Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jan 1922, p. 3

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»CMij "*#â-  ^enilworth Happ enings m Iil|:; tained d Mrs. Harry Crook enter- eir Bridge club New Year's; ,{. _.t.......f ve. mi:..-^aii^lllll'llplillli â- " Hl|l|: Mis^'^tiliialt"iXcl^^Wi."," waaSa |!!>Mincne6n hostess JFriday last, in hbn* ""'"'^'oJl'Miss^anet'Smale. ty Darling gave a coast* has been visiting school friends be« j|oje_^raing^ Spy1'!1'1 ^ '^n^^S"' â-  i^'"'.' ^3^tA^^c:;i«rJtii';;'.'pl Sandusky, <X. Kas b<a*n visiting school frriends be- ""......... .........I: uim^% pi luh last. t Shirley Ross was a hostess at cheon lanU-'COTstiHg party iat Indian HillclubTuesdaylast.Jg|K M rl and Mrs/ John Hicks -gave a pi|3iip|idinneXdance,Friday in honor of their after a ^^'â- ZSJZtkt ['. AipfeI».r*"B=( ilWalter^ ter,,,,;^.:, â-  â- . *£:%;:? ter4SShattuck\ . ned Mcmday r jfreek in the nNjrth ^6^s^i^^^^Q. f -Mary Louise Owen, daughter of Mk |ttnd Mrs. O* G. Owen, spent the holi- |days in, Cleveland, O. f i Mra^attWfts^PrjnjtiiBa pntprtainpH the f -5 irAfternbon ~Briidge^to|rI at luncheon ?;J|^^esday. lastt'x,.;:' :f^vy ^^$;: ^ â-  jforesiiiah. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresnian, left Saturday for ^^i^Snlith college, Northampton, Mass. r - Mr. &nd Mrs. Hugh Foresman ._en* -~^-4ertaiire<!h^*^^ Thurs-. *" ' day evening in honor o£ Miss Mary Hills, who was-a guest of the Misses Foresman. ___^_ [rs. Karl Kdjrri Tuesday in honor of her daughter, #^i§r"Pa^ly~rFdr^man entertained at t^a^New Year's Day. ^5 [arjorie Burchard, daughter [i. and Mis^jSd^A^BinTa<aTdrletr ^"SundayTdr Wellesley college. Mfi and MrsF Eebtit Ellis and:Mr; Mrsr •SarmteHClark entertained Saturday evening. CTâ- ..,H,;::J:;.â-  ,.:\-^S, i Mrs. Maulsby Forrest entertained at bridge .Friday last.. *'^^^^;^*m Mrs. Walter Gerould |htertaihedT at >ridge on Thursday,-rp^je^--^ Mr. and Mrs. V^'^:dot4-""'in4 daughter, Bernice, are spending the ?llMr. and Mrs. J. K. Farley enter- tained at their home, 300 Abbottsford load* New .'Year's; 'Eve. mW€mr[0 l^rsl^e^eli'Clar^^lentertaihed^irt!' tes|l^uMd]|y â- tillliiiK.Mr^.;-^; ilrving- Iftfootf ^ard^&nte!^ ivehihgfc:J|l;v;>.â- â- '.:,;. &p.;' -fe':,M*z^y. â- â- :*,â- :â- â-  ^Miss Elisabeth Stolp, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Rufus Stolp left Sa^ujr- 'day' for' Boulder," Colo* if Iftff fHflii' Miss J^r^â€"pannah has returned to the (Jlotintiy School in v Virginia^ ||f Mrs. Edward Parnielee entertained at tea Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mr$i£*|&!§k^^ J-ackner^$^f;^;S|#.5fftfft-MS^::' ;^H â- ""â-  Miss Cornelia Keith^aughter of Mrs. .Karl Keith, left Thursday for day for EmmaJWillagd-^<4mofr-^S?wH- mrr^ 1 â- ^r^:;,.,.. . â-  '^:m Mr. John Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs; Kar; the University of Michigan, at' Ann Afboiy....._Tr;7T^:rV>^ :^X.^^^i-^& rMiss Grace,Grady of California has -been the guest of Miss Elizabeth Hannah over the holidays. 'Official Publication) National Bank OF WILMETTB at Wllmette in the State of Illinois, at the close of business on December. 31, t9Zl. â-  '. â-  ^â- -â- â- ^^-r-r-r- --â- â-  ' :â- â- "â- "" Loans and discounts S Overdraft^ unsecure# Mm*mMtf ttwuiHH- Ali other Unitedt- Stfltes 0*>vem*i went securities . ...z Other bonds, aeevr- tlea, etc.* ....... Furniture and flx-r tures .......... o- tawful reserve with" FederaL Reserve a Bank ..i.;...... Cash in vault and atn«Unt ^ ue fronis 119,581.92 ll96,l«7.98 ||^l||p^§""' can ap^TOg#N|swOÂ¥a=^ cIliSi^:A%tallmeni:is!publishe .^ollowirig^is'a%ond^^d;|obyj^^ "^#^Â¥ Loans and discounts v;vp,Â¥v?..£|pif:. $274,807^9 U. S. Government Securities...... 119,581.92 Other Bonds and Securities ....... 196,187.98 Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 34,144^2 Interest earned uncollected U .^^^. ^^017^6 Discount collected, LIABILITIES .'iijs.'j Capital S«rpliia||l"^,:l>';: *;*^ Undivided Profits Reserve for inter est and taxes Bills pay able, Federal Reserve Ban War Loan Deposit Dividends unpaid . « . * 10,000.00 10,803.61 20,000.00 50,000.00 753.00 OFWILMETTE5 $739^89^8 I'll:^ Jfcgl^^J.^ ^ :^ "•':",';â- ;v.; â- ^;K^iVr's-'vy^'^^^-^; V-"f^^ - ;vV-' '^vffvfe^ mfiiiiB: 7j^eJ{oweafSani^gs<iZ>epositors rm. mmm earning v,o. Wl»EliRrPri^ DISTILLED WATER ICE Cinders " Btnkfinc Material General Teanunf We Build Dmeway* FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE 7S3W.Raiin»adAfe. Phone WU. 53 ret amounts due from banks, bank- ers, and trusts companies hi the?" r United States ... Checks on other â- ~ banks in the same City or town as* reporting bank Totai<^e£-'4tet - cated outside jclty^ or town o+her ,; cash ?r "*'?4temsj^v/;...:';.-._...,. % Other assets^ if any t, â- iiWlb collected ;U â-  ,.x, .x ?;â- . 195.56 8^017.26 Sf^fotaT $739,289.88 LIABTLITTES SEl*lR^Or^GQQjprlOOD Grocery Telephcme. 510, 511, 512 & 513 {^Sftm^pr. On orders of $1.00 or more of normal .uro£t Goods Cash and Deliver These do not apply to Nteat D^urtment. Goodi^.^^ an. .^Li^ Capital stock paid -Surplusâ€"fundâ€"t^rtt TJndlvJded profits . $10,803 «1 â€"-j^esjerved for inter-^j^^i^MSi *ruied 'vi.^ 10.000.00 I Dndci^ioiiiid 3Cj e s s current ex- pens©^r C^HiBia X&MsJiltM - •*** I^MIs outstanding MiifTotal of Items mm. 22. 53, 24. 2R.. Dent and deposits fother than bask _I __ 4n> rabfeet to Renerret Individual deposits sUblect to checV . Certificates of de- posit due in less than: 90 day* Tother" than for money borrowed) gt%ter-â€"eountyjâ€" of Other municipal deposits Secured 5S3C" pledge of as- â- ';•'â-  .T*,"-'â- :',",'* tKH ',f1^k Dividends "uhbald' . -:^-:Tota3. • of â-  demand" xm^rn^y deposits ...... .388^080^1= I T««e deportta Mfc-_ _ Ject to Reserves tfeSeiK Certificates of ','de- .skills :â- â€¢' ptnrtr=tothS|'......than. ^:&mW â-  /'^-'Itor-^vrtohej^slbor-. Â¥yMM:M T0Wl§d'"~^%'viTTTT^Tpf|!S Other time deposits 13.116.9* JJ|25|44- 5;232^90 :W: ;15,ono "« |f|753.o;0' posits total of time de* '" â-  posits:. subject' to - i^mMym ' Ffls^ve^Iternjr "32 iWWMmm ~^3v^3*,tand-»S^?; v405»l39^S| poslta (other than a/i^savlntlS] ^^ittsT'i-Ml oah deposit- ao SBpiBn^pateai^J^wsl^ OjE iLi S.: disbSirs in» officers..... talrte£ejwi'ltht'ii ^;;^d^ra|llte T^pep^: |#i a h 11 it Us otKef HMifc*»-t-%4.. "Dfaooiifht^ J;034869.78 |164.25 ESb.UrS»-:- -fe^».: â- â- 'â- â- â- â- -â- '--,'i*ste^* i!StSil^S|^Sl WAGNER APPLESâ€"Fine W «3iii«r or cookMg^liinr^ ^ Box, over 40 lbs net . .â- .,.^'.". «^^.:'w^V V.:'.':y .^^:;^;»^^^^f^^^^^fc^^M^fc__i_; FLORIDA ORANGES. Very fine^^i.0^ »1«fcBfo FLORIDA Gmm $BX33£-0&4^ 8^*^ 80 size, doaett";^;i.V"."". ^^^^l;-^;^:y:«^^%^^N. ._,. 64' size dozen 'â- 'â- â- 'â- â-  â-  - ^"^•â- -â- ' â- -' vV€vviiWv^i!l$ 1.10 ' E«cli ||^^.;s^:^Â¥.3#:^-;:«s.::*^i^^ m. SUPERIOR FAMl^lialNl^^ 'aMalLNaV^sA^8i«WB>rt^i^^ Corned SUNBEAM FRUIT SALAD __/Usn^ed fruits^r^alad^^^^U RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN FIH^- 1 Ddz. $$j&0: can ...^v.^^#^J« SUN I BAY APRICOTSâ€" Fancy, heavy syrup: large*-No. â- &H^;:<?ati;; jipz. $2.75:.. eativ.v.M24c. IbLPENjSACLE^AjPRl^^ B«#irst quality; heavy syrupy No. IftL.;^-".'•!. rii^Kiw*.. ThU 5%U can V? «tb&':&.60:; 'e%4'#^^' IMPORT ^PEACHESâ€";:;'*s«^^^^ HS^elloV ain«r; very fine -Iruitt CaLnEN EAtSLE PEACHES--| f ^irsi oiuality. Heavy syrup. Nrt. § 2^ rW: doz. 13.85Icajft^,^.Jfe Ri^MELlEt! COLOSSAE ASPARAGUS POINTS- ^ Extra lanejfc Extra largt" ti ^;ca'h^ff^^â- :'v'.^^V^^vf:#^T;^?.^^..^ vaRGiN jcc^N^igiitg......... A vefv 1ine7 tendleiv sweet corn. Bo^ $150: 2 cans......-.'.... .2$c RICI«tlEU-LlTTLE.KERNEL |; ...cornâ€" â- â- ::- â- â- >-.â- .â- â-  -: -;-"7-* Sweet, tender. No finef packefl. Dor. $2.W: can .........,il..I|^ fiEPrir STFtmOEARLir )6y $1 o5;: can" ^Wi^^BSiiS&i-â-  • 14c tlcf^iftsWllWsW MEAT DEPARTMENT Diadfejai^^ni s«^ pi«^ Briaket Bonelaaa Honx« Made P«rk Sauaage Meat '^'Pound .;..â- ..x^im^mm^w^32c Lamb .â-  Patties;, ifc XWffBi Wi-mi 32c. ;s, Procter &; GatttW^ p^'jgbo4'-'S'oap"':':anxJ':'^it;v isMold"â- 'hafd. ifehalf Jof':; the :coit,^t^€loSe;::iMit^.^ |pm,hars;"i X:. <.:-;...^;.:.w„.... -.i?5c •^f^i;'"* Mes:e;^fe:l^L^illi^^ Tj It W; Wsbber. <3ashier. of the aboye named b^n*,idd^ iwleninl^ iw^ ^iialtatiife above^it&teinenf Is tru«fe^to the best ©* niy kpnwiedp^ an^Tseltet:^ 5 i:;:i::i;.'^':fS"a>i^;::^^:m-^WEBBBR.::;CasM^., *s Subscribed and swxjtrniJw: hotor^ int W'of^Jjftlhiiary, 1922^' ;v=^^^. ,,..........._..... MARQA^ET'r:®CHISftfiP^^ ^CoKtect^^elsW "........ RICHELIEU TOMAT^ES-1^^ _ .flav^'^a^pacp^^^'rcaii. ^rftw TOUATOEi ^ct*^^iitofc$a^&an|...: Doz. $1.50; 2 cans >!,,,..:,.•.. 25e LIBBY'S CttlU €<IN CAIINE-^ â- " 1Q££ ozv-ca'n-.:• ^ 'â- Â»$\*,i..- ♦.';^.^-.-^^^fSg: RiIRinEAW3Kt#^||l!IES^ : * Large' fisfe" ;Iii^gi^^iOil|^%;,_;:iss Larpre cartas LA.__-.' ". .: â- â- ^^«ii;"'fishi^8^.«fe^w,............ <S1LT EBGE SHOE rPCfl^SH«^ AMMOâ€"Dry^ Ammonia; can^ 13c AMMONIA-1-5Lga^bottl^iiPiiSt -po'R'ri^Hiiii^^ Iv6RY;SOAP^1Mp|liftl:.^^ â-  â- ^?io' ,10 oz; .â- bi^'SW^*1*' -^0-^«z^hars^^WSfl|IS^^ ARMOUR'S START fclTE: :SOAP I^||EJ|^.;J3C.|- *1H lb. ps^'^|i^£-»v"^i^: ELASTIC STARCtt^4k^Wfft«c. ; PAil-S-^alyanize4^r^ip|ii*^ â- â-  \ 12 quart; V.'...,..... v;;.^:»|||'i=*30c richelieu 'ms^Mim^Bm.' :' .^il8c WHISK BROOMS "^incjr quali|ri|^yer^ ~^Vv^l^ia<ie; eactr COCOANUTSâ€" ,aj^e^-Eresh^^acl l^^ll^EmaJjw^i^,..... ,.;Cefe5Ata;r:^;/bbt^^|^^||||iU :icmGSBiMiir"^0Aiid;:^^S baking ypotmtoes. POTATOESâ€" Large, mealy 30 lb. bar ,. WISCONSIN _ . _..... , i^tityl%usher, i'-eoQ^RW^ JONATHA|LAPPl-iESi' '^^^6â€"- -..i DeUc»c^silifating.';'r:E^e^Ml^T-_-. 1A"' Iti.'â- "â- 'â- â- â€¢ * :'v".?' 'â- 'i'v"V^iteSlil^isi^SSefg W ..'IDS*.- \»^i^j>:iLi*.:fJt~^'0^^^^t!^§ RICHELIEU ROLLEDjOATS--- ft^arg«ia^lbr7:-ozv ^gr:fflim:Ji^: CREAM OF WHEAT-&^m%k SHREDDED WHEAT Bj^^lt--^ llvjpkjpir â- -"â- " "-â- â- â-  ;pi# BENSDORP DUTCH M lb- .canj^otr^S"W^'Win DR. PRICE'S PHOSPHA' RED . iCiDNEr â-  BEANS-'3gm â- f Drtedl SRIIXED =«LACI^ â- ib;":^ ^HiCKQR^WUTS-^bv n^;.;cbr*i.;A ^.:PEANUTS^iimlb<^a ;>5£|*!Ij3Bm». ^yiu^jriarhigfh priced cleaned jg^p^^ii^lo^^cac^ Fute.; 50 feet â- ... :MÂ¥t§lSl§f^s«fc?e rhite. Braided. Cptiofll 50 H:^2« lACjOiat^jffiWJXEJt!S^^ RANDOLPH CALIFORNIA SILVER POLISHâ€"8 ozj SHELF PAPERâ€" VV^hite. JB&ixiJZ4x3& si Large Roll; doi. JOHNSON'S F 1 lb. can, ^ii^rrojpiiAFE Package Si PE^^UTS^Kfefishi SlSEell; IK ENGLISH WALNUTS Si She4le^^ewjy&,iju__ ^HO^OCMmS^:1b^%o1^^ CITRON PEELâ€"Fancy. Lblil.4Sc ORANGE PEELâ€"taney; :Lbl|4.30c. LEMON PEEl^FancK'Lb.l^jife: ^J^ siibstitttte^fbt3ap61i0i- ^;^4.iRac. ' fM '..â€"SS» lilPE ..OLIVES-li^Bil Quart can LLE,GE EXTRA LARGE- ^UEEN OLIVESâ€"Quto lat queen, olivesâ€" :;!;!!& Jf %t Large,; •^iOziti>©ttt^,#ii BUCKWHEAT FLOU :iPure, Bulk. -Lbr-r. wv RICHELIEU ENTIRE JFaiEAT:!^ ;FLOim^^^'1^>'I2^._,...5SSi..... RICHELIEU PASTRY FLOURâ€" GRAHAiliFLl^R^^sr^v;Ki â- tmm •te«sfefel! #«

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