THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. DECEMBER. 30, 1921 CAROLLING WIIL BE ANNUAL XMAS EVENT Enterprise Sponsored bf Comamnlty Service AisecioJloa Proros Great Succeie; Many Homei Visited Wilmette's Christmas Carollc/s have established themselves as a per- manent Yuletide institution in this Silage. The idea sponsored by the Wilmctte Community Service associa- tion and put into practice last Satur- day evening by some 150 songsters, oroved an unqualified success. More than a score of "shut-ins," icattercd in various sections of the llllage, were greeted by the Christ- mas Eve message of song, and a great carol service about the tree on the pillage green attracted hundreds of Joyful villagers. Children predominated among the carollers. For several days prior to Christinas Eve special instructions were given children in the public schools who had volunteered to join the carolling throng. Blasts of Christmas trumpets car- ried by five school boys announced the carollers as they passed through the streets of the village. As the songsters passed, eager, radiant faces appeared at candle-lit windows and in holly-bedecked doorways to wave a joyous greeting. Two groups of carollers made a complete tour oi the village. One group confined its activities to the east side while the other group made a complete circuit of the territory west of the tracks. Augmenting the marchers were three automobile loads of singers who visited "shut-ins". It was a remarkable beginning for the Community Service association. EX-NEWSPAPER MAN HAS WORDS OF PRAISE FOR US Sweetest greetings of the season came this week in a renewed sub- scription to The Lake Shore News from one of Wilmette's most promin- ent citizens, a former newspaperman. The greetings penned across the sub- scription blank read: "Gentlemen: Enclosed is check in payment of a subscription renewal. As a former newspaperman of long experience, 1 value your clean and well-edited paper." / FRAWLEY HOME SOLD M. E. Barker and company, real- tors, report the sale of Mr. and Mrs. .^toJ^-FxaM^AjreMdence at 1328 iftrawood avenue, to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reichelt. gives you a receipt for beautiful teeth THE RENNECKAR DRUG CO. The Rexal Store PHONE 28 29 Have MONEY when you need is most and the demand it greatest Join Our mgs Club Now Open for Members Make Others Gay on Christmas Day Here are the plans to suit everybody PLAN A--SECURES $12.75 First deposit lc, increasing lc each week, for 50 weeks, last deposit 50c. PLAN B--SECURES $25.50 First deposit 2c, increasing 2c each week, for 50 weeks, last deposit $1.00. PLAN C--SECURES $63.75 First deposit 5c, increasing 5c each week, for 50 weeks, last deposit $2.50. PLAN D--SECURES $127.! First deposit 10c, increasing 10c each week for 50 weeks, last deposit, $5.00. PLAN J--SECURES $12.50 Deposit 25c each week, for 50 wecks^ PLAN K--SECURES $25.00 Deposit 50c each week, for 50 weeks. PLAN L--SECURES $50.00 Deposit $1.00 each week, for 50 weeks. PLAN M--SECURES $100.00 -Deposit $2.00 each week, for 50 weeks. PLAN N--SECURES $125.00 Deposit $2.50 each week, for 50 weeks. JOIN A T ONCE THE HOME OF THE CHRISTMAS CLUB Mtfastk Underaiound Garha^cGtecciv«r Big Stores 1559 Sherman Ave. evak 2 Big Stores 1526Greenleaf Ave. Phone Evanston 2720 FOR NEW YEARS DINNER The finest Turlriet. Geese DucltsandClvckens Lowest prices for highest quality goods mis Angert Wire and Iron Works ifkm Enfleweoa 7HS 024-32 Grove Avenue CHICAGO Hindquarter Spring Lamb 34V2c Pure Lard 2 Pounds 29c CASH AND CARRY MEANS BIG REDUCTIONS Boneless Sirloin Roast ........-------30c Best Brookfield Butter ...... 48c Pork Shoulder ....... ...............HJte Lamb Chops, Shoulder .................30c Lamb Stew..............l9c 15c Veal Chops ............... Veal Stew........ ........... Home Made Pork Sausage.......... Round Steak ....... ........... Boffin* Beef.........................Wfa Fresh Pork Tenderloin r......SSc Fresh Spareribs............... Fresh Leal Lard..................... SPECIAL SALE PEACOCK HAMS AND BACON EVERY DAY Fancy Leg of Veal per pound 26V2C Calf Hearts a delicacy per pound 12*/2c Del Monte large cans 99c Rib Roast Native Rib ttDiCjMr lJhwatr per Bb 35c I 32c and 35c Native Sirloin Steaks Classified Ads Are a Public Market Place-- They Are Also a Valuable Clearing House Need A Chauffeur? Try "Help Wanted" Subscribe For Your Local Paper