Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jan 1922, p. 4

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KfSS S<^m^^ 'SMtE :LAi& SH0RE7NEWS, FRIDAY,JANUARY 13, $22 ;.|g||P§^, sis m Safety First? Essay Theme In Wilmette Public School \M&:M0!^^§±?:" Contest.....-â- -â- ;'â- â- ; • vince you, Jim^jhat one scout alone can do a lot77t can help children across the streets and crossings. I must know the traffic rules. „ Do you them? Well, here they are, l||l§.. Editor's Note: Th*» $$*?rf>± vi' {f accompanying: es- »ih being the beat from every standpoint of eigrht essays submitted for publication in the Iiafte Shore News, by Superintendent J. R. i|;II|f-.'Harper of the Wilmette Public schools. feSsi^--The,--essays, -written in a contest held m&Mi â- â-  aMdnW pupils of -the '.Eighth ' grade at <&&£)>â-  'the Byron -C- Stolo" school, are to 'W0M : iUbmitttvrt »sv Wtlmetfo's entry In a iE&Sii-^tate'-wJdtv :essay - contest among eighth fey1-^^grader; pnpi-ls.- ^ "Safefy......TiMi-at": 1*.....the theme-of all the essays. Elizabeth Babcocfc, ' ; Byron C. Stolp School, 333 Washington avenue,. How-Iâ€"Can Make the know- then/; -A'" vehicle turning into an- other street to the right shall turn the corner as near to the right hand curb T as ^practicable, ^'^S^TmSM 2. A vehicle turning mto an- other street to the" left shall circle around the cen- tion. . *•â- â- -.- â- :3.- A vehicle crossings from ong~ WILMEHE STATE BANK HAS PROSPEROUS YEAR Official Statement To State Auditor Indicates Excellent Progress During Year ..... F. L. Bateman, W. W. Buchanan, Ly>' for living 'expenseslftFed him, clotht- man M. Drake, Phillip Hoffmann, .ed him, called on his wife, cared for More Safe. Highways £4~The great nations of the world are together discussing how to prevent ~War77If people woulld only realize that there are fifteen thousand more people killed yearly^by accident than We lost in the great war, maybe they would call a conference to prevent accidents. ---- -----â€" ^, _side of the street to the ~~^^thnerirKhall in doing so keep »;- to the right. Reporting Dangers. Many times J birreseen-TciaTigreTr^nifTried to report them, but you would not expect inecessary boasted nineteen [ighland Park," tear old Ted. -'Well, you needn't take it out on ie because Dad won't get me a car lat will go over fifty miles," replied Cousin Betty. *QThis shows what causes many acci- dents; young people showing off;' not thinking of safety but of how many ^ilesHfej^y^ can go.. • ^ Here are four ways in which . ,___ a man of- -the world to believe a boy who, in all probability, is just playing a joke, would you, Jim?" "No," he replied. • "Could voti-think of anything to remedy it!" I;asked«__..â- . "fell your parents them The Wilmette State Bank, estab- lished in 1905, which has been con- idered an indicator of Wilmette'S healthy and continuing growth in the last two decades, begins, the New Year under conditions that are a source of satisfaction to patrons and friends and the village in general. __A_ioMex^is^ued_byl±li£ bank this Benjamin F. Lewis, Frank J. Seng, C. N. Stevens, Judson F. Stone, Ar- thur J. Taylor, Henry Taylor, Jr., S. A. Wheelock. .... ;..:jCT^g^a^j4. WEEK WITH RED CROSS IS STORY OF SERVICE immediate needs and arranged for her care at a lying in hospital. Will help him in the filing oj;, his d^ pensation.. January o^Mr. B; Caitfe up to report that his compensationffihas ^ come through and arrangements are fto made ftfr his vocational training. be January 7â€"Wrote letters of thanks to the Junior Red Cross auxiliaries for Christmas presents they provided for 300 exr-service men and oyer 500 Udr^n--v^o-^th^r wiseâ€"would.--» have had any -Christmas^T^TT^' reportit?'* he asked, questioningly vl You -wijl make a fine To tmi 9i§&%' are four ways in tul^a^f^-^e^ea^^^ :i.iThrough our ^Safety Scout organization. 2. By individual service. 3. By reporting, through par- ents, dangers seen' while ,riding Walk^ng^abottt.---â€"r--^-^-....^..,,T 4v By remaining-oa u^ ;ease;.of^danger;'7-":;:i'77' -:;..y;f^ ;Saiety Scout CfrganizatfonT^The ^Safety Scout organization is one that lljpromptes safety, Safety Scouts; are H most always ehildreW but when these â- f children ^o^ up they will be"men. land wbme^that will make our coun- § tiy~much AtfCr. They will prevent 2 many accid^MsT It is of ten children i playing in the streets that cause ac- ffcidents, but if these childrden were §Safety Scouts they would know that g|hey were playing in the wrong place. tfipudividual 'Serviccpvltâ-  is. -I \vho' can. Scout. Also, you will find objects which you can pick up and in this way prevent accidents. Report wag- ons or autos left on the wrong side of the street where others maybump into them. â€"r ---------â€"â€"--------â€" Remaining on Guard. "Another thing, I, as a Safety Scout, must do, is to remain on4 guard in case of a fallen live wire, or fallen Tree, or even a broken street light signal. The ypu keep guard, so that if a band of boys is near you you can keep them away from the dansrerous parts. . Yes, Jim, I am a Safety Scout, and I mean to do all I can to help safety on our highways^:---------^-â€"â€"-"=^ week, containing the official statement of the Illinois State auditor of condi- tion as of December 31, 1921, indi- cates clearly that the institution has passed through a year of substantial prosperity. Deposits for 1921 totalled $1,491,- 885.81 as compared^jwithr$l,146,717.24 as the close" of 1919, a condition Jhat speaks for itself. •-; - ^anluary 3--Policeman^rou^ ex-service man who had had an- ep- ileptic seizure, on the street. We put him to bed in our emergency room and on his way from southern Illinois to a hospital inWiscpnsin. As he was|;_^w r;;vVT;,r •â- :â- â- ;......; â-  -,;. '.:;-rv^ too weak to continue^the-,journey, we^XZâ€"^^LUS GOOD WIFE placed him in an hotel, under the J a thousand dollars* farm experiencei care of the house physican. Will. and an agreeable wife are the requisi- call^^ there the^fir-at^thing--in the morn-j tes of an applicant for a tract bri ing to pay the bill, and will take him his train, if able to travel. The new and completely, equipped bank building provides every facility for convenience and security. Officers of the bank are: S. A. Wheelock, president. Phillip Hoffmann, vcie president. Fred A. Smith, vice president. Dan G. Stiles, vic<? president. W. D. Leary, cashier. Directors of the institution include; January 4â€"Visited Red Cross Can- teen at the~Washburne Continuation School. A lunch of pork roast, hom- iny cooked in gravy, potatoes, bread and butter is furnished for ten cents to the 350 ex-service nien who are tak- ing vocational training. Handicapped by toss""of I healthTor^ loss of a limb, tliey are cheerfully learning new trades/-:.........J~:.....'- â€"----------- â€"-~..........:â€"â€" January 5â€"-A 21 year old ex-service man. unable to work more than half the time, as a result of injuries re- ceived in service, came here for the first time today. He was ragged and hungry and worried to the point of the state soldier land settlement prpj^ ect The applicant's wife must signify willingness to take up rustic pursuits, according to an announcement from American Legion headquarters. This is designed to preclude unsuccessful experiments...; â-  "'^:>r:/d"â-  â- â- -â- -rrâ€" WO "ARMY DISCIPLINE* -1'Army discipline"â€"is not imposed upon sick and wounded ex-soldiers under Government treatment, C. R, Forbes, director of the Veterans, Bureaur has informed the American Legion. A disabled soldier is not A. W. O. t,. merely because JheJeayes a. Government hospital without consent of physicians. His only penalty is insanity. His wife is about to b>HIiaTtie must foot his own transporta- confined and he has not made enough) tionjbiil jf he wishes to return; f? give individual service. The best way |gipptp'do.this,.:is,to'know:t.he rules I must |^||bbe3r.:'.'-.SbvI^wilJ"..set ,an/..exatnple";-fpr ^^l^l'youhger.". children. :byl. not:;p,':.:' |IS||ithe:;'StwetST-:bV7obeyin:fe^he-g4^ *""""""" t^gnal^and_ the policeman's whjsj 'RobeTt^TIope^-;'nrT'." ^~~-^^^:~^ Bvron C. Stolp schoolr -~ ^7 1526 Washington avenue.â- r~"^~:^^tj ISHoW I Can Make <|he Highways ^.^â- â- irr::."-"V^More'â- Safe. â- - ,,;>:-K;;';;;;||fe Just think! Two hundreTalTd^wen- ty-five people are injured or killed in 9ur country each day! The largest part of these accidents is due to care-. lessness. In the Great War sixty thousand men in our army lost their lives, but in nineteen hundred seven- teen, seventy-five thousand met d*?frn Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 SELLER OF GOOD FOOD ilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St. lOTSCOtJNT „.,"!._'.....'"'7."'^'1I".Zl"trrnini|^"intcFa^ Other street to the right shall "t turn the corner as near the | right hand curb• as jpractic- : able; ^^^M^hicle4urniri.g,to4^^ .S||: ........:%h^t"^n'^ :lg\^Intersection^"-:?;-"' {â- "-â-  ,â- ".':' '%-: pi 3. ^y^hicle^er-ossing from one ^ - II pid^oi^the street to the other Iff^shall.-in '.doing-'.SO" keep;4o;â- the -||| Iff.; right.""'- ;.'â-  .-â-  ^W^. '>-':^']. â€"--Reporting. Dangers^, Jit - i^ my. ^duty to report all dangers. The best way to^do-4hisuKQuld be to let my parents I call iip whichever department snou stajce-^a^e-^f-ythe danger^^- While ^^pÂ¥ran^i.o^YlthfeistTe^ ^|p||w^ttld.,...Then, -if lam to report dah- |^^|gers/, I must knMjjertairi things; l^p^su^filas to â- â- which...department to re- M^tiMv:things,:';and^to^icnow jhe: police "•â-  \Iwpoliccvand;ifire: -deparimenlr^t^lepirone ^P|tt -is' necessary., to guard certain places ^^^ot' things such as broken telephone wires pr^cenesof-aceidents^ -Maybe ^% is> eyen taking care of > someone^s iihahy who has been carelessly left in thejje^rjage^on ^ slope toward the ^^^itreet^Is-niy duty to watch him'un- l^^til--;..someone cQmes who wilt release §^;m«*,"â- .!;â-  should' be able to keep calm ^^and'---coPl. in â-  case of any dangerous fli§§position._^0ftew; I may^h^ve a chance |^^.to-v..make^,.the;;v highways'--more safe. m some accident. I think most acck dents occur • because ^eopte^^en^t know what Safety First meahs. If means %to;Abe careful, alert and thoughtftilSslOften somebody tries-ttr f et on m off ^moTing^treet^carrhut «^*& very easy to ^lip and fall, which foolish young drivers may think fun, at the time, to race, but by doing endanger their own lfveÂ¥~ the lives of me pedestrians. Care- :'^n*^l Idce^this^is^not ^atet^Firii; yHere; are sonie ofthe ways by which v%<lallniake our hi8fhways more safe. jrf-i- Through our Safety Scout ,â- ;:.â- ;â-  organization. '^^^:^'^-:C::v: *H$r& By ."individual' servicei:;';,^:;-:^iiS| |$~J. By reportingf^through i>ar^ ^1 ^nts^^a#M^^Sej^wJhil£_^al <^«h >nd Pettywe^ ^*^Dm On orderLoL$lJ)0-or-niore of oorinal .These do not apply to Most Department. Profit Goods. Jan. 16th to mSmm GRANULATED SUGARâ€"-There is some indication that the price granulated, notjbeet. With an order, charged or cash of $1.50, no cash FLOURâ€"Pillsbury, Washburn and Ceresota. No cash discount, l-^i^^^f^m^^ Vs M,m+*x^M+ -^- ...*...'â€"'.â- â€¢â- â- .â- â€¢â- .:...'.'. .:.'.:i;......7l.\;.\:7.v.7*W^ AMERICAN FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAPâ€"The price is down again. No cash discount. .'•10~bars-:60c;-"-6JII':4mi*:--in-'-Iw^ CRYSTAL WHITE LAUNfflRlf ^6APâ€"Is o*own m it so -and oding^of walking about. By reinaining on .guard in . - - - J|&tts_ objects m the street, un^iFfliejr^re and taken gajictzjo ^SrG«r'do^:"Bnc'kr^pft^Pili ^i|%Byfon:-€."Srolp. school^ ^PiSl^^Central-avenueti S«f**y Scout Orgmniaation^iln JVÂ¥iL- mette when we heard about this es^ ^aj^our superintendent gathered to- gether many books on this subject ^nd from one of-these^weâ€"received â„¢* ldea, of organizing the Safety Scouts of Wilmette. We are -going to order uniform pws^ and elect of-, A. vVehicle •. turhihglvinto "an-"'-?fi Other street to the- right 111 ly^lt tnrn: Jthe_cjoxner.: as~.fÂ¥ near the right hand curb III a; 48c | 150 WINE SAP APPLESâ€"-Eating or cooking. No cash discount. How 1 Can Make the Highway* pki*y~X!£&&:â- â- â- â-  ' "More .Safe';..â- <...SiA^;;;:,..,-â- â- . i^^ffliiSiltJpu ^teli':me;^aio;#:those •^fP^iSte^i^tSa^d^^ -^j^lMM-M^^B ".....'"""" ^ ' ' ** ^ mi help: jf Through -our Safety Scout mm *m -, . organization. iili^^^y reporting, iM|it^nts^ej:dani M.1^B :4PlSy-.Remaining. '^^t^^m^^ge^ms~o^fmu "iir^icef* through pajr^; ||";p;"'as:;.pfacti(cjblep|^„,,,,^ |f^f-Ar^yehic4e--tur:n«^ |^s-Other street to the^eft; III shall circle around the cen- ll ter of- the street intersect â-  tion. â-  â- â€¢.;." â- â- ; â- :.â- ..â-  â-  :/lAAi&Sf:"U A vehicle crossing front onil stdfc of the street to the ot^e^sha#4a=doing so keep ^to^'th'e.':rightS^';-:';;^'v;g^'?^^^ 3. Individual do "all" I. LORIDA ORANG1 176 size doz. .... ot juice;zi6 size, doz. size, doz. 10 lbs. 80c Box over 40 lbs net Fine fruit for cooking;10 lbs. 80c FLORIDA CRAPE FRUITâ€" || â- â- Perfect,- bright -fruit. ;^--;,';:.;,/';;.;, \...';rl ?§ 80 size, doz. 90c; each ^t^^£c -^ 64 size, doz; $1.10f each^;M.10c JIQNATHAKLAEPLE^^-^ Delicious perfect. | Boxj bveif TO-ihi: eating. Every ^â- â- â- ipsSlSSX $3.40 potatbes? .....$1^5 Serviee^lit-a-m going to ... pan. to prevent so many ter- rible accidents and I feope others will take np the work all »ver the coun. â- ^^|l^,ani-«6ing|»to: take carelbf the . i^^nd-report^any 3?^E Wxt les on the schSol^grourtds "fof^anr rdaiigeM-fhat-I^ee as danger hghts "that have hgptv en o» ers-^eenv^ guarcF on u » r. a- piles of gravel that beeir left %^he street without a on. them.'.- '$^g&n'&£&^&.&*---:- â- â- ? have hght* ly^ are i iR^ptrt"^ Danger.. Manyâ- -&times 1 ous placeXJEhat are- hr«keii=Jt~irâ€" duty and will other such" eiiiti. After- VOU about our Safety Scout Ogani- Heation.' my to *m°*t this :and â-  all s, through my par- storms, trees may ^^halFiitfnF^^lpW^ my parents to report also~- Remaining on Guard. It is my tp^remain on guard at sueh !p«ce^«|S .; .â- .;.â-  -|4Sfiffi KINGSBURY IDAHO-M . POTATOESâ€" rM^gMi SL Large, mealy ^B^k^hig ll 30 lb. bag .,.,.....>.. COCOANUTSâ€"lllllll M. Large.- Fresh.-::"F*ach;" ":^ CEREALSâ€"All down m RicKelien Rolled Oats, m r'v Large 3 lb. 7 oz.||ii Quaker Instant RoliedlOatsi ^ti:'lbv.:^^oW"^kgr^:.TV7t7^f!1?riz^ Battle Greek Corn Flakes; pkg. 10c Cream of Wheat; pkg. Shredded Wheat; pkg. BENSDORP'S ROYALli DUTCH .COCOA-4|l||fi?: f yi lb. can 36c; 5'i^cln At £ost to close out. •; CRISCO^Lb^T^.: Lardâ€"Purei Bulk. Lb HWEATTlEPAinMEN^^^^^ Armour's Star Hams. Whole or half; lb.â- â- ....,................30c Miller ft Hart Square Deal Bacon. Lamb Patties; Ib7 Spare Ribs; ib^r.. .tte Sauer Kraut; quart 20c 98B9B =Mjfe=owa^hlend.-1 have RUMFORD'S PHOSPHA' [ BAKING POWDER 16 os:. can 32c; 8 oz. .-'can BUCKWHEAT F^pUR--- handle^~This-4»ffee^ years with ever increasing^^success; Regular ^38c value; 3 lbs, $100 â- COFFEEHll#i:iKf|':';-- :MIIS^sIlfttSl _^Rpitsl^n|o^AvMild^;sw^ fee. Splendid vaTu^pTOf^^23e SUNBEARTFRUIT SALADS :~^ Assorted fruits for salad; large No. 3 can; doz. $5.40; can...45c Very limited quan.ti.ty in stock. „_My_ JLext^purxdias^:wh^=sefefor 55c a can. Aag«HaEUzHA3^AIIAH^aiUEi APPLEâ€"This isXiabsolutely^ the finest quality ipackedM Perfect slices. Heavy %rup. No; 2 can. 20c ..7c RICHELIEU ENTIRE WHEAT « KlTtXSURWlD7~Bag-v7^ ^iGHELmi^^ASTRirPLOtJf^ $ lbs. â- â- . -. t;t â- ;',.... .â- â- ;â- ..:........ 30c GRAHAM FLOUR-^S 1Us^~2Sc ; YELLOW - CORN':MEAL^'.f ggj wiS^tip can & ^ecur^dSiThe^tpS ' Of Hans ntut ?tf* TKts^H-tTrtrâ€"^Tv* * ^^ ........... _....r. 1% we are trying ta â-  really raccolWpllsh sbrhethlng toward S^alfe^ We nave decided to start with ^.: ^ftefr Parents and-inr^te ,wa^ have heen a J^^T^lh 'Han important it is to remain on s. and the Bike^^ guard, --!indNrfdiial-5«ir^^:"^wa»^ 5 lbs. ACME SELF-RAISING ^ ili&^ BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-4|iH§iliit ». .:Package ..â- .^;;^v.::.:.......v^;iS.14c. GRANDMA SELF-RAISING "m PANCAKE FLOURâ€"Pkg. .71 RICHELIEU PURE MAPLE SYRUPâ€"Quart canâ€",....,,-... t -80c TEAâ€". ; Lipton's Yellow -'Label. .iillSllilii' Ceylon and India; % lb. can 40c Oolong 3a; lb. ...../....,.745c English Breakfast; No. 3; lb. 45c ^^«ket F4r^ . :,' pouh.dS7'v:.->^-.'-U;7'77%7*^^§-7;ri|c: CRACKERS â€" NatibnailS Biscuit Go's. Buy bulk crackers^ They are half the price of -packages. For example. Saltmes, 9$£ oz. sell 20c pkg; Premium Sodas the same thing exactly, sell 18c for _16â€"OZ.-^â€"------r-r -'â- â- :: â-  ' ;;fv/affiKBSJts^r - XSOLDEN EACULE PEACESâ€" ^^ellow^Free. Delicious ^eaehesv First quality. HeavyTsyrupyTNo. ^2j4 c^n; doz; $3.85; can *W, 735c RICHELIEU LOGANBERRIES- ^r^^f^ab^^oc^^nr^ ..£°£;.$375; can VIRGIN CORN- : â-  :r\- yt7t Sf1*^ te*rfWeef 'corf Doz. $1.50; 2 cans. 2s> HENRY SIET* EARLif JUNE PEAS «K**«^l*Xc Pi^mimirSo^alllbliii Oyster Patties: lb* #7 Sfalfam Crackers; IblS .", i 77 18c 7:7St ..18c. r7flt ;38c-;i lbJ?l.38c/ .14c ^Vanilla Wafers; Ib^, Marshmallow Pecans; ! All 15c packages 7.7 REPUBLIC PURE PRESERVES' Strawberry and Raspberry -^±3 oz; jar;jBoz7-$2;75t " ^LAJtAsg 33c 35c IsSSfesMspsjs--. ttyr ffSI'- tTender, s^eel^ver^1:nne7 m-Doz. $1.65; can .......,;v^^^g- MONSOON - 1XMKATOES7i«MT^: r^^S^!**^ fearge No;-#^nT â- â- ... --.ijoz; ^$2.00 r-c,an'^;777;7@7-;;i7c MjpNSOON ASPARAGUS!^^ :- -^VVhite^rof ;g||ulrfliii" »im ^CJo^i .^pTHc- Sweeti 46-50 SMierib. ; 20-30 size; lb. OLD MANSE.,MAPLE AND -itm ^ANF SYRUP-JJo; 2V2 can.. iSS* .-, No. .IK-can: .........;Hf|l|llJffc ;.KARO SYRUP-L!ght.|;S^»|fc £:: No. 1J^ can ..v.7;,.....:^.fzc nSPANISfrtAYER-RAIS«tS^-- T,able clusters; lb. ..,.^..,,.380 CURjRANTS^Imported. -_ r*r-'E3Cii::JrTi'-:.;*;r»;:',*rf*r»^»- RICHELIEU SEEPED 23c RAISINS ANTONWFOLIVE-'OIL^N Quart can $1.50; pint ...7 REINA PURE OLIVE OIL- One of Spr^giie, Warner- & Co*s7 finest brands. Quart can MAZOLA CORnTsALAD OILâ€" Quart ~ranr77v777T â€"J-JJ-^^,.-^jcan, .... .^^ SUNBEAM CORNâ€" ,_ , We have^ad^nianyH^fiidtt^ 3«a-- this ^orn; TTt-i^-deHcious _2sweet cornr^Doz^^2;lOT^ean ^-ito^ DEARBORN SIFTE^^^rf^ SWEET PEASâ€"-1*^ SM. ________ %mmm Exceptionally fine ancFveFy^eaS &QttaKLft^4"- $2.60; can ...^,22c , v. , ...>- ,r^.TOMA^OES^g ^^g^S^'^arge;!^.^: canp . Uoz^-^2.25;. â-  <ian-~r^^mnÂ¥:'^-~ieJ CABELL *AM£&m^M â- ^^^li^vvpf Doz. $1.35^; can TV can. : -:.!8iy)i:.;a^£»|.:;..~ia3 12c WRNBWS VANILiiJ EXTRACT^-fe 2 oz. bottle Sil..35c, RICHELIEU PURE JAM Strawberry and Raspberry^ 1 lb. jar. Doz. $4.35; jar ^..37Jp Non-poisonous. ;Safetyr "strike anywhere. jgrocess<»d t^q^V^ afterglow. This^is a new match and far^ftar tKa^^ PLYMOUTH ROCKfTUNA FISH :-i No. 1 can â-  75c; No:i4 can "^^7 RICHELIEUSiTOMPte*1^ jgnL^ckcdyo. re^p. if cani^i: olive oHi --.-â- â- â- 3^V|S'. .____ Small fish. In^olive^oil Blenheim.' Fancyf^lbP^^ â- â-  â-  « jCombf^W^^^^S^fe:

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