ipastor"-:ind^:'nius^ aatoa^^oir*^:-'^?^?^!!!^ 1 The* Jjinior C^ iSundSy afternoon af 3:30 o'clock. No Junior^ Choir rehearsal Thursday night. was $1,028.20, that expenses amounted tcv^$2^|.24, makihg^??!^ the net ^laWc^miWhat's, the matter with the =woineit^ $t; itaeK^^ffl^iej 0atm people at 6 o sphnrch dining room. ^ Bpworth League meeting at 6:15 , li^cloclc; Mr. Couden, president of the p ^l^teeBtde^Sub Districfe^leader. There^ ^%^#W311 be special music vi2 g| JntermediateUeaguer^r^uniorSr at; 111 Prayer meeting Wednesday night at ^=^*^^o^tn*^^ Six, ^ came to prayer meeting last Wedttes- S day *h a body and marched-in, with 1 theilf badges on, Just after the meet- ^ ^ llijg ^opeaBA. This-^as^^jsIgMvgE cheer the heart of any pastor in these ^-^on-prayer daysr The prayer meeting Choir rehearsal Thpsday h^ght^at: fc?^^^^;-"6^H^:^rawe:vtti-. rbbm.fojr two &$&§;-$&&&â-  ,mor«-sgooa::;^soprano55."^ :The: ^::v:r^'cnoirs:;rb^s3wll;^^^^ .soony,,: Th^ Yora^^W^nnen^r MissioiitaTy so- ticri5r«iiBty will give a, concert int *ho ekureh FJ-lday night, January 27, to which U^^^r^^^Sif^ cents. I Mrs^ Vesta Murray Watfcins, soprano, I^M""*M Vtm Ethel ^Woodstock ^*orter> mmk nramatic reader, will satisfjt^lher tor, large audience that this hoped _j»imi^______ - .........____ ^t^fetmore;r blessed ^ give than to t^ivev ^S^ur:^^ young woinei^ in their work, for others. J * Secretary, is how In charge of the I office in the Men's room at the church "> - from 9 to 12iAg^A^-M.^ an.l from 1 to :J^'^kSl^atAA^Uim;- for the pastor should he '"'<:{:.-iipbimM^:'/or â-  delivered, to the secre- tary. Phone 2348. . â- ....• -^ â- " :'v^h#^«econd- general â- ". reception of Il'V-'lig^»iK :'since,:.€on^rene#4riltr:take Mrs. Frederick Tilt^general chairman of the bazajur^ which^^ took place Decem- ber 7. lliatthft trttfll atnmiiit takftn IrL 3 HPW aT^^WTImette^_WbmanTs club, Tenth street and Greehleaf ave- nue, Rev. A. O. Sohomv pastor. Sunday Bchool 9:45 a. m. Louis F. Mueller, superintendent. Spfcil , | Mdrnihig services at 11 8*c6lcki special musicblinder-ihe-direction o& :7^:r-P.\^I;ii,Jrl||. and-::; Miss ,,;Alice Schnauder, organist ?I||^p|?;?:vl:'Sl!tl|I â-  --^Catechetical class hlrellS^ F. Mueller, 619 Gregory avenue, Fri- day at 4 o'colck^ Attend bur Bible class !ftff Rev. A. Homrighaus is giving "expositions Uli theTGospel pi St. John, JEveryone interested is invited to attend. JfSlllPiP^I" CHURCH r€An Experience Worth Having and How to Get It/' is the topic of Dr, Magill's sermon^ fpr next Sunday„Bsorn- 1 We are pleased to announce: thatl^ Mrs. Hazel Wellfli Moody will hA «ia special soloist at the Sunday morn- ing'service. She will sing, ^Hear Ye ^-Itt-and^ouMghlca^o^^t^ tel^n^^hur^h Ts^ OliisOTvthig* Sunday, January 22, as "World Day." Special programs have been arranged in many of the churches presenting facts and possibilities sion of \ the -pl*^- l^-^jftl#l>irish paper "'Jfhe North Shore |:^^kifdi^le^--%|ll;; appear on the same concerning the exten- church throughout, the red^ln-Feb= ruary by # series Of pageants. "In keeping with this plan we have ar- ranged a special program for a vesper service'Sunday afternoon at 5 O'clock. At this time Dr. Charles B. Bradt, IMstrict ;J8eenre,fcwryS»f the Board of Jnrnign Mlnaionn W thu Vi iiiiltjiliiiUnii church, will deliver an address on "Modern World .Wonders iSg^ij^4g^L|iaB^^ 'Every banker ia Portsmouth kh^s th^ to^n the bariks could not stay a weeky iMave been|| ^ precede safe bank-f fffijl'f'<^ps' indnce"law anH ordcr. We suppOffe 0.& bis Choice, beeause we want Eortsnioutb ^o grow and become a better place i^ whicKtojii^^^ a family.2iWe know that along tbe path o| rig^^oi^-- nes3 and this alone lies stable^ co^nu^ We want to put our influence oil the -'-side â- â- ;o| _i|gbt]|l eveTy^time.J 'sm. 3Fhe Churches of Wilmette are unlte3i;^r^^1^^^^^ff! ^cooperation and, support. ::;....."^^f^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^M â- -vsxmti,'. ;I^UGilTINrSEPISCO^^ Wff$- 'M^vM'^^i^^r^f^" |V1LMETTEENG^

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