â- â- mm: â- ;. â- ;â- "«'â- THE LAKE SHQ^^^^ SS3S URGH ^NNOUNCEMENTSaPARISH^^W» 5S55 -§§ '#$$wj o'clock, Dr. Magill will preach on "The^Value of || a Definite and Controlling Purpose." jg"This"u: in line with sermons recently |g preached and, if the attendance here- tofore is any criterion, it is expected IS that there wHl be a-very large cpn- 11 igrcgtijfion]^^ ^ -; W?.Mr.-'Earl,, Dean Howard of the J ;;Chair o&plridustrial Relations in t? Northwestern nniversity and labor manager of Hart, Schaffner and MstXt will deliver an "address on "Present Day Conditions in Industrial Relations'* at the dinner to be1 given by the Men's club at the church this ^evening 6:30 o'clock. The discussion of this timely topic will doubtless mean a very large attendance. 1==ThrWoman?s Tuesday afternoon Bible class will be,gin ~-a~-series-5=oi: lessons taken from the four Gospels, under the leadership of Mrs. A. li. Berry of Chicago, Tuesday, January 17, 2 P. M. All women of the village who are interested in Bible study are invited to join this class. The very encouraging interest manifested during the Week of Pray- er is still being seen and felt in our Wednesday mid-week service. Cer-? tain ^definite plansj are being^^QtJcejtiS^^^oa •put for utilizing this interest. « ' The teachers of ther. Prinlafy: de- partment of the Sunday school invite parents to leave their little ones in -the- Sunday- s^wfc-a*me3e=°duri •church services. With modern equip ^ment and conveniences they are well prepared to give the children the best attention and care. ^iM^WMAA l f<Church service, 11 A. E""'SelrS' 5 Sunday school, 9:30 A. M. ^ Is A junior C. E., 3:30 P. M.^; JBfcaS Senior C. E./6P. M. : SiigSiitl'.' '. • Mid-week service, 8 'P.. M^||#|Stt-.... % The AnntiaLAeetfag.jOf2^e"cxmidrj^ the rector in the chair. The rector gave his annual report of the work ,of the church during the year. 'â- â- â- /Mr.. Ford Jones, treasurer, presented the tre?aswe^bgepoi3--ex^ hibiting ai â- satisfactory showing of the finances of the~ church for the year£? Mr. Lilly, secretary and treas- inhabited the earth in priftieval ages. This was followed by f the well known fairy story **Hansel and Gretel" and by a comedy entitled "Billy's Sponge *fTht';1!rWa^ Children's Movies in St. Augustine's Parish House, which is free to all boys arid girls in Wilmette, at 3:45 and 7:15 will consist of "Cinderella" followed by a remarkable film of wild bird life and a Marionette comedy of figures delightful to children called "Midnight Frolics." On this occasion the boys and girls will-be* the guests of-Mr. and Mrs. Ira jQnes,j542 Cherry et, Winnetka. -,:-.;^# ft iCohiing pictures^ which liave been booked include "Cinderella", "Feath^ ertop" "Rip Van Winkle," "Dick Whittirigton and.his Cat", "Rumpel-' stitskin", "Alice^~in Wonderland", "Alice in the ^^oldftg^Olass", "The Arabian Nights", "The Fairy and the Waif", "Goldilocks an<L theâ€"three Bears" and many other classics. The rector of Str-Augustine's de- livered the Annual Lecture on the Houghteling Foundation last week at the Western Theological Seminary in Chicago. â- •.;.' â€"Theâ€"congregatien^ofâ€"St. ' August- ihe's was; saddened to learn of the delitlTTalstr Sunday morning of Mrs, James S. Helm, one of our newer parishioners. Sbq- was buried from* St. Peter's church, Chicago, last Tues- llMrr^honm^^uTTerton, choirmaster of St.Augustine!s,-assisted_by some, of the women who take a-deep interest in the Boys' choir, entertained, the ^^^l^oy^m~^e Parish HbufeTast Friday evening with a party consisting_jc»f refreshments, contests and games. ........\L, . . . Rev. Stephen^Aj"Lloyd?rpastorf wilt speak next Sunday on "A New Sac- rifice", the third of his "New Year Messages for the Individual". Miss 4ch=will be the soloist. Morn- ing service begins at 11 o'clock,^, ^ The Chui%h ^school orctofestra^ uh- 2130; ^Members of the Church â- ^rritVJ** school Jiirer^oi the -Sunday^ school-gav-e~a-re- portof the progress of the work of the school during the year. -Miss Snsan~Northam reported for the Altar Ouild^ and Mrs,, B^„A. jCro^e^ secre- tary of the Associated GuidSj, for the work accomplished by the women dur- ing the-year. The treasurer's report of the Associated Guilds was present ed by Mrs. F. D. Day. Miss Davy^ reported 1 for "the Woman's Auxiliary; The work and; activities of the Boys^ Vested choir was pre- ented-bjgMr. Fulle^torgi^^rHE^-^fy Bingham, senior warded, gave an itc- count_of the business management of the/parish in generaTdurjng the year, eports were also^pre^eliHdrof'the who play any instrument, speak to Mr. Gilmore about joining, or just be there at the church in tinae for re- hear salr: ,-:-w;l. â- :J-^-^i.:;.i£ Th<* Wilniette Com^nitn^ School of Religious Education will open its second semester. J^nda^^. JLanuj,ry 1 , at 7:30 P. M. Every teacher and officer oi every Wilmette .Church school, and every parent in the com- munity -should be interested in the success of this school and should rfctivities Ifof the Girls^ choii-, the 'Pioneers^ an organization: Of boys feand also of oth^r activities in the con- gregation, f^**™™^*-- ^?^*-^-t--,,^ H The Warde Ihelp^ 4owai of study and those giving the courses, appear elsewhere in this issue. Re- , istration can be made through the Sunday school superintendents of the various churches^or through Mr> A. H^JHoward, or Mr^ Gjjmore; Qf thjs; churj;hv:,,,r/,^^ Tlie^ Neiffhho^hond Ci*v»'e7 MrsT^vV; G.jG1ovef. cha^rni^; wilt^hoM arrall^ d»yâ€"meeting Monday at ' tlv home of 3Sjuinden .^and;':",lPrairie":"avenues, ^^% â- iilli. mette. :â- 'â- 'â- 'f&k^'. Herman W Meyer, M.A., pastoral 406 Prairie avenue; Phone 4396. ^ iOUR FATHERS' FAITHâ€"OUR M -COUNTRY'S:1 :LANGUAGE^m 9:1S A. M.â€"Sunday school and Bible class at"Library ..Hall. f$i;M^^i$%*- 11 A. M^â€"Service and sermo^- at the church. Subjee4jLy«€nurch Work and its Great Requisites." 1 Pet. 4T 11. -The induction of the newly elected omcers of the church will take place in the service on Sunday mprning. || "The "Bttilders" Yputig people's society has planned a number* ofâ- â- â- '.«fe: tgggtloitsâ- â- ^to* the ^e^smgs^e^ednlg Lent, among vsrhicli ate a sleigh-ride party as soon as the weather favors, a Valentine party on * larfe scale, and an entertainment towards the end^of ^february^ -All the ypung mar* ried people of the church (and there is no age limit) are to be invited to both the sleigh-ride and the Valentine At the congregation meeting! ?on Tuesday evening, Mr. M. Daib de- livered a very interesting address on the Lutheran work among the neg- ;:|il|; lected and destitute children of Cook county. Mr. Dam is vicjs pjr^lito^Si the Addison Manual Trainfiig ^ch* fqr;l>ovs^nd thiIndastria^Ifeme girls, which Is seeking tne * . of all Lutheran congregations of Hereafter all midweek service* -Str^bhnV Iiutheranr-ehtfreb^ wiH^hf held on ^Wednesdays.â- ig^ad ofw#|; Thursday as heretoforip^eJMa^ services therefore wilt be held ewy Wednesday evening^ at 8 o'clcW:^ h«^ ginning'.March. l*-^mMm^^mmim' ;"'v"'" Mrs. Louis avenue. K Gillson; 706 Forest doming year wcre-elected, as"well' as the representatives to the Diocesan convention to be; Iheld in Chicago .;July:/"24. W^^^Mfi^M^^^^^$ >g_The jrieefnig was 'precvede<J' by a FanuTy~ol1mer under the tnanagement of Mrs. F. D. Day and the women of the congregation assisting her, attend- ed by th^peTcn^lerof^the church, and, Although the main business of the gathering was to hear reports Of the business end of the church's .work, a Ivery enjoyable soeial time was spent. _. '*â- :J^y;Ad.,:./:^..;.:â€".:..:-, ^ ,:::..:â- :,:;_,;:..._. ^eiMnp,: -^ire: The rector of St."Augustine's in^tts-^lag^ lermon last Sunday referred to the Thursday. TheyJloafd of Deacons anit^the Of TruiteeF^of the church have exWmted a very- cordial invitation to everv member of the parish to a re- ceptjon to be priven in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Wednesday- evening, Tanuary 18: A musical oropram has beeh^lirr^figed^nd a delightful even^ ing is being anticipated. ^ The t^zy {^rneY^Circte: Mrs! F. C. Huffman, chairman, will hold an all- day meeting at .the church, Thursday. The officers of Girls Tatapochon meet Miss. :lock inly-^vide^bfgahized effort of the Fed^p _. _ , - . . - nnv a^.^^ leration of ^Churches iiL Chicago int The Second Troop of Boy Scouts ^arrymg on a campaign greaW^o^m ef c« Sâ„¢a^ crease their membership, and urged one meeting^at the ^»ra*2"M the people of St^ Augustine's indfeo'clock nr the afternoon, .and the Ividua^ly to take a unked step f^othl^^ IvarFycnde^vorm^^ scputmastej membership of the church a ;C|psi^er- |ably increased -numb^-^sMSilifeffi.! TKe^ttiidahce af tlie^'Children's Ili^Movies" given weekly in^St.iAugust; ^Jine's Parish House is-rapidly incretis- lf|pi^dh^|^DuniJg~the last ^eoupfe'of Thurs- ^iiili^dayp':: after noons;" 'the acconimodations _ _ parish house have been taxed Ito the utmost. The running oTThe picturesltWice each Thursday after- noon is ^eing ====. _ considered in order to ccommodate the many children who light in thetpT" There are^ iTdren^atteiiding :G0^|0^^g^ ............_____ ;(iMrch^ ig :K5V'^,fl'4t^^yv^^as ?ff^g?asr^gy?igfBBgB7^i^^ otier orranizatioili:^MM^"^^iW^9M^ the standitig-^ a Co^^ Give-Wtl^&ttfI a - church going community: "The Pathfinders/' a group of Third Year intermediate boys,Jast Sunday presented to the intermediate and Junior^partments £of the . c^"ff ]j school ah electrical map wpon whictr they have been working for some time." The boys, under the leadership, of Mr. Fischer, teacher of the classr constructed a^large historical rna^p. pi Palestine, colored it very carefully, and then wired it so that different a: e^^sO'.-many;'.young^c "that the rector always!! reads the ^^captions for their benefit: Yesterday's ii^entertainment was given-by Mr. and '-:i*®t^ifetetJE--A^.i^ toden ...........~ ~-~~".................."""'"^^^•'""isted^of aj?«- tMedl^tAioiig showing the places of historicarimportance in Pal- estine^tfd;^iirroTimling=^ be found b^miean$~jof a- wire con-: nection belw^Wthe-T>roper posts.. "The Live Wires/' a class of Fnrst Year-^Intermediate^ -^girky ^under Mm Lawrence, teacher, iiaye issued i^The-^Mohawks n- Moonbeam ^gityy challenge to class of^irJl^jearJifiysi fello3afc^r..J^mip^ lake^terwhote godd famil^iong; call to your neighho^ as you passâ€"get him to go ft) church tO(^ seTfaGood EwQS«il«"S|g ||j|r r<K m^tWSSmWtSMg^^^M Form the iabitiSite the test ever! utaUonpinakeiHt essentiauy a teave it to the other *HEY, HA^A^pigiitt^ ..... MlEliW ENGUSH sTl|dW#ajvX||H|^|31MSlJ iWBtJGUS'l'^K'S h.i'l^^^A^ Svkf^SS'i;