Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jan 1922, p. 8

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|^Mpf||f||||||pfPP?3 SiflS^ji^^i^TXT^ ijltKi^f&S'iffifii). is^hIs^him^ One Hundred f hou.and Mora Auto- , lifK^ 4 »obi!e. of all Claaa*. ttcoi».ed IIWW^r â- -: During 19ZI. Than in ,?*>*S>rf' !|Praviou»..Year:; iftS pMii^Sprini^el^ kHVSbre' automobiles of all <^*f/££ licensed by Secretary of State Lows IJ Emmerson during 1921; than for the orevioua yeaiv-according to figures announced today by the Automobile department. This increase is con- sidered remarkablejn the iacjroT the fia^that "pricesff^f automobiles reached the highest j>oint m 1921. licenses werejssued last yearjor H&3M1 passenger automobiles, as Compared wifh 503,762 in 1920, an in- .^McieaSe..of 79jS79. Licenses-issued for IliftMicks m 1921 number^ 79,907, an^in- t|ill crease-of. 14,910 over 1920; 7,041 deal- j$8#^ifce'iwes were issued as compared SEN ATE PROBE BODY Senator' McCormick wins conscience leaders in island; Editor U pens words of loltjr' ')-:'::y^0^ y4Vashington--Word is coming to Washington of the good impression made in Haiti by the seriatoriaT cmn- mittee, headed by Senator McCormick of Illinois, which recently spent sev- eral weeks in that island republic investigating conditions incident to the American occupation. When the committee went down there was some »- ,. . misgiving as to the character of its .tor the same period, reception* This was dissipated onthe If^*^*-and ample First National Bank » ^^^iPraspered^In. 1921 President Frank J. Baker Tells Stockholders of Local Bank Past Year Marked W Prosperity "The year 1921, generally a trying one for the business world, has dealt kindly with the First National ^Bank of Wilmette," Frank J. Baker, Presi- dent of the local banking institution told the stockholders at their annual meeting Tuesday of this week. ijlltiwill^^ be ^b^w^^ from^DOjnpArfc: son" continued President Baker, "that the increase in deposits for the year, is $15S;454.65. The net earnings * * after some reservations There llif-with 6,282, an increase, of 759. ^ - ^Igâ€"^p-clecrease^Hm~^traei 124 being issued in 1921,rajs_coni ^_ ?th 3io in razors ; im ig^PÂ¥ liis makes a total of 670,513 â-  h censes for all classes of automobiles Sin 1921 as compared with 575,4^1 jn 1920, a total increase of 95^62. ; h -For the past seve«tr-years the nurt- llPii'bfir of licenses issued ior.....ntotc-r- ilplxycles has constantly decreased and M this was true.. last year 'When 8,SttJ> iiliSftiriOtOrcycles . were' licensed, as com- 5iippared-:with 10,597 in 1920. . â-  |f||§; :"^^^^|;caiauffeurs. Number. 9B^2ȤmM " ""Sgiwere issued BBltrtotal <A -6^,226^xhauffeurs. licenses p^tJtflre issued during the year.; . ' -, ' ^Kfitt r^Receipts^f the. automobile depart- ..fljRN^t increased.almost $1^000 m the ^^Stwelve-month:period . In 1920 receipts A^|from all classes of licenses totaled J$5,915,^ ^ Ifl|fS$6,803,307,- a -gain. of $887,602. v&g^m Tm^evrrecord also is Ueing set by piSecretary Emmerson in the issuing of ?i«liif|iiCenses ,this "*' first"day and the friendliest sort of a relationship was established. Senator McCormick, as chairman, made a part- icularly favorable impression, accord- ing to Ernest G. Chauvet, editor- of theJLe Nouvelliste, published at Port au Prince. Tn writing of the Senator' v>prk ihjiis paper,. Mr. Chauvet said ared4;^"Senator. McCormick, President of the Senatorial Commission is "from .head to foot" a man of engaging sympathy. Meticulous, giving the greatest importanceto the least de tails, he begins by correcting an error in the French translation of the Com- mittee's communication published by the newspapers." This gives a good impression One-Hels that he is a man who does not like to-s^e1 ah injustice done by a small error that mighty highly detrimental to the witnesses as being perjury. He goes so far as toin for sum in w|i|g^|. «»»v^»«« «*«* year. _,.. - ..... . iffplpthan 1O0/J0O licenses have been issued pitfor passenger cars, more thaivl5,000 Bfe|for trucks, and more than 1,000 for pllfldealers. -in spite of the enormous sii^Hjmber of applicants being received every daVi the department is up-to- date iriiifiliing orders, and license Jlates gi5 out immediately upon^,re- Slceipt â- bf,the. <^der.-.;.;,. \-':J^^'J'4l-,- WllSi: While the «&<^ase irr the 'number ^8©f automobile licenses in 1921 wa^dtie Smainly to the heater number of cars fought much credit is due also, Secre- tary Emmerson says, to the good fworfc done by Automobile Jnyesti- -sisjt,. ejven_w^en the hearing is overtoil a rectification reproducing the exact text of the communication. He is truly a great man, since he understands the Senator McCormick speaks French easily and corfectlyrâ„¢" Sometimes, always meticulous, even scrupulous, he will correct the interpreters when their translations appear to be in- "exact.;^-;-v: '/'ML--':'^--Ml': NeaÂ¥ fifty^8 SelatbF l McCorrhick givis an impression of vigorous fresh- ness. Tall, rather straight, watch- ful, he presides with competence, pre- cision and authority. His voice is deep, his smooth face expresses a mar- tial energy very RomaftT His eyes are strong and their look is direct and frank. Nothing around him-es- capes his ; attention. One fe\pls a sharpness of view as of a camera. His gesTurW are: quiet and his manner polite^l||g|^?j|gf|pJ^^il|^|Q^ -• '"In -short H".":!l" strong""mahi'lflflll MARVELOUS DIV^LOPMENT The telephone wires ia the United States would make 1QQ unbrok^en tele- phone lines from the earth to the moon. Over -fhose wires, American? daily carry bri 33,009,000 phone con- versations. Yet it is -only 45 years since the telephone was invented! "â- â- " â-  • • â-  "-"~ lv>-'" â- â-  ' "'v • ^empowered to make arrests for vio 4^Bwith total authorities^ did much to; Iward-ferreting:, out car owners and ss»is|ichauffeurs/:who "had: failed io secure No. Bow ing Matches Fdl - YMfv iMid Paptr; jd^:€lwlav^6aff jfBIIIOttcQ^ajljc Piiyiic?an.;illji ^?f;<^uiitry;;: ^^ClulP'PBbWlers Launch Series of Tournament* " on Club Alley* gwaiind irdland is astir ovei the gteat c^ flict 4iow_J^agjng 'twixt Jiawks and swallows, crows and bluebirds, robing ' bobol ...^wrenSj orioles and ^^^^e Rattle is raging on at the OuH- SiS^fiie^t^' 'â- Country .â-  club r|pr<?sent bowling and the,p)irds" :-;tearns-.^vvhich' ,_,_, jamc^e^^iiserie-sPM tournament s on » f R|p"'I<uesday: b'f;'tnja";week>i;|||i|p^ |â€" ^S^s^e^ing^asâ€"ta^cen^r^^ ^0iMthe Cotmtr^i^ub- members this year |Ppllif.aud:-indications^ fi jjjlibanrterryear "for / the' club's -.great; in-,: I- ipi-door'iport, -'^^^^^^MwMi^i^" iWiliiThe^teams 'as ^riouncp vthi:s;::.#ee*1c^ 'â- -::-,,Hawk^"'^A^iii'La^ev|ICaot.,:^ F. Byrnes, Charles Burghatrt^ Frank 'Sehor.v;iC. P. EvansJilifi.'.:,:;^::- :. â- .â- ,â- ;'/.: ^Crows"â€"C. F. Bu!!e?Ca#. W.Bett- eridfe. Hrjy^ichter^^ax^^aJie^P. ^:Brfeh^^;:,;:#:.^pfr..^^^^:: â€" iins'^â€"WuD. Lawrejice, Capt., W<$CBahcocic, A. J. DeBerard, Karl //////////////////////////////////////"//"////////////////A WilliamSaJmen ESTIMATE! CONTRACTOR AN0BUIL0ER ! •I cheerfully furnished on New or Repair Worfe^j 964 Spruce St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1055 taxes, etc.,_are $6,808.33, of which $3,0W was paid to stockholders dividends.^ The records show that commercial depositors- have increased from 850 to~920^-and, savings_accoJints have been- augmented from 1710 to 2684." â-  â-  'A*:-":Mr. "One of the important undertakings of the year, which has been brought to a successful issue," the presidents statement concluded, "vi(as the remov- al 6*f the bank from the west side to the east side, the preparation of suit- able quarters, the installation of new and complete equipment, including a fire and burglar___proof ; vault, and safety deposit boxes/' o Total commercial deposits for 1921 wire $367,095.95, while the aggregate of savings, deposits was $202,383.34. ^Directors foi^the ensuingjrear were elected as follows at the~a"n"rttfSt meef^ ing: B. F. Affleck, J. M. Appel, Frank J. Baker, Dr. S^angÂ¥r"Bfown, P. B. Eckhart, David Nelson, George W, -Springer;^fM^;:w.':.'; Wu$iir - -^f^0ryf~ "â- â-  YET BUREAU FW«id IIH0SPITAU3£A||P Determine to clear up compensation claim* of disabled V. S. vet^ ^ ^H;':"'v.^..,.,,tfir*i»» »»> variou*„ ';'^-'.X- hospitals â- ..:.;;- f By order of U, S. yeteran's Clean-up Drive in every district the director of the Bureau, a Hospital is being instituted of the Bureau thro- ughout the entire country. This drive is to^be "conducted along-rnuch the same lines as the general Clean-up campaign which is now ^rawing to a close. Representatives ©f^ the u. o. Veteran's Bureau will go into every hospital and institutiba-inxth!Sr JJis- trict (Illinois, Michigan and Wiscon- sin,) for the purpose of assisting the ex-service men in those hospitals to file new compensation claims, and to secure-adjudieatior^ ot^claims._p viousty filed. By means of this drive, it is hoped m to clear up two kinds of compensation claims of disfbledr^x"sf^hf men first, to^ASSist th^e_jnen_whoL»a already filetLxlaims to do so^andToi secure speedy adjudication of samejj second, to clean up all compensation , naign the Bureau'will endeavor toSP8* bring every hospital case currently:«aWl.wn to date 'â- â€¢â- "â- '".'â-  â- ;.â-  |^P'm| All ex-serviiie men-mow in hbspiialsp||^« and^ ia- institution*.....and.......relatives.....offgjjitlg friends of these men,are. ur|eir|p>^^g| see to it that claims falling under the|f above specificationi are ftled-by thef men or for the men, Every* hospital^ and institutioii in >«lch there are] ex-service men is being notified in advance of the date of the repreaenta-f tive of the U. S. VetcranV Bureau. LOANS TO EX-JFJCaaTIM^ Loans, without security and at low rate of interest, will be provid^ for sick and wounded ex-service men|f, -|,y--- --a- big --fotating- -^fund, â- -- plans :-f©r||p which are beihg worked out at JBa-|||r tional headquarters of ^he Americanpi| Legion. Ex-soldiers who do not need||5|s the ready cash from Governmentg| compensation would contribute theh||| bonus -to: 'the- IlIn^^'^-,L:^..^.:I^^sg^ WM feji^i'te^r^t^ss&g Subscribe For Your Local "$ap^ li JUST RECEIVED^ill A large »bipnl|»i^ of e». Latest styles, able prices. claims of hospitalized ex-service men - in , . „â€"_ not receiving temporary total awards , jj 1MirM I1? sihee date o| hospitalization and | U UNIQUE claims on which awarxUs withheld for â-  « » " â€" general proof that the man s disabil- ity originated in, and-is a result of his service in the U. 3- armed forces. -During this special hospital cam- .STYLE SHOP B. Coplan, Proprietor 1126 Central Avoriuo Wilmette Phone WiL 2403 VLE SHOP Kjg Proprietor:;' i -i-^- â-  Wi:^,: ~M il Avenue '•'*"" '*' â- â-  m&VS: Phone WiL 2403 p | Dr. LESLIE W. JONES I»HYSIC1AN-^ Wilmette Office Room^Browii Bua^g-Hoursj 10^2A. M^T^f^ Telephone Wiljnette 2SS7^ Residence Phone Wilmette 25» â- |f|||';FRANKLIN §m ?S€sifi:l::. .Salea and Service â-  \MJm:j^ The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1629 Orrington Ave., Evanston Teaming Go.? ||::F. MEIER,.Prop., ; | DISTILLED WATER (lack Soil (or Lawns Grading ..... SawnFertier CinaWs Btnlding Materul General Teuning-- Land and Gravel We Build Dmeways FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE |1 ^^1^;! """^b^srWt^fS"= „„„„„„„I,„11JJJW,.rn.^^^^ CONSULT K. W. BARTELMANN CO. FOR Frames Sashj^ Interior Finish 910-912 Weed StreeirfcHlCAGD CH;jOiSAN& COMPANY VNFP At niRFrTHRS FOR CTJ^M Sfs 164 N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO PHONES RANDOLPH 1346-1347 -:JS^^ V////S///////////SS/////////////S/////////////////////////. N;"Mac«>1jster... . , mm mVri<Aesv^tt. W. HammeMCapt., \%.MMarms J. T. Kutten, J. M; Ktaffr mm.Tsnrt&rct^iiyphelm :^ m^ mSi^^mvtcbirdsr^pyn. â-  â-  Early, ffl^ttP*$jt;*H.:- b. eatesf :c:: f; 'â- v'Capt,; Pease. !*Wrens0-.H. Gv Clark, Capt, Lysle iley, C W. BralthwaHe, MBobolin1cs^=F7^rMerniaii^ Caot^ ......y G* H. Bryant, K. P. KimbaH^B. W. iS^ Lynchyv A. M, Crain. :V-'*:t:illl:jj|;| ^p-^Subatituteir--A.::,E.' 'BertlmgTX. 'A. &" "OoM^-^r fe flarwooar- Charles l^ting^Jiv^^A. Hodrei?, H. H. lirvis, G; W;Iof»cs,^W. P. Little; G. Porter* A. L. Rice,- Robert Stoddard, ?pUktERK^NIZATIC»l CLASSES fc English and civics will be taught <rt Aja«ricaJi^M&tfian posts in^Greater "$f$m getter ^i£ih* - Board of Education. Americanization CAFEGUARD uaimt La Grippe aaJ its ^~ itmmtraat «aWt«_.- '.JrA,-.:â- Â«....â-  ;v.,-;«*l ..;,^fe_ . â- &M. WafH CteCARA^ QUININE •ttferou ,;"L:1raa» â-  weather it lanaole, whenvj«h| iave txpwi yonntlf, become - cUBed| _ nr tinBfeJ ia «*â- â- Â» ihnn ^<">'r "--«a^^^;8..<*v:#iitli^ - the coanqaeacet at a terioat CoM. . -. ^111. Cold. Oepead #a Hifl'»â€"SUadard raaedy (or two feaenUion^ TaMet^^ form, (jukkami^ D««ub4 rtd box bearias Mr. tffl'. . .-•«• aal ntmtmt.ts^s^g sm&$** At AU Druggistsâ€"3QCi Angert Wire and Jtensively^^sed 1^ lMg<e iprovides the quick and economical method |of handling business and selling to distant ieji^Qn^s^I t sa^es^^l^ |*A larger use of this service will exj jyour business and widefi your sales territand cost, use Bell ^IStatibh to Statibn>| ;------; : ~ - '___â- . , -T. , : 'â-  .;.-,.-.-;;^j.-i' ------C^___________u___, ,, â-  â- -------.â€":------------------------1£ | service, whiciiTnieim^^^ |the distant 'telfeghoj^ijutwd^ Station'feservice saves you about twenty per cent on your long-distance charges. A stiU further saving xanJbe made | by taking advantage of the reducedievening land night j^p*-'^^

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