Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jan 1922, p. 1

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laim IN SECOND TERM ette School of Religious Educa- tion : Open* c ? Secomd Semester I Next Monday; .'- Experts On -ggj Faculty FORESEE BIG ENROLLMENT fied /t#: t Semester Pronounced Unquali- Success; Church Council III Sponsors â-  Proj0tg§§^?f^'- 1 practical courses given by a group of distinguished^ specialists ', In the field of religious education will fea- ture the second* semester of the Wil- /ijietteCommunitySchool of Religious ^Education."which will begin Monday ^evening, January 16, at 7:30 o'clock. fl*he courses this semester have been planned primarily to provide. Church school workers of Wilmette^with an lopportuhity for'adeguate preparation Sfotf their worky and fo enable, parents and those now working in the church Schools to study the bible and the p To Buy School Piano Teacher* -»nd---^»ent»-||!of: Logan School Children Announce Spe- ; i§§/;*iil: Event To 'Secure FundefiS.3 COMMERCE ssfi|l§§P ISf fht: instance of the teachers of Logan school ,and with the aid of the parents and many friend children, a card party is to be given at the school /Tuesday evening, Jan- uary 24, at 8 o'clock. Tables will be set for "Five Hundred" and "Bunco", and a prize will be awarded at each _ Reii^h^Mt&lwil 4>«^ ierv^d^aStlihe conclusion of the party. The price of admission will be nom- inal, according to those in charge, and every penny will go toward help- ing a. much needed arid long-wished- for piano to be used in common by the rooms situated on the second floor of the school building. I ^; Friends of the enterprise, who have ^!ltjfIeAsuitable „as prizes, or who jare lems CoF^ religious education In the home and in the church, profit- ^Kly and intelligently. JUA11 doi^ihe^nien^and women of Jhe willing to bake a, cake; and will donate it toward the success of the will earn the Famous Chicago Association of Com- . ' merce Glee Club To Appear BeǤ|§ rm fore '• Wilmette .. Sunday â-  Evenf||I . ^|i^gj,|^ isi^::.. ins; 'CIub|l||||plij^|l||^ RESIDENTS ARE MEMBERS Chorus of Seventy Voices To Be A sisted by Miss Mary Welch, Solo- % ist, and 'Mrs." Von Ritter ;;/l| sincere gratit venture, The Glee club of the Chicago As- sociation of Commerce, Arthur Dun- ham; conductor, assisted by Miss Mary Welch, contralto, and Mrs. Ma- rie Edwards Von Ritter, organist, will give a -sacred song service before the Wilmette Sunday Evening club on January_lLOn this occasion there will be no speaker, the entire evening being given oyer^toIjUiCmusical pro* sratn.__^___^___:_;^,^ __:_^_=41i! € This is the in which -'this' faculty are well knowln leaders and some of them have nation-widerepu- tations-in their"-respective fields. A faculty that will draw the attention of l tne^ rehlgriows^e^^ibri aT world should attract local; teachers and leaders in large numbers to their classes.':--- ./"'/". Dr. Norman E. Richardson, head of the Department of Religious Educa- tionof Northwestern university, is a specialist in child psychology. The popularity o|, this course last semes-! ter is .sufficient proof of its worth. Dr. Richardson will continue his c&uTrse on "The-Psychology of^etiHcPr hood", dealing primarily with the Adolescent age. Parents will wel- comei the announcement that he will jtlsO cnntmiiPthft^ special course ^pn parents and teachers of Logan school. The tickets are how on sale by par- ents and the teachers of the school. WANT FORFEITED ail Parents' Problems" * during the sec- wpyfr^- :-||gg|*| "~........"'" ' ' ;figthr Nol^'Sh^e'lReal "Estate Board Calls r.;Taxings|||Bodies. of NewlTrierl M//:f Township' Into Special Con-aSi W&ml^XXM^ .ferenee'.- i'^iW^IM^'0^ Foreclosure of all lots in New Trier township which have been forfeited to the state is itrged by the North ^hore-Real Estate board in a letter^ addressed to each of "the twenty-two taxing bodies in the township calling upon the boards i6 send .representa- tives *o/a joint conference on his Jore Objections At JFjutngl Zone Zoning Commission Promises To Con- sider Carefully Every Objection - IPf â- . Before Quitting Ta.k iWKz The final public hearing on zoning for Wilmette was held at the Village hall Tuesday of this week at the call of the Wilmette Zoning commission. Numerous objections were heard at w. the session, which Was as sedate and ij| business-like as a vestry gathering. || Among these was a request by rep- resentatives of Paul Schroeder, real estate operator, that the ndrtk naif, of the block on Fourth street be- tween Linden and Greenleaf avenues, now zoned Residential, be zoned Com- mercial; a request that the property containing the Lake Shore Terrace, Sheridan road and Chestnut avenue, be zoned Commercial, and a request from representatives*;! of West side residents That the Industrial designa- t ion * for West Railroad^ avenue be changed to Commercial. The Ejec- tions were filed and will be consid- ered^ainah^arly session of IhlP^Zon* IfRffSf???! third successive season aggregation of Chicago to=Wilmette in their general program of render- ing civic service through music.• Tl club is abOu^iO years old, and is made up of about 70 active members of the Chicago Association of Com- merce. It has the distinction of hav- ingTirtfeduced Mnie. Galli-Curci to the Chicago, cpncert^sta^^ with -such noted stars Garden; Titto Ruffo; and similar number of matter scheduled to be held at the Mm^mt,;lllgfesijhQoi auditoriuin ^ear- l^tVpears as^ Miss Mary Mtss Florence" Macbeth, artists. A considerable :: ,;lmette j-esjdent^:are members oi the^club.W'fli5 ;"..'W-: 'W.â- ' ' â- "':"'â- "â-  Following-is the program forU Sun- day evening: P-W^M^^-^S^^S^S^l'.' My Homeland, â- 'lilf^tfilivfSpeaks The Home Road ;::i'^Z ^^Carpenter The Lord1* Own ^a^f^f&Kfeuzet ^fOuartet: Messrsffisltfiiler, Hocke^ Tiley and Hanke|T ^e^lh|d;;;;PJpwiiian-,i^s^m^s an early session ing"commission7 it was pYomisedpg|f^' New Residence Sectionf^fl^:: Dempsey,' paprpw1i(e1r^;.^,,it*re', 14-acre tract in the northwest of the village, statedLthatiplajia: were going, forward for a^Hfinei^stdettce section] tbererasking^hat^arsm^ the Kenilworth line be zoned Com Soft FibwTng ofl ~uartet'$am ^WT: :Airi MM W. Root Jp^a^anTc-lifiPbben- ....... W5&& ^^Kiunityli director of the H Evanston ||| School of Religious Education: dean |i|<>l the South Evanston Community Training school; and dean of the "Estate boarSf believes that 'thfe: time has c^rne when all lots ili *Jew Ti-ier township for* feited to the state should be fore- closed as provided by statute/' reads the letter signed by W^ C. Staeey, _________ _ S*?fetarJr ^ *h^ bjd^rd^fWkh a good ^ his had a f%ewti^ iflp South Bend Community" School 'of ligM, Religious Education. Rev. McKibben mmm tical srhnol work, and hti conm on ^Prax- Method* of Jetchlng Reliffion" will deal with actH*l problem! as they appear each Sund** <« cfwr ind de* oartmental work. mi&&mmwm 'â-  ^m^m '^ Studies' of HI Trinity Episcopal church ojf Chicago. ifearflt give a^e^urie^o^ ^tte^^ife and _____, ^On 4h*^tjtc and :Bp§|fll Times "of" Christ**./. His course, was SlliilS-'W^ir-received "at 'hoth^ the Evanston *'"!ifi^ and'; jOak Park Schools â- . of Religious 'iltt§ii Educatibit Rev^ jGrant MBbok has recently g||p;|i^usTie^ia^::text;^bok:' on the same â- ^mm s]ubiejDt^y^ich:,^ in '"ll^jfeationr" â- . "^'"^'^~~i'~~~:~"~ ~:^r;"~7^ " Mrs. Marie^Hrii * i:S^^^p«J:uriiorv- work,^:- She /was." formei^y^Ijir' 'l^^^^/F^irst' Congregational. 'Vohufch; of Dak ^ ||^^p-:«*ark.'; .' She â- â-  is now. writin<r /i much* ,;|||^^^^ed/ed'â- : textr book,;;;On-^ .....___j||lj^ ^jthose interested In .-children-'ttfgt the; .^H anibr^;: a'gei/ S'/^rs; • '.i|_imter;;%lsO' ;^inade^/^a:"^:^-i>ecia1ty::4vo^ fH^llSl^lethods/:. 0^^sfrra^°^5-^"^^'^^^ : |J^||^^»cttb6t; v;,Sh e/wTM ^ve:"a,'cotirse'; onllthi*: ^mmmg£&fij^pj.^ dtu-ingt the :;.first;; period., -';'/. -wg^/ ||^^|j/rhe ^Community; Sch obi of :Religibti'f Education was carefully planned and ptganizeWTBind er^h^^auspices pfT^the Council. % Cburses rilaiy."//.". business house along Railroad avenue, i It iis.expected the revised tentative Zoning ordinance, accompanied by recommendations fromB/the Zbtiing commission, will be pla.ced before the Village board in the near- future for finaT,act|oin.'-.-.xl/;,vT:.;:':^.:.^t.iMi^^M^dU^ Good Music Augments ssues' Warning end Appeal to Motor- ists to [AAdi;';.;|»; •';.l,^eji^n/,:.o^|||^ Thoroughfares CHILDREN TO CO-OPERATE tte Public School Ptip VMS; Movement â- â- If W "§0&W ||Saiety-Eirst:^s^h^ibb|efci^ ticuiar cbhcerh ai this time to stated ;; county annd village author^ well. zs^ to the-thildi^^o^^ "mette;. :public;;;schoblsw:i^^^^^^'/'::^S;/;: â- ; / p|Six.:fi;undred/and;'.sixty;:deathsli*t^ •Itable.^.' to automobile .^aceide'n^s/. >ar||;:m Tetorded;- oh the coroner's "books:/. !oj| m the/ year ending Novettlber 3(^/|°|ffe according to.^':ri%airriitiie^lifio^e^l^s^ii^^'^^ this-week-1>y*V|ilal^-Rf^'sld^t' â-  The::"warning|:./addressed::- to'-'motptlf/a 1st si of / the /^liag^/e>^ injdjcatejijjuft^er^ 'atv:Iincrease:;':oir'^2u'^^t^ili^^^ same period in 1930, or ^2^:j^ ^eenfl Of -..â- tha^snumbe^^S^ev.rep^ explains^,i243:-/w^ej.itchiiai^nf^ On«iriwii(||f â- %!lt^^ffil|jijirges"':rfca' < Dancers sit mi .. are willing to pay their taxes. Thkvwas recently done/ with 450"loti lii WnineElcs^^ M you and ih^ bodies if they will all follow ^itv- While up general taxes^ have been IMuchl Wr _____._ ot this â- prbpefrp___ twenty-fiv# years, 'fbrlefted special as sessments are of still Staeey greater c"«- ceirn, serjcetary Staeey emphasizes "Through organized action," he writes, "without calling on you for any/time ori nionej^ffecttve means jye available/--^foi^-^ing4ng-4n-â€"^acfc3 taxes and assurmg future revenue. WMMSmM^ j^ikjbnteaone atr tendii/joint coMerence alTNew^Trier High school; Mohda^ wilMncludets Prelude--, 4/ncScTterao? listen ^tary-i30,-4922^!L evening, Jan- The^North Shore Realifestat^ijbttd ......^rfvVilmette:-/.ChjBrch: ||^^^»rere.: carefnliy£seJected^.jah'd./the -very W$S&~ /:ci»red.i./-.Beca^se:-.of/itlie. has been working along^ the bnes in- dicated hi Vr::'tii.^l^.eT:'v.-^fbt/^iieVeral months and it is thought thatpractic- ally all forfeited lots in the township will have been "cleared^,within the jaear^utu* |j§§j§ P^BASKET- .BALL^SCHEDiJLEp, I. Some of the open d^es for the New Trier High school basket ball team have been filled and the revised schedule is a/s follows; «% ^ Frjdajr, Jan. 13-^ew Trier at Wau- kegan ^^~ ^pf^^fia^^i^l^irff^^^P^; .â- Hymn/t^thi^-^adonn^-ii^^ ' ' Incidental sb^ Recessional ..;-.... VKiplmg-DeEbviri mIncidental solo/l^^r^mHR^^^ Sombre Woods iSi^.; Jerusatenil â- ffi;Tncidenfc 1Mr./ Maftning. .-.•it.' Social Events Tfust in A Prayer ann tnV fPp" by Mr, Wright and Organs tprd| of Thahksgivint ,f.vvv,r,»vDutch Postlude. Handel ..".'.iff:" Folk^Stmg P^s^VotrHRitter*!!? â- 01i*gan__ numbers ^Evening Chimes .....____ Of f ertoire-_â-  )>SsliPlifISIplllSil ^.I^eifiaigre ^li^il^emaigr'e- Tuesday, Jani l^Deedield at jHw Trier, 4:00 P. M: v «»^i â-  * yrida3l ^aitr 20-^Evanston at Prayer /Post lude/in.' â-  0M0i^^^^^^^^0 _ its of Columbus i^ad^'Night f*H6 be observed at Jones Lodge hall Tuesdiay evening, January 24^_under auspices oj the Ouilmette council. K Committee is formulating plans foi^ the special program of events. The first meeting of iheJ&ew^Yea^iin th#Ji« OuHmette council brought out a large "'*"* attendance last Tuesda|p Luncheon was\ served following" the business the] £bmpliah£e/vffih the/law^esp^iallil •iiiri'espeibt to/ speed, e^ercise^ carf by^'all"c'bheel^ied'-ah esy of? the road would/ eiiiftiiiat.#T^ii«^ ty per cent of these ^nfOrtti^i||f* cidents,'1* President ^Zipf dec^k# 'â- 'v'-^An' 'â- " earnest effbrt is^//b^^ini|tdj| by the city ahd^ count^l^thoTitie^s the Chicago Safetjr:,'>^^iji'el^^'^iii^ll worthy; orga il i?iatibn s^ tq * COnseryeS â-  tH^t lives^'-and ';'l'imbs./ of'^h#'n1en;';:'*v(i^e^l and children of $his ebmmurtj|y dur^i^ ing 1922f Isays 'PresidetttMipf^' f^M :^'WiE-:;y;on:Eheii>/:;:eQn limb '.:'.'and:;;vs.ave' •â- prbpertyi^ama^V/b^| racticin^cysaie^y^-u^ eircijntlK s sfa^c^sl^fPth^^jye^idenfe^s^s^irt-'! â- 'â-  ~i$k cottcluding^ppeal^ il|P^^^P^»^ Eighth gradj**«mldren in the ^tjp mAtte^JEubljc^^^cJh^^ bo|MM4^^:.iB^ass^^^4i$^ia rvr% ,.,â„¢^,,,. ,wt?i^^:fa^evi^ ^iiSi|^TU^s'<layl. ^t^mmunity ^I^heih ^ ^r^held eachweek At the Byron ^iStoIp; 5-J - school gymnasium.'.'â- -'â- â€¢â- ^â- â- â- "'^â- :":;;':^/v'!-;/'i;:"./:;i x One lof the largest cr<^dsMliClthe season appeared at the Community dance this week w-heii tHe* Jordan or- chestra," a/ group of expert placers Whn reside On the peared for the first time and register edjone n^o^etr^eT^cenr^ :and--e^tertaihment4:/^///g^;^ The communityâ- 'dllii^'^cilaWlSi'-clft-' ducted by Miss lean .l^hardson^ a highiy^coTOpetent / ihstructeir ^ho »« giving her time at but homii|kl/ re| tnuneration^ have becoTHe one of the popTillFfeaTures of Qommunity^aNctiv- ities.^ The danves given at the- con-v cvlusion of the instruction period are promoting a spirit - of neighborjiness jjf^tiaaa^juid^othe^rul^ _____, considered ^ite-imT«5rtaTp m/^ i^REO'" "CROSS t^The New Trier the Red Crossr-ganipatgh yearly /memberships and Re^~ISbssUSeals BOOSTERS Gkk club during sold 300 worth of velopnjepjt oi/a;; |>roper^;:/(cominunity The dancing classes are sponsored by the Wilmette Community $ervice association. 'Everybody 4s invited to these Tuesday Evening social:â- â- â- â€¢gaik^ -erings7v,': y-^---/"W^M-- •â- â- '^:^ll!lv:^&Wj:$f ofReid Mwra>jited '_T«^'rGN^ilit;lCnWs1iil P Head Organization at Annua ^giUiMeeting Last/Monday organized /what, #::to"vfbe;^ownj;?a^^ :Sa|e^;^buts^/£;-4::;/|i*/cry ::/.ilhdejrj/::the/^fety^Scbut$rpla nreiiibervpledges/btb; :'observe;/all ;Tule|lfi|- relating to tranM:./asBs^llrasSto^m^^ tain' â- ': keen,: yigilknce^^ni^jhj^ thoroughfaresSHIiSiR^^^^fc r;"";The - .principle' â-  rules, gOverning";:th4i|^^ activities' of : the/,Safety.:-Scout': movC<^S ment/ouih'ncd^in^^t^ areessehtially a^fbllows r ^1. Tdl render:individual cases of^ceiden^^M^iasian! .ger.. â- '. â- â- â€¢'*.'.â- '.".' -my".â- â- â- "..'-"â- â-  2. To J-eport^Sthrpugh^ parents^ ti the proper authorities, any vioJatio^nll; •gfewjf -: might prove dangerous to^traflSe;^ pedestrians. -^^.,c;:;; ^y^'^Cii^'iMi^!^^^, Z'JLTjSjrejnflu^^ of danger until aid /is^secured^/^s/i^^B --'Essays;published:1n;.anbtheri'ibtiM of this issue: Of The::.Lake;;Shore,New|?« xiearJy., iliusirate'^libfeiime^ activlties:::;of the-;..Safety'/Sc^out-mo^eiiiS ment.i c^r-SSltiisife'.:1 Wht parfi of teachers- ahd narents 6^ Wiez various enu*ehesran^f the t^e of *^ ^§Psi^Worlc:accomplished the- school is: rec- jnd in^^^g|g|^p^ 'Expect Large Enrollment i The enrollment last semester was 51. Each church is endeavoring to louble itsâ€" enroltmert ecause of the desire on the part of ., hose enrolled new courses are beings Offered1. The following is a^^evised **^mmz. x*mm* m heduie for thelsecond jijej^ster-- Monday «ven«^s^anuary~£i6>: nd 30. February 6, 13 and 20- - s Eirsi^period^rjii tol «^ P, M,r 23 |(a) The Life and Times of Christ -8 .^^^...i^^ey. Frederick C. Grant b) The Religion of Adolescence.. ~-:'^\s.M.'j>t^:l^smMijBL E. Richardson ....._jej Missionary Methods^-IW^^^^.v^': ^»^.^;^^:......,Mrs.......Marie-. Hunter l^lf^^1\ssemb^"'Period--8:35' to 8 :S0 P. M. ..... m Second Periodâ€"^ :50 to <M5~P. ^m4^, â- ICa^.-.Practical^- Jilethl^s^m^^aolimg Reckford* i'.:Tuesday|iJan. 24â€"Neur Evanston, 4:00 P. M "" 'Trier1: ^Eriday, / Jan.ii25^I#l^' ©eerfield. ^ .. -...... .....1I_ riday, Eeb TrierJli/flll 'Tnlff feWaukegan *t New Saturday, l^eb. 4-^Rockford at New Friday" Feb lO^First ^ahir Sub^ urban League finals. _ ___P^Wejms.-rr==-A^ special^ course for parents in. the spiritual -development^of "thtncftndvrrnr^ .-s-.-.v^ Df- Norman E. Richardson ©Methods for the-Junior" Depart- ment -â- ...„»â- .... Mrs. Marie Hunter The registration fee iojOhX^econd semester is $L50. The ineetmgs are fc^fT «♦& B3^> C StoIPX school, Tenth street and Central avenue. It Howard H. Brow^i, mtanigefbf Jhe Wilmette/?" ;.offices^of ':AMurray Marid: Terryv portfc^hgr^rjsaltor^/^ evening was elected presidiEfnl of the North Shore Real Estate board at the_annuaL_meetmg^of the^organizaion ^Northrop, retiring, pre^idenfe Other officers chosen at th^^Mo^ day meeting included : :"i^!rr;.:-v Frederick B. Thbmasj^ice pre^- that are to be run inl THE LAKE Wll^TK^TALRi NEWS Nothing:±|ba^:coiitfl..... than * .'"â- '•"â-  â- â- ' mm x**fWEDNESDAY NOON U ^.....3HURSDAV^J«OON-*- »«â-  FRIDAY NOON *-# of the week of publication ^USlxS^^fSlic^^yf Ernest Q. Smith, treasurer. Glark Ti Northrop> was elected a director for a term of three years, and Gilbert Johnson a director for a term ^o&ztwo .years;:^^":^"'^^7~-'"^^^-s?sa^" ilâ- 'â- 'â- 'â-  â-  J];--_•'"" "• â- -""'>"â- â€¢â- -|ji""" CHURCH LEADERS TO KONOR p | PASTOR AT "BIG RECEPTION TWAIN'S HUMOR ATTRACTS _______ American historyyil , nation ha^ tliere been /s| greaX.;: j;//need^;/^for/:^the;^holesomE...... rty^-eve»t^pedag^g-«humoc;; ^W&i Mark Twain^/as rl$Ht now! WitbthifeS minds of the people in tile darlc hoiir of/the re«onstructiow*erak times, is the best* /tonic conceivabl* At7-rtbel|1^olIs^ ^otk:i:;oJE^lhi|:."' '..... J ...... . hat^e^AL^ConnecticutMj^ Vanl^etini-^ng-^Arth.ur'svCourt.>'^And^ how better than, by- the: film ;eould th>^^ humor of the Great Humorist hep ^K^anw«g /Of^h^JcWe^Xdis satisfied^ Board of Trustees of the First Cbn- gregatiohal schurch of Wilthette are isruing invitations to a reception to be given Wednesday evening, January *8. in honor of the iReV. and Mrs. Stephen A. Lloyd. The reception, to be held in the church parlors, wil|i>e featured by a program of nmsic. I# ReVi. Lloyd recently entered populace Of todaly^iiifiS^^^^gig^-^. When^ troubles 's^#^rioW»l abe' nothing could "better teach, us the i^S lr'Mlfc.M:^hgEisdbttBJ^eicpr^i^ won't' mafcfe any: dirferehcey;;thoi|^ T*EW TRIER AT EVANSTON and _ the | o cloelr^h^ NewflTrrer Swimmjjig teanj mee^Eyan^tonV High at^fie Y. M. CrArlnJSyinston. This event marks the beginning of the meets of the SubnrbanTieaiue. New^ T^iej- hi* won the championship for four yla^i and hopes to win from Evaftstofc yvhtth has one of the strongest teat&s' in the league.

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