#1% til 'i,!S: ftTORE ffi^ JANUARY 6, 1922 j ~ __ ^MNILWORTHJiEJCHBORS-GfWE -0mmipg closely iipbiiv the ah- BABIES' FRIENDLY ISSUES I! CALL FOR MORX WORKERS I â- .ffiSFvfi^.M*^ k£de«i^to..l^lp..i? e^^«^?i^^^ - fc^i» /fowled $50 each__toward the tn-we^a of clothing, will oe weicomca 1 JSfch^^^^^ Babies' Friendly£*&££ Point Health Center, came word this mg session to be held on Thwrtday. week that the Kenilworth Neighbors" January 12, trom 10.30 to 5 o clock, at ctubhad contributed $100 toward the • 1414 Forest avenue. ~ fund. The total cost of an -endosiidi^a,^^^ Ford cajrjor^lhjL_yJsiting Jiutse^ is cently to Armenia through the Near "Approximately $450, according to £ast Relief, as well as miscellaneous * officials of the Center.- clothin __^Ehe-4M»&e*-^r^-to-en^rfoy^ tl,e society is receiving Ua^ffceHttit^ along the^many «home"Call*5.which always re- north shore; many "home" calls .which always re- ceive first attention. - More workers are needed! CLERK-CARRIER EXAM ORDINANCE VIOLATIONâ€"$100 Bernard Meyer, contractor, was i fined $100 and costs in Magistrate A clerk-Carrier competitive exami MickeyV^olice_court_Tiiejsday^^foi^f^^^ the Wilmett. ^viplafibn oFa Village ordinance pro- post:0fl5ce on Tuesday, January 17, hibitmg the spread of building mate- «T â€" __----------â€"«,««* m*A* rial on walks, parkw.ays and streets. The violation that brought Meyer into material yards at linden and West Railroad a venues, it was^ said. according to an announcement made this week by the United States Civil Service^coramission. m jiveryTablet One doae often JmtIim mence to enrich your blood and revitalize your worn- out exhausted nervesâ€" Nuxated Iron is organic jyrbn, like the toon in your Wood and Hkethe iron in spin ach. It u'so prepared that it will not injure the teeth nojL T^aturbtlfe^tomacft. Itisready for almost immediate absorp- tion and assimilation by llier blood while some' physicians claini metallic ironwhich peo- ple usually take is not absorbed at all. If you are not strong or welryori owe. it to yourself to. ,.,. make Ute_.jfoUo^n|Lt^^--Se<!~ how long you can work or now far you can walk without be- . coming tired. Next take two -^ve-grain^bfcts-of Nuxated Ironâ€"three times per day,Tarter nieaJta-JoiL4w^MWieeksir--I1ien-' w,,5, „,,v, test your strength again and J»e how much yon have gained. Your money ^liSSiiWillba/tefunded by^ilrermanufacturers if you ^|l|ii|ildo not -obtain per^wUy satisfactory results.. *"'"""'""'""'lAtaMdrufwist^ 'H^ *oa* ol -bjgkd^ * made Hi bur cleanly up-to-date bakery is one o£ creamy food-good- ness. It is a loaf that will make you resolve to do away with bread baking in the KtWne; BACK OF EVERY BANK If Upon these men depend the^ervi^^ ThV^nea-wha control the policy of this bank are expenenced^usmess Jtien who 3^tand the principles of successful management of ^anciaj^affa^^ and are well kSSW* in this community. OFFICERS 9. A. -wnceluch, President Phillip Hoffmann, Vice-President Dan G. Stile* Vice-President Fred A. Smith, Vice-President W. Dv I*e«ry» Cashier DIRECTORS F. Jb. Bnteman _ _^ Pres. Transcont'I. Freight Go. WprTs. "^Stationery & Loose Leaf Co. ^nchJhfSmfer, Whitney & Barbour Phillip Hoffmann______j------- â€". -Hoffmann Brothers---------â„¢ Benjamin F. Lewis Pres. Lewis Publishing: Co. Mgr. Amerrcan Slicing Machine Co. . ' Henry_Tayloj*Jr>; ,,^^7â€" ^- '- Steel JSngrravTHg: ijte'\Printlng; JSJ^A._Wheelock^r ,~=â€"^- President ~ YOUR HOME BANK Understate Frank J. Seng; Pres. TJae Seng Co. C* Sell* City" National Bank, Bvanston JndsoaF. Stone McCormick Estates Arthur J. JCsjjdor VKM^^ ^ iV«ai r^iM rr*M ,v*a i iV»M ivis>»i i v* \i iv*vi iV«T\i r^sAi ri SgSRSfS WiX;BcHaJiltter ^^^^^^p^i^^.^p^piinng. stock? â- ^^?:*Vv"i^Sl^!^T%^STr';.--' ... â- -â- â- â- â- -â- - -â- â- <â- -i .â- â- - ...... -«rjVv^j. â€" â- __ .........__..... - Dr^LESUElV* JONES Room 27, Brown Buildingâ€"Hour»: 10-12 A, M. 2-5â€"7-9 P. M. Telephone Wilmette 2557 Residence Phone Wilmette 2558 CLOSING OUT. ^Ullii Angonr- ^car i sff an^7:-wooi^ ^^fiM^riss^aT^^^* 1t|NtQUS STYlE SH01 .....-:â- :' R-.. Cofttan : 'r**^»|»rie*or .-«r"." :>:tL::r,ti2t'C^nti«t ;A««wa»-«^ Wilmottei'W'l f n*i# Wit UM Class Lessons 7:45 to 8:30 ! ........ 10th and Central Lessons 7:45 tc Dancing 8:30 to 11:00 SO eenta per pea SiiilSPATS^ ^WaDai^^ $6.3.5 l|ii^$7e8S^ Ull Boofe $5.85f $7.8Sahd $8.85 i^^^Eyiraffi^^iiperiV...... CantUever Shoes aiid Oxfords are not induded in this sale, but w^^^ ords and Shoes @ $11.55 •^® i|isac^i^: $k^0ji^mi. '&Si^?'/fiB