s^p{s3|^^p^i»~%i THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1923 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS -1 REAL Ratesâ€"10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes^ day at 1 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka- Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per-4tne; Blacky Face type Charged Double Price. WANTEDâ€"TYPIST, LIVING* IN WIL- ihette to copy notes at home or as I en in work Pfr™™ wji_ 207a^"ttftei-_7 P. M. ";â€"â- Lll-lte _BEAL__ESTAIE- ^-M^OUNSON--8t-GOr OFFER Substantial 7 room home in best section, 50 foot corner lot; owner going east --offer* at $12,000. - . " . Attractive 7 room frame; convenient to both Elevated and Steam transporta- tion, sun and sleepjng_porches, SLhaths, •gara&e, $13,500. ,. â- • _ * "Nearly"Trer ^room briclr bungalow, ^ baths, sleeping porch, hot water Jheat^ excellent condition, garage, sus.uuU Modern 7 room stucco large living room, 3 screened porches also 2 glassed and â€" heated, tile bath, hot waer heat, in- iliistantaneous-heat^rr^garagei fine lot 53 by 180, trees and shrubs, $17,000. Beautiful vacant property between Ele- vated and Lake, Greenleaf avenue at $92.50 per foot, Linden avenue at $90 per foot. i.,.-- , TFine corner east of tracks in Wmnetka only* $65 per foot. 3L M. JOHNSTON & CO: 340 Linden avenue Phone Wil. 68 ________Lll-ltc. 7=REAlT-ATTRACTIVE BUYS Almost new 5 room stucco bungalow; fire place; sleeping porch;, Jiot water ^-theatr^hV loath; good lot; only $8,000. 1 E. Z. terms. •Unusual value! 9 room stucco; steam heat; _ double gara^rei_-iieep-JWoooted^4o^653E210i __2.. baths; only $15.000: owner must sell; ^make offer..........-..............â€"â€".....~â„¢"_. "â- ----- 6 room brick bungalow; sun and sleeping porches; 2 bathsj. fire placel_.hpt water heat; garage; k>t~55xI50; only $l$v©00; Reasonable terms; owner leaving; .make offer. Spacious 8 room stucco; glazed sun and â€"sleepingporches; hefewaijgrJheat; large parage; deep wooded lot; a homey home with two flrje places and two baths; $18,000; reasonable terms; make o-ffer. niOiie. 6 room brick bungalow, 2 baths; hot water heat; garage; ~S5 ft. lot; $16,000. E.â€"Sfcâ€"term*.â€"Owner going to California; must sell. Submit _offer. â- Mr--l.':3ARKiER^JDO^^i End\ "L," 407 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 407 A Boom stucco. 4 years old, water neaj, â€"large Irving room-with nrepiace, nne io- â€"-eatienr^n perfect condition- $12,500. 9 Boom- stucco, lot 63x159, finest,, section of Wilmette, 5 bed room* a bargain at HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE AND FEMALE YOUNG MEN. WOMEN, OVER 17, blBJ- siring government positions. $130 , monthly, write for free list of posi- tions now^ open. J.- Leonard,(former Civil Service examiner) 590 • Equitable Bldg., Washington, p. C. L10-3tfr submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- r-tnt-canâ€"furnish" house-man, SITUATION WANTEDâ€"ELDERLY MAN tend furnace; clean car; handy around house; small place; board and room. Reference. Address Lake Shore News E-35. _L10-Stp EXPERIENCE^-WHITEMAN WANTS houseâ€"cleaning and working around houses; fi5c__per_hdur.___Oilver_- Hertz^ berger. Phone Wilmette 9060-M. _____•--------------------------------------=-------ILS^tp: YOUNG MAN, EXPERIENCED, WANTS carpenter work. Will consider other work. 1620 Wilmette avenue. Phone Wil. 1729*â€"-r-^-~."---------------------^tt-ltp wanted .ro-^ro^am^ h*w-s^^ furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Croft Furniture Store, 1004-6 JJmmerson St., Evanston, Jll. Phone 189. LTG19-tfc -MtSCELLANEOUS ATTENTION OWNERS OF Oil. BURNING HEATING WeJiave a nmber of steel tanks, citable for storage and supply of oU-buraln* heating j>lant* in 1000-2000 and 3000 gal. sizes. These tanks are complete- with fittings for installation. We will in- stall same at %&tatovmco*>*lm> tank will sinrfffi&r your fuel imMema and enable ySffWbuy .in larger mum- titifts wbirh means a saving_Jn-ine^ »...». ... fuel. If several parties inter ested could arranged for purchase ^and installation atthe same time they woui effect a considerable saving m the cost of installation. Continental Tank Worksziz: ___ 105 Monroe Street Th6ne""DeafboTn~t388"" Mr. Nichols? WANTED^-PAINTING AND CALCIMIN- ing; building maintenance; repairs Of all kinds. Phone Win. 456. T45-ltc ELECTRIC IRONS^~SNb ~ TO JCSTERS repaired, vasesâ€"wired, etc. R. I. Adams. Phone "WIL 2345. ^ Lid-fid PIANOS TJLJNED^ REGULATED, RE^ paired; expert; best references. Poster. Phone Win. 509-J. - LTG50-tfc rHFDRrSAtE^APTOMOBrtES^ â- â€".. THREE BARGAINS 1920 WILLYS-KNIGHT SEDAN^JUSIL past the 7,00Avmile^^aTki This ear Jias .never left the streSts of Winnetka. It is in exceptionally fine-condition through- out. Equipped with cord tires. Must g?£!| hft sftftfi. tn he apnroniatcd. Price^-$l-.500r ""^^^iTmODEL 88-4 WILLYS KNIGHT 7 passenger touring; in the very best mechanical condition; a good se't of tires; this car is just out of our paint bishop juufc:is=flwishedinHbeauttfut Prus^ sian blue with black running gears. It _Js honestly represented-and is- good for- thousand of miles. Price $750.00. p 1916 5 PASSEN«BR--€A^E--TOURING %| in very good condition throughout. This car is finished in a wonderful sea grass green with black running gears. It is equipped with a good set of tires; a very economical and reliable car. Price $350.00 WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln avenue. Phone Win. 165. FOR SALEâ€"FORD __openâ€"grocery- body; good condition; cheap. A.. S. Van Deusen, 1154 Central aVemier Wilmette. LTGll-lte FOR SALEâ€"KING 8 TOURING CAR; tires and running condition good. Phone ,BrJ8an^.ft£&^J4^^ MICKIE SAYS DOLLARS SUPPLY coal consumers jfcj*1} "5JS1 Save* guaranteed to save the user 30% of his goal. Men or women will find this a very profitable bu»mess. ^Ex- clusive rights. Write lor full parr Ocularis enclosing stamp for reply. HOUSEHOLD CHEMICAL 00»._^_ 180 E. 8rd St., Bt. Paul, Minn. Lll-ltc Do you like soft handsâ€"use Blue Devil Cleanser. â€"Adv. LTGlO-ltc draperies, slip covers. Formerly with Mandel Bros. 1922 Maple avenue, Bv-,3 anston. Phone Evanston 8852-W. as JAMES3. MACFARLANE | rzr: Interior Decorator --'--$ -.-•^^r..... â- ..LTG9-4tc- ivtjii^g -Oerms walk on the other side of the street when passing a house cleaned with Bule Devil. â€"Adv. LTGlO-ltc "Sweeten your husband ana the whoel house^-with Blue Devil Cleanser. ----- '-::-•â- "--â€"Adv. L»TG10-ltc> "THERE Vo AUMPMS TOKSESS^ per nw' mam vmo GOES UStMG OUR AOME5Cr\S\WQt eOLUMHS ^3IEMETTE REALTY CO. â€"â€" A.-Jv Woodcock, Prop. ki« it*. «t Tel. Wil. 1304 ^Ig^HLiSr^ft, â- .C- â- :/ â- .â- â- :â- â- *4&*m&&&&......L«TGll-ltc WE" S^^^S*NlTiOME= WILL BUILD AND I7."."'..: FINANCE"A"^~ i home for you, as we have fbr ^undred. others, just j^ soon four as you hundred ottiers, just â- â- ". w***" Z?" $25.00; Standard $18.00; Wilcox and ^ave-paid-f^r^^ttr-^eieo^ed^mestte^ â€"Gt^g-ftBtm Wilcox and^Glbbs"$25.00; In North Evanston and boutn;^J30"ji raftntrio «P-wjng_jnaohtn«»ii^â€".pnrtnM«w 828 Davis St., Evans- xzraio=M5 nieTte^e"iiave~some new: 3iropfi blocks from lake and .east-of ^racksj best U^nsportation; our posiflonsl iucludesl, vestments as well tion for a home, dressy Ltako Shore "ists*1 W&H i^ft SuarlfiEeMfe1H?: as wonderful loca- For particulars ad- News E-a8. -T; rAtz __________ LlQfc4tp 3FOBF SALE â€" JUST â- - COM^WiJR â- beautiful 6 room and heate^ dining II porch, brick and ^tucco^residence, h. w. h. 115 Sixth str£et, Wijme"^. - Phone Wilmette LTG4-tfc P*5? Choice east location. -:i936...,;.Mi,, mMmM FOB RENT-HOUSE FOR RENT,â€"FURâ€"__â€"- Winnetka east of tracks, jrtatioip; Bflvpn rnoinrvg nn ond floors; maid's cjuarters y»"».»*« on third floor..-.ltod«omete..fum4gg^ rHot water heat with "NoKol", burner. Double garage, large grounds. From Feb 1 to May__J_J&ttLJassi&s8ion Jan- u^O^1!^^^^ telephone; Lake View 8026. LTG9-8tc " WANTEP T6 BUy-HOME WILL PURCttASB HOME EAST tiiutii 116.000, WANTED TO BUY ------- " --^ilmettef-^MOO -- or under Lake Shore News-A-1. Address Xll-ltc SMALL HOME IN Address Lll-ltc %OR RENTâ€"FIRST FLOOR & â„¢JVg ^nfurntahe^apartment; private bath; Sot water heat_iSclud|a. ^^$*&% V&rvMfr 1st* Wilmette Imv ^^JJgl SliililTOR -RENTâ€"ON& LAǤ3,;FlJRmSl«m> ii^^^.^ntraj.;«^ue,,,^e^^^^ W$IKwitixii^^ -^oT:.^ia> â- ^^W<&fwa**r. «29 West Railroad, avenue. MxtSm^M Wilmette. . «Z5» west xw*i«tv»w ~"j"r?i Phone WI1. 1080. LTG7-tfc a HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE general ,___„___"6B7 "WOMAN houeeworkh ruiiglrtr FOR high ___ _ . -use -__ school girl; small family; good Some, Address *ii Abbottsferd road. TfJ»one Kenllworth 1260. m Lll-ltc Ti^-feOMPETbENT Fiworth^ewr ***"" ,'~"*':;;#^LTtt-it^ |yANTIfll>-WHlTJfl OlKL i^WUBM'-. . .â- . â- ,.,^___- â- ^ - . â- ^^ „.r.^...~*h worlrand help *11& 18 month old baby; W>ft aAl^g~44^duiNEA- Piiw mm^msm--^^.-TjM^Wrt character re|erences| "hutelSiiSteSSS^SSI.^i^; required." Phone Win. 105. LTqitglte "------^&NURSm IHBL J50ILAF! noons; wages $4 per weelt jPhone ffi^^"--"~....."â- â- 'â- â- â- â- â- - v*i "NECESSt ities; one modern Stewart gas range, rmAtu 1 side oven $25.00; Wilson & Gibbs-sew=1â€"^iZ^tl â€"ing~ma©hineâ€"$1Oj00; both in first class condition. -932 North avenue. Phone Win. 809. LTll-ltc FOR SALEâ€"FUMED OAK DINING table, 6 chairs and buffet $35.00, fumed oak library table. Wil. 1383. Lll-ltp »: POU SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOOS" FOTT^£E3[raMOEWS^HAtjHlNES White $15.00r^Roary--i White $22.00; Domestic $8.00; New Home $15.00; Singer $18.00; Singer' $22.00; Singer $25.00; Standard Patterson Bros. SALE ON USED TALKING MACHINES, taken in trade on our Brunswick, TOrjiaoti %nd: Srrnnra. mflfhlnps. "We »1- ways have good bargains on talking machines. -.- We-earrystraojsr: alt -the -«ooo makes. .Easy payments.â€" Patterson Bros., 828- Davis St., Evans- ton 6564. LTGlO-tfc l^lmette ^ 7f. Phone Wil. 2403 FOR SALE USED -PIANOS. OVER- hauled. Decker $90>00; Cable $110,00,-- Smith and Sons $125.00; Doll and Son $130.00; Wellington $175.00; Bauer - le-NelsOn -pianos. Easy payments atterson Bros., 828 Davis St., Evans- ton 654? ' â- .. . LTG10-3tc WR....... SALEâ€"MrEK^FETJ -dry-picked. Roasting Chicken . *. Broilers,............. Apply^ 7638-N. Glai Phone Evanston 6890. ... ;..lb?30c r.-*-Vi.lb. 36c ..-----lb. 60c Evanston. LTllUltp USED Molo Thor „.....____________, _, Judd $60.00. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St. Evans ton 654. . ..... .,:. .._^...........__,... LT€ttO-3t«h WASHING MACHINES, rebuild. $65.00; Thor $65.00; Thor $75.00; |80.00; Thor $45.00; Eden $70^00; FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGS, piano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber,- stoves (anything bought, sold and exchanged. Pony-carts). 808 Oak street.. Phone Win. 1212. LTGl-tftr aam_______, nvaie u»m»i win. xzjm. X>TGl-tfc idtcheiiette; -Screened ^ac^lecg°S: ^X)R SALE^-LIVING ROOM AND BED private veranda; heat,., gas, S^ESSzSL room furniture, beds, librarv *»hi2^ room piano lamp, . lamp, etc., Winnetka. furniture, beds, library tabled bench, - music cabinet; floor small: mabonganyâ€"table,â€"-table etc.^; 821 Foxdale avenue, . ........^v»... , .r.-: LTii-itc COAL £OR flAUTAT ^AOKlFICEngg: P?ace^ by KLEEN â- HBET oil burner, CalL at 800 Oakwood aveftae,;Wilmette! _JPhone Harrison 6858. : ^.. Lll-Uc F??k, SAil^iiAMG^A^S: BILLIARD table with, library top; first class con- dition. Phone Wil. 266. 811 Ashland avenw>- ^ LTGlO-ltc FOR SALEâ€"GENTLEMAN'S FUR^Llif: ed overcoat; fine condition; rra^nable ""Phone Winnetka^320; LTGH-ltc ed ______ ffflLjbash^ FOR BALE â€" WHITE HITS'1 S?s h°use; absoiu_„ „«„, ^ 922 North avenue. Phone Win. 809. ZZ~* »-"« â€" «tj»-x-ju SHINGLED tt25*^Sn_5?* £°use; ^Si?01"4®}?: new; $5.00. fSWFBDâ€"COMPBTEWT MAH> ^^©R Igeneral-houeeworfcf four- to^5â„¢g»-*l-----â€"----------â€"-â€"â€"â€"^^T^fH^TfTr a^ttl^^OM^r^^^Jg^i^^^ ^OR^gALB-^KANZ-PRBMIER ELECT »*!»*""*?â- â- . trie deariAf with oil n**n~u~__>rr^Ti_ tric cleaner with all attachiaenis^per- fect condition, ^^me l^m^^Tr #»TGll-ltc "^g"*1"-.-" uuajnjsaâ€"TKJS:â€"WITH wS^S^r* feedinK cups; cheap. Phone fc w^Brmx^^mjkm; #ibo. Phoned LTeil-ltc litUATIOM WANTEP-FEMALE BXPERIENCEDâ€"-%& " â€""" j WANTED^ TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS JANUARY CLEARANCE A Reductlonon-EMlPa-JtOOk-.:- UE STYLE SHOP B. Coplan, Proprietor ciiaX)ak^^innetj^ Effective_Jan. 1. 1922, new prices prevail on Buick Models ^ffi^^rFRw PasiT ^Touririf 1396 22-Four-35 Five Pass. Touring ^93#F 22-SJx-46 Three Pass. Coupe 1886 22-Four-36 Three Pass. Coupe 12d5 22-S1X-47 Five Pass^ Sedan- , 2165 22-Four-37 Five Pasi. Sedan . T395" â- r-r-H22-SbCi4frFour- Pass. Coupe 2075 am pric«a FOB Flint Mlehlnan 22-SU-49 Seven Pass. Touring 1585 M" Pr,ces. F- °- B- F,,nT« Wicnigan 22-Slx-50 Seven Pass. Sedan . 2375 Ask About the Q. M. A. C. Plan ^reedemonstratibn and literature furnished at your request. Buy Your Buick Near Horne WHENMITERJJQ^^ NEW FORD Effective Monday, January 16th, .......^ wants Phone Wil. 11. 17S9. i cari^ electric or Temp; carpenter bench. good condition; - atoo> Phone Win.. 1334. Chassis ...$285,00 with starter and demo, rims $380.00 Runabout . 319.00 with starter and demo, rims 414.00 Touring .. 348.00 with starter and demo, rims 443.00 Coupdet $580.00 AH F. &E. Detroit J^^ Open and Closed Ford Car* on Display JZxcJum^ ^~~SakarMgfiM Phone Evanaton